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Everything posted by Qrsr

  1. What if one would copy/paste the entire cell and worldspace records into a new plugin to get rid of all the quests, scripts, current PreVis and PreCombine logic. What should one consider if you only want to keep the current cells and worldspace, but no vanilla quests, scripts, etc. I know there are some very handy mods which skip the main quests etc. but also that BC is a L3 cache disaster... Any ideas how to proceed/start?
  2. Hello, I'm just wondering which hardware currently available on the market has by far the fastest rendering and processing results in CK - world creation, world zooming/moving, etc. to reach very high FPS during work in the CK. Which CPU/GPU/RAM would be advisable here? Thank you in advance. Edited post: Turned out FPS is not so trustworthy, far more interesting is rendering (real-)time. I found RAM to be the culprit and GPU is not so important, with the following applied: - DDR4/5 32 GB+ - L3 Cache 20MB+ - NVME/SSD File/Preferences...: - .../Render Window: Grids to load 1, which must be done after each startup, since it cannot be configured via INI, at least it does not work on my end when modifying the INI. Top Bar: - disable "Toogle Light (A)" - disable "Toogle Lights (6)" Show/Hide: - Markers/Misc Markers - disable "Decals" - disable "Object Hidden From Local Map" Render Window: - push "T" to set default angle on top of object
  3. Im curious what you guys say about scrapping STAT objects? Does the following apply: to this: I can see that many workshopScrapRecipe_XXX records include STAT objects while scrapping some STAT will brake PreCombines and else. Most of the STAT object are [Placed Objects] and thus shouldnt be touched at all, while some of them are not BUT only in the settlement cell(s). I assume in order to gain the most performance out of the engine most of the world is PreComined/PreVis and only the objects (but not all) in a settlement cells arent. I found some STAT objects which can be scrapped by vanilla already which decrease performance which in turn place alot of "???" around my head, since it doesnt make any sense, more likely it seems this game was either finished in a rush or the communication/knowledge about certain stuff was not 100%. whatever its very weird.
  4. moving the clock forward, you mean add TimeScale X, e.g. TimeScale 1000 would NOT brake the game?
  5. The only option i can see to "trick time" or to jump time is to force the wait menu for certain actions, harvesting object X or else. Someone with magic hands and skill can properly prompt it without showing the menu but add the iamge space effect (blurrish effect) whenever a time jump is required. AND/OR add a tired potion or debuff to player char in order to force PC to get to sleep/bed, which of course will require time. anything else, any ideas?
  6. Power armor uses an echanment for that. By default its has all the required effect on it BUT without effect lol, its there but it does nothing... If you copy the powr armor enachment logic to the player char NPC base record you can give your PC any effect by default and let it apply based on condition. OR you do it via attachment. So any ability can be disabled and so freezing and burning. For freezing there is a Keyword "CannotBeFrozen" or something, for fire i assume all you need is to disable the fire damage. Give you char immunity to fire once Ant peepee (abstract reference to FO3) was injected or something. :wink: :wink: :wink:
  7. @Blinxys This might be interesting: Actor value can be set to percentage and limited to 1/10/100 ... would this be handy for a perfect damage/armor/resistance calc? :)
  8. Looks great, noted. You can apply some funny effect using: EITM - Object Effectin any weapon record. So for example you would like to see exploding corpses, similar to what a deathclaw does, add; crEnchDismemberOnDeath - Dismember On DeathIf one copies the structure; enchantment to spell you can also set a freeze effect on certain weapons by default or else. Such as: AlienDisintegrationEnchwhich casts: AlienDisintegrationEnchEffect
