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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. As to college degrees becoming too easy to get... Yep. wholeheartedly concur. What we see today is folks spending huge sums of money to get a degree that will get them a job that barely pays enough to cover their student loan payments...... Nice.
  2. I think he is more referring to kicking off the "christmas" season. Here in the states, it seems that everything is about being a good little consumer. One of the reasons I gave up on broadcast television. it isn't just a seasonal thing, it's all year round. The volume simply ramps up this time of year.
  3. This. The detractors seem to think that every mod author is going to go off on a nut, and ban anyone that says anything even remotely negative about their mod. Do these folks have such a dim view of modders, that they think they are ALL like that??? Why is it, I suspect these folks have had some exposure to a modder that was banned from here a couple years back? (who shall remain unnamed...) THAT particular individual would indeed ban you for not totally agreeing with everything he said, and believing that his mod was the 'best ever', and totally bug-free..... Please note, he isn't here any more.
  4. Can you download manually, and then just point NMM at the archive where you have your downloads stored?
  5. Mainly because this site is HUGE. And growing. This is really a minor change, giving modders a bit more authority over their files/comment threads. Everyone here seems to be accusing the mods being some power-mad group that is just waiting for the opportunity exercise said power over the 'little people' that download their mods..... That just ain't the case. I think the primary purpose here is to REDUCE the workload for the mods, so they don't have to chase 10,000 reports daily on the folks that are somewhat less than gracious in their posting. :)
  6. Just for giggles, try using a different browser. I have seen this particular issue before, with folks using chrome, or opera. (mostly chrome.....) I use firefox, and have zero issues. What operating system ya got? And what browser are you using. (version as well please.)
  7. Seems the further up the food chain of command you are, the less sense you have. Just look at what our government likes to call 'solutions' to some of our problems. That should tell you right there that they have absolutely zero common sense. (I am referring the the US govt, in cast that wasn't clear.)
  8. Speaking of the american people vs. their elected 'representatives' are we? :D
  9. 1. Flip the switch. The good of the many outweigh the needs of the one. 2. Push him off. Same reason. 3. Do my best to quiet the child, smother him/her if necessary. I can have more kids. (in reality, no, I can't, but then, this IS a hypothetical situation.)
  10. Actually, there ARE people out there that kill for entertainment...... I will grant, they aren't considered 'normal' by any means.. but, they ARE out there. Murder is still fairly well accepted today in many societies. Honor killings, etc. Just depends on where ya live.
  11. Is that the i5 520U processor? That's an 'ultra-low' power precessor.... I am surprised that it will run the game at all..... and in an alienware machine? Really?????
  12. Is your game set to autosave on wait/rest/travel? If so, turn them off. See if that helps.
  13. Those others have the same chance to get ahead though. If the race is fair, can you blame one side for taking it more seriously? Maybe they do, maybe they don't..... There are many examples of greed winning out, simply because the greedy (who happen to be rich) have more resources to call on than their intended victims. Emminent Domain to take land for commercial purposes for instance.
  14. Well Put. I agree. I think folks draw a line between 'getting ahead', and 'being greedy' though. And the whole 'do what one has to do' to get to where you want to be has varying shades of grey as well. If you put some constraints on that, such as "within the moral values of the current society", or something similar, then it would just be classified as 'motivated' in any event. I think greed implies 'getting what one wants at the expense of others'. It's that aspect of it that gives it a bad name.
  15. You folks seem to have missed my point entirely, no matter how I put it. So, I give up. You win.
  16. Everyone spies on everyone else. Especially allies, as the consequences of being caught are significantly less.
  17. In certain circumstances, 1 + 1 does in fact equal 10. (think: Binary) Your example of apples does not equate. Yeah, its a pretty thin distinction, but, a distinction none-the-less. (as 10 base 2 does in fact equal 2 base 10.) It really doesn't matter what 'truth' you put forward, there WILL be someone that will challenge your truth.
  18. A 1+1=2 will be true even if there were no humans or beings to think it. As would 1 + 1 = 10. Truth is relative.
  19. One of the biggest problems I think we have here is, school funding is tied to attendance. The more students you have, the more money you get. Also, the better your students are doing, the more funding you get. (at least, that's how it is supposed to work.....) Trouble with that is, it doesn't matter if a student is failing every class, skips more often than not, causes disruptions that make it difficult for others to learn... etc. The school has every motivation to keep the student there, so they keep their funding, and no real motivation to simply send those that don't want to learn on their way. One would think, that if you removed the disruptions from the classroom, GPA for ALL students that remanined would increase, and offset the loss of funding for the student that didn't want to be a student in any event. I don't think the school admins have figgered that one out yet. What I find really astounding though, is most of the school admins, that are onsite, were once teachers themselves, yet, when they get into a position of power, instead of knowing what the problems are, and addressing them, they BECOME the problem. What am I missing?
  20. Individual Charity exists. I have seen it with my own eyes. When it becomes organized, then it becomes just a business.
  21. Like the 1 + 1 = 2? or was it 10? Again, it just depends on who you are talking to. (both gotta be on the same page.)
  22. This. It is a bald assertion and a conclusion. All logical leaps are non sequiturs. Not a bald assertion. A fact. Truth is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Now, I will grant that there are specific examples of a 'truth' that will be true for 99% of the population, but, the more common variety is simply based on perception, or the society in which you find yourself living. Take for example: "The United States is the great satan." To a fair number of folks, that is indeed the truth. For the rest of the world, it is not..... Semantics. You are using the term true to mean an opinion or belief. That example is actually just an opinion. Alrighty then, give me an example of an 'indisputable' truth.
  23. This. It is a bald assertion and a conclusion. All logical leaps are non sequiturs. Not a bald assertion. A fact. Truth is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Now, I will grant that there are specific examples of a 'truth' that will be true for 99% of the population, but, the more common variety is simply based on perception, or the society in which you find yourself living. Take for example: "The United States is the great satan." To a fair number of folks, that is indeed the truth. For the rest of the world, it is not.....
  24. Where did my argument contain a non-sequitor.
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