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Everything posted by HeyYou
Bumble bees can fly, because they don't know about the laws of physics, and no one has successfully been able to tell them........
Granny, my grandfather the grand old Irish Ulsterman that he was had a saying.."There is always a subbasement to hell"..things can ALWAYS get worse. :whistling: Gee A, thanks for that comforting thought. :D And while I appreciate the sacrifices our men and women in uniform are making, I think that this is a situation where what they are doing, does not affect what happens in Washington one way or the other. Governments make policy, the military enforces it, if necessary. Currently, the policy in Washington is to spend money like there is no tomorrow...... that policy has been going on since Ronnie. (with a break here and there in between) It isn't going to be a war that destroys us, it's going to be economic collapse, from the solar system of debt we have accumulated. We see that on a smaller scale today, in Greece, Ireland, and Spain..... and their deficits are paltry pocket change to what the US is doing..... There is going to come a time, and it ain't that far away.... that folks are going to start wondering where we are going to come up with the coin to pay even the interest on our debt.... which is currently 6% of government spending, and that is JUST the interest........
Gotta agree with ya there Arthmoor...... It's a bummer.
I can identify with that feeling Granny.... for me, it is automatic transmissions.... you spin one end, and it comes out there other, faster, slower, or even the opposite direction...... whatever happens in between is indeed Magic. (yes, with a capital M.......)
Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low...... Actually it sends no message to the powers that be (and those that measure) because they simply write you off as disinterested. Not like voting actually sends a message...... I should think that the lack of voter turnout..... (only about 30% or so of eligible voters actually get out and vote....) would send a message as well..... Why participate in what basically amounts to a popularity contest? Or maybe, more accurately, who has more money?
Erm, Gotta disagree here.... by NOT voting, you ARE expressing an opinion.... that "none of the above" meet your criteria for a candidate you are willing to vote for. Given the current cast of characters.... I can understand why voter turnout is so low......
I think you have some of your information wrong..... it was the repubbies that refused to raise any taxes at all, and they still won't, even if it is repealing a tax break, that most economists agree, is bad for the american economy. McCain isn't liar? Really?? He's a politician, I think it goes with the territory. Politicians lie. They ALL do. ESPECIALLY on the campaign trail. They tell us what they think we want to hear, so they can get elected, and then all of that goes out the window. I haven't seen an honest politician in decades.
If you think the various nations, especially the US, can continue on their current course without consequence...... I think you are purposely ignoring what is going on around here, and the world in general.
The one thing I envission is the blow back after all the smoke clears and people stand around blinking and they realize just who orchestrated the downfall, there will be hell to pay. I know it might be a longshot, but I have faith in humanity to recognize B.S. after the anger has worn off. You give the masses more credit than I do then.... we are being led down the garden path to our destruction, and we are going right along with the game they are playing. I don't think it is going to be until AFTER 'bad things'™ happen that folks finally figger out what's been going on.
Personally, I think it's too late to salvage the situation. We are heading for a major disaster, and we are only accelerating on that course. In order to avoid that, to much would have to change, and the only folks that could possibly implement the change, don't want to, as the current situation makes them more money......
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke. :D Something as simple as a bic lighter would be considered magic in the 1800's, or earlier.......
In order for PC gaming to advance.... we have to wait for the next-gen consoles to come out....... I don't think there is a single "PC exclusive" title out there any more.
Yeah, welcome to the new politics.... The dems are all socialists, the repubbies are war-mongers, and obstructionists, and are just itchin' to pull the trigger on Iran, the independents are whack-job extremists, the occupy movement is all about ME, and what I can get from the government.... etc. Everyone paints all the 'other guys' as some flavor of evil, that is out to destroy our country on purpose. What's really funny is, they all say "we have the best interests of 'THE PEOPLE' in mind".... Their definitions of 'the people' just vary considerably from party to party. None of them have the faintest desire to do what's right FOR THE COUNTRY, only, what is right for THEM.
Trouble is, it isn't sustainable in the long run, and we are starting to see the backlash from that......
http://crimsonluna.com/ponies2/patrol.jpg Oh, wait, that's not a beret.......
If the drive is still under warranty, Samsung should have a number for you to call to get it covered. Trouble is... they will want you to send it to them, and then they will send you a blank one..... which leaves your computer with a drive for a while. Other option would be to simply purchase another drive, make restore disks for your computer, (should have an option for that somewhere.....) put an O/S on the new drive, move all your stuff over to the new drive, then warranty out the soon to be dead one.
