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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. There are just too many. :blink:


    I've never asked for implementing EVERY possible payment method ;)

    But online banking via the bank account should be possible :/

    I tried it with the Pay Pal method just by clicking on it and following the steps but the picture I posted shows where I am stuck.

    Don't know how to use a online banking function trough Pay Pal if that is even possible.


    If it is it should be a bit better described since I totally don't know how I should use that without creating a account nor getting a credit card. :(


    others (like this site) feel differently.



    I've also NOT said that this payment method is full of s**t. ;)

    So this is no point of discussion.


    But again:

    Why do I have to get a credit card or register my bank account on a online payment site like Pay Pal if I want to spent money to support a internet site?

    I rather would give the owner of this site 39.99 GBP cash instead of using such a payment method.


    Is it really this difficult to add another method like a simple online banking function? :(

    So, the problem here is really that you do not want to register your debit card on PayPal? (Because it is possible, since that is the way I pay everything that can not be paid directly from my bank account)

  2. 28th July 2012...

    Tried it again :P

    This time I got even to the Pay Pal site but then I still got asked for a credit card -.-

    Would be much easier if such methods like "Sofortüberweisung" are supported.


    I sound like someone who is making a advertise but honestly I just like this method since I don't have to get a credit card.

    Just normal online banking.

    I got enough plastic cards (bank card, insurance card, ...) in my wallet so I don't want to have one more by a credit card. :P


    Maybe this site is sponsored by Pay Pal?

    But adding other payment methods will be even more lucrative since not the whole world is using Pay Pal or credit cards ;)


    Can't you use your bank card for paying? (At least where I come from, bank card = credit card)

  3. It's got to do with the file structure. All the games supported by NMM has the same file structure, thus it isn't much trouble to support all those, whereas the other games have totally different file structures and will take more time until will be supported (if it is possible at all).


    Besides, looking back at the history of NexusMods and the download/upload statistics, I would say Bethesda's games are the primary games for this network. ;)



    @dejct, those six are the Hot Files. If you are looking for the Top 25 in the past 2 weeks, those are found under Files -> Top Files. ;)

  4. Smokybanjo banned.

    Piracy of Skyrim.


    ...Yeah I had this issue too. I use a pirated version of Skyrim because I'm a cheap-ass and you need the game to be updated to Version 1.6 or something like that. If you're using a pirated version you can get the update on thepiratebay and then it should work.
  5. Those new changes are great, and definitely for the better!


    And I must say I agree with Grimoa. The Latest images/files blocks are a bit redundant now, and should be removed to allow more space for the feed block.


    The Hot Files section need some more height though. For instance, "Castlevania Abandoned Castle-demo" is cut off at the bottom. Should also increase the amount of letters allowed a bit, so that, again for instance "Castlevania Abandoned Castle-demo" isn't cut off at dem...


    And just for the aesthetics, make the space between each Hot Files thumbnail a bit bigger, so that the whole box is utilized. That makes it look better, and is quite easy to do. ;)

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