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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. This script:

    short DoOnce
    begin gamemode
    if DoOnce == 0 && player.getitemcount ItemRef/ItemID == 1
    setstage 'QuestID' 'QuestStage'
    set DoOnce to 1

    Can be used for both object and Quest. I would make it a quest script though. (This requires that you use the ItemRef, and not the ItemID)

    Then, if both these scripts are for the same quest, you would just add them to the same script.

  2. And if you're using Vista or Win7, and don't want to reinstall Oblivion, you could turn off UAC. (This is not recommended unless you are experienced with computers)


    And I second yeldarb's advice, instead of trying to manually edit the ArchiveInvalidation.txt, use Oblivion Mod Manager. (This software is recommended anyway, as it makes ordering your load list much easier)

  3. And you are totally positive it's not corrupted?


    It may also be bloated, which can be fixed with Wrye bash. (Check the size of the savegame to see if it's much bigger than the others - if it is, it's most likely bloated.)


    Have you deactivated any major mod used on that Save lately?

  4. One other thing I dislike about the tagging, along with Isabelxxx's dislikes, is that when you add new tags to a file, you are directed to a page with no options of returning to the nexus homepage. It should be a link like "Back to submission" or something. :)
  5. I have been tagging a lot of mods lately, using the "Random File" userscript for Greasemonkey. It's a lot of files, but I do it every day, so if more people are on it, it shouldn't take too long to get most mods sorted. :)
  6. I'm running Windows 7 64-bit, and the last time I had that problem was back around the first RC of Win7... :P


    But anyway, here's my setup (Which seems to work):

    Installed Oblivion and CS to default location (C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion)

    Turned off UAC - you know how to handle a computer, UAC is unnecessary...

    Changed 'Permissions' of the Bethesda Softworks folder, to allow every user to change it. (I don't know if this changed anything, I just wanted to be certain)


    I can't really think of anything else I did actually - it just worked^^

  7. I prefer Morrowind over Oblivion.

    This is mainly because I played Morrowind first, and I'm stuck with all those good memories of the game! :)

    But basically, Morrowind had better story, more quests, more unique characters (This is due to no voice acting, which makes it a lot easier to create unique personalities).

    Also, I liked that when you accepted a quest, you only had what the NPC said to go on. No Quest markers to show the exact location, and also, the NPC didn't tell you exactly where to find stuff, so you were on your own, and didn't have that babysitter over your shoulder!


    I also really loved the setting of Morrowind; the darkness of it, compared to Oblivion, which is a tad too light and colorful (This fit to Shivering Isles of course, but not Cyrodiil). Morrowind also doesn't look so much like real life medieval times as Oblivion does, like Lizardskin said. :)


    I COULD go on and on about what I LOVE about Morrowind, but I won't... :P

  8. Well, of course some options doesn't function... They haven't been implemented into the new version yet...




    Just a little idea Dark0ne (or any moderator), why not rename this thread to "Forum Upgrade" or "Forum Upgrade In Progress" instead? This way, you won't have people complaining about functions not working. :)


    EDIT by LHammonds: Good idea...The forums are upgraded but the customizations are still on-going so I modified to title to reflect that.

  9. hehe, I tried adding a new image to my signature, but I had to remove it because it went across the entire page! :P

    So, it doesn't resize images in the signature... :/



    And Push, who needs Photoshop? Paint all the way! :D

  10. People, I say it again, the forum upgrade is not 100% done (Due to the hacker attack)! God, how hard is it to understand?? :P



    LHammonds, this is not the case for me, and probably for these others. There is only one option in the drop-down selector in the lower left corner (next to the language selector), and that option is "Original". For me, and probably for these others, "Original" is the dark theme, not the white one. Shall I post a screenshot showing the selector?


    Well, if you insist on the fact that original is dark, look at this: ( Yes, it is totally bugged on my end, so that may be the case^^)


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