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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Thx. Some list in common with them 3 is triggering the error, I would look at them in xEdit to try and isolate the culprit
  2. Hi folks, Decided to start a thread about certain limits I have come across in CK. I'll update it as I find more. 1. Hard limit of 10 parameters on functions. You can pass no more than this or compiler will tell you that there is too many. 2.Hard limit of Properties. If you have too many properties you will exceed CKs bit-count of the properties field. It spat an error box and no longer allows you to open it. I am not sure at this stage if using more arrays allows to fill more properties. 3. UI limit on fragment scripts. I have some fragments that are too long for the UI to show, therefore it will cut them short and break your code. You can however overcome this by editing the fragment directly, at least on quests. What you have to do is, everytime you want to add a fragment you do so normally through quest UI, and just add a bogus line to the fragment something like 'int bogus' and then compile and save. Then add your code directly into that stage on the fragment script and save. Bring up the Papyrus manager and compile it. Then you reload your mod by going to Data and selecting OK. Your fragment now sticks, but do not ever click on that stage in your quest ever again (you can still add fragments in same way). 4. Random Packages not working as intended. It seems the Random Branch/Procedure stops working after a re-evaluation. It also never selects the first procedure from our experience. Bethesda themselves have used Globals for random packages from what we can tell. Best not rely on this one.
  3. You can flag the cell to behave as exterior and allow fast travel (need to place and configure COC marker and map marker) , but as for implementing the LOD I am not familiar with the hows on that :/
  4. What mods are in slot 0C,0D and 13?
  5. Try downloading manually, extracting it yourself and recompressing it to a 7zip with 7zip :)
  6. Shame that its simply not worth the performance drop (in some cases I have seen 2000% increase in draw calls) to use these tweaks when using flora mods, and shame most of the really fluffy trees can't work well with previs when regenerated. Save yourself the headache and find a mod that looks good enough without those tweaks, I personally like the Seasons overhaul mod Summer or Autumn editions
  7. Lmao Blah you must be using Swiftkey :D. Precancerous data rofl. Not far from truth though. So I must be mistaken, you just want V88 to behave as exterior?
  8. Haha yeah its like that with code. It's a real epiphany when you final get it :D. Have fun!
  9. It's still rather curious as to why a mod like Mojave Imports that simply places a few bottles in some cells causes those cells to be subject to the bug. Not unlike precalc where poking a cell can cause it to go off. Piss poor effort Bethesda
  10. Really bad idea. Would be really really hard to work out the precalc with that cell, and even if you did because of its size I suspect you would destroy performance in the area either way.
  11. I usually use Actor Property PlayerRef Auto Const for anytime I use the PlayerRef more than once/twice in my scripts. You can also look at filling aliases if you want to go that far but just making the single actor a property is good enough IMO.
  12. Thx for the reply. So what about using the start fragment on the package? Or seems it is applied by refalias, adding the script there? Or I suppose I could issue the command straight after I've applied the package... I'm looking at ways I can place a small script on each actor the will keep them persistent for a small amount of time while they are in the loaded area, dead ir alive, so that when the spawnpoint issues its deletewhenable command the NPC won't magically disappear until the cell is unloaded.
  13. Theres a mod called pass through conduit, google that
  14. I wonder if its like the workshop shader and buried in the fxp file, unchangeable.
  15. Hi folks, I am curious to know the answer to the topic. I am spawning actors at hand placed points (xmarkers) and while the function itself completes very quickly, actors don't start their packages until a few seconds later. They don't fire in parallel either as each actor starts moving one by one. In general we have noticed AI packages to be slow to start in all cases in the game. Any ideas how to improve this or what the deal is? Is the package script/engine really this latent?
  16. Probably antivirus stopping it from writing. Usually i have to hit Apply changes first, if i save config first it reverts it for me everytime.
  17. There are plenty if recent topics on this thread that have answers, have a browse a couple pages back. Edit - your mids will be in the same order if you salvage your plugins.txt file before reinstall
  18. I'll check the cell coordinates on those cells and make sure this is correct. It does make sense though.
  19. Lol typical creation engine. If you have deleted the marker physically, they shouldn't be able to start the animation. The AI package is what controls all this, I know the settler packages are quite complicated so I can't give you much help there. But the marker shouldn't have a script on it, it will be that the marker is referenced or picked up by the package. Perhaps there is a bug where NPCs will continue to use the marker if it is in the AI package even if deleted. If you want to look at the AI package, have a look under Packages in the CK. I'm only just learning them myself, but they can get quite complicated very quickly.
  20. They are the names of the cells. If you turn on navmesh mode real quick, you can see the green lines showing the borders of the cells.
  21. Try setting the top 2 to 60 and 50 respectively. That's fairly close to player character. Maybe put distance min to 50 as well. Experiment with them 3 anyway
  22. Use FO4Edit to do it by hand. I've nearly merged all of VIS itself into my own patch :D
  23. Should be settler AI package telling then to do this, they farm by default. When you say you removed a garden, was this a scrappable garden you scrapped in game or one you removed with CK?
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