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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. That sounds quite strange..


    Have you tried both Premium servers?

    I get up to 2 mb/s when I download from those, so shouldn't be anything wrong with the servers.


    Though, it might have something to do with the stability issues experienced lately.

  2. To make a NPC follow you, you need the AI Package "Follow" targeted on the player.


    To have him stay where you want, add a script to a quest stage/Dialgoue/TrigZone or something: [NPCRef].Removescriptpackage [FollowPackageID]


    To get a Quest Marker, in the Quest Window, select the Tab "Target" and add the Reference you want the marker to point too, and the conditions for the marker (Like GetStage)


    If you need any more help, just PM me or something. :)

  3. Improved Foliage:

    Natural Environments - This fixes the foliage (Among other things), and I think it does a very good job at it too.



    Gathering all in one wouldn't be as good, as people want different things so:

    Qarl's Texture Pack III

    The Oblivion Texture Overhaul - This is not a mod itself, but a guide to many different texture mods.



    You are probably referring to UK47's animation mod, which is in the works. :)

  4. I checked it out, and everything seems to be okay with the basement.

    You are missing a few meshes. You could try to extract you BSA files, but I'm not sure if that will help.


    Have you deleted any files, besides any esp's, from your Data folder? (Like when deleting a mod, and also deleting it's resources?)

  5. If you have installed to your program files folder, you could turn off UAC. (This will most likely also solve other problems with that folder)


    If you are not good with a computer though (i.e totally new to it..) I would not recommend turning off UAC.

  6. Well, I just downloaded the mod, and all I can find in it is this file: "fomod1 - Shortcut.lnk"


    What you need to do when making a zip file to upload:


    Put the esp file in the archive (The zip file)

    Then upload the zip file to TESNexus.


    You also need to include a ReadMe when uploading a mod. - and also name the esp something that refers to your mod, and not like fomod1.esp. (For Instance NewArmorUshankas.esp or something)

  7. Well, there is one thing though - do you use stock textures/Meshes for this, or have you made them yourself?


    If you made them yourself, you have to include the files in the rar remember. (Seeing as the download is only 2kb)

  8. I'm forced to agree with Vagrant on this one. It's not much fun (sort of) having to go through thousands of nude pictures trying to find something unique. I like some differentiation as well.


    Agreement is irrelevant. Dark0ne decides what happens here and Vagrant enforces those decisions.


    What we think or agree about is wholly irrelevant and thus I find such threads odd...to say the least.


    That post seems to make Dark0ne look like an evil ruler or something, which, as far as I know, he is not - he's more like the good ruler.. :)


    I think Dark0ne is quite open when it comes to questioning rules, so people will understand how they work - thus, making them follow these rules. So, this thread isn't irrelevant.

  9. Also, remember that we're talking about pornographic content, not necessarily just nude. The imageshare section hasn't changed too much.


    Of course, such content is still allowed in the Supporter section; becoming a supporter doesn't cost a whole lot. The fee is pretty much just a way of proving that you are of adult age. Not a completely foolproof way, but a lot more efficient than it was before.


    Note I said Supporter, not Premium.


    Though, premium doesn't cost that much either... :P


    And... How does it prove that you're of adult age? I'm not, still I am a premium user...^^

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