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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. It's a risk I'm willing to take, which is better than allowing it to stand and get to see what new intrusions his excellency will propose in a subsequent term. If this legislation stands he will be emboldened to try more of the same. And that is EXACTLY why I won't the supreme court to toss it. The precedent set here is just dripping with potential abuse. And god knows congress wouldn't be able to resist.....
  2. HeyYou


    Yep, Israel plays the anti-semitic card pretty freely and loosely. Say something against Israel, and you are automagically a Jew-hater...... Really, in my opinion, Israel is more a danger to Israel, than Iran is........
  3. No one that I am aware of, or, they use a legal dance to make something prohibited by various agreements NOT illegal by redefining a term or two.......
  4. Go for walks. It's a good place to start. Just walk a bit further each day. Doesn't have to be the same route either, go see something different once in while. Or, do what I did..... get a dog...... She is a tad demanding on the playing and walking thing, and since I have had her, I get a LOT more exercise....... :D
  5. HeyYou

    Empire Earth

    I still have this game installed, and still play on a regular basis. Do a few networked games, and kick my son's butt as well. :D
  6. Mac IS a flavor of unix......
  7. He SAID he was going to do a fair few things. He said he was going to concentrate on jobs..... and what did we get? Several years of high unemployment, that we are STILL struggling with, and very few of the things he said he was going to do, have actually come to pass. Of course, I really shouldn't have expected anything different, he is, first and foremost, a politician.
  8. Yeah, Obama really stuck his tongue in the blender with that crack.... for a constitutional scholar...... that was a MAJOR misstep.... (or, is that an honorary title??)
  9. Is that from The Blues Brothers movie? I can't tell... too small. :D
  10. Anything worth doing, is worth OVER-doing. :D
  11. This sidetrack should show you why Healthcare is not a power of the federal government. It isn't listed under the specific powers of the federal government such as to provide and maintain a Navy. This is clearly define while general welfare is nowhere define. The SC can not interpretate the Constitution and even in Marbury vs. Madison i can't find any line which chance that fact. Its again just about acts of congress and laws but never ever the Constitution itself. And it doesn't matter if this Document was written 200, 300 or 800 Years ago becaus the basic principles do not chance. Government can't do it, end of the story. Doesn't many everyone else can't do it. So if you think the Constitutional Lawyer Obama, which violated the Constitution ongoing since he was elected, is just implement whats written in the Constitution with this Obamacare thing, why shouldn't we all get I-pots and Mobiles and TVs and Playstations and Cars and Big Houses. That could be interpretat as Welfare, so lets tax everyone to get everyone a Playstation. Wrong angle. The health care bill is REQUIRING folks to purchase a product provided by private industry. THAT is the main sticking point. DOES Congress have the power to TELL you that you MUST buy something, or be taxed? More apropos would be the fed requiring us to BUY an iPod, Mobile phone, and/or a playstation, to help bolster the economy. If everyone was legally required to buy a house, wouldn't that do wonders for the housing market???? Wouldn't that "help" the 'general welfare" of the nation?
  12. If the shoe fits..post. Edit..didn't see your subsequent edit..I await with baited breath. :whistling: You shouldn't eat worms..... then your breath wouldn't be 'baited'...... :D Initially, I WAS pro-administration. I voted for the guy after all. Once in office though, it was simply a continuation of bush jr.s policies..... Needless to say, I was just a tad disappointed..... No clue what I am going to do come November...... I certainly don't want Romney in office.... I don't really want four more years of Obama either though.... Rock, meet hard place.. hard place, rock....
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDQANmQO2g0
  14. I don't play any games with you, this isn't how this works. If its not mentioned in the Constitution, the Federal Government can't do it and thats it. Really now?So, what about all those departments that the fed has set up over the last 100 years or so that aren't specifically mentioned? Seems the Fed believes otherwise. Also, if the Constitution is NOT to be 'interpreted', where does it define just what "the general welfare" is? Some would argue that the individual mandate in Obama-care falls under that particular line of text.
  15. :D No, I do not think Obama-care is constitutional. I think they should just repeal it, and start over again. Most of what the current law contains was based on the premise that folks would HAVE to buy insurance. Without it, the rest of it fails. Some flavor of single payer system would be good, at least for things like basic care, and also for catastrophic care.... some of the gray areas in the middle could be optional......
  16. Show me where it says then, that supreme court WILL NOT interpret the constitution. There's no mention of NASA either, does that make NASA unconstitutional?
