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Everything posted by gnarly1

  1. I generally only use the qqq method when I'm testing mods - so the save doesn't matter. But in future I'll refrain from using it during my normal playthroughs, just in case. :)
  2. Unsurprisingly, you've just proved yourself to be a colossal hypocrite. Per the link above, I made reference to your observable behaviour and your toxic response was to perceive and treat it as an insult. Time to reflect on you own advice and put it into action: Or you can just continue to dispense toxicity and make asinine sexist remarks. Which is what you seem to be fairly good at.
  3. Your problem is likely caused by: DisableHDREffects.esp I assume you've installed SKSE and have confirmed via the console that it is working? You could try a previous version of that mod which is what somebody else did per the posts section of that mod page.
  4. What happens if this method is used regularly?
  5. We all understand the facts and have given you various reasons why your proposal is both impractical and unworkable. It relies on every modder who creates a new location to know about and contribute to a database and check the database before establishing the location or entrance in the game world. Some will; most will say f*** that! So your proposal fails right there. It's fundamentally flawed because it assumes an ideal world.
  6. Please post your load order in spoiler tags - if you're using a mod manager you should be able to export your LO from that as a .txt document or similar. Did you read the mod descriptions of each mod to ensure: 1. You installed the correct version/plugin 2. You did any required tweaks to the ini files 3. You took note of any incompatibilities and/or conflicts with other mods 4. If the mod has an MCM menu, you may need to make adjustments using that.
  7. Correct but an analogy only works if there are fundamental aspects in common, which is what I demonstrated above. None of your analogies work in principle. There are fundamental aspects in common: they're both a large number of people doing work on something, where their work can interfere with the work of the others unless they communicate. It looks like you've abandoned your clearly wrong-headed library analogy in favour of something so vague and watery it lacks virtually any comparative value at all. I realise that this is the internet and therefore witnessing in real-time somebody admitting they're wrong is about as common as experiencing a supernova exploding overhead but when your arguments have been systematically demolished as much as yours have been, it's the gracious thing to do. You hear that Mr Hucker75? That is the sound of....inevitability....
  8. Ensure you have all the essential utilities and bug/engine fixes installed per the Viva New Vegas guide. Also check the mods to avoid section of that guide as you are using at least one mod (NV Landscape Overhaul) that has a better alternative. You could replace ILO with Simple Interior Lighting Overhaul. EVE isn't compatible with WMIM unless you have a patch in your LO I missed.
  9. It recommends MO, but you can easily use Vortex instead and many people do with minimal issues. If you're competent at using Vortex then you should have no problem - STEP's instructions are easy to 'convert' to Vortex. As I indicated, the community at STEP is very helpful or someone on the NM Discord will likely render assistance if you need it more-or-less in real time.
  10. In general, unless you are experiencing a problem you know is caused by one of the DLC esms, do not clean them.
  11. I recommend using STEP. It includes all the 'essential' bug/engine fixes, QoL enhancements and stays as true to vanilla as possible. You can then use it as your default foundation on which to build your preferred Skyrim experience. And a great community exists to help you with any aspect you have trouble with.
  12. Correct but an analogy only works if there are fundamental aspects in common, which is what I demonstrated above. None of your analogies work in principle.
  13. you really need to stop with these analogies. honest to god mate, you really don't have the first clue what you're talkiing about and its embarassing. +1 Hucker75 clearly doesn't think through his analogies before she/he posts. Librarians catalogue books; book authors (equivalent to mod authors here) don't. So the analogy breaks right there. And a file hosting site is not analogous to a library. But given it appears hucker75 is impervious to clear logic and rationality, I expect he/she will just continue insisting that somebody else should do it.
  14. Did you follow the instructions for using Aethesia with MW Rebirth? Check the mod description for Aethesia and also the Posts tab. Aethesia generating ground cover in weird places is a known issue with that mod.
  15. Who wouldn't get pissed off when they get called out instead of being told nicely, I told you guys what you needed to know about what I was using and he clearly states both don't work together. And even if im wrong thats not how pple should go about explaining stuff. I have more than a screen full of conflicts with this specific thing, many other mods use skeleton.nif and ragdolls, its just too much to fully explain, whenever i changed one conflict it broke another or ran into cyclic orders. But I did eventually find one that does not break anything. I stand by my statement that vortex needs full manual control in addition to its normal ones. Its way easier to deal with when u got like 100 conflics cause u have 300 mods installed that change some of the same things, for small lists its easy and great and it has lots of features I'd never give up now, but its not perfect. This is why nerds get bullied... I know exactly what you mean mate. Like you, I'm also an entitled whinger who thinks that reading an app's supporting documentation is for nerds. I mean, if the dev had just made the app exactly how I expect it to operate, docs and tutorial videos which explain in plain English how to resolve the exact issue you were having, would be redundant. It's pretty arrogant that people, nerds even, should expect me to read/watch those. No wonder they get bullied. I stand by your statements too. They're even funnier up close.....
  16. Which makes your reply to my comment redundant. Kinda like this entire thread. No. I don't think I will. Simplistic analogies, which you seem to be rather adept at creating, ignore the inherent practical and technical issues.
  17. You wrote before that it's too late now, but you're still arguing the toss. Clearly you don't think it's too late. During the time you've devoted to whinging and arguing in this thread you could've created a rudimentary database and populated it with a fair amount of data by now. Unfortunately it seems you enjoy arguing and moaning more than contributing positively to the community. TL; DR: put up or shut up.... I have not said it's not too late. I mentioned something that should have been done from the start. I'm not even sure you know what you wrote. But here's what you wrote earlier in this thread:
  18. This reads like a sermon the creepy, unhinged cult leader delivers to his thralls in one of those quasi-religious B-movies that is impressive for how many cliches the scriptwriter managed to regurgitate. Invoking Godwin's Law is a sure sign of a lack of creativity....
  19. You wrote before that it's too late now, but you're still arguing the toss. Clearly you don't think it's too late. During the time you've devoted to whinging and arguing in this thread you could've created a rudimentary database and populated it with a fair amount of data by now. Unfortunately it seems you enjoy arguing and moaning more than contributing positively to the community. TL; DR: put up or shut up....
  20. Indeed but it's fairly pointless to have a whinge just for the sake of it when one could be doing any manner of actually productive tasks. Why is it the responsibility of the Nexus to do that? It's a hosting platform. Most metaphors don't bear close comparison but this is verging on being totally incongruous. Most FO4 modders are not working on the same project for a start.... And I disagree with you that it's too late now. The FO4 modding scene is still vibrant and modders are still creating lots of content. I think you're being needlessly fatalistic.
  21. If it's too late to do it now, why are you complaining about it? You're admitting that your own thread is entirely pointless.
  22. If you ever feel useless, take comfort in the fact that it took the United States 20 years, a trillion dollars and 4 presidents to replace the Taliban with the Taliban....
  23. Since your assertion is that it isn't impossible, prove that by starting that list and populating it with some initial data. Others might decide it's a valuable community resource and also contribute. Things get created because someone sees the need and responds, not because someone tells others that they should be doing X but puts in no effort themself.
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