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Everything posted by tejano2828

  1. honestly I hate the new layout....sorry just being honest
  2. This happened to me when I uninstalled a mod then deleted it.. came back to the game and I got the same thing you did.....blank spaces, falling through walls, etc etc...missing hair the works. It also happened to me about 2 years ago (i like messing with skyrim hehe) The way I fixed it both times is I reinstalled my ENB I suspect something either in enblocal or my d3d file was not compatible anymore...it helps to have over 100 saves which I do to find one that works. If you have a skyrim data backup folder somewhere(I always have some) you can go grab enb from there and replace it....either way it's either a graphical error or your card might be gong out, hopefully it's the latter..give us an update man.
  3. Something that I do when adding and removing mods (like lots of them is I keep an eye on my FPS using the ENB key asterik.....If I see it dip below 40 I usually have problems either with scripts or textures. When the game gives me notes that: scripting is taking too long. I load up the save tool cleaner on Nexus. IF you launch that open your last save file and click on fix orphaned scripts and then delete them....That probably helped me out the most. GL
  4. Thanks! had the same issue thanks for the thread and the fix!
  5. I had this exact same problem. I would do a power attack and I would crash. Know how it went away? I started a new character and it hasn't happened in over a year. My guess was that it was either a "race" issue with race mods and compatability. Or something my character had on her that was causing the crash. Look into that might help you out.
  6. Novice I recommend Project enb. It has multiple settings for low to extremely high machines. Use the appropriate one..here is a youtube video on Projectenb + CLimates of tamriel (highly recommend)
  7. I recommend dance of death very awesome with a great mcm I have head decap killmove at 99% and it doesn't always go off which is fine for me but it does go more often than not.
  8. I do not know much about alienware laptops.....(it is a laptop right?) But what I do know after modding Skyrim on multiple computers and laptops is that there are 2 things that limit a PC when it comes to Skyrim. Scripts and Graphic enhancers. Let me ask you....Does it come with a HD or an SSD? If it comes with a HD switch out with an SSD and you will have a more capable machine at your disposal. Look to google why. I can say and just guessing here that you might be able to install around 150 mods and run it stable. One thing you might want to do is test the graphics card with some software...run the game with the mods you want and check it's capacity if you are running at 99% graphical power than that will be a limiting factor of what you can do with your setup. Honestly by looking at your setup the only thing that might limit you would be the graphics card and how hot your laptop gets. Some mods you might want to look into getting are the official Bethesda Skyrim patches/HD texture packs and then get all the unofficial ones will fix many bugs in the game. I currently run 255 mods with a High end PC setup with constant 60 FPS through out the land but I had to tweak this game for like 2 years kid you not but it runs real stable.....hope you have some free time on your hands GL.
  9. The rataway has the best lighting for screenshots go check it out it's amazing. Something about the candles in there give off the best light.
  10. Have you tried ALL the unofficial patches? I seem to remember that I had this bug also and then I started to install all the unofficial mods plus texture packs and it fixed this. might also try FINIS and run it. EDIT sorry didn't read all your post but try FINIS Hey anything that works right...wouldn't hurt
  11. Not only DO I love this game. I am loving the possibilities that GECK bring with it and the future modding community. patiently awaits the top 100 mods list
  12. In response to post #30809865. Thanks for this info...there is NO way I am sacrificing Skyrim for FO4 I love SKyrim more so I will wait until all this gets sorted out thanks a bunch
  13. I have to agree with the OP don't get me wrong FO4 is a great game but I have tried out over 500 mods on Skyrim and have settled on 250 of the best MODS that I can think of and my Skyrim game is just wide open wild and awesome...call us spoiled whatever you want but it is what it is....I bought FO4 yesterday to support Bethesda because I do believe FO4 is still a great game but I think I will give it a year before I play it.
  14. Your video card is maxed out at 2 gb correct? Try some texture mods like the high texture mod download and some grass, flora, or land textures launch the game and check a graphics tool and I bet your video card will be at 100% most of the time hence LOW fps...above poster mentioned lowering your graphics but wanting graphic mods+ lowering graphics seems silly to me what you need to do is get a 4 gb video card that will help a lot and switching to a SSD those 2 things will probably fix most of your low FPS usually my game runs at 3.7 gb vram usage with enb and texture mods
  15. Sneaking should not be that hard. Max out sneak crouch you turn invisible kind of "enemy loses sight of you" very useful for surprises. Get a good bow and upgrade the hell out of it crouch sneak attack as far as mods goes Sneak Tools and the stealth kill mod is also very handy.
  16. It's tough trying to figure out what's causing your game to crash. A bit of advice, and I know it's difficult, is to start deactivating mods one at a time and see which one is crashing your system. Probably will get some heat for this but I don't use Wrye bash I used it one time and my whole game got fubarred and I don't go that route anymore. Isn't wrye bash intended for merging mods to a single one? You aren't even maxed out on mods so why would you need it. Again start deactivating mods one at a time. Also go back and read every mod and it's requirements/comparability that might also be an issue. There are so many mods out now and combinations that I find it hard to believe that someone is just going to point out to you which MOD out of all those is causing the problem. GL
  17. I got it not regretting my decision leveled one character to 50 saw the requirements for VR2 need 100000000XP I was like I'm outta here....waiting for fallout 4 If you can get it on sale buy it play it put it down if you can't find it on sale don't buy it
  18. If you are using your same save use a save cleaner on the Nexus and clean your save best option....worst option is to reinstall
  19. I am sure you aware that the higher the number the more memory you need.. Skyrim caps off at a certain point and crashes try this memory fix Gopher talks about it and I have been using it as as long as you have lots of ram you shouldn't have any issues. I believe I am running Ugrids 7 my game runs very stable with 255 mods here is the link..should check out his other ugridstoload video very informative.
  20. I guess the simplicity of modding with skyrim has spoiled me or maybe it's the vague descriptions in the mod authors pages but it is confusing... can someone please show me the root path of the mods when they go into content0 folder Ive tried putting the titled folder with everything in it and launching .bat nothing Ive tried exporting all the files directly into content0 nothing and it tries to override other similarly named files getting to be a headache if anyone can please share some wisdom I would be very grateful thanks
  21. Are you using Evga's precision software to check out your graphic card's peformance? If you are...when you crash go check how much Vram you are using if it says 99% then you don't have enough Vram to run Skyrim with that many mods..it will crash especially when you enter heavily modded grids...try entering Windhelm see how it does usually that's a really heavily graphical area.
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