  17. Really? Then why is it, two supreme court justices can look at the same law, one thinks its fine, the other disagrees. How is that anything other than the justices interpreting the constitution?
  18. What? You obvious didn't read the constitution otherwise you would know it better. And Medicare is also unconstitutional. Since nearly hundret years the Government of the USA operates unconstitutional because there were always well meaning idiots who tought "Oh i'am sure its for a good purpose". Yeah, yeah what i'am thinking. And ofcourse don't forgett the "Universal healthcare or death" stuff. For being unconstitutional, they have both sure been around for quite some time....... where are the Supreme court challenges to have it scrapped? I suppose, it all depends on the individuals interpretation...... unfortunately, the 'individuals' we elect to represent us, don't seem to care overmuch about the constitutionality of the various laws they pass, else, Obama-care would never have been signed into law. Convincing congress to stick with what they are legally allowed is pretty much a lost cause. They will do whatever they want, and leave it to the courts to sort out what's ok, and what isn't. But, even at that, it seems that various folks seem to think that just because congress passes it, and the president signs it, the supreme court should simply accept it...... Wonder if they are familiar with the term "checks and balances"..... Techically, social security is unconstitutional as well.....
  19. And the only space for this living and breathing thing is the amendment process. But this is just for giving people more rights. It is no right to be a burden on someone else wallet and let him pay for someone else medical bill. Constitution is clear about that, if you want Healthcare vote on a States Level for it. Or pack your grab and move to the socialistic paradise of the EUSSR were everyone gets federal healthcare and has to pay for it his hole life. And please don't bore me with this "The Constitution is outdated" stuff because its not. Read it first, because you didn't. The Postal Clause under Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the US Constitution was established at the Second Continental Congress 1775. And many people were against that because they predicts that this will become a waste of taxe money. And today the Postal Office is bankrupt. You make some pretty bold assumptions about someone that you have no clue about........ not a good plan. And you are ALREADY paying for everyone else's health care, if you live in the states. Who do you think pays for medicare/medicaid? Who do you think pays for all the folks that DON'T pay their medical bills? So, according to your theory on health care, if you can't afford it, you should just drop dead so you are not a 'burden' on the rest of society?
  20. See how leftwing critisism works? First they need a bait, i this case its "Obama is a corporate puppet", i totaly agree with that. And than, there comes the communist rook solution: universal healthcare. This debate is nonsense. The Constitution is total clear about that. The federal Government can rais taxes for Postroads, Army, Navy and a few other things and universal healthcare is not mentiond at all. The government has no authority to do that and the supreme court can not, i say it again can not, interpret the US Constitution. So there is NO WAY to rise taxes or any other kind of wealth redistribution for anything such as healthcare. So this debate is a still birth, its over before the first word. Done. While you may think that way, congress would beg to differ with you. There was nothing in the constitution about a postal service either... yet the government did that.... there is a long list of stuff that doesn't show up in the constitution, that the government does anyway...... life goes on. Technology advances. Things the founding fathers never even dreamed of have become reality. What are we supposed to do? Remain in the 19th century??
  21. Well, it helped that the folks in Germany/Japan actually WANTED to rebuild their nations, and WANTED peace...... We went into Iraq and afghanistan without a good understanding of their people, and their motivations. Bush senior did NOT go into Baghdad when he was there in the early 90's for the stated reason of: "No Viable exit strategy." He didn't want to get stuck there for a decade or more...... and he was right. (and obviously smarter than his son......) We have the same issue in afghanistan. Invading a country that we have no concept of what they actually want...... We aren't going to 'win' there. When we leave, they will go right back to what they were when we arrived. Probably within a year. Or less......
  22. Nah, they will actually help you drive better. Just image, the pop-up message "Hey IDIOT, You are TOO CLOSE TO THE CAR THAT IS STOPPING IN FRONT OF YOU!"
  23. The video is indeed interesting. I wonder how the Israeli government is gonna react to that.....
  24. Oblivion doesn't run natively under MAC O/S, so, you have to fool the game into thinking DirectX is actually there...... Trouble is, Oblivion is pretty demanding on video hardware, and you have an integrated video solution, not a real video card at all. If you look at he requirements for your wrapper, the intel video chipset isn't listed.... with good reason.
  25. Take a look at the directions here. That is for converting an OMOD ready archive into an omod, for installation with Oblivion Mod Manager. DEFINITELY the way to go with DarnifiedUI......
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