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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. I have all DLC, and about 160 mods installed, and I recently realized my character contracted the vampirism disease, and I have no vampirism enhancement mods.


    I have tried the main two MAJOR overhauls before, but I remember both of them being glitchy, script heavy, and with tons of extra weird features I either didn't like, or didn't care about at all.


    I want something that has the "stages", where you get more powers and such as you feed more and more. Vanilla vampirism is the most retarded thing, feeding WEAKENS you.


    I would actually like a 'hard core' vampire mod, where you go through blood withdrawals, and have no choice but to feed or die. Also,k adding the ability to feed on the recently dead, paralyzed, or those in combat would be awesome.


    Mostly though, I want to keep the scripts to a minimum. NOTHING that fires every 15 seconds to check how many loaves of bread I have in my inventory or something stupid like that. And above all, it can NOT conflict with dawnguard.


    Thank you! ^_^

  2. I do agree, even as someone who enjoys fantasy a lot, seeing tiny women in fur armor that doesn't cover their middrift or their arms at all, rush at me with a GIANT are or hammer every time I encounter ANY group of bandits is just plan immersion breaking. About half the bandits, guards, and other various enemies in the game are female, and this is very unrealistic. I do not mean this in a remotely sexist way, just that LOGICALLY in a cold, harsh, brutal place like skyrim where I have to fight to stay alive in full clad heavy armor and crazy magic, to see random chicks running around in barely any armor at all making up half the population of bandits and guards, makes all my hard effort feel silly.


    With some enemies it's okay, like say vampires and mages. But bandits and guards? They should be at least 3/4ths male... There have been times I've killed groups of 6-7 bandits and only one amongst them was male. ._.


    I also feel that large weapons should have some sort of limiter on them, only letting certain characters wield them. At least it's not as bad as Oblivion, where a tiny wood elf chick in normal every day clothes pulls an 80 lb, 6 foot long unholy deadric godhammer out of her shirt every 5 minutes.

  3. I personally ignore the main spell you are talking about. I use many spell packs, and that one spell is probably the most broken, casting a spell for free without even having to cast it is just silly.


    I personally like to make my game as hard as possible, so I HAVE to use exploits like this to stay alive though. If you ask me, it's like discovering powerful hidden spells and techniques. No matter how awesome your epic combo is though, as long as something out there can still kick your ass, it's fair.

  4. I am working on a project called "more alien skyrim". I am curious to know if there are any known ways to make galaxies or massar appear in the sky during the day, like secunda does.


    Also, I am still searching for a solution to stopping the sun sprite from spinning with the character. If anyone happens to know how this might be possible, please let me know!


    Lastly, if you happen to know any cool tricks for doing odd things with the skies of skyrim, please let me know! ^_^


    Here is a short clip of what the alternate solar system should look like,



    Thank you in advance! ^_^

  5. I remember coming across a mod a while back that made it so your characters muscle progressed with your level, so you start out week but by the end of the game your big and buff. I also vaugly remember a similar mod that would let your character start out kind of short, and get taller as time progressed.


    Can someone link me to it please? ^_^

  6. All I really see here is a list of your favorite mods, and mods you'd like to see made.. If you like skyrim modded a certain way, mod it that way, don't 'demand' that they make a new game which is just like this one with mods you personally like installed.


    You do make some good points, but the TES team has always taken popular mods into account when making their own games, so I don't see point in listing your personal favorites. I have my own personal favorites too, and I wouldn't expect anyone on the TES team to take my personal taste or opinions any higher then anyone else's. I also don't think TES 6 will be that much 'better' then Skyrim, in fact it will likely be largely the same execution, and if it's not, then it could be upwards of a decade before we see it, and if that's the case then there isn't much point in discussing what might be in it. It would be like discussing what the PS5 will be like, when it comes down to it, there is no information, no one has any clue at all what anything in the game will be like, and odds are no matter what suggestion or guess you make, you'll be wrong.


    Honestly, most of the things you mentioned are trivial, and a matter of taste. The only real thing that the TES team needs to worry about is the story. The story got worse in Oblivion, and it got MUCH worse in Skyrim, to the point where it's barely even telling a story any more. From a franchise that was originally based off telling stories, this is unacceptable, and if they keep up this path, TES 6 could be that last elder scrolls. They really need to go back to Morrowind's method of story telling, where one quest line can stop another from progressing, it's impossible to accomplish everything on just one character, and everything tells a complex interwoven story that you have to dig into to really understand. In skyrim, you just get spoon fed a story that can be summed up in 2 lines that makes it sound like a child's story book, where every major questline, including the main one, can be knocked out in just a couple hours, with no real reward or sense of accomplishment. And worst of all, no mystery. That's what always hooked me in TES, no matter WHAT I discovered or accomplished, I was ALWAYS left wondering SOMETHING. Skyrim leaves nothing open for interpretation. The dragons are bad. They kill things, they want to end the world. You stop them. The end. Good bye.

