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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. ~snip~ Dont forget they changed the TOS before they announced it to everyone and has been archiving files even now before the official "grace" period has even finished. The terms of service has change several times over the years, with zero notification....... The change from delete, to archive, occurred a couple years ago, I think. It simply wasn't obvious to mod authors until recently.
  2. That link is for the NexusMods patreon. If they are getting money from that, it is going into the pool for DP, which are earned with downloads. If I had to hazard a guess, the system is totally automated, and once set up, requires very little human intervention. As that is money Nexus is essentially giving away in any event, they don't have any real reason to dink around with it...... Of course, we have no way to tell if they are, or not.... as they are a private company, and their financial records are no ones business but theirs. Don't expect to see ANY of that, ever.
  3. Even Bethesda flatly state mod authors own their work. Of course, Beth reserves the right to do whatever they want with anything you release.... But, that's Beth. Nexus is not Beth. And now, Nexus wants to own mod authors work..... Hhhmmmm.....
  4. Extract the particular asset you want, from the archive it is in, then, fire up the CK, and add that item to the appropriate section, and give it the stats you want.
  5. Because Nexus isn't interested in building a system that's the same as or worse than what already exists. Yeah, by depriving mod authors control of their own work. Can't say I think much of that particular decision. (in case that hasn't already become patently obvious. :smile: ) They are not being deprived they can delete their mods, and not host it here :huh: Yet if I look at mod "new section" , looks like constant influx of new mods still so seems non issue. You and I obviously have different perspectives on this issue, and as you don't appear to have any mods uploaded here, you will have to pardon me if I don't give your opinions much weight. Tell ya what, let me borrow your car, you make sure it is well maintained, and I will just use it. Of course, I won't give it back when you ask..... Does that seem equitable to you?
  6. Because Nexus isn't interested in building a system that's the same as or worse than what already exists. Yeah, by depriving mod authors control of their own work. Can't say I think much of that particular decision. (in case that hasn't already become patently obvious. :) )
  7. He wouldn't be able to pay for any of it if it wansn't for authors putting mods here, the very same people who he now gladly throws under the bus by removing their own control over their own creations. Explain this to me: why are we not allowed to remove only a few files, why is there only one option to nuke literally everything? Ive got mod pages with thousands of endorsements, but I need to nuke everything, all the history, comments, links other people put to my pages, other mods that need my mod to function and also link to my mod, all because I want to remove only a few files. Nice rules... Because a "mod collection" might be built for a very specific version of that mod with patch files and maybe even a very specific mod to create a whole new experience to go along with the "mod collection" patching multiple mods together for example. Now imagine the mod author of just one of those 100 mods in the collection modifies or deletes the file off the website. All the patches and mods that might have been made for that collection would be broken. 100+ mods changing constantly (we are not just talking skyrim /f4 here) with thousands of users with broken save games. And how is that any different than what mod list authors have been doing since mods became a thing?
  8. Even if people claim not that many mods will be deleted, the trust that always was here is now gone, we trusted Nexus to do the right thing, to respect author's right to choose if, when and where they will distribute their own creations and have full control over it. Nexus no longer has this trust, they made a 180 in secret and even removed the ability for us to delete 3 days prior even telling us, they have been planning this for 2 years... Always look at the actions, they speak louder than words, why would decent authors even upload on a website that takes control of their own creations they worked years on, for all we know Nexus will just make up new rules and do something like this in the future again, perhaps even worse, and then force it on everyone once more with an ultimatum of "surrender or leave" instead of giving decent options to choose from, or maybe they won't even give an ultimatum next time at all... Trust is one of the most important things in the world, its one of the founding blocks that made Nexus great, we could always rely on them to do the right thing...good old days... Well, with the recent changes, once the deadline passes, Nexus can do pretty much whatever they want, shuffle their ToS however they want, and authors will have NO recourse, at all. Their mods are here, and here to stay, regardless of what Nexus does, or mod authors have to say. THAT is what REALLY bothers me.
  9. Because it benefits the mod user as much or more than it benefits the list curator. Because the "damage" to mod authors is minor and mostly philosophical. Because every decision Robin has ever had to make about this site has had to balance the needs/wants of the company with the needs/wants of the user and with the needs/wants/rights of the mod author. And this time the balance has moved away from you for the first time in a long time. The damage is "minor"??? Maybe in your opinion. Just taking a quick look around here, it doesn't seem that everyone agrees with you. I would suspect that a good percentage of mod authors do NOT agree with you. Do they disagree enough to actually pull their mods from Nexus? Some are. But, apparently, most are not. The reasons vary, but, here they are, and apparently, here they will stay. Permanently. Regardless of the authors wishes. Nexus needs to change their motto..... "Protecting users from the evil mod authors."