  9. Hmm you made a point. The crux, the effects to the projectile or armor or both? I mean technically it doesnt matter to the player he experiences it so or so. Its also what StormWolf01 said about OMOD with resistances, you have to either uncheck them in the OMODs or create immunties... hm you know what, OMODs are said to override all right? im not 100% sure so im guessing, i wouldnt be surprised if OMODs can brake an immunity since they simply overrride all. Thats what StormWolf01 also mentioned ... hopefully OMODs arent that powerful its a pain in the ass. Of course, complete is pure math :D health yes similar to power armor that would be great, maybe Horizon will have it someday. I love the powerarmor logic/system in fo4 its great and could apply to all armor. Of course, race and weather lol then we have 3 major record types you can play around. OMOD; RACE, ARMO, PERK, NPC_... what else? :D Can you remember you said the game wasnt done by pure physicians? Your right, lets assume one, we, me or whoever would simply add pure physical and mathematical correctness to all items, objects everything you can find in the creation kit? that would be something which would perfectly fit to fallout 4. since its technically just pure science but done by pure artist. Alright thats off topic, lol,
  10. You know the first thing i thought about? Fo1 laser rifle vs. random NPC - vaporized. ALWAYS! so technically you have a keyword which applies to weapon and effect X hits the spot. I think thats pretty easy to do with OMOD (object modification). Just add the effect to weapon mod X. And/or alter the Body Part Data (BPTD) and/or add some effects which higher/lower any flag chance of choice. By default, NPC does effect X based on the damage Y dealt to body part Z and if damage is high enough effects may be dismember or vaporize or else. You can also add explode on hit to always, knock down -always, dismember always etc. to the projectile. In case of a Gauss projectile which deals damage so high you cant imagine it would mean it does pierce anything, explodes anything and knock down anything. Boom.
  11. Also interesting is the fact, if you have 100% immunity against incoming damage NPCs run away :D
  12. I wouldnt say so, you have that block freeze keyword which is applied to most protected NPCs so they cant be frozen. CryoFreezeEffectRemover applies after like 10s or somethings exactly the time amount it takes for a critical freeze (duration 10). I managed to make PC totally immune now, simply by using a spell which somehow works, i also encountered some scripts which found their way into the Data folder which i deleted and hopefully it wasnt triggered by scripts to not apply immunity. for now all works perfectly fine so forget about it. what i can tell you is this, you dont need ANY actorvalue such as dtcryo or something, if PC/NPC is immune it doesnt matter how high. There must be a treshhold but i dont have the time for research now it would be curious though, i know for physical damage the treshhold is different to enregy damage. and the treshhold kicks in by absurd amount of physical protection like 1000000 hardly possible ingame, more likely, with scripts. BUT for cryo damage its far from such values, but again i dont know how much, for now. Yes it is, the question is for elemental damage, if yes or no. BUT again once immunity applies it doesnt matter here too, which i finally got triggered. Immunities block any critical damage. yes thats very cool, i like that feature too, remember fallout tactics? you could knock out the NPCs... its such a nice fallout game tbh. From my current research i can tell you this, forget about the DTcold values and focus on spells and/or perks (hidden). Perfect example is the hazmat suit perk, simply copy the core idea and apply it to the item of choice. it works wonders. and it really works. you can perfectly set based on % how much damage from whatever source PC should face. :D thats interesting maybe one can trick that algorithm too?
