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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. Rebuilt the patch from scratch again, melee/archery should be 100% complete, minus a bit of tweaking to make heavy armor more balanced



    here is a teaser video I made during testing. It really shows how hard the combat can still be, yet not impossible, as I do manage to kill a heavily armored bandit at level 1 with crap gear. XD after about 12 tries.


  2. That white and shiny thing you described is an ENB bug, and exactly why I suggest not using them, all of them do SOMETHING weird like that XD Also, if you have a good graphics card, you can turn on Anti-Aliasing(SP?) directly through it, and get similar "smoothed" effect without the need to mod your game at all. ^_^


    and it is very easy to tweak the light level yourself.


    Go to your skyrim folder, and open "sweetfc_settings.ini"


    Look for the Lift Gamma Gain section that looks something like this,


      /                      Lift Gamma Gain settings               /
    #define RGB_Lift  float3(0.995, 0.995, 0.995)  //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue
    #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.975, 0.975, 0.980)  //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue
    #define RGB_Gain  float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000)  //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue
    Edit the Lift(top row) up or down to make shadows darker/brighter and the Gain(bottom row) up or down to make lights brighter/darker, and Gamma(middle row) to make midtones darker/brighter. Make sure all the numbers on the same row or about the same, or one color will start to bled into the others. Edit it in intervals of about 0.010, it's very sensitive, but with a little tweaking you can get your "exact" balance. ^_^
  3. I tried the visual mods u recommended, but i have only one complain - the shadows looks pixalted and blurry as hell, and it was the main reason why i started using ENB. Anyway to change it?

    yes, use ini tweaks! ENBs don't really fix this, they just hide it, you can get crisp detailed looking shadows. Read through this mod here, you don't even need to download it, just follows it's directions. ^_^



  4. Well, there are two main Overhaul mods that you can get to change how Skyrim plays on this site Skyrim Redon and Requiem (there was a third, ESRO, but as I never liked it much and it's not available anymore anyways I won't talk about it here)


    These two are VERY different from one another.


    Requiem is made by and for fans of older, more hardcore RPGs, including Morrowind, and one of it's main features is a totally uneleveled world, where enemies levels are based on their strength, and not your level, so, all dragons may be level 50, all wolves may be level 5, and all trolls may be level 15. Basically, it removes you from the center of the world, you have to adapt to it and fight every enemy differently. Some enemies may seem impossible, but on close inspection are easy to kill if you have the right kind of weapon, for example trolls are very nasty at early levels, but get a weapon enchanted with fire damage and learn how to side step their sluggish attacks and you can clear a dungeon full of them. That same weapon will serve as little good as a lone angry sabre cat, and send you running for the hills. Another main feature of Requiem is that it forces you to work harder for everything, if it is cheap and abusable it has been nerfed to hell and back. I personally call it "the great equalizer" as almost all human vs human battles are over in seconds. While you may die in two hits from an enemy, you can 1 hit kill them with your hammer, and if you have good enough reflexes, you can destroy an entire bandit clan without taking a single hit. I love this myself, because of the adrenaline rush of really fearing one single weapon hit forces you to use all your skills and reflexes and knowledge of how the game works to defeat every single enemy.


    Skyrim Redon(SkyRe) is very different. Instead, it focus more on powering up the world greatly, but is still based on vanilla leveling system, and then giving the player a MASSIVE toolbox of choices to survive the world. It is very balanced, in that each tree is very powerful, and with enough effort can build a strong character, so it's hard to make bad decisions, but it is also a little bit "cheap" in that things feel less like a reward for your hard work and more like Christmas morning every time you level up, and if you focus to much on one skill tree, this can lead to you becoming insanely overpowered by the time you reach level 25. By the time I reached 25 (about 8 hours in) my Necromancer was untouchable, literally, I had more minions around me at any given time then the emperor himself did, nothing ever survived them to even get to me. This resulted in my conjuration tree going nuts, and all by other skills not being used at all, so I just kept focusing on it. lol By the time I hit 30 the game turned into a leisurely walk in the park surrounded by a huge mass of skeletons and draugr killing everything around me, and I lost all interest in the character. BUT that's more my fault for playing that way then Skyrim Redone's fault.