  7. I am looking for a mod that fixes the glowing rapids and smoke and such at night. I've finally found a decent lighting mod, but it does nothing for smoke, snow, rapids, etc. they all glow bright white in the dark.

    A dwonloaded a mod form nexus some time ago called "Skyrim Particle Patch" that does this, but upon searching for it on the site, I failed to find it. =[
  8. Lil question : a while ago I downloaded a file from here which was "Ambiance Music Overhaul"

    I never got around to installing it :P

    now I searched for this on google & stumble upon "file does not exist in our database" or something like that


    I tried searching the forums too, and I'm a bit stumped, what happened to this file ?


    to add to the mystery the author is unknown to me as there is no readme inside the archives -_-

    If the mod you are looking for doesn't exist anymore, you might want to try Psyrim, it is a music overhaul I've grown to really love. It doesn't fit the original music of the game, but it actually fits skyrim surprisingly well. If you are a fan of very soft, smooth 'psychedelic' sounding music, you may want to give it a try! ^_^
  9. I remember coming across a mod a while back that removed all the random music clips form the game, like when you level up, or discover a location. I don't want to remove the MUSIC itself, just all the random hooting and hollering the game does when I accomplish unimportant things. I use the mod Psyrim, and it makes the atmosphere amaazing and relaxing, but it's ruined every time I level up and get screamed at by an angry nord. =[
  10. I should be getting my Oculus Rift VR Helmet in the mail any day now, and I want to build an install based around it. I don't know to much about how 3D works, so I don't know if I need to install any special 3D mods, or how much it will effect my performance (my computer is pretty powerful; it runs skyrim with 2k-4k textures and the most crazy ENBs and over 150 mods with no problem)I want to keep the mod list low though, and make it more of a realistic visual experience, then an exciting combat experience.



    So far I am thinking of using;

    A combo of SkyRe and ESRO, which I use as a base install for most of my skyrim installs. (thinking of do something different for this install though)

    The Joy of Perspective, for realism.

    Automated Variants; among many other things, for beautiful world diversity.

    More Alien Skyrim + Shooting Stars + Rainbows My own mod that makes skyrim a bit more... alien. Plus two other mods that make the sky come alive a bit more.

    Frostfall + Wet and Cold + Realistic Needs and Diseases + Foorprints + Climate of Tamrieal = Makes skyrim come alive.

    SkyHighRim adds 'Psychedlics' to skyrim, which I imagine makes for an intense experience in a VR helmet

    Psyrim, a music overhaul like no other, to add to the atmosphere



    Now to the main reason I made this thread. I am looking for the most visually stunning ENB I can find to work with the Oculus Rift, I would like opinions on what this should be! I know how to use the ENB Costumizer and Imaginator pretty well, so if I need to edit them, I easily can! ^_^

  11. I'v always used AFT, thoguh I tried UFO many times, I ALWAYS have problems with it, it's usually just really glitchy. Everything from my followers being stuck in giant invisible bubbles they can walk around in, but not out of, to followers attacking me, to total moronic AI choices. Once I got attacked by a bandit, my 'tank' took off running at him, met up with him and just kept going and ran off into the distance, while my mage lit me on fire.


    UFO just does WAY to much for something that should be very simple, and to add it's pretty outdated and has a list of conflicting mods a mile long. I also had it corrupt my save files ona couple occasions.


    AFT does all the same general follower things UFO does, like letting you have several followers, setting up their combat types and gear, pretty much everything you want vanilla followers to be able to do. It also doesn't add in tons of extra features that no one really wants yet they create issues and glitches that can be totally gamebreaking, if not at least lethal when your tank runs off mid combat to chase a rabbit or something.


    AFT is also much better if you wan to USE NPCs from other mods. UFO has issues with other mods sometimes.


    AFT also has a 'pose' feature, which is GREAT for screen shots, letting you pose your followers in a great number of ways and make them stay put so you pose yourself and take a screen shot.

  12. SkyRe is the best all around, balance combat ENHANCER, it gives you more options, makes things harder, but more rewarding.


    A great mod for JUST combat is Duke Patrick's Mod, it ias bade on very realistic immersive combat, but I don't know how well it balances with the use of magic. I've tried it out, but it is incompatible with SkyRe.