Obama gave us Yemen, (and still is...) and Libya. Two places we really don't have any business being in. He can't seem to decide which side to support though, the oppressive existing regime, or, the up-and-coming muslim brotherhood regime..... I think he flips a quarter, and lets chance decide. Then we have Iran...... Obama is prepping the country for military action there. The Israelis want it, the military industrial complex wants it, the military will go where they are told. (not to be confused with the earlier military, which is the research and acquisition side..... they make big bucks off of wars, and can use them to justify spending billions more on weapon system that don't do what the original specs called for, and have not even once come in remotely close to 'on budget'....) No one handed these wars to Obama, he took them up on his own volition. How either of them have anything to do with National Security is absolutely beyond me. I am surprised he hasn't added the Syrian rebels to his list.... (of course, he would have to side with the rebels, as the existing government most certainly does NOT want our help......) His economic policy his echoed GWB's. Tax cuts. More spending, to the same folks that got us into this mess in the first place...... Etc. Now that he is on the campaign trail, he is touting "nixing tax breaks for outsourcing jobs." Something he talked about last time around, yet, after elections...... nothing happened. He has zero credibility with me, even though I voted for him. That isn't gonna happen this time. Of course, I won't vote for Romney either. Him winning would ensure the continuation of business as usual, and our economy would slide ever faster into recession. I just hope there is some viable third party candidate to vote for..... if there isn't, I simply won't vote for either of the two losers. Where's my "none of the above" option? My question becomes: Do we really WANT someone 'politically experienced' in office again? Seems to me, that just guarantees the same old feces coming out of washington. So far as I am concerned, it's time to wipe the slate clean, and start over again.
Obama's "Health Care Reform" had very little to do with actual health CARE, and everything to do with Health Insurance..... He wanted a public option initially, but, even with a dem controlled house AND senate, he would not have been able to get that thru. (lobbyists wouldn't let their bought and paid for people vote for it.) So far as I can tell, as far as economic, and foreign policy are concerned, there is NO difference between Bush, and Obama. Obama has just as many wars to his credit as Bush, fortunately, they weren't quite as involved, and didn't have the staying power the Bush wars' did. As for running for President.... sure, would love too. :D Unfortunately, given the way congress works (or, doesn't, as the case may be....) I would not be able to accomplish a damn thing, as I would most certainly be bucking the system, and congress would be looking for ANY excuse to boot me the heck out. Either that, or I would be assassinated...... I am thinkin' my first (only?) term would be rather uncomfortable for the american people, as little to nothing would happen in washington.... I wouldn't sign ANYTHING that added to pork barrel spending, and no way in hell would congress pass the reforms I have in mind.
So, you should be home by the time she gets near 'her time'. Do what ya can for her from a distance, that's about all you CAN do. If you have friends/family back home, ask them to help her out as well. :) Being fairly far along in pregnancy can really limit your capabilities. :D
That's the correct version. But, being as you have a downloaded version, I am going to guess that you are running into the same problem as the direct2drive folks did, encrypted exe file. OBSE won't work with it.
you could try stripping yourself nekkid, and then typing in the console: player.dispelallspells That should remove ALL spells, but, won't do enchantments. See if that makes any difference.
Weird crashing that just gets worse and worse
HeyYou replied to Jontron's topic in Oblivion's Mod troubleshooting
If your save depends on ESM's that aren't there.... 50/50 chance it will crash on loading. Bash has the ability to remove masters from your save..... not sure if that will enable them to load successfully though. Use bash to see what mods your save wants, make sure those are loaded....... Natural_Weather_HDR_by_Max_Tael.esp is know to potentially cause some issues..... Using all natural weather instead is a good idea. -
Depends on what they have in mind... if it is a pre-built image, that they simply write to your harddrive, EVERYTHING you have on there will be gone. Need to chat with them, and see what process they are going to be using, and take it from there. if you have a dvd burner in your laptop, you could back up all your personal stuff, and then it just wouldn't matter.... might be a lot of dvd's though....
How much longer are you going to be deployed there?
Socialist. :D Keep your terms straight. Doesn't matter who wins in november. the country is still going down the toilet, only difference between them is going to be the rate at which it proceeds. It's a toss-up over who will get us to the cliff faster..... Neither party (not just the candidates) have any idea how to 'fix' anything. They think they can just legislate a better economy, when they have already proven that they can only legislate a WORSE economy. Not to mention that they merely poke around at symptoms, in the hopes of 'looking' like they are actually doing something, but, leave the underlying causes to fester, and even enhance them. And even if they DID know exactly what they needed to so, not a one of those spineless corporate flunkies in washington would have the cahones to actually DO it. That would cut off their gravy train...... Nope, don't expect anything to change after november. More of the same.