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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. Check on your the file size of your save game, if it gets to big, it can cause CTDs... I think.


    also, using THAT many mods, you are lucky to go more then 4-5 hours without a CTD, I use about 150 mods, and I consider it a happy day if I go 5 hours without a CTD.


    Also, ANY change you've made to the game around about the time of the CTDs is important. Load order change, install/uninstalled a mod, ini changes, etc.

  2. missing master = auto CTD.


    check the master list of the missing master plugin and install the proper mod accordingly.


    EDIT: left.

    Um, you didn't read my post itself I assume? I know that, it's very basic modding logic. Thus "CTD DO TO MISSING MASTER" being in my thread title.


    I'm saying, I'm getting a CTD because I removed better cities whiterun, and my game is acted like it's a master file to another file, when it's NOT a master file to anything, it only effects itself, does not rely on other mods, or have other mods that rely on it, removing it should simply remove it, there is no mod with it as a master, and no mod dependent on it in any way shape or form. Yet, TES5EDIT says it's a 'missing master' and I am getting instant CTDs from it, and I am not about to reinstall a mod I dislike because it has an imaginary dependency.

  3. WaffleIon, on 02 Apr 2013 - 08:20, said:

    I'm using Deadly Combat, SkyRe and Locational Damage, and I'm having a great time with it. I haven't picked up whether or not there's been drastic alterations to the AI, but they seem more reserved and tend to block more often. Oh, but they do power-bash like there's no tomorrow. The only way to get through an enemy with a shield is to parry several of their attacks and go for them while they're recovering, which I kind of like. I'll definitely try out Duke's, but I probably won't use it if I have to reconfigure SkyRe too much, or run into too many problems. I'm a big fan of Mount & Blade, though, so it might be what I'm looking for in the way of combat mods.

    I tried dukes and SkyRe, and I got a 'compatibility error' message from dukes that pops up every 2-3 seconds in game. I can't figure out how to make the two work together at all. This was with the Combat and enemy AI parts of SkyRe turned off.
  4. Alright, I'm really confused by this, I removed Better Cities Whiterun to replace it with 7k Whiterun. But now, my game CTDs after the bethesda Logo, and tes5edit reports this file as a missing master, yet I have no other relevant mods, and nothing that ever had this mod as a master.... I have the Better Cities Windhelm, but I don't see why THAT would have a totally different city as a master, and if so, I'm going to be bummed out, because the windhelm one is actually decent, and the better cities white run is very sub-par.


    Does anyone know what the hell is going on?

  5. The game engine is just not suited to any kind of multiplayer or co op play - it was never intended to do that. There have been several attempts for co op play using the Gambryo engine - after nearly 2 years of work by some very talented people, They kinda sorta had a co op game. The demo I saw had a couple of naked PCs wandering around in a bare world but unable to really interact with each other - and lots of crashing. Moving the PC around takes up the largest portion of the processing power - moving two of them doesn't just double the processing power needed, it increases it even more - as now each PC must always be aware of the other one. If one wanders out of the field of view, it has to have a way to do something like a split screen or multi monitor. Which means more graphics rendering capability slowing everything down even more.


    To get this to work you will have to completely remake the entire game on a different game engine - one that does support co op. And that would take a full studio about 3 to 5 years of work.


    There is a Elder Scrolls on line in the works from Bethsoft though - It will not be exactly the same game as Skyrim though.

    I am not talking about multiplayer or co-op in any way. By 'multiple PCs', I mean, 'multiple Player Characters' as in multiple characters created by a player(but just ONE player), this would be a 'patch' that works kind of like ASIS, only instead of reading other mods and making a patch for them, it reads a SAVE FILE, and makes an ESP matching the changes to the game made by the character in that save file. For example, you play Character 1 for a while, start the thieves guild quest, and kill Bori in Riften. Now you run the patch, start Character 2, and their is an NPC in Riften, who is an exact match of Character 1 in your other save game, Bori is now dead, and you can not join the thieves guild. But you can however, have Character 1 as a follower for character 2, and visa-versa.


    It's really just a 'dynamic' .esp file, creating an NPC that mimics the PC from another save file, and makes the changes to the world he has made. Yes, I know it's potentially a very complicated idea, but I don't see any reason why it's not possible, unless 'reading' a save file is more complicated then I am thinking.


    I can see where you mistook my thread for being about multiplayer now that I look at the title again, but it's really trying to solve the "Play as multiple characters in the same game" mod problem, nor the "Multiple people playing in the same game" problem. I honestly completely agree with you there, I think the idea of a multiplayer skyrim is just hopeless.

  6. Thanks for the reply!

    I would use the replacer for Skyrim Monster Mod (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/16411) anyhow, so these kind of monsters wouldn't be a problem :wink:


    I guess both of the mods are pretty equal, any difference in quality/compatiblity?

