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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. TehBuddha has joined the team as an Exterior/Interior Designer. :)


    We have also done some work on lore/History/Historical Places and Characters (Something we should have done earlier on really), and this has really helped shape the mod more. We are continuing working on this, while focusing our modding on Ulreth.


    We have also discussed another topic: Player Choices - We have decided that this mod will feature a lot of choices for the player to pick, which will have benefits and consequences, and will shape the world in which you play.


    These choices will be mainly around the Main Quest, featuring the war between the King and the rebels of Ulreth - but there will also be choices to be made outside of this.


    More information will be posted here, and on our our website. If you got any ideas, suggestions or questions, please post here or on our forum.

  2. Great! We always welcome more people to our team! :)

    Not being great with modding is not a problem either, and I'm sure you are better than you say. :D


    There will also not be much modding to do right now, as we have had some setbacks, and are still in an early stage. We are currently writing the stories behind the factions and provinces, and you are also welcome to give your thoughts and ideas on it. :)

  3. Just wanted everyone to know that the project is still going!

    Personally I've been busy with my own life recently, because of work and school(exams). I am still working on it though, so it's still progressing, and the other team members are also working on it. :)


    Drengrey is coming along nicely, with dark forests, a mountain, farms - both burned and not, and more. :)

  4. this was a really good idea Dark0ne! :)


    I find the "Scroll To Top" feature very nice, as I'm a lazy bastard, and no I won't have to scroll so much! :P


    And also the chat room is quite cool! :)

    And private conversations is just genius! Now messaging will become much easier (assuming the other one is online of course) :D


    I don't think I will be using the other features, but they are cool additions as well! :)

  5. We prefer a detailed and varied landscape, and not a dull landscape like Oblivion has. MY vision is to have a landscape compared to the work of the Unique Landscape team. They have fantastic landscape, with beautiful waterfalls, lush forests and everything! :D

    This will of course, extend the time used to make the landscape, but greatly improves the experience of the user.


    We're also using the games Gothic 1,2,3 and Risen for ideas to this mod, as both me and Armageddon loves those games, and they have, like the Unique Landscape project, detailed landscape and, well, everything is detailed. And that's how we want it. That's our goal. :)


    And by the way, if anyone got any suggestions for quests, names, places, or anything, please share them, as it will quicken our work, as well as giving the user something THEY want.


    Anyways, if you want to join, be it an exterior Designer, a questbuilder, or anything, and with any kind of experience, from "newbie" to pro, please say so. We welcome anyone to our team! :D

  6. Well, the basic Heihgtmapping is done, but the exterior designer will have full freedom to change the landscape to her/his choice. :) (The heightmapping that is done is mostly flat land, so...)


    But basically, it's mostly "decorating".

    If you want to join the team, but don't know if you have the "skills" require, I will gladly teach you what you want to learn. :)

  7. We're done with some interiors, and heightmapping.


    But this will go extremely slow, if we have no more than 1 exterior Designer. (+ me, who do whatever is needed :P )


    So, if anyone wants to give it a try, please post an application on our forum. (It's not a job, and you work as much as you want) :)

  8. Ulfgard Chronicles


    We're still recruiting people to our team:

    Exterior Designers

    Interior Designers


    *Any help is welcome of course, but this is what we need the most.



    A New World

    A new world consisting of 3 lands. All 3 unique, and you'll know when you've entered a new land.


    New Creatures

    New, and interesting creatures! From new "normal" animals to foul monsters!



    It will feature many, interesting quests. It will have 4 main quest-lines, based on your decisions. They will also feature multiple ends.


    Unique Characters

    Characters with a real personality and background. No character will look alike, and everyone will have their own unique personality.


    New Factions

    2 new factions to join. Become a rebel and fight the king, or destroy the rebellion! Also featuring two sub-factions: The Vikings and the Bandits.


    Experience a new world, full of dangers! From snowy mountain-tops to dark forests! Meet unique and interesting characters in this new world.

    Ulfgard Chronicles is a new mod that will feature the realm of Ulfgard. The realm consists of the three provinces, Snjarland, Drengrey and Hapland.



    The Provinces


    A land filled with dark forests! Here you'll have to watch your back, as the land is full of bandits and evil doers!

    Inside these forests are plenty of villages and camps, all fighting to survive.



    A cold, snowy province. Knowing how to make a fireplace is the key to survival in this harsh province.

    This land is ruled by the Chieftain Ragnar.

    Its mountain-range, goes from the far east to the west, and divides the land from Ulreth and Drengrey.


    The province where the king of Ulfgard lives. A brutal king, who cares only for himself and the nobles, and not for the people.

    That is why the people here have gone against the king in a rebellion! Join them or join the king in this struggle.

    Here, green plains stretch as far as the eye can see, and light forests filled with peaceful animals is found in the middle of the land.

    To the south, it borders to Snjarland, and its snowy mountain range is a nice view for the inhabitants of Hapland. To the west lies dark Drengrey, where no one dares travel. Those few who dares, never returns!



    (Hapland = Ulreth)



    The Factions


    The rebels fights the king of Ulreth, and fights for the people! By joining them, you will not be getting heaps of gold, but just the thought that your helping the people is enough, eh?


    The Ulrethian Army

    The army fights for the king, and against the uprising rebellion in Ulreth. You want gold and riches? Then this is the perfect faction for you!




    The Vikings live their own lives in the cold and almost inhabitable land of Snjarland. On the southern shores, they are being invaded by the Vanirs, and it's your choice if you want to help them or not, and maybe even work against them... They also play a part in the main quest in Ulreth.



    The bandits robs travelers and merchants in the dark forests of Drengrey. No road is safe in this land because of these bandits. They are well organized, and lead by one leader, but still they seem like uncivilized ravages! Like the Vikings, they do play a part in the conflict of Ulreth.



    Mod Team

    TehBuddha - Team Leader (Interior/Exterior Designer )

    Zaldir - Quest Designer

    Armagedd0n - Interior Designer

    TodaY - Texturer/Exterior Designer

    Dominick - Scripter/Modeller/Texturer

    Leodoidao - Storywriter/Quest Designer

    Mishaxhi - Scripter/Quest Designer

    TheDragonEmperor - Storywriter

    SaboteurSam - Voice Actor

  9. You've done a great job Dark0ne! :D


    I really like the new look on the forums, and the speed on all sites is much better than before. (And that says a lot, since they were already pretty fast before too...)


    Btw, any chance you'll make the actual sites look more like the new forum? Like changing the grey color to look more like the forum grey color... And perhaps make corners on boxes smooth like on the forum? It's just that I love the new forum so much now! :D


    Again, great job! :)

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