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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Future. I would get the winning lottery numbers for the next several weeks, come back, and retire a very wealthy man.
  2. People drive like they own the road, instead of the car...... I blame insurance companies. :) There is no downside to totaling your brand new whatever, as insurance will just buy you a new one..... Cell phones are rapidly overtaking drunks as the leading cause of accidents here. My daughter was rearended by a guy trying to text whilst coming up to a stoplight. Some damage to the rear of the blazer, his car was totaled. I fixed the blazer for about 50 bucks..... and drove it for another two years. His went to the scrap yard. Now, I drive a full-size Dodge 3/4 ton 4x4. I don't care what pulls out in front of me. Not like its gonna hurt the truck. Folks are aware of this, so, they aren't quite so brave when they see me coming. Gas mileage sucks though. :D
  3. I wanna see Daggerfall remade. :) The WHOLE of Tamriel.
  4. Please don't anticipate the level of pathetic stupidity in the upcoming political season. I'm sure there will be a mind numbing level of immaturity that will beacon in the next figurehead to the presidency so their party can manipulate the wealth others produce in order to placate their benefactors. Oh Geez.... I almost wet myself I was laughing so hard at these two comments. The sad part is, they are SO TRUE. Thank You very much for the laugh at least. :D
  5. The republicans REALLY need to get their heads screwed on tight if they expect to do anything other than be horribly embarrassed in the next election cycle. None of the legislation they think is oh-so-important has a hope in hell of passing. But, they seem to think they need to give the appearance of "doing something", even if they know it is wasted effort. Not like they have to worry about not getting their next paycheck if they don't accomplish anything...... Our government is in serious trouble. BOTH parties have lost their way, and NEITHER party has even the remotest clue on how to salvage the situation. So, they both go along on their merry way, doing the same old things, that they KNOW FOR A FACT don't work, but, gotta be doing something.... right? We are ALL in serious trouble. Our government doesn't care about america anymore. All they care about is getting (re)elected, so they need to keep their campaign contributors happy. You know, the filthy rich folks, and the corporations. We do indeed have the best government money can buy. Only thing is, its more like a lease, as the owners change every two years or so.
  6. Some aspects of his foreign policy I actually like. (His stance on Iran for instance) The rest of it, I think he is being blind to reality, and is repeating mistake we have made in the recent past.
  7. They are basically slinging any mud they can come up with, hoping something will stick. We also appear to be assuming that slick willy used his office to influence Monica to do his will. We weren't there, and so, have no idea what really happened. Who knows, maybe SHE seduced HIM. Wouldn't be the first time a man has given in to carnal pleasure, even when he knows it is morally wrong. :)
  8. Isnt' acting in the tradition of previous presidents? His immediate predecessor did some of the exact same things. Obama is merely continuing that trend. But, Obama, cannot MAKE law. That is reserved for congress. (Article 1, Section 1 of the constitution.) He can issue orders within the framework of existing law. That's it. (basically, enforcement policy) Such orders are still subject to judicial review. He is by no stretch of the imagination a dictator. Now more than George Bush was. Then trend for the government in general assuming responsiblity for more and more aspects of every day life, their free and loose interpretation of what constitutes "spying" on americans citizens and such though, THAT is becoming scarey.
  9. Assorted gun control legislation, that will do nothing for the issues they are putting up as justification for it. REQUIRING me to purchase a product from a private company. Immigration "reform". Etc. I am not going to debate any of these with you though, as it would be pointless, neither of us is going to change the others views.
  10. There are a fair few 'american citizens' fighting with al queda. It is impractical to bring them to trial, and also extremely expensive. Not just in money, but in the lives of those that we would have to send to arrest them. If you are hanging out with terrorists, BY CHOICE, then YOU are a terrorist, and abdicate all rights to anything other than what happens to the rest of the enemy combatants during a war. Demanding they should get a 'fair trial' is ludicrous. If you are FIGHTING against this country, that makes you an enemy. We tend to shoot first, and never ask the questions. So, join al queda, fight the US, be it at home or abroad, don't expect the niceties of a civilian trial. You can expect a bullet, bomb, or missile. That's it.