    I am actually working on a project to merge these two together, but I wouldn't wait on that, it could be weeks/months. lol


    Some other mods that effect gameplay a lot are...


    Frostfall - This mod makes it so that you can get cold and dye, it also lets you build campfires, tents, and lots of other stuff all out in the field through a survival menu. It also goes GREAT with the two mods I just listed.


    Realistic Needs and Diseases - Makes it so that you need to eat, drink, and sleep to stay in tip top shape! Goes great with all the mods I mentioned.


    Locational Damage - Makes it so that hitting certain body parts has added damage and effects based on the area it hits. hitting an enemy in the head with an arrow will likely kill him, while hitting him in the leg with one won't, but it will however slow him down.


    as for graphics, I'll just copy/paste this from my post in another thread.

    First I can say don't try to go "all out" even if the computer is a total beast, trying push skyrim to it's limits will introduce CTDs and FPS hangs. My computer is pretty high end as well, with an i5 processor and a GTX 660, but I still find myself using the more balanced options.


    A lot of people swear by ENBs, because they do make the game look fantastic... when they work right. I personally don't like them very much, so I will let someone else suggest ENBs,. and aI'll suggest alternatives.


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, bet hard.


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed.


    Finally, Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static" as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF you find in ENBs.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    For textures I use 2k Textures lite and Book of Silence. In addition to several other random single off texture replacers that those things miss. Avoid anything over 1k~2k, I still sometimes get CTDs from memory issues, but it's always after my game has been running 3+ hours, the lower res your textures are the longer you can play without CTDs. That being said the official HD DLC are very high res, yet not actually THAT great looking, so I suggest avoiding it. ^_^ In addition if you don't download the unoffical patch for it off the nexus you will find some bright purple missing textures in the HD DLC.

  5. I only make a big deal about the different terms because it helps people to figure out the problem easier. ^_^


    Try out the mod Safety Load, it fixes "load hangs" like you are describing for me, have not had one since installing it.



    Your computer is very similar to mine, I use an asrock MB, i5 CPU, GTX 660, 16gb of ram and win7 64BIT, so i can confirm it should be able to play ultra skyrim with no problems, it's possible the hardware received damage, which is very possible if you put the computer together yourself and it is less the say, 3 months old. This is unlikely, but you should try running another game on very high settings just to check. ^_^ I noticed you mentioned overclocking your CPU, which can result in it having hiccups and errors much, much faster then if it's not overclocked.


    if your issues persist, reinstall the game totally through steam, by selecting to "Delete All Local Content", and then totally redownloading and installing the entire game. In addition, you might want to try putting all your back ups into zip file and deleting the original, as it's slightly possible(allbeit highly unlikely) something in the back ups you are saving is still interacting with the Skyrim files from wherever you have it placed temporarily. If this doesn't work, then contact steam or Bethesda support, as the issue may not be related to any mods you had installed!


    EDIT; random suggesting, try running SKSE/Skyrim Launcher as Admin, my game started bugging out bad a while back, and now I run SKSE as admin every time and the game works fine again. For some reason when I installed Saints Row 4 it made a lot of my games start messing up on launch or on the menu screen, and I have to run about half of them (including SR4) as admin just to play them!

  6. What do you do to "clean" your mods with TES5Edit? Cleaning something the wrong way can result in some bad stuff...


    Do you use Wrye Bash? Trying pulling it up and it will tell you if any mods conflict or have conflicting master records.


