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Everything posted by madman132

  1. There are a great many things unrealistic in Fallout 3 and in all the fallout games. How come Popculture basically stopped after the fifties? Not just the Music Three dog plays because he found this old stuff somewhere. The Design of the cars is from the fifties, the houses, the advertisement, the everything. So they basically said "let's just stop designing new things for 120 years!". No semiconductor technology, but there are Robots. The Robobrains fascinate me; to connect every "wire" in the human spinal cord you would need quite a lot of tubes. So much of them that the smallest will will a town. Robots without semiconductor technology? Not possible. And so is Power Armor. And the energy Weapons. We can make some Laserweapon, they would weigh as much as a Car, but we can make laserweapons... How does one create a handheld device to heat up Gas until it becomes Plasma? Let me tell you, that is really really hot. Lets concentrate on some unrealistic things in Fallout 3. The White house must have been hit by something with so little yield that i doubt it was a nuke. If you barely reach critical mass, the crater would be much larger. Also, that nuke somehow grew buildings around the white house which where then destroyed again. Soooo, whats for dinner tonight? A Brahmin? What did the Brahmin eat? Oh right, not all that much. But somehow, quite a lot of people survive on a rather slim diet. Maybe they rob other People, like the Raiders. There are more robbers then People that could be robbed. You'll see there are quite a lot of things that are unrealistic, most of them for a Reason. A realistic Potomac would be annoying to get through, you'd have to swim through and possibly die or you'd have to get to a boat and Bethesda would have had to make functional Boats then. The big River might be realistic, but it would be annoying. Which is by the way also the reason why your character can take several Bullets to the head be be ok with that if you jam a syringe into your Brain. Having to walk back when nearly fatally wounded twenty times before halfway point of the game may be realistic, but not fun. Better yet, some enemy could get a lucky shot to your Head and you die without knowing what hit you. Realism! I like washington scaled down, lest there be even more bland subway stations to walk through, everyone of which could collapse right on top of me. And then they could lead to nothing but rubble. Absolutely nothing to find or to do, because in the real world, there aren't treasures dispersed evenly throughout the world for you to find.
  2. And here i was thinking that you have some idea of how to change the mainquest. Well, since you didn't provide any idea i'm going to assume that you want an Idea to change the Mainquest then. Very well, i am quite good at pulling ideas out of my posterior, so here i go: Have the Brotherhood explain their new Goals: in Order to get as much technology as possible and because they are doing so already, they need to recruit People. They are already one of the most powerful forces in the DC wastes, might as well be the biggest and establish some sort of new Government. Dr. Li wouldn't trust them because she suspects that the Brotherhood would use the Purifier to make clean water for the purpose of strengthening the brotherhood. Which is what happens anyway. With the New Vegas chapter failing at almost everything they touch, i'd like to know how the DC Chapter sees things. How does the future for the Brotherhood look like? When they do reach their Goal and have enough Energy Weapons for every member and maybe even the capability to produce them, where to go next? I'd say have Elder Lyons try to construct a new nationstate.