  11. Trouble is, the dems are doing things I VEHEMENTLY disagree with at the moment. So, I will pass on some of my 'freedoms that I want', to avoid having my rights even further restricted by the dems.
  12. So he is hiding from the press. Is that really a surprise? The press smells blood, and just like sharks, they are circling in for the possible kill. This isn't an unusual story. It isn't even really important. Well, maybe to those directly involved... but, national news? Hardly. The press is only concerned with ratings. They say things that will draw viewers. Political scandals are one such tidbit. Seems like random shootings are now as well, as, every crime where a gun is involved is now national news as well. Things that didn't even make the front page of the local newspaper where the event actually happened, are now being screamed from the proverbial rooftops, as it is a "hot button" issue lately. This too shall pass. A lot like kidney stones. This is all just part of someones political campaign. The days of trying to convince people to vote FOR YOU, because of your stance on the issues is long gone. Now, everyone is trying to convince you to NOT vote for the other guy, because he is 'of low moral character', or something equally as stupid. Political campaigns are just one long round of mudslinging by both sides. Used to be, that was a tactic that was frowned upon, and it made the guy doing the slinging look bad. Now, it seems to be the rule, rather than the exception. This is why I think we should restrict any type of political campaigning to within three months of the election that is involved. There is no reason to campaign THREE YEARS before an election..... given the sheer volume of information that is freely available, and global instant communication, there is no reason for any longer period of time, and, I think the viewing public wouldn't mind NOT seeing those campaign ads every 10 mintues as well. Of course, that would mean the mass-media would lose millions, if not billions, of dollars in advertising revenue.... so, they won't go for it either.
  13. Republicans have always advertised themselves as the "Christian" right, a fair few of them are Catholic, and part of their beleifs is "be fruitful and multiply." Therefore, birth control, and abortion are big no-no's in their belief system. That is reflected in the legislation they try and pass. For my part, I don't think the government should allow their religious views, which not everyone shares..... to dictate what laws they choose to pass. If you don't believe in birth control, don't use it. If you don't believe in abortion, don't have one. If you are a doctor, and subscribe to the same belief system, don't prescribe birth control, and don't perform abortions. Just because YOU don't think it is ok, doesn't mean that it is wrong for EVERYONE. THAT is what I have a major issue with. Don't restrict my rights based on some ancient book, that I DO NOT subscribe to. As for the "Alcohol is taxed, and therefore its ills are paid for" mindset. Tell that to my friends wife, and his three kids, that don't have a husband/father anymore, because a DRUNK DRIVER killed him. There ain't no fixin' dead. This is one of those instances where I think the punishment should fit the crime. (but, that's for another topic) As for the laws I would like to see go away. ANY laws that tells me what I can/can't do with my own body/with my own property, that does NOT infringe upon someone elses rights. If I want to sit out in my yard, and smoke pot, and drink till I pass out, that should be legal. If I want to snort coke until my nose glows, that should be legal. If I want to shoot herion into my viens, because it feels good, THAT should be legal. (but then, I think anyone that voluntarily sticks a needle into themselves for damn near any reason, has a couple screws loose.....) Darwin will have his way with those that can't control themselves. In all reality, I don't see that as a bad thing. Bear in mind, dumping nuclear waste in my back yard SHOULD be regulated, as that WILL have an impact on my neighbors, so, lets not even go down that road.
  14. This. Of course, that would apply to all the political parties. They stopped listening to the people they ostensibly represent years ago. Now, government seems to be under the impression that they know what is 'best' for us, and pass laws, start wars, accordingly. Doesn't seem to matter that those social policies change with whichever political party has the ability to get their agenda passed. What we end up with is a mish-mash of legislation, that accomplishes nothing, except making the average americans life far more difficult than it really needs to be. What I would like to see happen is, DUMP 90% of the legislation restricting peoples rights to do with their own bodies/property what they will. But, that will never happen, as our government doesn't deem that to be in our best interests..... The ultimate nanny-state. Wonderful.
  15. HeyYou

    What is fear?

    Shock, then anger. Fear was instilled by our government so that they could get us to give up more of our freedoms, for the illusion of security. Worked good too.
  16. HeyYou

    What is fear?