    You are really throwing me off with your terminology a "hang" a "freeze" and a "CTD" are very different things, and are the result of different things happening. CTDs mean crash to desktop, the game will flicker, then disappear, leaving you looking at your desktop, this is usually caused by a mod conflict, a missing master, or memory overload. A "hang" is when your FPS drops totally or almost to zero, and the game starts doing anything reeeaaally slow, if at all, and the FPS either slowly creeps around at obnoxiously low numbers until you close the game, or goes back to normal after 30 seconds or so, this is caused by the game trying to do to many things at once or limitations in the processing power of the computer. A Freeze is when the game just STOPS all at once, you will usually here some sort of sound loop, usually some sort of really annoying "DADADADADA" or "CLICKCLICKCLICK" and the game will not do anything and all, and you have to use CTRL+ALT+DEL to pull up the task manager and kill skyrim's process, and in some cases even restarted your computer to stop the annoying "DADADADADADADA" sound (or whatever sound it makes), as it doesn't always stop the sound when the game stops.


    Anyways, if your game is CTDing on the main menu, it means there is a missing master, which can be possible even if you have no other mods installed if you've been pocking around with TES5Edit. Simply double check using some sort of mod program, like Wrye Bash that lists each mods master files.


    If it is indeed a hang on the main menu, it means that it's possible something is wrong with your computer, and you should try running skyrim on lower settings, or try running another game with similar graphic quality to skyrim and see if it works.


    If it is indeed a freeze, then it is likely something is corrupted in your skyrim files, and if that's the case then have steam check the integrity of the game files.


    in addition, someone else mentioned the INI, and I just want to double check that you are indeed talking about the ini files located in Documents/My Games/Skyrim and NOT the one in Steam/SteamApps/common/Skyrim/Skyrim. If not, try deleting both the skyrim.ini and skyrimprefs.ini in the documents folder, and launching the game through the vanilla default skyrim launcher and it will replace them with the default vanilla ones.

  7. There have been many "Craft and command" mods for dwemer and such, and thanks to the countless wonderful conjuration mods, summons and creatures to command are almost endless for magical users. But, I'd like to see the ability to build something without the need to use magic or battle insanely powerful automatons. Crafting puppets, I imagine using the default mannequin body for them would be simple enough, as I've seen them creepily move about.


    Basically, this would allow you to combine wood, ingots, and other materials into a puppet body, which you can then equip with weapons/armor, this is a VERY non-magical thing for none-mage characters, so these puppets can't use magic, will be immune to ice/shock/poison but VERY weak to fire, and can be improved via using better materials to make them. For example, making a puppet with each different kind of ingot will result in a slightly different puppet. In addition, maybe infusing them alchemical ingredients will give them additional abilities, like poison, invisibility, and more.


    This idea comes from my current character, which is a master alchemist and craftsmen, and I always find myself running out of new cool stuff to build, and living dolls would be a great addition for a character with no magical talents whatsoever, who also happens to be a loner, untrusting of people, which prevents him from having allies in combat. At least, living human ones.


    I do want to have something rare and specific needed to create each puppet, but can't put my finger on what. I was thinking perhaps a human heart, but as those seem to rare, without the addition of a mod that makes humans drop them, I am not sure what would be a good option here. I want to avoid magical things, like soul gems, so I'm a little torn. I also don't want it o be a highly useful alchemy ingredient, like Nirn Root. Requiem adds in lots of other hearts and this made me think that adding in hearts from different things would make the pupppet act very different. Bears would give them massive defense, and considerable attack, but make them sluggish and less aggressive, where as sabercats would make them fast, aggressive, and with insane attack, but rather low defense, and wolves, being the most common, would make them generally pretty weak on all fronts. Using human/elven hearts would make them into an actual 'follower' type enemy, that can speak, instead of a howling wooden beast. I also think 'scavanging' puppets would be a must, if one dies you should be able to loot it's body for whatever weapons/armor it had on, as well as small bits of wood/ingots.


    I may try working on this some later at some point, but if anyone else thinks it's an interesting idea feel free to let me know and you can take over, or just help on the project if you want.


    First I can say don't try to go "all out" even if the computer is a total beast, trying push skyrim to it's limits will introduce CTDs and FPS hangs. My computer is pretty high end as well, with an i5 processor and a GTX 660, but I still find myself using the more balanced options.