  13. Why not both? I use a lot of 'overhaul mods' together and it works pretty well, you just have to know what you're doing! ^_^


    ASIS + the following magic mods for it to take advantage of

    Wrath Of Nature

    Apocalypse - The Spell Package

    Midas Skyrim

    Colettes Revenge

    Empowered Magic

    Forgotten Magic

    Enchanting Freedom


    The following SkyRe Modules









    The following ESRO Modules

    ERSO 03 - Mighty Dragons.esp

    ERSO 03.2 patch - DeadlyD DDiversified Dawnguard Unleveled.esp

    ERSO 04 - Mighty Odahviing.esp

    ERSO 04.2 - Mighty Durnehviir.esp

    ERSO 05 - Dovah Holy Book.esp

    ERSO 07 - Mighty Dragon Priests.esp

    ERSO 10 - RUS-(SIM)-Travellers and Adventurers.esp

    ERSO 10.02 - Adventurers and Travelers.esp

    ERSO 11 - RUS-(SIM)-Assassins and Thieves.esp

    ERSO 12 - RUS-(SIM)-Werewolves.esp

    ERSO 18 - Legendary Armors and Weapons Enhanced.esp

    ERSO 19 - Respawn 5 days - 15 days.esp

    ERSO 21.01 PM Dungeons.esp

    ERSO 21.02 PM Blackreach.esp

    ERSO 21.03 PM Dwemer.esp


    Automatic Variants + several skins of my choice for it.


    Reproccer for SkyRe




    SUM - Runs BOSS, ASIS, WTF, Reproccer and Automatic Variants pitchers all at once. Very handy tool. Make sure to use with BOSS Userlist Manager (BUM)




    Realistic Needs and Diseases

    Realistic Room Rental

    Morrowloot (or N'wah edition)

    Skyrim Economics

    Trade and Barter

    Dragon Combat Overhaul

    SkyRealism - Time and Travel

    Immersive Creatures

    Convenient Horses

    Amazing Follower Tweaks

    Crafting 300

    Dragon Soul Relinquishment



    I made an effort to balance out every 'strong negative' anything added, making them game much more CHALLENGING, but not all that much HARDER. If that makes any since. XD

  14. I think you mean MERGE


    Emerging means "to come forth" as in, the bear EMERGED from it's cave.


    Merging means "to fuse, or combine" as in, the pouring rain and the roaring winds MERGED to form a perfect storm.




    On a side note, what you are asking is very possible, if you do mean "merge"

  15. I personally don't touch steam downloads, steam is VERY VERY annoying with how it handles mods, ESPECIALLY for people who use tools like Skyrim Install Swapper, and a very large portion of the people here agree with me I imagine. So unless it comes to nexus as well, I don't see much point in posting this here.
  16. Verify the integrity of the game cache.

    Open Steam > Go to Library > Right click on Skyrim > Properties > Verify Integrity of Game Cache


    If this does not work, delete your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini (back them up somewhere else first) Then repeat the cache verification. If you made any edits do your ini you will loss them, but those edits could be what is causing this.


    If that does not work, copy your 'data' folder, and place it somewhere else, then delete everything in your skyrim folder, and run the cache verification again (this time it could take upwards of 5-6 hours unless you have a really fast internet connection) If you use SKSE or any ENBs, you will need to reinstall them. After steam vinishes, replace your DATA folder in the skyrim folder making sure to say NO when it asks you to replace any of the skyrim/DLC files (Skyrim.esm, Dragonborn.bsa, Meshes.bsa, etc)


    ONLY attempt the last step if you are desperate, as there is a good chance you could mess up something worse, and just end up waiting hours for nothing.



    I have reinstalled skyrim many times, you should NEVER have to rebuy ANYTHING to reinstall. ^_^


    Also, in the future use the tool "Skyrim Install Manager" this can make a 'vanilla' install of skyrim, and allow you to have many different installs, and swap between them freely. It uses the same vanilla files in all versions, so you can go to the vanilla to test if the issue is mod related.


    if the issue is mod related, sadly you will likely have to reinstall all your mods, and just make sure to be more careful. I use about 190 mods, and have a good high end computer, but I still get CTDs and lag do tot he sheer number of mods. Remember, 255 is the max number of ESPs/ESMs, and the closer you get to the number, the more issues you will have, even if your load order is perfect and everything is compatible.

  17. A load order would be nice?

    Animation mods can cause this sort of thing. I use a weird animation mod I downloaded form another site, and it will 'lock' me in third person some times, I actually have to use an animation from another mod that forces me back into to first person to go back to first person.


    But I've never encountered anything quite like this.

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