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Everything posted by tejano2828

  1. Well I recommend EVGA GTX 780 I believe its 569 right now on amazon...but I have been hearing whispers over at overclocker.net and toms hardware that with the release of the new GTX 900 line of cards around the corner that the GTX 780 is bound for a nice price drop at 2300 cuda cores and 3GB it can pretty much run Skyrim at 60 fps non stop with no problems at all even with 250 mods.
  2. That video card has 384 cuda cores while the GTX 780 has over 2000 dont let the 4GB fool you that card can't handle a highly modified Skyrim
  3. I have 1500 hours on Skyrim so far on my PC and the money I spent for the Box plus all DLC's was worth its weight in gold.....at 13.59 to a new user us a BARGAIN agreed here.....
  4. Install XP32 Maximum skeleton and install FNIS and run it...maybe that will help on your game not running.....turn off plugins one at a time see which one is causing your came to crash on a side note you should have a safe save.....like go into breezyhome and save ....me I like to save at the Ragged Flaggon and then load it always loads no matter what... GL a list of your mods would be nice to look at it helps
  5. I don't want to stop using NMM as I like it but this is the second time I try to figure this out the first time I missed a small detail and my mods got messed up... C:games is now at 32 GB on my SSD so I decided to move it to and it looks like this E:Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim/Install info and mods On NMM I changed the download mods to E:Games and I changed the Install info to E:Games So I kick up NMM and I get this when it starts http://i58.tinypic.com/ta28hl.jpg Is this an old mod that is missing now from the install log or ???? Last time this happened I just started clicking ok to everything and it got Fubarred.....I cant get into NMM interface because as soon as I click OK another missing mod message comes up....any advice?
  6. If you already tried FNIS and it's still not working I can only suspect one thing... Your load order....if you used Mod manager to install the mod go back and inspect the files (loose files), also try moving your plugin around and move it up and down the load order to see if this fixes the problem...I had the same problem with another mod and characters freezing and inspecting the files fixed it....also you can try reading the posts of the MOD see if someone has had similar problems.
  7. When looking at these different cards nevermind the memory if it says 3GB that is somewhat important but look at how many cores are available or stream processors... GT 620 cores=96 GT 620 MHZ=700 GT 640 cores=384 (for the DDR5 model) GT 640 MHZ=950 GTX 780 cores=2304 GTX 780 MHZ=900 I got mine OC to 1050 I am not sure on the specs of Radeons as I strictly purchase NVidia but there you go... more cores equate to more GPU computing power but also they need more wattage like an 850 or higher PSU.... a GT 640 is lower range sorry......basically an entry level GPU from Nvidia
  8. If you are new to Skyrim modding (like I was) and you have a decent system and are still having problems getting your game to reach its full capacity check out this video by GOpher which explains exactly what is going on when your game loads and starts using memory..... It's very easy to start adding mods especially texture mods but if you don't tweak your system and skyrim files you are going to encounter tons of problems....I tried the SKSE version of extending my memory and so far till this date using 254 mods my game is running smooth...
  9. I agree with above get the GTX 780 mine runs smooth as butter on the highest settings with 255 mods running and tons of textures....your cpu looks fine
  10. what's your specs on your good computer? Not trying to say your computer isnt good enough but information helps
  11. replacing my HDD with an SSD greatly improved my gameplay as the engine is constantly fetching files from the SSD to the RAM get it.....the price is reasonable on Amazon for a 250 GB sometimes as low as 120.00 I also have a GTX 780 great card
  12. Looks like a weather effect try going some where else in the middle of the day
  13. Just throwing this out there whenever stuff starts flickering in the game I mess with the FPS limiter try 60....or try lowering your shadows forgot to ask...are you using a ENB? because some enb's cause character flicker and you have to mess with the settings.
  14. lower your shadows to medium or high
  15. I had this problem also....try skyrimprefs.ini and make sure your GPU adapter is checked as the dedicated GPU adapter instead of Intel or whatever.
  16. In case you are unable to fix your CTD try this workaround has been working for me for a very long time and its a good fix. look for an old save...doesnt matter how old it is as long as its in a small cell like breezyhome...load it up...after it loads and your in game....load the save you want let us know how it goes
  17. Just to make sure .....check the enb that its for skyrim and the latest...this happened too me also... Why? well.....some enbs will default to your CPU GPU ....make sure ENB access your GPU ....it will let you know at the startup screen
  18. look up Golphers videos on youtube he also has a guide on using the skse fix for memory
  19. I believe if you uninstall a mod you might still have some loose files left behind especially if you did an overwrite while installing pure waters....
  20. IMHO opinion my suggestion by looking at your LOad order is you are using mutiple mods that affect the same thing....for example... Pure Waters Realistic Water and Water you have 3 different mods affecting pretty much the same thing and whiterun has lots of water around it.....try disabling one of these water mods at a time and seeing if the crashes stop doesnt hurt also.. might want to also play with townsandcitiesehnanced and whiterunenhanced turn some of them off and check if it still crashes..... your load order seems kind of overzealous on the beautification part seems too me like you have a mod conflict in there I just came off work and was checking some of these mods you have and checking some compatability issues with some of the other mods you have and there is some...might want to take some times and read into that.....
  21. Before you try any drastic changes try limiting FPS to 60 turn Vsync ON....
  22. One thing you can do to improve performance is to install skyrim on your SSD as transfer rates from the SSD to MEM will greatly improve your gameplay.....also try limiting your FPS to 50 and see what kind of performance you get never hurts.
  23. Download "summon follower" and if you have UFO it will show you how many followers you have.. when you summon it will show you each followers name after you cast the spell....you'de be surprised how many followers you have until you cast that spell...summon the one you are missing then dismiss...also use console to increase summoners number...
  24. Do you have CLimates of Tamriel? because project enb is recommended for COT when you install COT it gives you the option of brighter nights and dungeons.....read the description...you can choose how dark you want it :)
  25. GO into the nexus and check out the ones available and pick one....I prefer project enb..... http://i60.tinypic.com/rlkxgj.jpg
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