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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. All you need to do to make a dead NPC is actually to set their health to 0 (They will still stand doing this, so to be sure they fall to the ground, use 'Run Havok Sim', which you can find under 'World' in the CS.)

    Be sure to make a new ID for that though, so you won't 'kill' a vanilla NPC. :)


    edit: oh, and also make them a 'Quest item'. This way they won't disappear because of the respawn timer .

  2. Dark0ne, you are doing a great job! http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/thumbsup.gif

    This site is so amazing, and I don't know how many hours(days) I've spent surfing through it, and still I find new stuff. But then again, how many days haven't you spent on this site^^


    And for the "lack of updates" - Don't listen to that! In my opinion, it's the perfect amount of updates, not too much and not too little. And besides, when it goes a little while before a new update, the site feels so fresh and exciting, while if there was updates all the time it would just bothersome, as things would change all the time. So, it's perfect! :D


    And Pushkatu, you should get Premium - It's totally worth it! http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/biggrin.gif



    EDIT: Oh, and I forgot one thing in the praising of the Nexus: Moderators, you are doing a fantastic job as well! http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/Dark/biggrin.gif


    EDIT2: Dark0ne, what is that new thing: AP & AP Rank?

  3. We are currently looking for someone to make scripted effects for the spells. It's not many spells, as some have already been made, but a more experienced scripter is required for the rest.

    The requirements is experience with making complex scripted effects.

  4. Might & Magic Jumper Series

    (Mod name for TES4)

    by HyperGames2K8



    This is a series of three mods, based on the Might & Magic games.

    All three episodes are connected, and the prior episode is required to play the next one.


    Episode 1: Quest for Harmondale (Emerald Isle)

    Episode 2: The Dawn Crusade (Evermorn Isle & Harmondale)

    Episode 3: The Mandate of Heaven (Enroth)





    Episode 1 Quest For Harmondale Progress Report

    BETA 4 Version 0.47


    Quests 100%

    NPC 100%

    Spells 0%


    Emerald Isle 100%

    Emerald Isle Decoration 100%


    Interior Cells

    Temple of the moon 100%

    The Dragons Lair 100%

    Initiate Guild of Air 100%

    Initiate Guild of Fire 100%

    Initiate Guild of Body 100%

    Initiate Guild of Spirit 100%

    Carolyn Weather's House 100%

    Markham's Headquarters 100%

    Tellmar Residence 100%

    Mia Lucille Home 100%

    Island Training Grounds 100%

    Healer's Tent 100%

    The Lady Margaret Boat 100%

    The Blue Bottle 100%

    Two Palms Tavern 100%

    Erik's Armory 100%

    The Knight's Blade 100%

    Emerald Enchantements 100%

    Donna Wyriths Residence 100%


    Overall progress 98%




    Episode 2 The Dawn Crusade Progress Report

    Internal Alpha Version 0.033

    Quests: 0%

    NPC: 0%

    Spells 0%


    Evenmorn Isle: 100%

    Harmondale: 100%


    Evermorn Isle Decoration 95%

    Harmondale Decoration 41%


    Interior Cells

    Evenmorn Isle Interiors

    Crane Residence 100%

    Caverhill Residence 100%

    Grand Temple Of The Sun 2%

    Grand Temple Of The Moon 2%

    Paramount Guild Of Water 100%

    Sacred Sails 50%

    Smithson Residence 100%

    The Laughing Monk 100%


    Harmondale Interiors

    Castle Harmondale 98%

    Welnin Cathedral 90%

    Harmondale Townhall 100%

    Initiate Guild of Earth 100%

    Initiate Guild of Water 100%

    Initiate Guild of Mind 100%

    Adept Guild of Air 0%

    Adept Guild of Body 0%

    Adept Guild of Fire 100%

    Adept Guild of Spirit 0%

    Bowes Residence 100%

    The Peasant's Smitty 100%

    Tempered Steel 100%

    Basic Principles 100%

    Philters and Elixirs 100%

    Otto's Oddities 50%

    On the House 100%

    Stables 100%

    Mist Manor 50%

    Temper Residence 100%

    Krewlen Residence 0%

    Withersmythe's House 50% [LILITHBD]

    The Vault 100%

    Stillwater Residence 0%

    Mark Manor 95%

    Torrent's 100%

    Skinner's House 100%

    White Cliff Caves 0%

    Arbiter 0%

    Chadric's House 0%

    Weider Residence 0%

    Kern Residence 0%

    Hume Residence 0%


    Overall Progress 50%

  5. Viking Village

    Current Version: 1.5.0


    PES | TESNexus | TES Alliance

    This version features a 3 times bigger island, new intriguing Quests, New Locations, Improvements to already existing features, and a lot of bug fixes!


    This mod adds a new island. On the island is a Viking village. Will you travel there, and live the life of a viking? Help the Vikings with their everyday problems, and fight off the Vanirs for the safety of the village!

    Drink mead and gossip in the Longhouse, get some rest in the sleeping Hall or go hunting in the woods.

    Let the Norse Gods aid you in your struggle, by recieving a blessing from one of the runestones on the island.


    The island is snowy and contains a rich natural environment with rabbits, wolves, bears and most animals you would find the the northern lands. In the middle of the island a village is situated, with a wooden palisade around it.



    I have to say thanks to everyone who have uploaded great resources for others to use!

  6. Script:

    Scriptname SaltyBook


    Short DoOnce


    Begin onactivate


    if ( IsActionRef Player == 1 ) && ( DoOnce == 0 )



    SetStage SaltyMuffinQuestPirate 10


    Set DoOnce to 1







    As for a Quest-Building Tutorial, visit TES Alliance: Enclave. (Here, you'll find great tutorials for anything you'll need of tutorials. - and for specific functions/commands, etc, visit the TES CS Wiki)

  7. The last mentioned problem, does this occur on other characters as well, or only on that character?

    Either, some mod(s) is causing this, your savegame(s) are corrupted, or there's something wrong with your game copy.


    So, what you should try:

    1. Deactivate all mods, to see if the problem persists.

    2. If it doesn't, try turning on your mods one at a time. (If you have many mods, activating them, say 10 at a time should also be fine of course)

    3. If it does persist on more than one character, I recommend you reinstall your game.

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