    A lot of people swear by ENBs, because they do make the game look fantastic... when they work right. I personally don't like them very much, so I will let someone else suggest ENBs,. and aI'll suggest alternatives.


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, bet hard.


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed.


    Finally, Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static" as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF you find in ENBs.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    For textures I use 2k Textures lite and Book of Silence. In addition to several other random single off texture replacers that those things miss. Avoid anything over 1k~2k, I still sometimes get CTDs from memory issues, but it's always after my game has been running 3+ hours, the lower res your textures are the longer you can play without CTDs. That being said the official HD DLC are very high res, yet not actually THAT great looking, so I suggest avoiding it. ^_^ In addition if you don't download the unoffical patch for it off the nexus you will find some bright purple missing textures in the HD DLC.

    Thanks a bunch, but why do you say ENBs are bad? they look pretty amazing, can you go in more depth about what they really are? (I'm a total modding noob)


    Well, because they are performance hogs, at least some of them, even on my computer some of them cut my FPS in half, which just is not worth it in my opinion, but aside form that, every one I have ever tried has some sort of weird visual glitches you will encounter if you actually PLAY the game with them. Some of them will make dungeons as bright as the day time sky, some of them will make really dark shadows look like blue shiny oil, some of them will go totally BALLISTIC if any screen shader is activated, like when you absorb a dragon soul, find a word wall, take hist sap, etc. ENBs are more for taking screenshots and videos in specific areas, because they do look AMAZING in the specific areas they are designed to work in, but no ENB covers everything and looks great everywhere, it's because of this I avoid them. ^_^ That and most of the effects that look cool in the videos actually get old after about 2 minutes of playing with it in the game. The only thing I REALLY miss from ENBs was something only one specific ENB I found did well, and that is making metal REALLY shiny and gleam, not just have a shininess too it. BUT it also made animals fur shine and gleam...
  9. First I can say don't try to go "all out" even if the computer is a total beast, trying push skyrim to it's limits will introduce CTDs and FPS hangs. My computer is pretty high end as well, with an i5 processor and a GTX 660, but I still find myself using the more balanced options.


    A lot of people swear by ENBs, because they do make the game look fantastic... when they work right. I personally don't like them very much, so I will let someone else suggest ENBs,. and aI'll suggest alternatives.


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, bet hard.


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed.


    Finally, Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static" as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF you find in ENBs.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    For textures I use 2k Textures lite and Book of Silence. In addition to several other random single off texture replacers that those things miss. Avoid anything over 1k~2k, I still sometimes get CTDs from memory issues, but it's always after my game has been running 3+ hours, the lower res your textures are the longer you can play without CTDs. That being said the official HD DLC are very high res, yet not actually THAT great looking, so I suggest avoiding it. ^_^ In addition if you don't download the unoffical patch for it off the nexus you will find some bright purple missing textures in the HD DLC.

  10. Actually your pretty off on how Nirn works, it's not so much of a 'planet' as it is a "plane of existence" in addition Massar and Secunda are not moons, but separate dead plane(t)s which are forever tied to nirn, the nine divines are living plane(t)s, that exist in "Aetherius" (space) and even the star in the sky of Nirn is not a star, but a tear in the fabric of the Void created by Magnus. All the other "stars" are smaller tears, and not physical places to which one can travel as in our universe. TES does not take place in another solar system, it takes place in a totaly different reality and universe which is not directly or physically connected to ours in anyway. There are documented cases of things leaving Aetherius bot never entering it, so I hate to break it to you but anything from out universe entering the TES universe simply isn't can't be "lore friendly". xP



    here is a quote from a bit of TES lore;

    "The planets are the gods and the planes of the gods, which is the same thing. That they appear as spherical heavenly bodies is a visual phenomena caused by mortal mental stress. Since each plane(t) is an infinite mass of infinite size, as yet surrounded by the Void of Oblivion, the mortal eye registers them as bubbles within a space. Planets are magical and impossible."

