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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. All of this will become possible in future when my mod is ready :)
  2. A mod like mine be can be dangerous to clean, because it could remove cell records that I've added things into. Nothing in the cells are actually edited, just markers I've placed, so the cell shows as an ITM and it might get cleaned. These are the mods you want to be cautious with. Now if you ask Mator, he will tell you not to clean official DLC etc, there was a big... Discussion *cough* on afk forums about this, but generally its fine to do so.
  3. Have a look at their script for creating them, add a SetEssential command straight after they are made :)
  4. Nvm, I see what you are talking about. There is no option to change the button. Have you tried using your mod with the Hotkeys version of QT? Is that the same result? Pretty much you are looking at merging the two scripts together, a patch. Here's QT's main perk script, you can get this easily is it is included with that mod. I'm not sure how you'd want to go about working it out, but suppose you would add a condition to the NPC or give the NPC a perk after you rename them, and then check the NPC against this and apply the correct perk (QT or rename). Something like that anyway. A headache either way. Thanks Beth for having only one activate button.
  5. Are you willing to share the source scripts for your mod? I have QTs, and I can decompile yours, but would be nicer to have the source. Thx.
  6. Try casting him as a property into your script instead of an alias, then cast the property into the alias when or if needed. I do this when I pass actors into my spawn markers. I have a number of Actor Properties that are filled with none, then when I pass them from quest to marker I do so by casting them into properties. This will keep them persistent so long as the script is active (as you'd know) and you can do whatever you like with them. Does that sound a bit more of what you are after? Edit- Contextual mistake
  7. Previs has a dynamic component which I'm still investigating, but supposedly this works for moveable statics and settlement objects etc (examples to generalize what it does). Now on my longest save I have a 3 story concrete building in sanctuary, standing behind it gives me a better draw call rate but moving out to the road shows a rise therefore drop in fps (its a busy settlement). But I would not saying conclusively this is because if previs etc as it could just be the location and angle I'm facing. I haven't really tested this so much but that's one current observation I can give you.
  8. Lol. If you followed the discord, I am currently refactoring the properties. Because I had to cut a large part if the script apart, an opportunity to fast track a lot more stuff has presented itself. I have a busy 3 weeks ahead of me in RL, but I will keep plucking away at it in between.
  9. You are kidding about the performance part right? If not my only guess is the area you tested that is not loading the precombineds as well so it lifted slightly there. Your PC will be smouldering ashes in Boston however.
  10. Mmm my mod might be helpful to you in this regard, i make use if extensive features to ensure actors are cleaned up properly. I'm not sure if it would be reliable in this case but are you or have you looked into using ApplyToRef for your aliases and tracking them in some script? I'm thinking, apply alias data to them, add them to an array and maybe use a hardcap on the number of recruitable people. If I'm understanding what you are doing correctly. Then you can clear the data in the OnDeath Event or similar.
  11. Hey he's back! How was your holiday? Actually I'm using the fragment as a menu. It works absolute wonder for such a deep menu. So organized and reliable. I'm in the process of converting over the properties to use arrays to bypass the limit as you mentioned. Gonna take all week to catch up to where I was but gonna add a lot more in while the opportunity has presented itself :) I'll send you a link to the discord server
  12. Yeah I started doing that, forgot you could call it from the object script still
  13. The flashlight mod is pretty good, no lighter though
  14. Yeah its because of the bridge. The navmesh needs to be fixed. Remove that mod while you that quest. I personally wouldn't use it because you'll have performance problems later when building a big enough settlement.
  15. Depends, if mod is not working correctly then load the script loosely. Just don't merge mods that alter the same scripts, you would have to patch and recompile them.
  16. All good, I got everything I need now. Mod has come a long way since this thread :)
  17. Pretty sure this us tied up in the HC script itself, I am not aware of any mod that changes it. You might look at Horizon mod though. I plan to get around to tweaking this in the future though.
  18. Got a new anti virus recently? Or update? Anti ransomware usually blocks access to the documents folder.
  19. I've caused myself a huge problem though, I literally maxed out the amount of properties you can have! So now I am converting over to using arrays for more things, and in that process I figured out how to solve the variety problem without altering or creating anything. So win/loss lol.
  20. Well, I hope they can swim :D I've allowed their AI to do so
  21. Yeah, i don't modify vanilla in any way :) I've created a workaround to get varieties of actors, by passing up to (just changed) 6 varieties of LvlNPC to choose from during the spawn loop. Thus saves me creating anything of my own or altering vanilla
  22. @Montky- yes Lurks will only be present by water, and they will stay by the water and guard their 'point'. They will also swim after you :)
  23. The limit I am passing is 4 variants of actors at present, might up it to 5. I would go with a 1/5 rate on both, which gives 40% chance to see either one
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