    I so little to no conflict with either in most cases accept with other very similar mods, but SkyMoMo has more support in general. I do have to say, a lot of monsters in SkyMoMo look kind of bad and some of the enemies feel like they have extra digits in their health stat or something. SkyMoMo adds more models to the game overall though.
  7. SkyMoMo is more for a weird variety of new things, and Immersive Creatures is more for more variety of the same type of thing already in game, mixed with some fitting new things. Some of the enemies in both are really off putting though, Immersive Creatures has 'elemental' wolves that show up even at really low levels that are annoyingly overpowered. At least, I think it's immersive creatures that adds them... XP
  8. I've heard some talk over this subject some here lately, and I thought it sounded like a cool, but all around crazy impossible idea (like skynet) But then, today I was working with SkyProc Patchers when it hit me, EXACTLY what needs to happen for this mod to work! Start off by having each character in individual save files, and every time you stop playing as one character, you save, exit the game, run a Dynamic Patcher, and select the save games you want to 'overlap', and create a dynamic ESP, making all the changes to the game your other character(s) has, and making an NPC of that character(s) in the location you saved them at. When creating this 'dynamic patch', you select which character you want to play as next, and that character is 'omitted' from the patch, but all other characters are included, so if you have a team of 4-5 players you can freely swap between them! You can have yourself as a follower, because when you re run the patch, if the character your switching to has been moved in the current patch, the esp now moves your location to were he was in the other characters save. Also, if you start the thieves guild quest, for example, in one character, it will disable that questline for other characters that 'overlap'. However, mini-quests can still be started if another character has started them, but when you swap characters if a mini-quest was completed by another one of your characters and the character you just changed to had that quest active, the esp will make it 'fail' the second you load up the save!


    It's a bit more complicated then I'd like, but you still just have to exit the game, run 1 program, launch the game again - much simpler then any other method I've heard of! The patch.esp would have the same name at all times, so need to reactivate, or change load order.


    I honestly have no clue how to create this kind of program, or how to make a program read a save file so if you like the sound of this, simply assist me! You can show me relevant tutorials, give me permission to work with something similar you've created, or you can just join the 'mod team' and contribute directly. I can NOT achieve this mod without help, but with help, I could create one of the most desired-yet-unachieved mods for skyrim!

  9. It is a very well known 'lore' for real world vampires that they can not enter a home unless given permission by the owner, this comes from the idea of vampires being powerful seductive and manipulative creatures, that would sooner trick someone into taking them home with them to feed on them then just break into someone's house in the dead of night and feed on them.


    I do have to admit, it's a really weird feature to impalement into a mod, that does NOT work out how it should based on Lore, since you basically CAN'T convince someone to let you in their home in skyrim. I mean, it's possible, by indirectly doing quests and such to raise their disposition, but still...

  10. doesn't duke's edit the perks as part of how it works. perhaps you should junk skyre, use duke+empowered magic(+spell packs)+stealth skills rebalanced, and maybe even aura doomstones instead.

    I tried this, skyrim just basically isn't playable without SkyRe in my opinion, the vanilla perks are all either boring and overpowered and boring and useless. I am having an error with Duke Patricks mod that pops up about every half second when It ry to play my game, so I'm realizing they aren't playing nice.


    I really don't know what to do, I really like the Duke Patricks mod, but Sky-Re les Skyrim just gets mind numbingly boring after about 50 game hours. I even tried empowered magic and a stealth skills mod and even a couple enchanting mods, but all of them combined don't even come close to SkyRe.


    How hard would it be to create a patch for the two myself?

  11. EDIT: I got past the CTD, but now I am having an issue with Duke Patricks mod popping up a 'compatibility' error every 2 seconds, I am pretty sure this error is coming from Skyrim Redone. I tried moving Duke Patricks mod way down the L/O, but no luck.


    I disabled the Combat and AI Modules of SkyRe figuring that would make Duke Patricks fit, but no luck.


    Is making SkyRe and Duke Patricks work together a crazy dream, or is possible? I have searched high and low for a patch, and it doesn't exist.