  3. If you can put up with some of the more ridiculous copy protection measures out there i'd recommend buying the PC versions of pretty much any game. There are tools to make your game run better and/or prettier for just about any big game and the open world games by bethesda have about a million billion phantastillion mods. For New Vegas, you'll have to put up with steam. New Vegas will not run without steam. Well, steam isn't the most annoying copy protection out there, at least it keeps the game functional, which isn't a given anymore, see "Grand Theft Auto 4", which was a funny story for me since the copy Protection on that game took my bought (went to a website, bought the game with real money) copy of that game out. The copy protection of GTA4 prevented me from playing GTA4. And here comes the Joke: I had to download a tool to circumvent to copy protection (which is the same thing pirates would use to get a illegally obtained version of that game to run) to get my game to work. So the steam thingy you'll have to put up with when buying new vegas is a breeze in comparison. Due to "cheat protection" you may not be able to get some achievements but that is pretty much it. The pc version of new vegas will run on a computer old enough to be as cheap or cheaper then the xbox and will give you the opportunity to download quite a lot of mods which may make the game more fun for your or just fix some of the many bugs. With the console version, you'd have to wait for the developers, good luck with that. So buy the PC Version. It has many mods, many bug fixes (and the game needs that desperately) and the copy protection wont cripple the game too much. :biggrin:
  4. Skyrim doesn't have to be the land of Snow; the Jerall Mountains where covered in snow because they where supposed to be alpine Mountains. Even the Kilimandjaro has Snow and that's in the middle of Africa. Which is a Continent not exactly known for Snow. I think Bethesda will have green Forests there. The Nords are basically Vikings and i think Bethesda will have them live in Environments that Resemble places like Denmark, Norway, Sweden or maybe Iceland and Greenland. Those Countries have Places with green soft rolling Hills, breathtaking Landscapes, big Forests and large mountain ranges. There are Places covered in Ice so thick that the older Layers came down when Humanity was playing around with mammoths, so we can be certain that Bethesda will have some arctic looking environments there. But i'm fairly sure Bethesda wont make skyrim to be one big white land of boredom. They "realistically" have all the Landscapes north of the Alps to draw from. If you go north in Italy, it gets colder the farther you go up north. But Germany isn't all that frozen (well, right now it kinda is, i had to dig out my car this morning) and Girls in Denmark and southern skandinavia wear really short Skirts in Summertimes :D Skyrim can have Forests thick as sibirian Tundra, Waterfalls where the Water comes crashing down from half a mile high like in Norway, a multitude of hundreds of thousands of Lakes like in Finland (which had a really hot summer last year, like over 35° C) and of course icesheets several miles thick like in central Greenland. Snow and Ice are fairly common in Places the Nords would live, but that isn't the only thing you'd see there :D
  5. Maybe the Player can recruit the Blades. Maybe the "Dragonborn" is supposed to be the same Kind of dragonborn the Septims where, chosen by Akatosh to be the emperor of tamriel. After the last Septim kicked the bucket in Oblivion, the Blades said that they would bide their time until the next dragonborn arised. I had no Idea that there would be a next dragonborn or why there would be, after all the dragonborn was just someone with the septim blood able to light the dragonfires which are basically a magical barrier to keep invading daedric princes out. Now with the sacrifice of martin septim this Barrier is a fixture for some Reason and there is no need for a dragonborn septim Emperor to light the dragonfires. But whatever, the Blades may not have known that, maybe they'll "bide their Time" until a new dragonborn arises or maybe they'll just wait around until they can come up with something better to do. So now there is someone being called "dragonborn" and it would be rather confusing if this would be some other kind of dragonborn. Well, we'll see :D
  6. It's one of the many many many maaaaany things Obsidian didn't do a very good Job at. In Fallout 3, some Stuff belonging to "evil" People was marked red, so they'd bash your Skull in if you just took something and they saw it (if they didn't attack you earlier, which they wont if you have a low karma level) but there wasn't a karma penalty attached to the Objects. Maybe because stealing from Raiders would just be "re-stealing". Would be quite the same with the evil dudes in New Vegas. Obsidian tried to make some of the People a bit less evil and failed miserably. The Slaves have a broken Will and will soon have a broken Back. The Way it is portrayed, living under the Leadership of Cesar is a fate worse then death. Even the Background music and the Skybox try their best to make Fortification Hill a Place so depressing that it would make Hitler and Stalin cry bitter Tears. So Obsidian didn't do a very good Job in portraying the Villains. They're saturday morning cartoon villains. I don't think stealing from them should get you a karma Penalty. Obsidian could've just thrown the karma system out altogether and it wouldn't do much; some Quest would have to be made differently because you can't just walk up to certain Fiends being quest NPCs. There's this one Quest that would require a "Drop of Point" where you put the Questobject instead of giving it to the quest NPC. In essence, throwing out the Karma system altogether and making the Game work would require less effort then making the Karma system work. To do that, you'd have to make every karma penalty of every object in possession of every bad guy go away. And then you may want to lessen the karma penalty on possessions of the "not so evil" Guys. How "evil" are the great Khans? They raid Caravans but at least they don't go around torturing and killing People for Fun. It would require a bit of Work to fix the Karma System instead of just throwing it out. Well, Karma's a Bi... :rolleyes:
