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Everything posted by TheWilloughbian

  1. Save183_280913E9_1_4D6561766520477265656E6C656166_000SHTDGmix_112009_20180622021519_49_1.ess I think ^ This ^ is the Character name. You could try pasting this bit over the corresponding number in the new save. I've never tried it, but it might work. Just back up your saves, of course.
  2. Sure. Splash Damage is one of the reasons I tend not to use a lot of magic in combat. I find archery to be most precise when it comes to avoiding friendly fire. Even melee can be risky in a crowd. I did find this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/84949 But, the SSE version is hidden. You might be able to convert it for yourself though.
  3. Run For Your Lives Maybe try this one. It makes NPCs run from monsters. As for mods that effect splash damage, I don't know.
  4. Easier just to convert the Oldrim UNP versions to SSE with Nif Optimizer or Outfit Studio . SSE Nif Optimizer Scarlet Dawn Armor Demon Hunter V2 Demon Hunter There are usually UNP versions of any given armour that can be found. It pays to check the Oldrim files for them. I hope this helps you out. Learning to use Outfit Studio took me some time and I'm still learning.
  5. If it covers the whole body you can shape it however you want. Is there specific armour you have in mind?
  6. I guess just swap the CBBE body mesh with the UNP one and edit the armour to fit. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=eDokW_nSOaGijwSptL3AAg&q=Outfit+Studio+tutorial&oq=Outfit+Studio+tutorial&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i7i30k1l2j0i5i30k1l5j0i30k1j0i5i30k1.2862.19689.0.21016. There's lots of tutorials out there. Besides, it won't hurt to play around and see what does what.
  7. You need to snag the UUNP slider sets out of the oldrim version put them in the SSE versions folder.
  8. You'll have to learn how to install and use Bodyslide/Outfit Studio.
  9. That looks like a kit bash of a bunch of armours. The pants look like Tembtra Thief, the gloves; Black Sacrament, The fur on the shoulders and the cloak/hood might be from Divine Elegance, the sleeves from Eldrids Armor Mash Up. The rest, I can't really tell, but the texture on the body looks like it's from the Nightingale armour.
  10. Convert it to OBJ and use Outfit Studio for Oldrim to reapply to bone wieghts and export it as an Oldrim compatible NIF. You'll have to redo all the texture paths too.
  11. Make a copy of the face gen data you want from Bijin's and place it in the face gen folder for your new mod. After that use SSEedit to make any changes you want to your mod.
  12. Maybe "Hello Darkness" or "ELFX". Or if you want to go with an ENB, there's are plenty that will do what you want. "Re-Engaged" might be a good place to start if you want try ENB. I don't use them a lot, so other people could probably give you better information on that front. But yeah, you have options to achieve what you are going for. Best to explore them before you commit.
  13. Start here then. https://github.com/ousnius/BodySlide-and-Outfit-Studio/wiki/Guides-and-Documentation Outfit Studio can take a while to learn. There's a lot of tutorials. Armours with physics bones tend to freak out if you mess with them the wrong way in Outfit Studio. A work around is to get rid of the bone weights and paint new ones. Basically you need to export the armour as an OBJ, then drag it back into Outfit Studio load and load a similar armour and copy the bone weights to the blank one. Then export the new armour as a nif. You might need to set up the texture paths again as well. This might help. I'm getting a lot of use from this video.
  14. You might need to got back to OBJ with the mesh and repaint all the bone weights. At least that's what I would try.
  15. If you are making an armour it's going to need bone weights. See if this helps. Also, you'll have to have to make sure the body slots match up in the CK with the assignment Nifskope. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/576983-tutorial-assign-meshes-to-new-body-parts/
  16. Oops. I meant to quote you for that post. Yeah it would be nice to to have Glow shaders and Environment mapping work on object LOD.
  17. I'm still trying to get a grip on tweaking the settings for Landscape LOD with SSELODGen. Getting the textures the right shade and the land mesh to look right still elude me. Tree and Object LOD are a breeze with this utility, though. Took a bit of time to learn how to set up custom billboards though.
  18. Wouldn't it have been easier just to say this in the first place. Instead of calling somebody "dumb" and "foolish". I don't imagine that anyone is forcing anybody to reply to any given topic. If someone doesn't want to help out the new guy they don't have to. But, there is no call to discourage an open dialogue on a particular topic, or be even remotely unkind. A simple post such as...….. "Try this instead https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/59721/ http://forum.step-project.com/topic/13029-dyndolod-236-skyrim-se-beta-with-dynamic-lod/. It's a better/safer way of doing what you are trying to accomplish."...…….. ...…… would have sufficed and would have helped/educated anyone that was interested in this topic. I had no idea what DynDOLOD is. I'm sure other people are in the same boat. If you asked me about converting OBJ/3DS/DAE/FBX to NIF and importing it to the game, I would be a little more knowledgeable. But, ENB and custom LOD is not something I have really gotten into. I have a basic understanding of how to use Oscape and SSELODGen, but that's about it. I've never tried generating LOD for the Tamriel worldspace. That's the thing I like about this hobby, is that there is always something new to learn, always the drive to push what the possibilities are. I enjoy sharing the experience I've had trying different tweaks and modifications. And maybe I'm getting a little uppity. I just don't see a need for anyone to be condescending. There's a bit of a learning curve when it comes to this hobby and nothing wrong with someone asking questions and having a discussion about what they don't know. Just think. There's a good chance this little exchange will help someone to further enjoy the hobby. The best advice I've every gotten about it is, "Have Fun".
  19. This may sound rather silly. But a good way to get a feel for the world Skyrim is in, is to kill a day or two and read all the books in the game. You can find them in the qasmoke room. it just takes too long to collect them in game play.
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