  13. Lets sum up the facts: - Flamer + Cryolator are set to energy damage by default - Setting Flamer + Cryolator to Fire/Frost is probably doomed to hardcoded "features" - No armor protects fully against these types - In order to gain full protection one creates an immunity record Before i start these two settings might be interesting in the future ... while xxx stands for Fire/Frost etc. fxxxMinDamageReduction 0.050000 to 0 fxxxMaxDamageReduction 0.990000 to 1I added/tied (except Acid, hardcoded) the following actor values: DamageResist PoisonResist FireResist ElectricResist FrostResist RadResistExposure EnergyResistto magic effect / perk immunity records similar to what was available by default. So completed the default Fo4 immunities. Once the immunities were set these were added to all the specific magic effects, and any magic effect which does damage to the player in a specific form of course was set to the specific damage type e.g: DamageTypeRadiation [KYWD:0004B25C] DamageTypeFire [KYWD:0004A0C8] DamageTypeCyro [KYWD:0004A0C9]and so on and so forth... and now the fun part starts... There is well there are two types of immunity/resistance record for radiation. One for Hazard Suit and one for power armor. Interestingly the power armor is not complete or set the way it should be its there but not used so to speak. Whatever, for now i added the Hazard Suit record to the power armor its set to decrease radiation exposure to 0.02 or just to 98%, i think thats interesting and works perfectly since PC gains like 0.02 % radiation damage so some tick of the geiger counter still apply. Copy/paste the default records and setting them up to match fire/cryo etc is not problem at all. Applying these to the magic effects etc not at all either, similar to the preset of hazard suit etc. Now if you set, lets start with cryo/frost damage: CryoFreezeEffect01 CryoFreezeEffect02 CryoFreezeEffect03 CritCryoEffect CritCryoFreezeEffect CryoSlow CryoFreezeEffectRemoverAll of these except CrypFreezeEffectRemover gained DamageTypeCyro [KYWD:0004A0C9] EnergyResist "Energy Resistance" [AVIF:000002EB] was set to FrostResist "Cold Resistance" [AVIF:000002E7]and equal to 0, has Perk, on Subject for ImmuneToFrost "(Cryo) Immunity: Cryo" [PERK:xx008EFF]Now i would assume the PC + CryoImmunity perk would be immune to Cryo damage, even if ActorValues are 0 for Cryo damage, right? No. For some reason PC still is damaged and still will become frozen. So my guess (since icant test it for now) is its because i changed "Energy Resistance" to "Cold Resistance", which technically should be a problem,, since the immunites should apply so or so right? There are even keywords to block the freeze state (which also applies): CriticalCryoNoFreeze [KYWD:00249D7A]Now even if PC doesnt have any cryo resist value at all by default the immunity perk should cover that, right? Its weird since it does. If i setup the values to some specific value lets say 100 cryo resist freeze doesnt apply anymore, but lower it does no matter the keyword ??? Maybe the keyword is "Crit" or "Critical" since critical damage applies even if resistance is present? I read that critical damage is always dealt to the target no matter its resistance but i might be wrong, and since fire and cryo damage is technically critical damage well maybe ... Whatever its very weird since PC still is not resitant/immune. I will do some further testing since i assume either i messed up something or its a bit more complex than i thought. EDIT: After days of playing around, lol, i finally managed to fix the problem. I will add the fixed version later cheers,
  14. You know, it must be Elemental damage resistance was never implemented into the game. This would explain why Flamer and Cryolator dont use frost or fire damage instead both use energy damage. So the testing is very problematic ingame for some reason, the point about hard saves may play a role like you said in your first posting, i will check all of this later its very interesting. For now i downloaded all the mods i could find, and compared them with my project. Some use conditions directly in the magic effect, some use conditions on the enchantment e.g. a power armor frame and some crate a new spell and attach it to a perk... oh and some use perks with conditions... I think creating immunities and attach those immunities to the magic effects is the least problematic solution. Then add those immunites to whatever you like. This is used by the default game e.g. for poison and radiation damage. I will remove fire and cryo damage from the records attached to the flamer and cryolator since i changed these and add energy damage back in and see how it works out. Im pretty sure its like you said and energy damage will be blocked perfectly fine, but well maybe flamer/cryolator use a scripted damage apply system. I think it was the cryolator which applies paper damage and +10 which is tied to the scrip if i remember (vaguely) right. You know eventhough elemental damage never was added correctly, the immunities i setup should still work? I mean i added condition based on damage type to all the magic effect data i could find, and then added the immunity to e.g. a power armor frame or power armor part or powre armor keyword. It works for radiation damage perfectly fine but cryo and fire ... i dunno its so weird.