  7. I'll have to disagree with everyone who wishes for any sort of coop and/or Multiplayer. In my Opinion, this could only end badly, since Bethesda would have to balance Stuff. In Multiplayer, there would be People who'd like to play for the sole Purpose of annoying other People. In Oblivion, those People would find Armor with enough Chameleon enchantment to add up to 100% and then find a Place near a Door to a Shop. Near enough to easily snipe People when they zone out from the shop Cell but far away enough to be out of range from any "see life" enchantment the Victim may have. Not that it would matter; in many open multiplayer games i've seen People using Tools that give out an alarm sound when a Player starts zoning through a door you mark in advance so that you'll know when this Player will be vulnerable to attack. When you leave a shop, you'll see the Loading screen and the Arrow that will hit you with a paralyze enchantment will be already on it's way. People will find ways to make those rather unfair Attacks even more unfair, they will hunt in packs so that you'll have maybe ten Arrows with paralyze enchantment in your left nostril one femtosecond after the game will register you being in the outside cell. In any open Multiplayer, People could just invite some Friend who aren't Idiots, but Bethesda would have to make Changes to at least make it rather difficult for people out to ruin other peoples game. Those Changes will take away from the Game i love. I love being able to "cheat" whenever i chose to do so. I can break the game with uber enchantments or i can make it harder. I can modify the difficulty without using the difficulty slider, which would just make the attacks drain more of my HP. Having a game balanced for multiplayer or even coop will take away one of the unique Qualities of the game. The Player having a level of control over the Gameworld which is pretty unique. So, please don't incorporate any form of Multiplayer. If there is a Mod that gives me a LAN coop mode, i'd try that, but if Bethesda makes a multiplayermode they would have to change the game in ways i wouldn't like and i'm guessing all of you do like Fact that you can chose to do impossible things in the game world.
  8. You know, Bethesda consists of quite a few People and they needed Years to create Fallout 3, some of which was recycled from Oblivion. And "all" they did was to make this tiny Corner of the U.S.. Well, you'll need to be immortal to finish a Project like this in one Lifetime. Have Fun ;D
  9. That is a big load order. Some of these mods seem similar, you could try streamlining it. You really need all the unofficial Patches for all the DLC packs? I uninstalled knights of the nine because after the quest was finished, there was nothing worth holding onto. You get a new tinsuit. Meh. When did the problems start? When you installed a new mod? If you don't remember, try deactivating the latest mods. It is possible that one of these mods, or one you uninstalled again may have screwed with your oblivion installation, so you may have to reinstall oblivion.
  10. http://www.last.fm/music/Jeremy+Soule/+wiki here you'll find Music made by Jeremy soule, who made the Music for Oblivion and Morrowind. This is just a List, although there is an internet radio on this site too. His Music is fairly neutral, even the Music made for Supreme Commander and its Expansion pack "Forged Alliance" especially would be fitting. The Soundtrack of Diablo split Opinions. Some People think it's not very fitting for a medieval fantasy game. I don't agree with that, but if you do want more classical music i recommend the Soundtracks for some Diablo Knock offs, like "Nox" or especially "Dungion Siege", which was also made by jeremy soule.
  11. that would be nice, maybe a town near that Trader in Point Lookout :D
  12. I read somewhere that Elder Lyons is recognized as a leader of the Washington BoS because of the defeat of the Enclave. They still don't talk to him, but they recognize him. I figured that this would be because he got the Job done in a Way that may reform the Agenda of the Brotherhood. He is rather friendly with the Wastelanders, which lead to one particular Guy to do lots of work for them. Also, Lyons was able to recruit outside help to get Liberty Prime to run, which the Brotherhood scribes couldn't do. So Lyons is a friend of the People, which the Brotherhood doesn't care much for, but they do like the massive piles of new Technology that brought in. From earlier Games, the western Brotherhood also noticed that being friendly to the People may be rather useful in bringing new tech in. If they make war with the People, they'll crush you, if you help the People, they bring you tech. And once in a While, there will be some Superbeing that helps you defeat the big enemy of the week. So i think the Brotherhood may become friendlier with the Wastelanders over time, because it brings in tech, which would persuade even some of the "outcast" hardliners into working with a "wastelander", or at least someone from the "outside". Gathering tech is the main Goal of the Brotherhood. If you can do that by being friendly with the People most of your group consider inferior then everyone would be happy.
  13. Once i had a rather nasty cut on my Leg from a Nail. Since my last Tetanus shot was recent and i don't care about scarring all that much, i opted to have some Noodles before going to see the Doctor. I caught myself thinking that the Noodles would only give me 5 HP back...
