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Everything posted by tejano2828

  1. Also dont forget to go into the performance folder and install the enb series that best suits your machine.....good machine "extreme" so so "peformance" also middle ground......etc etc....
  2. I have project ENB and have it installed perfectly I know it has a link to the ENB site...do yourself a favor and go into the ENB downloads and get the latest enb for Skyrim...if you use that one you will have problems almost guaranteed...http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html Your game is crashing because you are running off Intel graphics because of the enb you downloaded.....download that one ...should fix the crash I had the same problem.
  3. i recommend project enb you can tweak the brightness pretty easy by just going into display settings or ingame shift+enter
  4. You could always download some custom races and borrow their meshes and textures to create a new face and alter it in racemenu....works for me....
  5. since you just installed Realvision and your also getting a crash after a few minutes of gameplay make sure your graphics card is the one processing the grphics and not your CPU.....easy way to fix this is to get the latest ENB for skyrim... your crash at startup is a mod dependecy issue as someone said earlier Hate to burst the bubble for BOSS lovers but more than once BOSS has messed up my load order where I had to go in there and tweak it....might want to look at some peoples working load oders and compare it to yours also with that many mods you probably have mods that are affecting each other .....particularly the SPOT where you are at in your save...try going way back on your save files see if you can find a stable one....saving in multiple houses in different cities is what I do in case this happens.....again troubleshooting man dont give up
  6. Fast Ram paired with a Fast SSD will greatly improve your transfer rates and faster gamplay I am running 250 MODS with tons of textures with an EVGA GTX 780 Overclocked and rarely does it reach 80% capacity its the 3 GB version. The more cores the better on the CPU because remember it also has to run background services besides skyrim... Skyrim is a script extensive game so get a good CPU for the scripting and a good Graphics Card for the textures, graphics.... I have the 4770K OC to 4.2 and I run my game at 1920X1080 with Project ENB and I have VSYnc on and it can easily run at 70-80 fps but I have it capped at 60 fps or Ill get flickering... I hear the GTX 790 will run around 999 not sure if this is right but thats a lot...the GTX 780 has dropped in price considerably might want to look that up... Im not really biased towards a GTX 780 because I'll probably replace it but not for like 4 years I just got it.... Good Luck! and dont forget to post some results on your build....here is what I am running I7 4770K Asus Maximus VI extreme GSkill Aries 2400 ram 16 GB SSD Samsung 250 GB EVGA GTX 780 Noctua Cooler here is a screenshot.... http://i57.tinypic.com/2r5gpbd.jpg
  7. try projectenb you'll be happier and it has different performance folders for more options
  8. Funny you guys bring this up... I was trying to finish up the thieves quest and I found a bug a very well documented bug neverthneless still couldnt get past this quest.."The Pursuit" won't launch for me...here is what happens....I finish "the hard way" or something like that and I am talking to Karliah last and she says "meet me at the ragged flagon" and she takes off but the next quest "the pursuit" doesn't initiate for me.. When I go to the ragged flagon Karliah never shows up.....waited like 3 days nothing...then I spawn her and she proceeds to walk through the whole place then walks out of the cistern through the ladder and just walks aimlessly through Riften and then out the gates.. I tried some console commands to finish quests...nothing.... if anyone can help me also I would appreciate it...basically I finished "the hard way" by ending it when I talk with the dunmhmer forget his name and then I have to speak with Karliah im bugged up until that point...help!! thanks
  9. check deviantart.....or imaginefx for some skin texture brushes I was trying to look for you the ones that I used to use for my ART but couldnt find them....Im also trying to get into the skin texture field...purchased a wacom HD tablet last year and itching to try out some of my own textures and start importing mods into nexus.....
  10. ahh yes I see....OP its probably tweaks you have to do to the enb in the skyrim inis or prefs like the above poster said....look at the read me for the enbs should help
  11. I guess your talking about when you click save and the depth of view becomes evident during the save right? Read the descriptions of the ENB carefully and make sure Depth of Field is turned on on the INI files...you will have to read the description of the ENB to see how to turn on the Depth of Field it might be turned off.... Might I suggest ProjectENB it has a very good desctiption page with great results... and a very good instruction on "how to" on some ENB's you might have to go in there and tweak the enb local and ini files... also make sure you download the proper enb for SKYRIM and only skyrim some people end up downloading enb's for other games...... let us know how it goes...... also you can click shift enter ingame to see the GUI for ENB and you can toggle the DOF on or off in there....