  15. Im playing around with fire cryo and other elemental damage resistance, based on perks, condition, etc. i managed to disable any FX on PC no freeze nor burn, however im not able to disable cryolator or flamer burst damage? i switched energy damage with fire/cryo but nothing, i applied appropiate resistance when perk/armor/keyword. No matter what i do the damage still aplies to PC - its seriously weird - it feels there is something hardcoded going on.
  16. Im playing around with anything applied to time and anything which can bridge time (space) ingame. I heard about problems with TimeScale outside of range 1-20 and problems with quests, etc. Now im curious which parameter can be used to avoid any game instability triggered by time parameters. Example, i would like to set gamehour to X when activator Y is used. Questions is, is setting gamehour tied to timescale? Research: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/164594-fallout-4/72927806 https://taleoftwowastelands.com/viewtopic.php?t=9411 https://simsettlements.com/site/index.php?threads/can-i-change-the-timescale-without-consequences.6190/ Setting timescale to anything outside range 1-20 is a no go it seems: So i would like to avoid touching TimeScale, what can be used other than that? I had a nice convo lately about the problematic and it was said the only way to accurately brdige time is using the "Wait" or "Sleep" menu. Now my scripting experience is limited but i think its possible to fire up, hack, the sleep menu and apply it on an activator, right? If yes,, thats the way to go i suppose.
  17. Addendum: Turns out i missed a keyword, now containers work perfectly fine, its also good to know that one can add; AudioContainerNoAnimScript this is very handy for NIF files which dont use an animation, but should play a specific sound file when open/close. E.g. this is used for deathclaw nest etc. and/or lockExtraLootSCRIPT Which yield a lock check based on PC level (?) and is tied leveled lists per lock level.
  18. Cheers. In CK its no problem to setup keywords either its just a bit cumbersome, but once you get used to it, its very easy. xEdit however allow you to do it in an instant. I think the NIF logic itself is great, NIFs can be setup in very complex way, just think about the thistle script, NIF, it explodes once touched its once of the best survival additions in the whole game, funny thing is, the game only contains a handfull of thistles.. :D yeah the NIF container dilemma applies, if you watch closely everytime you interact with a container object you see an animation open/close, maybe there is a keyword to disable open/close so any NIF can be used, otherwise one can setup an activator/trigger box in order to refer to a container which is somewhere hidden underground or else.
  19. I setup a container with new LL hats not the problem, the problem is, if i use an exisiting NIF which never was used as container NIF, it doesnt work which i found out lately. It seems the NIF must be setup to interact; open/close. If you use a NIF which cant open/close you cant interact with the new container. I dont want to use vanilla containers. I altely circumvent the issue like explained in the very last sentence of the first post. In fact there is a keyword, you see it with alot of containers. You can set containers to respawn and not. Same logic applies to any world item "No Respawn" yes/no.
  20. Any reason why PC cant open/interact with a container? I put a container on a world object rescaled the container slightly but i cant interact with the container ingame? Background: i would like to override certain objects with slightly upscaled objects. In other word, replacing those vanilla objects. The CONT records look equal to the STAT objects i would like to replace. For some reason overriding tghese records is not possible. Im surely missing something. -EDIT: my current guess is, its based on the NIF, i copied the NIF from a STAT to the CONT record. --EDIT2: duplicated the STAT object as ACTI, doesnt work either - NIF? The only way i can think of now, is to create an invisible activator, maybe based on the boundaries? ---EDIT3: for now this should do it .. .https://zikul.tumblr.com/post/73865829885/creation-kit-tutorial-for-invisible Alright, all done, the only question left is, in order to perform "GetItem" when using an activator i assume i have to add a script. So this is my last question here, since i couldnt find anything on the web as of now, are there any scripts available which will give item X or LVLI (leveled item) when using activator and thus making the activator disappear? Thanks. Addendum: Turns out i missed a keyword, now containers work perfectly fine, its also good to know that one can add; AudioContainerNoAnimScriptthis is very handy for NIF files which dont use an animation, but should play a specific sound file when open/close. E.g. this is used for deathclaw nest etc. and/or lockExtraLootSCRIPTWhich yield a lock check based on PC level (?) and is tied leveled lists per lock level.