  14. You may want to refrain from using that for translating a mod. bben above has already posted a link to the english version. Translating a mod is insanely tedious and it will spoil any plot for you because you'll know all the lines.
  15. Most of the "Smartasses" around here don't have enough rhetoric Skill to hurt anyone, so i really have to wonder about People who take those petty insults so seriously. Well alright, the constant drumbeat will eventually eat away a bit, but then again you should stop caring about that. My own petty Mods are here and i care rather little about anyone who calls them sh*t. Mainly because they are, but even if they weren't, i'd care just as much about the Trolls. I can't do anything about them, but they can't do anything to really hurt me either, so why care? That really interests me and i spent some time reading old Discussions about People leaving. Most of them got very personal and some of the modders took some valid criticism very seriously as far as i could read. Someone listed Quotes of People Criticizing him as Reasons for his leaving and most of the critiques where actually not "trolling". Some of it was like "Oh come on, a Scavenger Hunt Quest? This is no Fun, you should scratch that!" which is valid Criticism. Not the best choice of Words, but nothing to be miserable about. "What the F...!?! One of the Chests in your Housemod respawns!" Tiny mistake, but could eat up some Peoples precious loot or possibly has done so for some People. Again, nothing to be miserable about, apologize for any lost loot, then fix the Chest. I asked someone once to push a desk around a bit so that the mod would be compatible with another mod. Apparently, that really angered him because i was treading on his artistic freedom just so that i could play his mod with another mod he didn't care about and called me a troll. Aha! Well, if any criticism whatsoever is considered trolling, then we indeed do have a lot of "trolls" here. Ok now, that was a bit over the Top, but some People really are a bit harsh in their consideration of "Trolls" and should think again if this and that criticism may or may not be valid. Do some People really prop up their Egos with the "Art" Modding? If so; there has to be something better then that. Publishing anything, including Mods, will be a Target for everybody who has a lot of Anger to vent and maybe he or she has a better Reason to be angry then any modder has being angry or sad about those Trolls.
  16. ok, not being able to do anything when you're banned sucks. If i wanted to pull mods for some Reason, that would really suck hard. But then again, why would i? If i ever get fed up with commenters, i wouldn't care if the Mods remain here for all Eternity. A Friend of mine wanted me to make him some cheating items, so i made that mod and put it here. The cheapest mod you can possibly image, i just took some Weapons from the original Game and punched in new Numbers and then i placed them on a Table somewhere. Now that's easy: it is simply not possible to "troll" about that. This mod is a abominable cheap shot and if someone told me that i should feel bad for wasting the time of everyone merely looking at it then this Person would have a valid Point. But then again, negative Criticizm shouldn't be seen so "negatively". That may sound weird, but would can you really say when someone says "I love this mod omg it's so wonderful blablabla!" except "Thankyou"? "OMG Your Mod is Bullcrap and you should feel bad for existing and your Mother is a Prostitute and everything you've done in your Life turned out to be a waste of time and that's why you have no Friends and silently cry yourself to sleep every night alone in your Bed in your Parents' Basement!" Now that is something i can work with. "First of all: My Mother is a Tailor. Now could you be a little more specific with your Criticism?". Well ok, i developed a rather thick Skin so i could actually take insults like that. But still, i like trolls better then "Anti Trolls", a Phenomenon that is rather unique here, where there are many Modders with very sensitive Souls. I once read "i have given this File a rating of 10. Where's the Download?". What is that? I can't work with that. With a Troll, there is a slight chance that his Anger might have something to do with my Mod. Maybe he's to stupid to install mods or maybe he ran it with another mod that conflicts with my mod and/or is too stupid to figure that out and the only thing he knows that he installed my Mod and now his Oblivion wont start. I could possibly help with the compatibility thing or maybe explain a thing or two about load orders. Would be more fruitful then a shallow and utterly meaningless Endorsement (nowadays you don't get these so embarrassingly easy). Which brings me to another Point. 30% Trolls? That is all? Most People would just play the mod and they would forget the name of it if you didn't name the .esp properly. They won't say anything. Which is good. If People don't feel the need to complain, everything is fair enough. The community wouldn't consist out of trolls if all the comments where troll comments.
