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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Dark0ne, some days ago, I made these:

    Step-by-step tutorials that anyone who are not blind, and can read are able to follow. ;) (Because I didn't bother to download GIMP, I used paint... If you decide such a format is useable, I'll redo them in GIMP.)




  2. Great and interesting read, Dark0ne! :)


    Can't wait to see how the site functions after the site recode and most of all, the new functionality! :D


    Keep up the great work, but for the love of Thor, take a break some times! ;D

  3. Huh. I didn't realize you were against libraries.

    I guess you drew your conclusion from this line?

    (Note: Sharing is only caring when you are allowed to share it and you yourself got what you share in a legal manner. If your sharing causes others to suffer from it, it is no longer caring.)

    - Libraries are allowed to share, they buy what they share through legal manner, and that they share causes no one to suffer, but causes joy for a lot of people.


    And yet again you replied to one small part of my post... *sigh*

    You also have a habit to twist posts to your liking, and for every post you make, you seem more and more like a pirate in my eyes.


    Watch it with the accusations, that is serious around here. I don't pirate nor do I advocate piracy. I'm just saying it's not theft.


    Libraries are only legal because they were already around and were more or less grandfathered in. Imagine if someone tried to invent the concept of a library today, they would be sued into oblivion.


    Look, it is clear I am not in the majority on this, that's fine, it doesn't bother me. As Mark Twain said, "When you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to reform." I am not expecting to persuade anyone. I daresay most people are not capable of changing their position on anything.


    I just thought I would toss out an opposing point of view on the subject. I was not expecting attacks upon my integrity and my character, I am not interested in that.

    Good day :psyduck: :psyduck:

    I did not accuse you of piracy, and if that is how my comment was understood, I am sorry. What I meant is that you seem to feel so strongly about piracy not being thievery that it seems like it is a way of justifying piracy. If it is not, we'll leave it at that. And you are somewhat correct that most people are not capable of changing their position on some things - but that goes both ways.

  4. Huh. I didn't realize you were against libraries.

    I guess you drew your conclusion from this line?

    (Note: Sharing is only caring when you are allowed to share it and you yourself got what you share in a legal manner. If your sharing causes others to suffer from it, it is no longer caring.)

    - Libraries are allowed to share, they buy what they share through legal manner, and that they share causes no one to suffer, but causes joy for a lot of people.


    And yet again you replied to one small part of my post... *sigh*

    You also have a habit to twist posts to your liking, and for every post you make, you seem more and more like a pirate in my eyes.

  5. You take out one tiny part of my post, which is about you, and not the topic at hand and say I am wrong about that, but you leave everything else out. Why? You realize that you were wrong, and don't have anything more to say about it?


    I didn't live in the time before internet, but I wonder, what do you mean about "You just don't know what you're talking about"? Are you talking only about that part where I said that you clearly didn't live in the time before internet? Because I am quite certain I got that other part right, about not being able to download games illegally before the internet came around... But anyway, this is not the topic at hand - the topic at hand (which is not really the topic at hand either) is whether or not intellectual property is.. ehm... property. (It kind of gives away the answer in the name.)


    I was talking about the 2nd part. But you don't know what you're talking about in the first part either ;)


    Of course "property" is in the name. The term was crafted by people who want you to think that their ideas are akin to physical objects, which is just not true.


    Let us take a hypothetical person, anywhere on earth.

    This person has some kind of internet attached device, but no liquid assets.

    He downloads your book.

    There is no possible way he could have paid for the book, therefore there is no possible way this can be a lost sale.

    If you concede that this circumstance is not a lost sale, it logically follows that you can't equate unauthorized downloads to lost sales.

    "you don't know what you're talking about" - such an easy way to avoid going further into the topic. But fair enough, if you do not want to discuss it, we won't discuss it - we have different opinions, and in my (And most other people who share or sell things on the internet) opinion you are on the wrong side, while in your (and... the pirates') opinion, I am on the wrong side.


    Now, about your last post:

    You are right, if that person was never going to buy it, it won't count as a lost sale that they downloaded it because there are infinite amounts of copies available. But what happens when a friend of that person is about to buy the book, but the first person tells him that he won't have to, because he already have it! The other person won't bother to buy it now, whether they know the first person downloaded it or not - because, well, now they have it. There's your lost sale. Two things that causes lost sales when people download: Word of mouth & "Sharing is caring". (Note: Sharing is only caring when you are allowed to share it and you yourself got what you share in a legal manner. If your sharing causes others to suffer from it, it is no longer caring.)

  6. You may also notice that I corrected your post a bit. Of course he can make the case that you would have bought the book if you could not download it! (Not "you" as in you, but a random person...)

    If someone who usually downloads games illegally is not able to do so anymore, do you think he would cease to play games? Or that someone who usually downloads E-books illegally would cease to read E-books if they could not download them illegally anymore? If you think so, I can tell for certain that you have never lived in a world without internet - you know, the time when people couldn't download games illegally...


    You just don't know what you're talking about, I can't soften it any more than that. Widespread internet service didn't come along until mid high school for me, and I didn't have it until well afterward. So your generalizations are completely without credibility.

    You take out one tiny part of my post, which is about you, and not the topic at hand and say I am wrong about that, but you leave everything else out. Why? You realize that you were wrong, and don't have anything more to say about it?


    I didn't live in the time before internet, but I wonder, what do you mean about "You just don't know what you're talking about"? Are you talking only about that part where I said that you clearly didn't live in the time before internet? Because I am quite certain I got that other part right, about not being able to download games illegally before the internet came around... But anyway, this is not the topic at hand - the topic at hand (which is not really the topic at hand either) is whether or not intellectual property is.. ehm... property. (It kind of gives away the answer in the name of the term.)