  21. For some reason i cant scrap certain activator objects in settlements anymore - i didnt played vanilla for ages, and maybe it wasnt even possible back than so please excuse if so, if not .., new game and current game both impossible. Example: WorkshopTelevision01Table "Television" [ACTI:0022C66F]Its an object which can be powered. Im not sure if thats the cause, i read about the powerbug and that games can crash once powered buildings are scrapped, but this one here just doesnt need a powerline it just needs to be in a certain radius, (powerradiation). Im sure it must have something todo with the object flag (ACTI) itself, since stash boxes, which are also activators, cant be scrapped by default Fo4. Contrary to my theory i can scrap other activators... Anyone here knows a trick? SOLVED: the correct keyword was missing, epic facepalm.
  22. Its a shame its so powerful. For now i couldnt find any way to allow to use FLST as created object for a workbench. I dont know why its only working for the workshop menu. The COBJ record is practical the same. It seems like you said its hardcoded somewhere in the workbench menu.
  23. - 1) I did add new structures (Furniture / FURN) and for some reason i cant use them in workshop mode nor can i scrap them (scrapping them lead to an instand CTD)? Everything is equal to the vanilla object though?? -- EDIT: it seems that copying records such as Containers to Furniture somehow is missing somethign navmesh, bounding box? --- EDIT2: since the object is also using a script which applies power its probably related to the power bug when scrapping ---- EDIT3: its still appearing, im lost :D - 2) In case of a workbench i cant store items in it - i can store the workbench in the workshop menu though. SOLVED: it was based on the power bug
  24. CO = Craftable Object = COBJWorkbench = Crafting station = Cooking station or Chemistry station Workshop = Workshop menu = Building structures etc. CO/COBJ both are the same BETH just uses co_###### in their records as prefix, normal term, a crafting recipe is either named co_###### or co_workshop_###### something like that. Im talking abbout CO of course. The recipe for a workbench and workshop object technically are both identical. Both use a KYWD, both create an object both are based on ingredients. When i was talking FLST (FormList) i noticed BETH uses FLST as created object (in coditions), so you have 1 COBJ and it is based on Steel 4 Wood 8 something like that and than instead of a Static or Activator as craftable object which in 99% is the case they use FLST for some COBJs, the FLST in turn is based on a variety of STAT (Statics). All it does is that one recipe become many in the workshop menu. Its used in the DLC alot. So you have many Door statics which are tied to a FLST and the COBJ uses the FLST as created object (in codition). Now think about it, i would like to create 1 recipe for a workbench which doesnt link to a MISC item instead to a FLST which consists of many MISC items. And for some reason when i inject many MISC items into a FLST and tie that FLST to a COBJ which in turn is tied to a workbench (cooking station keyword) in doesnt shop up in the cooking station. I can the see menu tab which the COBJ is tied to but it doesnt show me the objects (misc items) i put into the FLST. The FLST somehow is not working when i setup a COBJ for a workbench. I dont know why could be that MISC items dont work with a FLST in that way, which would be weird though, could be that BETH uses scripts in background which allow a FLST to be crafted.
  25. Example: xx0008C2 uses "DLC05WorkshopWarehouseKit_Doors "Door" [FLST:x0008C6]" Workbench Keyword WorkshopWorkbenchTypeExterior [KYWD:0005A0C8]FLST:x0008C6 in turn holds the craftable objects which appear in the workshop menu, its all handled by 1 recipe instead of multiple recipes. Which is a superior way to create recipes which should all share the same ingredients. For the workshop menu (settlement builing menu) it works fine on my end when i setup something like this, now... If i use the same process to create a workbench recipe (add the correct keywords) the workbench recipe doesnt show up ingame. its like the game cant handle a FormList (FLST) for a workbench.
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