  11. Hey does anyone know of a mod that changes the brightness of the days and the brightness of the nights? Or is there something i can change in the Skyrim.ini? I want the brightness to be different in the day and the night not just both of them of that makes sense.

    Thank you!

    Download any SweetFX mod and install it, then open the "sweetfx_settings.ini" Make sure "#define USE_LIFTGAMMAGAIN 1 " is set to 1 not 0, then look for the section that looks like this;




    / Lift Gamma Gain settings /


    #define RGB_Lift float3(0.960, 0.960, 0.960) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust shadows for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gamma float3(0.985, 0.985, 0.985) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust midtones for Red, Green and Blue

    #define RGB_Gain float3(1.000, 1.000, 1.000) //[0.000 to 2.000] Adjust highlights for Red, Green and Blue




    by lowering the Lift settings you can make shadows and shadowy areas darker, and thus, nights darker, by adjusting the Gain you can make lights and lit areas brighter, and thus days brighter. The Gamma is midtones, and will set the neutral balance between the two. THe examples are what I use for reasonably bright days and realistically dark nights.


    You can also play around with other sections (just make sure they are turned on) like Vibrance which effects how much 'pop' the colors have, if you want your game to be very vivid and colorful, turn it up, and if you want it to be very bleak and uncolorful, turn it down. Some of these options are very finicky, and you should always either back up or make a note of what a value is at before editing it, encase you mess something up. XD

  12. I've been looking for a mod that replaces the face textures/meshes with very realistic, high def ones, that do NOT require a different body mod, as I am currently using the vanilla body. I have tried several, but none of them really look that much better then vanilla in my opinion.

    I encountered a severe error with TES5Edit,

    and the mod team for it basically mocked me instead of helping

    I am already severely overworked trying to do this on my own

    I simply can not add weeks/months of work to this project

    Just because some other modder refuses to admit their mistake.

    Sorry for letting you down everybody.


    Do you enjoy the hard core ultra realistic experience of requiem?
    ​Do you find the perks to be restrictive, preventing you from making varied and diverse character builds?
    Do you enjoy the complex magic system offered by Skyrim Redone?
    Do you want to have your cake and eat it to?

    Then this is the mod for you!

    Combining Skyrim Redone and Requiem in the most eloquent of ways, you can enjoy the ultimate roleplaying experience,

    as you use the immense toolbox that is Skyrim Redone's perk system to survive the harsh unleveled unforgiving Requiem world!

    What does this mod do exactly?
    It takes Skyrim Redones perk system, and transplants into Requiem! yes, this includes the survivalism perk tree for your Frostfall fans!
    Almost all of Skyrim Redones perks will be intact, as well as almost all of Requiem's unique ways of handling things, you will still need books to learn smithing for example,

    and bows can be broken through melee impacts, and you can still turn all these options on and off through requiem if you don't like them.

    Video Teasers;
    While these are somewhat outdated, they show the original proof of concept that got me started,
    I have made considerable progress since these videos were shot.

    Armor/Weapons/Smithing = 80% complete
    Potions/Alchemy = 99% complete
    Magic = Not Started
    Renaming/Rewording = 20% complete

    ​Estimated release; Sometime in February

    I am handling this myself, and from time to time get stuck on some issues. If you want to see this project finished sooner, try and help me with these.

    1) I can not seem to get VANILLA armors and weapons to show up properly when the proper smithing perk is selected.

    Despite changing Skyrim Redone's perks to match Requiems flag wise, and getting the smithing books options to work,

    I can not seem to make all weapons and armor show up correctly. Weapons and Armor added in by Requiem/Dawnguard show up just fine however...

    I've been stuck on this for quite some time.

    2) Using the Reproccer seems to make Heavy Armor way to powerful, a full set of iron armor on a level 2 orc with only one perk in heavy armor is almost 1,000 armor points...

    I ran some tests, and there is almost no noticeable difference between this armor and much higher level armors.

    For the time being I am solving this by simply not using the Reproccer, but I would like for the Reproccer to be working in the final version.