  12. Project ENB actually has 4 stages of performance from moderate to extreme...maybe realvision has some also? also try the memoryblocks log mod and watch gophers video to increase your blocks MB there is a post on nexus news about this with a short video on "how to"
  13. What if I uninstall nexus Mod manager? and completely reinstall it will that help or wipe out all my data? Still seeing my mods in C:games/nexus mod manager they are all there
  14. Alright great news spent like 2 hours (finally eating) and reinstalled all mods all 250 of them luckily I exported a load order earlier in the week didnt use it much as I just went this path.... all official downloads unnofficial patches... gameplay changes armors weapons interfaces followers.... somewhere in there I had a lot of animations but all went well...booted up Skyrim and everything is the exact same... Thank GOD....tho big problem.. Correction: I did not change the drive letter back to C: it's still looking for MODS at E: so im going to ask you guys can I transfer all the data from C:Games to E:Games will this finally fix this? Okay another Edit: I copied everything from C to E and it kicked up find no more questions about uninstalling...sweating bullets here...geez edit: the ability to go in and change options in NMM without bypassing the tracelog and overwrites really is making this hard guys
  15. I understand you guys are trying to put the best product out there...but again...some of us are not knowlegeable enough about this stuff...and I am probably not the only one this has happened too.. a quick fix I thought of was going back into NMM and reverting the download location to C: location (original) location... but I couldnt even do that because I had 250 mods loaded and it gave me 250 pops and unininstalled more than 200 of them... give us an option here......... my mods were still under C: I did not move them... again...frustration man frustration....
  16. So...last nite I decided to make my extra 1 TB drive my depository for NMM downloaded mods....easy enough when I download a MOD it will just go to my 1 TB hard drive instead of my speedy SSD.....OR so I thought..... This morning I kick up Nexus Mod Manager and I get this pop up....."MOd was deleted will be Uninstalled" clicking on the "X" or "OK" still doesnt matter NMM tries to uninstall the MOD and Unistall it did before I can even click cancel even with th enter button it uninstalled half of my mods out of 250... now my smooth running game is tore up from the floor up..... Seriously I mean you don't expect so many of us to be experts at modding cause most of us are not.....howbout a popup window warning us about logs and stuff like that ...How am I suppose to know...there are many programs that I use where choosing a new download position won't totally screw up your software... example google chrome.. Mozilla.. DNLA servers... List could go on and on... There has to be a better way of keeping logs and keeping that LOG record seperate from the MODS...I started installing some of these mods back this morning but now I am at my professional profession just wondering if my SKYRIM is going to kick up when I get home....what a headache...
  17. Did you try loading like many saves....start with the one that doesnt work and work your way back.....once one loads go to whiterun and go into breezyhome and save in there....show us your load order.....
  18. Real quick because this happened too me....make sure your ENB is using your graphics card and not your inbuilt GPU on your CPU I was crashing 15 secs in because the CPU would get overload it eventhough I had an evga gtx 780 probably need to update your d3d file by downloading the latest enb for skyrim....also try asking on the realvision post here on the nexus ...GL
  19. make sure that the meshes are installed for the body and head same meshes.....meshes control the landscape of the body make sure that the textures are installed for the head and the body from the same package..for example... SG texture renewal must be installed if you do it with NMM it should be automatic but when you start putting in there options and such thats when you have mismatches.......... ok so I see your uninstalling and reinstalling textures....if you uninstalled with NMM it will not revert changes that were done to folders you will have to go in there and mess with the folders..
  20. HI, Looking for everything on this char except the sword because I think I know that one but specifically the bow and the armor all the armor..thanks... been trying to look for those nails also for my vampires looked but no luck on google or nexus ....went around the game looking for that mapboard for screenshots and couldnt find it either is that a MOD or is that map in game? http://i58.tinypic.com/2ibjlvm.jpg
  21. yes I went through and looked at the areas and I have no mods....I even turned off the immersive city mod nearby nothing... my guess is there is either an old script or a current script that is breaking that area... do you know if I can console command into the lighthouse and if so how?
  22. I want to know if I can move the mods that nexus is storing in c:games/nexusmodmanager/ they are all in rar format....can I move all these to my 1 TB hard drive or is the game still accessing them? thanks..
  23. Skyrim Widow LMAO sounds like a great character name your funny......I like when my wife says when she sees me locked away in the game room..."whats a matter skyrim crash and you have to reinstall?"
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