  17. Removing the Mods isn't selfish. Removing the Mods will only and exclusively annoy People who'd want to download them but now they can't. And that annoys me to no end. If you consider stupid Comments as an Attack, removing Mods is also an Attack. Against me (amongst others.). And this "Attack" actually does something, unlike a comment consisting of words you shouldn't care about. People should grow a thicker skin. I don't like being in the massive Group of People who didn't do anything to her. If someone pulls a mod, i could understand it if everyone thought it was not a very good mod. If i ever made a good mod, it should stay up because no amount of trolling will do anything with. When at least some People don't hate my Mod, the Mod should stay there. When someone pulls all their Mods it's like saying that the whole TES Community consists of nothing but Trolls who leech on your hard work as a modder and giving you nothing but poo in return. I resent that. Maigrets, there is something that intrigues me about your Post. How much control do you have over your Files? When you're banned for some Reason, you can not pull them off the Site or something?
  18. You are addicted to Fallout when you are wondering why there is so much other stuff in that Lawnmower besides the Blade...
  19. so the mod has russian text? To change that in english, you'd have to open the Construction kit and translate every single line. Russian audio would still be russian, unless you record them in english. You will have to download an english version of that mod if there is one.
  20. If anything the Staff here is being rather overprotective around here. There isn't anything that can be done to protect those very very sensitive souls even more, short of removing any sort of feedback altogether. In my humble Opinion this whole thing needs another approach. There are and always will be People who will display a fascinating level of idiocy unless the Internet ceases to exist. I don't know who the Psychology of these People work, maybe they're being rather immature on the Internet to compensate for something, maybe they troll to vent; whatever, these People exist. Anyone who uploads anything to anywhere will have to deal with it. No Matter how fast the Moderators react and no Matter how harsh their Definition of "Trolling" might be, there will be Trolls, everywhere. Whats rather unique around here are People who overreact to Trolls. I can get behind some of the Psychology of Trolls but i can't grasp these overly sensitive People who act as immature and annoying as possible by removing all their Mods and whining in the Forum about all the Trolls. Instead of not reading the comments anymore or disabling them or something. Dorkdiva, by removing your Mods so that no one, not even the "non-Trolls", will be able to download them, you are lashing out against People you don't really know, who never wronged you, for Reasons that are beyond Comprehension. That makes you a Troll. You shouldn't complain about Trolls when you yourself are removing your Mods, annoying everyone but the Trolls.
  21. I wouldn't play anything that can't defend itself. Most NPCs are rather stupid and relying on them to protect me would be strategically unsound. Or abysmally stupid, to put it more bluntly. You could get away from most encounters if you're able to summon something that attacks the enemy rather then trying to follow you as you run away, but that would only shift the issue; instead of playing someone that kills things you're playing someone that summons things that kill things. If you'd be ok with that, why not cut out the middlemonster and cast something to kill enemies, like magical Fireballs :D
  22. I never saw this before and i found it fascinating: I see a landmark from far away and i can walk there without any zoning with loading screens. There is no snowlevel, no desertlevel and no swamplevel, i can walk from one into the other without a loading screen sometimes even miss the subtle changes that occur when you wander the imperial reserve. This merges with the freedom in the game. I can not only walk anywhere, i can do anything. I can train every ability by using it, i can enchant my gear to make the game ridiculously easy or not; i'm the one who chooses if i want to enchant my stuff with 100% chameleon or not and i love the game for letting me do so if i please. In Oblivion, my Liberties in the gameworld are bigger then most other RPGs combined and that's what i love about the game.
  23. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27817 I made a mod that may be useful to you; The mod has a merchant which will sell, among other things, two Weather control spells to you. One will bring you Sunshine instantly, the other will get you the oblivion sky.
  24. Building a Water purifier is actually rather easy. It's a Filter basically. Water itself can not be irradiated, it can't "hold" the Radiation for long, so it wont be irradiated for more then a fraction of a second when its clean of free of other stuff that is irradiated. So a filtersystem would be like a small water purifier. Bring Electricity to the Settlements so they can run Pumps to filter large amounts of Water. Maybe have Solar Power, for Solarpanels can be built pretty much anywhere and they don't need fuel or anything at all to provide energy.
  25. Done. In the Hallway to the living Quarters in the Cheydinhal sanctuary is a Chest now with two Rings, one has the enchantment of the DB Armor, the other has the Black Hand Robe enchantment.
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