  14. Bethesda released the creation kit themselves, and are known to openly support mods. Most any game that does not have a focus on online gameplay is very open and accepting about mods now-a-days.


    SELLING the mods you make however, is very illegal.

  15. In my experience, Jaggarsfield is by far the best 'auto sort' house, it also includes a MASSIVE display room for stuff you want to manually place and show off, and a really cool feature of auto-adding all your alchemy/smithing/enchanting/etc items to your invo when using the alchemy station in the house, so you don't have to manually add and remove them from your inventory!




    Only downside is it's kind of unbalancing, all you have to do is kill one semi-strong enemy to claim the house. =[

  16. Omg...i love you all :blink: T_T WAAAA it looks just as good as ENB VISIONS ! (a bit tiny less) but THE FRAMES! THEY NEVER GO BELOW 55 FRAMES HOW WHAT AMAZING! (just tested with RLO ULO CTO ) will now try with ELFX to see which looks prettier *0* but so far EPIC GOOD!




    haha, thanks! ^_^ I'm glad you like it! ANd yeah, you can never get ALL THE WAY to ENB, but considering the massive improvement on FPS I personally find it worth it. XD


    And I use the full version of ELFX with Lanterns of Skyrim, I honestly don't see the incompatibility XD Does it say HOW it's incompatible?

  17. I use ELFX with lanterns of skyrim and don't see any conflict o.O I just think it doesn't add the smoke effect to them like it does everything else, this is the only real problem I can think of.


    and I don;'t think RLO is compatible with CoT or ELFX, but ULO is a SweetFX mod which is compatible with... well everything. lol It basically is an effect shader, and doesn't do anything at all inside the game itself, kinda like an ENB, but it just does it in a very different way then ENB. XD


    also, yeah, the wrapper version should be fine, just set up the proxy how I mentioned.


    Imaginator is an awesome tool as well, it lets you manually edit saturation, contract, lighting, and more IN GAME, but I stopped using it do to the save game bloat problem... No idea if they ever fixed that. lol

  18. You can use ENBoost with SweetFX through the use of a proxy. Just set up ENBoost like you are not going to use an ENB at all, removing all unneeded files and setting up the ini correctly.


    First you need to set up a proxy;

    Change the d3d9.dll included with whatever SeetFX mod you choose with SweetFX_d3d9.dll. Do NOT change the name of the dll included with ENBoost!!!

    Then open the enblocal.ini included with ENBoost and change the Proxy section so that it looks like this.







    Alright, now that your proxy is done, download a SweetFX mod, and change d3d9.dll included with it SweetFX_d3d9.dll like I mentioned above. Make sure that the drd9.dll you need for ENBoost is still in your Skyrim folder, otherwise you won't get the effect of ENBoost.


    I suggest Ultimate Lighting Overhaul as your SweetFX mod it is very realistic in it's design.


    To get a very ENB like look with a SweetFX mod is possible, bet hard. Lucky for you I just spent the last week or so working on exactly that. lol


    Download Climates of Tamriel and Enhanced Lights and FX - These two together alter the lighting of the world to be super realistic and breath takingly well designed.


    Finally, Dynavision gives the DoF of ENB, I suggest setting it to "static"as this serves to blur our just very distant things, and doesn't have the nasty "snap" visuals of most DoF.


    Also, I have a preset for ULO, that makes nights a bit darker, that is designed around these mods. I am actually mostly just linking you this for the screenshots, as it shows all these mentioned mods in action.

    ULO - Dramatic Cinematic


    EDIt; and for textures I use 2k Textures lite and Book of Silence. In addition to several other random single off texture replacers that those things miss.

  19. I have a mod in my L/O called Stash Sacks that does something much like what the user above describes, you can drop a folded up sack, and on activation it turns into a normal sack for you to store stuff in. I really don't think there is any way around having to make a totally new mesh for this idea though. ^-^; Well, a new mesh for every type of bag you wanted to add the animation for.
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