  10. You should not speak about things that you obviously can't understand. I still enjoy modding. I will continue to realize my ideas as I always did. I shared my mods free of charge with you - the users - because i wanted to but not because i created them for you. Which is a small, but significant difference. Who is a user and who is developer? What odd mentality to have us vs them? Not only that you obviously have no idea about what many mod authors drives yet much less idea you seem to have about computer science. There is never only one solution that works. It is precisely the variety of ways which makes development so exciting. Except for the fact that I have actually worked on many projects on github and use to be a minecraft modder using minecraft forge (for which i also did some work fixing the forge patcher to work with new versions of minecraft) Yes would you teach me? Maybe teach me the basics of linked lists and hash maps or maybe some mips assembly? Did you use many pointer references in modding while coding in C? I need to learn all this computer science stuff as you pointed out I am a user. You and this... "Us VS Them", mentality is silly. I would point out, that you are doing a fine job of perpetuating that mentality. Still, one thing that I haven't seen an answer to is, why is the onus of making sure a collection works, being put on mod authors? Shouldn't it be the list author that is responsible for keeping his list up to date, and working? Why are we compromising mod author rights, to cater to list authors? Using a previous analogy, if some site had instructions, with links, etc, for a specific mod package for some game, and one of those mods gets updated, the LIST AUTHOR then goes thru to make sure that the new version still works well with his list, and updates it as necessary. Now, along comes collections, and the list author puts together a load list, and whatever patches are necessary, uploads it, and he is done. Never needs to touch it ever again, regardless of if some of the mods within it are updated to fix bugs, or whatever. Why are we catering to list authors? It is MOD authors that provide the content EVERYONE on this site requires. Shall we relegate them to lower importance than a list author? Where is the logic in that?
  11. Name three. Wabbajack came along, and showed 'one click modding' was possible. Nexus wants their system to stand out, so, they will have collections that 'always work'. It was pretty obvious that this was the direction modding needed to go to grow much more, so, Nexus jumped on the bandwagon as well, with "their idea". Now, to make theirs better, we have mods that can't be deleted, so, any collection that is uploaded, is pretty much guaranteed to always be there. Which does indeed make them 'better'. But of course, the masses need motivation to spend money, thus, only premium members get the actual one click experience. And you just know that folks aren't going to want to go thru the hassle of downloading every mod, so vortex can then install them..... So, they'll spring for a month of premium. Nexus will be getting paid for collections. Simple as that. It IS about the money. If you think that's a foolish statement, then you need to look in the mirror. You've been cheerleading for Nexus since this whole thing began. Are you getting paid for this? Or do you just think mod authors don't deserve control over the work they create, and share with ungrateful, entitled people, such as yourself?
  12. The fact that they aren't just raising rates or making Premium almost a necessity is proof that your "they just want money" idea is not true. If you don't think this is about revenue, you are deluding yourself. For the non-paying members, they get to download each mod in a collection individually. That gets really tedious for a large list..... Why not just spend a couple bucks for one month of premium, and get the 'one-click download' ability? You and I both know that WILL happen. And being a 'one-click' install, (pretty much) there are going to be a LOT of folks interested in that ability, and will to pony up a couple bucks to make it that easy. The fact that they aren't just raising rates or making Premium almost a necessity is proof that your "they just want money" idea is not true. Collections will not work with free users. You will need to click each mod in the 100+ collection and download it. then install it one by one. Collections with premium will download all mods to your system. They haven't stated if it will install them in the proper order but thats neither here or there. They aren't going to change it now. They will wait till the new system and tos is in effect and ironclad and then any new increases will hit then cause its to late for people to pull files away they will be stuck. Bait and switch is a thing and im sure many many folks have seen it many different ways. Im watching it happen now. once everyone in the pen. Thats when the carrot will turn into the club. They keep saying the collection (MOD PACK) is the new future for mods. But they keep stating "deleting will ruin it" They must control everything for it to work. and the new system works 10x better and functionally when you pay them to use the new system. Collections WILL work for free users. They just need to download every mod in the collection individually.