  7. With a physical book from a bookstore is real property. If I take a book out the back door, the store can no longer sell that book. It is lost money, as if I had taken it out of the register.

    If I download the book off some website, no one loses the book. It is not a lost sale, there is no way you can make the case that I would have bought the book if I had not been able to download it.

    Option 2 is not theft. It is illegal today, no question about it.


    I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong. The environment is the way it is and you gotta do what you gotta do.

    I only think that in the misty future, things will go the other way, especially in regard to work for hire.

    You are right; per definition, downloading illegally is not theft - but why is it not? Because it is not looked upon as theft, or because the "official" definition have not been updated to modern society?

    It is definitely looked upon as theft even if the definition is old and not updated to suit the internet at all - the definition of a word is not always what you should follow, it is the common usage of the word that is important. And in this case, the common usage of theft is "the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent". Now, you are saying that mods and other non-physical property are not property, and yes, while this is partially true, at the same time, it is utterly wrong! No, it is not physical property, it is not personal property, private property, real property or public property... It is however, Intellectual property, meaning inventions and most importantly when talking about mods and art; Artistic Creations. But of course, you wouldn't care about Intellectual Property, since you think of it as okay to download illegally, so I don't even know why I bother writing this.


    You may also notice that I corrected your post a bit. Of course he can make the case that you would have bought the book if you could not download it! (Not "you" as in you, but a random person...)

    If someone who usually downloads games illegally is not able to do so anymore, do you think he would cease to play games? Or that someone who usually downloads E-books illegally would cease to read E-books if they could not download them illegally anymore? If you think so, I can tell for certain that you have never lived in a world without internet - you know, the time when people couldn't download games illegally...

  8. I predict the popularity of this site will drop sharply as many will prefer to only use "official" mods.

    There have been an "official" mod repository for The Elder Scrolls since Morrowind, and it is called PlanetElderScrolls. It is the "official" mod repository for Bethesda. Do you see more people using that than the Nexus? I seriously doubt it - even the Morrowind section is slower there than here, and PES is known for it's Morrowind section.^^ (I add a "" to it, because it is not really official, but unlike the Nexus, it is endorsed by Bethesda)


    New people might use Steam Workshop when the first arrive because it is so simple. (Since apparently, it's some kind of "Install & Play" software), but will soon come over to the Nexus when they realize that the big mods don't work that way, but have one more stage to it: Install, Tweak, Play. And very often a fourth stage as well: Install, Tweak, Troubleshoot, Play. This is, unless Valve and Bethesda changes their approach to mod installation.

    Another thing that will keep people coming to the Nexus is in fact the most popular kind of mod (based on downloads, I might add) Nude mods - I am 99% certain that nude mods will not be allowed on Steam Workshop.

  9. Nexus Members: 3,150,000 (Approximately). And that is a 650,000 increase since early October 2011. (4 months)


    Without following the policy made on the Nexus, the sites would falter into something like SomethingAwful and the likes, and as far as I am concerned, I would never want that to happen!

    The Nexus is a polite and nice community simply because of it's policy and the moderators who do actually utilize the policy. Pirates, flamers, spammers and trolls are banned, ridding the community of the filth that threatens to ruin a nice community. I wouldn't want it any other way.

  10. The best would be to make a new Morrowind, approximately as it is in 4E200, using custom meshes/textures (+ Skyrim resources of course). This is legal, allowed on the Nexus, and so much more awesome than if the resources are just ported!

    It is harder, it will take longer time, but the outcome is so much better. (As long as the meshes/textures stays true to how they are in Morrowind)

  11. Yeah,,, ROFL ... I downloaded the Mod manager to make installing mods easier. However, the moment I ran the application it pulled up a "link to an application" window on my computer... What application? So I came here to read up about FOMs and MBEs an a whole bunch of acronyms that mean nothing to me and apparantly aren't compatable with each other and require further understanding and work... mmmm... Manual is easier. Give me a hoy if anyone wants to put step by step directions to operating this in English. :biggrin:


    If you don't know what FOMM and OBMM is, you should be okay. ;)

  12. I am very disapointed in the requirement for Steam, can I play my $50 game offline once it is installed? Can I play it on my wife's computer also or do I have to buy another copy of the game? Steam is obstructive and intrusive...isn't it?

    best regards fulmar

    Once the game is installed, you can turn Steam offline.

    You can install the game on your wife's computer, using your Steam account, and you can play at the same time, if one starts Steam, go into Offline mode, then the other starts Steam and goes into offline mode as well, then you start the game (I have not tested this for Skyrim yet, but it works for a lot of other games)

    Once you are in-game, you won't notice that you are running Steam at all. ;) (Unless you have a habit of clicking shift+tab^^)

  13. There were concerns that since Steam used .exe authentication, graphical extenders wouldn't be possible.


    Then it was confirmed that you wouldn't be forced to launch the game via steam. And the people rejoiced because that allowed for graphical extenders to be possible. [if I'm wrong about this, correct me.]


    And now this.


    Does it have any implications for graphical extenders? Did we just get screwed?

    It has no impact at all. ;)

  14. Why is there no Skyrim Transportation Pads and will they be modded in. :)

    Like... Portals?


    I noticed a lot of stone circles spread across Skyrim - I know exactly what I am going to do about those. ;)

  15. Level max is 50 in this game. Will be interesting how "balanced" my two classes feel upon reaching these levels....

    The max level is somewhere around 75, not 50. ;)



    The mathematical cap is 70 afaik. The cap you can reach is 50.

    It's a soft cap at 50, meaning that's how far you're supposed to get, and after that leveling is extremely slow, but you can reach around 75. ;)

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