    Here is my Load Order








    ETaC - RESOURCES.esm

    Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm


    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp




    Dark Dungeons for Dawnguard.esp


    Economics of Skyrim.esp



    Behemoth Dragon.esp








    Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - RLO.esp

    Moss Rocks.esp

    Radiant and Unique Potions and Poisons v2.0 non glow.esp

    Realistic Wildlife Loot - Reduced.esp


    Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp

    Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp

    Convenient Horses.esp

    Convenient Horses - Unique Frost.esp

    Auto Unequip Ammo.esp

    Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp


    IMAGINATOR - Visual Control for Skyrim.esp








    Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp



    Tribunal Maskes by Zairaam.esp









    Tundra Defense.esp


    Barenziah's Crown.esp


    Immersive Weapons.esp


    dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

    Spells Cast Light.esp

    Drinking Fountains of Skyrim.esp

    ETaC - Villages Complete.esp


    AIMP - Antz in my Pantz.esp


    Better Windhelm.esp



    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities & Town Interiors.esp

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - 3.5 Weathers.esp

    Realistic Lighting Overhaul - 3.5 Dawnguard Weathers.esp

    SkyRealism - Time and Travel.esp



    Skyrim Medical Enhancements.esp

    Wrath Of Nature.esp

    Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp







    Enchanting Freedom.esp



    Duke Patricks - Heavy Weapons Combat.esp

    The Dance of Death - Dawnguard Edition.esp

    Artifact Disenchanting.esp

    Artifact Disenchanting - Dawnguard.esp

    Artifact Disenchanting - Dragonborn.esp


    Sit Anywhere.esp










    UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

    UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp

    UFO - Heartfire AddOn.esp

    Blaze Of Eventide.esp



    Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp




    WATER DB Waves.esp




    Automatic Variants.esp







  12. I like the sound of an orc embassy more then a breton one, I could see it having some connection to the strongholds, maybe throw in a map of the stronghold locations?


    ANd I can't help but thinking of the one part of better cities, I think it was Balmora mud and blood edition or something, that made the one town REEALLY feel like a scum hole no one would want to live in.


    and I had the idea to put a 'roof' over the channel through riften, which would be a floor for the rest of the town, in addition you could add a third level above the market area and to the two story houses for storage of boat and fishing supplies, maybe throw in a 'begger camp'.


    throwing in a bunch of random sucken clutter in the water, like broken boats, barrels, crates, bones, maybe a weapon or two, or a dead guy just to make it feel more like a scum hole. Also taking out some of the plants and trying to squish in as much tiny crappy houses and begger shanties as you can here and there, accept for around the few really big fancy houses. This would really show how corrupt of a place Riften is, with the few main people controlling the entire city. making them look fancie, and harder to get into would also add to it.

  13. Alright, I'm using several modules from SkyRem, the main, races, standing stones, and enemy scaling, in addition to Duke Patrick's combat mod, combined with ASIS. ANd Frostfall and RND just for fun.


    I also threw in things like UFO, convenient horses, dragon souls to perks, and immersive weapons/armors/npcs/animals.


    So far, this is probably one of the more 'complicated' builds I've made, since I'm also using things like Automatic Variants and and SkyTEST.


    I ran BOSS< and it spat out a warning that ASIS is unstable with SkyRe, and I'd like to ask what I can do to make it more stable, upon google this question I came across a lot of people saying ASIS + SkyRe made the game way to hard (and I threw in Duke Patricks mod) THough I disabled SkyRe's combat module and AI, so I figured I won't have to worry about it being TOO hard, or to many conflicts? Or this ASIS warning like the SkyRe BOSS warning, in that it's just always going to be there no matter what I do?



    I always change the difficulty based on the challenge of the game with my current character. I started at adept, and about the time I got to level 15 I turned it up to expert, and I usually turn it to master about level 25. There really needs to be something beyond master in my opinion, adept should be the easiest setting...

    There is...



    In SkyRe? I remember hearing another mod that applied an effect like that i think.
  15. Manualy merge them in the CK the same as you would armor or weapon mods. Convert the ones you want to merge to an esp and open all of them at the same time and make duplicates of the various entries and make sure various parts are connected. once fully merged make it an esm. It will be tedious but not really hard to do.


    Same process as armor like in my tutorial except with hairs and races.




    As for the female hairs for males you add them to the race in the male section as well as female, they may not fit correctly though because the male and female base head mesh is not the same size and shape. So putting a male hair on a female could have gaps between the hair mesh and the head and female hairs on a male could be embedded inside the head where a braid might pop out of his temple or ear.

    Alright, thanks so much!


    And in my experience, some of them work, some of them don't, so some that work is better then none. =D

  16. First off, this is a personal project, not for a mod. I want to fuse the to apachi skyhair ESMs and the like 8 you get from the oblivion hair pack ESMs, I also want to make it so that all of the hairs are NOT gender specific. (I like my boys to have girly hair sometimes, so sue me)


    Can someone please explain to me what kind of process I will have to undertake for this?

  17. Makes me think of some ideas I had for the 'skyhighrim' mod a while back, to make it so that you could eat certain plants in skyrim and end up in some crazy weird world that makes no sense with no logical way to escape.


    I could see having a very low chance of this happening making more since then EVERY TIME though. Though if you sleep in the one down where everyone is having nightmares before finishing that quest, you should have some crazy nightmares every time!

  18. I always change the difficulty based on the challenge of the game with my current character. I started at adept, and about the time I got to level 15 I turned it up to expert, and I usually turn it to master about level 25. There really needs to be something beyond master in my opinion, adept should be the easiest setting...
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