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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, it's oblivion..... I think the daedra mess with us on occasion.....
  2. DRM poses the biggest threat to PC gaming...... it is also one of the main reason folks pirate games these days. All the corporate whining about 'lost sales' is so much smoke in the wind. How many lost sales has DRM caused? I bet they don't pay attention to that particular statistic.
  3. Gotta have a sense of humor for some of those tests....... It's mostly about diet. Gotta watch what ya eat. There are some dietary aids that may help as well. (various things to help you digest better.) If you want a list, PM me, my S.O. is into the whole 'natural' thing......
  4. I stopped watching broadcast television some time ago, for a bunch of the reasons already named above..... What it boils down to is this: Television has gotten Stupid. It appeals to the least common denominator. Seems they all think entertainment is the be-all, end-all of what folks want.... which, unfortunately, does indeed seem to be the case. There ARE some good shows on still..... but, it used to be, I could only get like five channels, and there was always something worth watching. Now, with over 200....... quality programming is getting difficult to find.
  5. At this point, I don't have the faintest. All the research I have done on this leads back to either SM, or, the NoStartingSpells mod, which you are not running...... I am not seeing anything else in your load list that should account for it.. If you go to your magic tab, hit the "all spells" tab, can you select the healing spell?
  6. HeyYou

    The TSA

    It's just you. :whistling: The TSA doesn't improve security. Just makes flying more difficult......
  7. Will the files open in photoshop?
  8. Those files should be in the bsa's somewhere...... sounds like a missing master crash though.... can you post your load list?
  9. HeyYou

    The TSA

    One thing the mythbusters experiment did NOT take into account was, their aircraft was sitting on the ground. It didn't have air rushing past the hole at 400+ miles per hour. High velocity air is going to be lower pressure than the simple difference between cabin pressure, and atmospheric at any given altitude.
  10. Try deleting the oblivion.ini file in the My Games\Oblivion folder. See if that helps.
  11. I seem to remember something about Shivering Isles replacing those textures? And possible problems if SI is installed, but not active????? (esp not checked in data files....)
  12. Yeah, I see that too, and it makes it fun to read...... Did you find that ini setting for SM??
  13. HeyYou

    The TSA

    No, it won't instantly depressurize, but, it will be rapid enough to be rather exciting....... Generally, the larger the aircraft, thus, more air volume inside.... the more exciting it becomes.
  14. HeyYou

    The TSA

    The simple passage of air thru the hole is going to make the hole bigger.... not to mention how it compromises structural integrity. Consider the age of most of the air fleets today...... Would YOU want to be in one that suddenly sprung a leak? @A: I was suggesting that an Air Marshal with a gun on the plane would be more than adequate to the task for most cases. I don't wanna arm passengers.... oh hell no. I have very little patients with having to be basically turned inside out just to get on a plane.... so, I just don't fly commercial airlines at all.
  15. HeyYou

    The TSA

    Considering that of late, most hijackers use something like a box cutter, as a weapon.... one guy that actually has a gun would be all that was needed.
  16. And give up on their pre-conceived notions that they do indeed know EVERYTHING? Puh-Lease....... :D
  17. Ok, looks like it is a 'feature' of Supreme Magicka. Should be an ini file for it somewhere, and you can disable that particular bit.
  18. HeyYou

    The TSA

    Can't remember the exact numbers, but i guess from 1928 untill somewhere in the 80's every Pilot which flought an airplaine during a internal flight, they had to carry guns in the cockpit. And i have no problem with passangers carrieng guns during a flight. I you don't trust the other passangers, why trust armed people in the subway or the bus? If you don't trust them because you say they are to dumb to carrie that responsibility, you abolish the 2nd Amendment anyway. I have a serious issue with letting any tom, dick, or jane carry a gun on a plane that travels routinely at 30,000+ feet. Even a .22 would poke a hole in the pressurized metal tube that the passengers are in... it's only thin aluminum. The result of which would be disastrous. Hypoxia from oxygen deprivation being one of the milder issues. (and even that can kill you..... even if you AREN'T the pilot.) Explosive decompression would really suck.... (blow?) Not how I would like to die thankyouverymuch.
  19. HeyYou

    The TSA

    http://en.wikipedia....slands_Campaign @Marharth: as you can see, Americans don't like this crap, sure there's some bed wetting pansies and voyeurs that love it. But most of us? We'd tar and feather the whole lot if we could. Well, guess they don't call it the "Forgotten Battle" for nothin' eh? :D Thanks for the education.
  20. HeyYou

    The TSA

    Japan attacked us, but, didn't really invade.... no ground troops involved. (which is how I view an "invasion") The TSA doesn't do anything useful. Just another government money sink, where someone's buddies got a cushy job, and don't really have to show any results.
  21. Source for that information please? The second link still works for me? Links to a 4shared account. Gotta sign in/up to download though.
  22. Depends on the spawn point..... that gives the number, and level of creature(s) spawned. You can set the number of creatures, and what list they come from when the spawn point is placed.
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