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Posts posted by Zaldir


    Your general tone that tries to say either feminine-or-thor-and-gruff is, once again (tired of repeating things you are incapable of understanding) VERY shallow way of viewing what is feminine or not. Go read some of the excerpts from original norse poems.

    Again you seem to be misreading catastrophically...

    Neither me, Strokend or hotemochick have ever said that it either have to be feminine OR gruff. We are all saying it needs to be something in between.

    I don't think you even know what you are talking about at this point. You just ran against your own words when you said "If you wanted to describe the image to an audience who would never see it, but give them the sense of her being a warrior, you'd have to exclude the part of her being beautiful." that by all accounts is at least implying and showing incompatibility between your idea of beauty and power. I don't think you are capable of understanding the one making really catastrophic and short-sighted misunderstanding is you who is very much contradicting your own words with your tone of voice opposing and giving lie to statements you make.

    You say you never meant something this way, while following up with statements that are clearly implying otherwise. I don't think you can really grasp what you yourself is trying to say, while I am outlining and clearly explaining again and again what I mean with examples that may or may not elude your sense of what is and is not. You don't address what I mentioned, but goes back on your word again and again. Mine stands on the idea that this is seemingly impossible, but still very much a valuable possibility that may not be correctly perceived by others with much more limited view of what is being portrayed in these old works of literary and traditional treasures. You are attempting, and going around in circles, trying to justify how your present view should be best imposed upon these ideas when they are clearly out of your league seeing as trying to explain them in your own terms is making you run around trying to cover your own words.

    I suggest you broaden your horizons about the perceptions of what I am hoping modders are going to portray here. You are running in circles here.

    You may want to go back and see who said what...

    The only thing you seem to be doing in this thread is to argue against peoples view of what is beautiful.

    If you want a modeler to actually model what you are looking for, you need to describe what you want. Not just say that she needs to be beautiful in the eyes of the Norse of old - that won't help the modeler in any way, because they won't know what the Norse viewed as beautiful.

    Like Strokend, I really am at a loss for what you actually want. Someone suggests something, you seem to agree, then the next post you turn around and disagree with it all. It is really hard to know what you are looking for at this moment, and it is highly unlikely a modeler would be able to model anything based on your ideas so far.
  2. Your general tone that tries to say either feminine-or-thor-and-gruff is, once again (tired of repeating things you are incapable of understanding) VERY shallow way of viewing what is feminine or not. Go read some of the excerpts from original norse poems.


    Again you seem to be misreading catastrophically...


    Neither me, Strokend or hotemochick have ever said that it either have to be feminine OR gruff. We are all saying it needs to be something in between.


    Hotemochick1992, on 27 Feb 2013 - 09:37, said:

    Google search on ancient Valkyrie.








    Funny how that works. Old depictions of Valkyrie and what do we see? Oh yes, beautiful women in armor.

    Apparently you haven't been listening to a word I said. When did I say it was acceptable for you to look at them through the modern view of 'beauty' when written accounts of them by norse of ancient times were clearly the opposite? What makes you think your standard of 'beauty' is even remotely close to theirs, or how the view of them in ancient times for those same images were even remotely close to your own?


    If you by any chance told them of your ideas about how you viewed those Valkyries, I think they would split their sides laughing. This is exactly the kind of myopia I have repeatedly spoke against, but you just can't get it into your head.



    Edit: Your idea of 'ancient' valkyrie depictions are all from 19th century on by the way. Did you even bother to do any serious research?

    Again. Chill.


    All you seem to be doing is arguing against the modern view of beauty, but you have yet to provide any information regarding how the Norse viewed beauty.


    You seem to think that they had a totally different view than we do now, but I highly doubt it. But of course, no one can really prove how they viewed beauty.

    Take a strong, beautiful woman of today, remove the make-up, and you most likely have a woman who would be thought to be beautiful in the Viking age.


    Of course, the perception of beauty is a subjective matter, so you could really argue all day and not get any further.

  4. netherframe has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


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  5. Danman, chill. Hotemochick was just stating her view, and she was in no way telling you how it should be. You also seem to be misreading her quite a bit, as she seem to be agreeing with you on most points about the Valkyrie being beautiful but strong.


    And with that aside: If you want to stay true to Norse Mythology, you should not have any male Valkyries. Simply because there are none.

    Everything you need to know about the Valkyries can be found here really.

  6. rhffoalkj has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Flaming a mod author.


    the uploader is f**in obnoxious and cocky... what is wrong with you? please have internet etiquette. whats sup with NEVER WILL BE? who gives a f about u? just mod and upload, dont talk.





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