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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. As LHammonds said, wait till the forum is back on it's tracks.

    Not only is it impossible to donate right now, it would also be very stupid to do so because of the hackers. When Dark0ne have given the signal that the forum is functioning again, and is close to 100% secure, then I recommend becoming a premium user! :)

  2. Q: Why isn't nudity allowed in the image share anymore?

    A: There are two(or more) reasons to this; 1. Because the image share section was getting spammed by these kind of images, and one would have to search through tons of them to see one image related to the actual games. 2. Because not everyone should have to see nudity while trying to find images of a fight(with gore) - Some people find these kind of images offensive, while others simply don't want to see them.


    Q: Does this mean I can't post a screenshot of my blazingly hot character anymore?

    A: No, as long as clothes stays on, with no transparency in the 'sensitive' areas, it should be okay, if it's categorized as "Adult-Only".


    Q: Why is gore allowed in the image share, but not nudity?

    A: Because this is sites aimed for players of The Elder Scrolls Games, Fallout 3 and Dragon Age - in these games, gore is very much present, while nudity is not present at all. (Yes, you do have sex scenes in Dragon Age, but; they have clothes on!)


    Q: Does this mean I cannot upload porn/nude mods either?

    A: No, this is not the case. This new rule only touches the image share section, while mods are untouched, so adult mods are still allowed.



    I am not a staff member, but I've carefully read the rules, so this should be correct.

    I hope this will help people understand it more, since some people clearly aren't reading Dark0ne's posts!

  3. Well, I'm going to be honest with you guys...You are the best moderators I've ever come across! You are fair and just, you know what you're doing, and not only that, you are so damn funny as well! When people are wondering about something, you don't just say duh!, and link to a page with the info, you go into detail about their problem, and help them out as much as you can! You help make this forum the best and friendliest forum of them all! I COULD go on for days about how great you guys are, but I think you got the point! (Because of the forum's update now, I can't quote, return or use any other fancysities (new word?), sorry...)
  4. Lechar.. as LHammonds said... Give him some time...


    A forum upgrade is not just download a file and install it to the server...

    Because of Dark0ne's customization, which has made these sites and forum so great, it will take some time to make it all work correctly, so... be patient!


    Besides, what would you want?

    A forum with all functions in tact, with the chance of a security breach that destroys the whole site, steals your information, spams your email(s), and so on?


    A forum which temporarily has a few broken functions, with little to no chance of a security breach in the future (until a new security issue comes up, and we need another update)?


    EDIT: Just a heads-up to everyone who's wondering: Kudos, AP, and everything else is still there, it just doesn't show up on the forum (It is in your profile page). :)

  5. Here's how to have two installs of the CS:

    1. Install v1.0.303

    2. Rename the 'TESConstruction Set.exe' file to 'TESConstruction Set 1.0.303.exe' (Or something else, but this makes it easy to keep track of which one it is...)

    3. Install v1.2.404

    4. download LIP Template, and follow the instructions in it's ReadMe.


    Now, you'll have a fully functional version of both. :)

    (it is quite a long process when you are going to make lip files for many voice files, but it's not too much...)

  6. I second Push's recommendation. :)

    I'd say, first try posting in the Submission Topic, since your problem may be overall, so the info you post may be helpful to others - and if that fails, pm the author - and if that fails as well, the troubleshoot section will most likely produce a solution, as there are always someone who will know it or even download the mod only to find a solution to your mod. :) (yes, there's a lot of helpful souls on this forum!)

  7. Welcome to the forum! :D


    This is indeed a very nice forum, and is among the best of the best!

    Some authors may not answer questions, but I think most will give you a response, not everyone so quickly though. :)

  8. Just to be certain that it's not the load order that is doing this, try using BOSS.


    If that doesn't fix it, it seems like you have a corrupted savegame. Do you use AutoSave? If so; don't. It tends to corrupt savegames.

    And could you post the size(mb) of your savegame?(Default location: C:\Users\'username'\Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Saves) - It may be bloated.

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