    Fear is the bodys' reaction to adverse conditions. You don't want to eliminate it. If you did that, and on one had any fear, you would see a lot of folks getting dead for stupid reasons. :)
  17. When you uninstalled, did you also delete the Skyrim directory in My Games? If not, just delete all the file in there. (but, not the saves folder.) Restart the game, see what happens.
  18. The 780 is, by the numbers, a higher performance card, whether you will actually see that difference in game or not, is an entirely separate question. The 3.1gb memory limit is a hard cap, doesn't matter how much you have, the game simply can't play with any more, simply because of the way it is coded.
  19. 32 bit O/S only has 4gb of address space allocatable. Some is used by the O/S, some is used by whatever VRam you have, what's left, is "usable memory", generally around 3.2gb. Doesn't matter if you have 40 gb installed, that is ALL you will ever get. (on a 32 bit O/S) If you convince some program that it should try and use more than is available. One of two things will happen, it will either ignore it, and just use what is available, or, it will choke on it, and crash. :)
  20. It is not possible to create "free" energy according to any currently known physics, but that does not mean that it is impossible. It only means that nobody has figured out how to do it. Every "law" of science is eventually discovered to not actually be true. Lord Kelvin, certainly one of the most important scientists of his time who made huge contributions to his field, famously stated that heavier than air flying machines would violate the "laws" of physics and are, therefore, and impossibility. Kelvin had access to, and the ability to comprehend, all of the available experimental data and theoretical research pertaining to the question at hand. His mistake was to assume that having all of the available data is sufficient for making an authoritative observation or theory. This prediction by Kelvin has always caused me to hesitate to ever declare anything as "impossible". If a person that intelligent and educated can come out looking foolish from such a statement than I certainly can as well. Creating energy may be impossible according to our current understanding of physics but we have to remember that, despite how advanced we may think we are at times, our current understanding of physics is at best incomplete, and may be viewed by a future generation as ignorant and backwards to the same extent that something like geocentricity looks ignorant and backwards to any modern person. Valid point. I probably should have qualified that statement with something like "given the current level of knowledge", or some such. I suppose, in reality, fusion power could be considered "free" energy...... once we can actually get it going. :) You would think the power companies would actually WANT that to happen. Not nearly so messy as a fission reactor, so, cost of operation would be significantly less. Wouldn't that alter the scene some. :D
  21. No such thing. Every form of energy production has it's drawbacks, if not the actually burning of the fuel itself used to produce the electricy, then whatever process is used to produce the fuel to run it. Everyone keeps touting the 'hydrogen economy', and claiming it is 'green'. Little do they know (or refuse to admit) that the hydrogen is produced from natural gas, so some other petro-product. So, the gas/petroleum wells would still be necessary. Does nothing to reduce our dependence on oil.
  22. I hear ya on that one. My internet connection isn't precisely what I would call "reliable"... so, downloading large files usually takes no less than three attempts to get them. I especially hate it when it is almost done, and my connection chokes and dies..... and I get to start over yet again.... Annoying doesn't begin to cover it. :D That said, I suspect that supporting the resume function for everyone, would have the potential to put a massive load on the servers, which is why we probably won't see it for regular members.
  23. Wow. Back on page five, and apparently, no views...... Am I the only one experiencing this? Is there some easy fix I missed?
  24. I don't think that is necessarily the case...... Given the circumstance: I need to go to work. Under your supposition, I would drive the exact same route every day. Now, more often than not, yes, that would more than likely be the case, but, what if I am tired of that particular bit of scenery one day? I would take a different route...... There are many permutations of any given situation, where we can exercise choice. Someones MOOD would be sufficient to alter their response. I get where you're coming from. That said, when I say the exact same conditions I mean it in the most literal sense - ie no additional experience since previously making a decision. Obviously this is entirely hypothetical because it would require a "rewind" sort of time travel, but if you did rewind someone and they lost their memory of all future events, they would repeat their decisions exactly. I agree that mood is a factor. Everything is. Anything you can perceive or have ever perceived is a factor, whether it originates internally or externally. Ok, that I can agree with. For the most part at least. I suppose there is always some random chance tossed in, just for good measure though. :D
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