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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Chantix blocks the endorphin rush you get from nicotine, so, likely would remove a lot of the motivation for vaping as well. I tried it a couple decades back.... but, it really didn't do anything good for me... Screwed up my head, (worse than normal...) and made me feel rather funky.... So I stopped taking it. :D
  2. You mentioned several in your first post. :D Of those, I think I use hotkey manager, but, I don't have any issues with it. "It Just Works."...... :D
  3. 129. That shouldn't be a problem.... Not familiar with the mods you are running though....
  4. Whatever you wanna run. :D Your rig will handle it.
  5. Yeah, companions, and area of effect weapons are NOT a good combination. :D
  6. 16 years, and some change. :) At this point, if I wanna go somewhere, she is all for it. Happy to get me out of the house for a while. :D
  7. If you haven't cleaned the dust out of your machine for a while, that would be a good thing to check as well.
  8. Totally agree on that. EDIT: Dogmeat is set Aggressive/Foolhardy. You could change those to keep him from charging off to bite things. I would love to see someone turn him into a useful attack dog.... (he is immortal.....) So, he does what he is TOLD to do, not what he thinks would be a 'good idea'..... at the time. Having him NOT attack until told to, would go a long way toward making him more useful. :D Being able to point out specific targets would be nice as well. Not that I would take him with me in any event. :) He's a dog. His Job is to protect my settlers, and make 'em smile. That's it. :D DOES dogmeat provide happiness in a settlement???
  9. If you are overclocking your machine, and it is causing crashes, how is that in any way mod related? I run a HEAVILY modified fallout 4, and I only get a crash after playing for SEVERAL hours.... (5 or more.....) and it's usually caused by a game problem. Not a mod created problem. Do you mean your changing most mods into ESL format? Nope. I don't think I am using any ESL files. Are you using less then 250 mod plugins? Yes, I have somewhere between 100 and 150...... I haven't changed my load list for a while. :D
  10. I can see the increase for one reason: the vanilla game replaces Dogmeat, who does fixed damage, with a companion, who can equip better and better weapons. The game claims Dogmeat is a companion, so he should be able to progress like one. Of course the solution is to grab a mod that restores Dogmeat to his intended purpose, as a player adjunct in addition to a companion. It's not even technically a cheat, because those settings already exist in the vanilla game, they just aren't turned on. Personally I don't use Dogmeat in any capacity, because I can't stand to see a dog, any dog, being hurt over and over again. But if he is going to be used to replace a companion I can see the argument that his damage should increase with level to reflect that. It should never be on par with a human companion because of his VATS benefits, but it shouldn't remain static. I don't use him either. :) For much the same reasons. That, and he tends to interfere with my 'stealthy' play style. Hard to be stealthy when your dog runs out and starts biting people. :D So, I send him to sanctuary as soon as I find him. But then, I don't use ANY companions, if I have a choice.... They are more problems than they are worth.
  11. Hhhhmmm..... Dogmeat is a dog..... His one weapon is his bite. I could see scaling his damage SOME, with HIS experience... (if he gets any....) just to reflect that he also learns what works, and what doesn't. But, nothing really dramatic.... and it likely wouldn't make him any more of an effective combatant as the player gets to higher levels. Thing is, as mentioned, dogmeat isn't really a weapon, he is supposed to restrain targets, so the PLAYER can kill them...... Giving him melee weapons really doesn't make much sense to me, as he doesn't have hands......
  12. If you are overclocking your machine, and it is causing crashes, how is that in any way mod related? I run a HEAVILY modified fallout 4, and I only get a crash after playing for SEVERAL hours.... (5 or more.....) and it's usually caused by a game problem. Not a mod created problem. Do you mean your changing most mods into ESL format? Nope. I don't think I am using any ESL files.
  13. The big exclamation points are missing meshes. Some of the assets aren't getting installed properly.
  14. Think I would manually verify that mods are enabled in your ini file.... Those guys should work......
  15. If it's a quest location, then no, you can't simply delete it. Quite likely it is hard-coded into the mods that use it as a location, and deleting it will simply cause the game to crash when you are sent there. Or, if you already have a quest to go there, your save won't load.
  16. 3d scopes doesn't affect all weapons, so far as I know..... and some of your mods, I have no idea what they actually do. :)
  17. Hhhmmmm..... I am not finding any specific commands that will remove elements of the HUD.... you can nuke the whole thing with tm.... (which also hides the console.....) But, that's it. I *think* the HUD/menus are all SWF files, (flash) it might be possible to manipulate various menu elements via script...... but, I know very little about swf files, or papyrus. :D
  18. Any mods that change the HUD?
  19. I leave myself a sticky note on the location, and my wife has a spare key. :D So far, she hasn't hidden it from me......
  20. I attempted to replace my GTX 1060 with an RTX 3070 FTW3 Ultra Gaming..... Nice card. Big. Heavy. HUGE heat sinks. But, aritfacting and lines, even in the boot splash screen. Waiting to hear back on my advance RMA..... but, even with the issues, it is more than DOUBLE the performance of my old 1060. :D When I get one that actually works properly, I do believe I am gonna be a happy camper. For a while. :D
  21. 4 Terrabyte HDD?? I suspect that may be part of your problem..... Generally, the bigger the drive, the slower they are. Unless it's a 15000 RPM drive..... I have also seen that kind of behavior on drives that the cache is having issues..... One of the reasons I went to solid state drives for my games.
  22. Climate most certainly plays a role. Extreme temps, heavy humidity, etc, all exacerbate any underlying lung issues you may have. I have been a smoker for most of my life. I smoke a lot less now in my later years.... but, still around half a pack a day or so. I roll my own, (loose tobacco, pre-made tubes with filters, and a little machine) so it's a LOT cheaper than buying 'real' cigarettes.... just less convenient. (which also contributes to me smoking less.....) It's the last vice I have left... I don't drink, I don't do drugs, and I don't carouse with disreputable women..... etc.... so, I smoke. :D On REALLY cold days, I don't smoke much at all. Mainly because the cold air combined with the smoke, REALLY does a number on my lungs. I don't smoke in my house, as my wife has breathing issues all her own, and smoking one in the house would really screw her up..... I can't smoke inside at work either..... So, outside I go. The really hot/humid days...... also do a number on me.... not so much related to the smoking though, I also have MS, so, temp extremes really mess with me in any event. I am sure smoking doesn't help. :D
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