  13. If you aren't overclocking, air coolers are just fine, and less hassle. :)
  14. Are you staring the game with SKSE_loader?
  15. Thank you for the response! I haven't been able to find the mod elsewhere yet. Also, Im not asking for the mod to be pirated, just if there is an existing reupload anywhere. Also Im curious, what policy changes has Nexus made? Have not been active here much until fairly recently. In support of their future 'collections' (a tool that would download and install a list of mods), Nexus has decided that mod authors can no longer delete their mods from the site for ANY reason. Instead, they are archived. That doesn't sit will with a fair few authors, and opposed to essentially handing over their work to Nexus, they are removing ALL of their work from the site.
  16. Hardware is good. As for the bloatware, every manufacturer installs some. I just uninstall the crap I don't want, and make sure there isn't a bunch more starting with windows.
  17. Mod authors come and go in any event. Some stick around. Some seem like permanent fixtures. :) Others, are just a flash in the pan, upload a mod, then disappear. Nexus is likely counting on new modders coming along to replace those that left. Will they have comparable skillsets? Remains to be seen.
  18. Thuggy left????? Wow. That's gonna hurt. I am still seeing files for Thuggysmurf.....
  19. Yep. Not like they are going to get many more page views, with automated tools doing the downloading... So, it will be premium subscriptions that line their pockets.
  20. The users are going to be affected in a negative manner in any event. Several authors have left, taking all their work with them. Some of them, but not all of them... will upload their work elsewhere. For the users, instead of having one central repository for mods, they are going to have to go searching for mods from authors that were once here. Other mods are simply going to vanish from the landscape. Never to be seen again. And all for the convenience of list curators...... For the users that collections are aimed at, none of this matters. They weren't (probably) using mods in any event, so, they won't miss what they are not aware of. Won't bother nexus either, as most of the major mods will remain here, along with their authors...... and other folks will be along to upload more mods. So, they tolerate some hate and discontent for a while, then, life goes on. Their revenue stream increases, and everyone on staff gets a raise. Mod authors get the stinky end of the stick, and everyone else benefits. Sure, mod authors will get more DP.... That and 2.50 will you get a cup of coffee.....
  21. Mod authors need simply stop updating their mods here and post those updates elsewhere. Nexus may claim infinite rights to the binaries in their database and be able to use them in the modpacks, but it we stop updating here and post updates elsewhere, those binaries are now different AND they are not on Nexus servers, so they will have NO rights to include them in their modpack lists. And if they do use them, we have legal ground to do something about it, because they refused us the means to opt out and removed our ability to remove our mods, and then to go and circumvent all of that to use OFF-Nexus mods hosted elsewhere, that are not within their "rights"? No no.. that would be very bad for them. Mod authors actually do have the power here and we can exercise it. Nexus may win round one with all of this stuff, but in the long run, they've shot themselves in the foot. Literally. Users follow mod authors, not the site. And if the updates to their favourite mods are elsewhere... not hard to intuit what comes after that, right? Wabbajack has the ability to interact with many different websites, to download mods. I do not know all the ins and outs of the system, I am just aware that it has that ability.
  22. If a file isn't deleted then nobody has to update anything. And what do you mean by "hostage". That makes no sense in any context. And mod creators still get the DP from any downloads. So the answer to lazy ass mod pack makers is to take control from mod maker? What percentage do they give back to mod creators? I'd be impressed if it was more than 5%. Also, modpack makers won't share anything with the creators when they plaster the modpack section with Patreon begging. If I read it right, Mod list curators (collections) won't be getting Donation Points for their list.
  23. If a file isn't deleted then nobody has to update anything. And what do you mean by "hostage". That makes no sense in any context. And mod creators still get the DP from any downloads. And again, authors update mods for a reason. Why is the onus on mod authors to make sure some list curators list doesn't change? Do we really WANT them distributing mods with known bugs??? That's just idiotic.
  24. HeyYou


    Black voters overwhelmingly vote democrat in any event, so, that isn't really any indication of how much they like him. The dems are the ones that like to hand out the gimmes....... So yeah, they tend to be popular. But democracy DOESN'T work. :D It's good for the short term, but, in the end, democracies tend to eat themselves from the inside. Once they run out of other peoples money to spend, they collapse. Which is what I expect to happen here in the next couple decades. :D
  25. Coincidence. Skyrim, or mods, cannot delete files, or change anything on your machine. Something else is going on. Either a drive is thinking about failing, bad SATA cable, bad port, failing controller, etc. Now, playing the game certainly puts more of a strain on your machine, and may be responsible for prompting it to bad behavior, but, the game itself CANNOT do what you are blaming it for.
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