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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Hehe i could see them thinking that too. Maybe its possible to add a hard script to the frost effect that has the set.av speed code in it with a negative integer.
  2. @Tony - this is why i enjoyed the followers in DA, they have unique personalities and the choices you make actually have dramatic effects on outcomes and relations. You actually begin to feel a rapport between them all and eventually youve got a group and style that you stick to. If it were possible to play that game in 1st person, it would have eaten a lot more of my time.
  3. Just leave it, no need to close. Be sure to check every mod as you install them next time in tesvedit, if you do it one by one or group by group, you can iron out problems early and start to see a pattern of which mods and mod groups go where in the load order.
  4. If you have any problems with shimmering/bad anti aliasing, you can use hardware AA with ENB 119. I just mention that seems your cool with downgrading the version.
  5. The problem with cinematic fire fx is that it gets mostly overriden by RLO. So it is kinda redundant. UHDFFX is more just replacing the fire and embers models, and it is my favorite. I didnt check, but the imagespace part of Cinematic Ffx mught actually be still worth using. I just saw that most of its lighting settings are overridden, so it seems no point in using. Same with Skysight trees, it seems to be overridding SFO and SFO is great by itself. I will be back in a few hours time to check that its working with your save.
  6. It wouldnt be unlike the game to do this sorta crap really. Have you tried setting the stage back to 0? What you might do is go to a cell that nothing is in, or at least minimal, save the game and set the stage back, reload the save and go back and try to restart the quest. Kinda reverse engineering. Then if you can get past that broken part, set the stage to complete again before, obviously while still in skyrim. Cant be any harm in trying
  7. You sorta have to edit the inis by hand, because when we open the launcher it usually resets them. Its also wise to set both the inis to read only so they dont get reset. This will mean the launcher will crash when you open it, just so you are aware, this is what you want. So you just take off the read onky setting when you edit them and save, then reapply.
  8. Well it has to be definitely, (considering put money on it) 3DNPCs It must be missing its bsa or scripts folder or the esp file had become corrupt.
  9. Its actually quite obvious, mod 71, RacecompatibilityUSKPoverride is causing that whole entire mess. No other mod has even attempted to make a log. I have no experience with that plugin, you might wanna either check its not corrupted and redownload or remove it entirely Edit - this should be the cause of the no menu.
  10. Have a look for the youtube videos on it. Tou could also read my post to daniel44 in this thread from about 20 mins ago. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3319435-ctds-after-playing-with-a-new-character-i-just-want-to-play/page-2&do=findComment&comment=29737790
  11. Mmm well im not 100% sure but i constantly battle (mentally) with the shimmering i get without hardware AA (i use Vividian enb and smaa). Edit - shouldve said can you post the papyrus log plz. Lol 5am and still chatting forums
  12. This is the whole reason i dont use frost at all. I hate it with a passion. NPCs with that ice spike spell ruin my day. Youd think this would be addressed by the USKP, maybe hit Arthmoor up about it. I havent thought about this one for a while.
  13. Mmm, im outta ideas, google give me nothibg and i couldnt find a single comment from that tumblr name. Really wanna know what that enb setup is :/
  14. Well, AA isnt great with ENB in most cases anyway, my memu always runs at 30fps cos my gfx card isles back until the game loads. In fallout new vegas, no menu is the same as a hung/crashed game. Could say similar to infinte load screen. I say this game because thats the last tome i had that glitch in a gamebyro title. That said, have you tried reinstalling SkyUI and making sure it is up top of the esp list?
  15. Best way to detect conflicts is to look at them first hand in tesvedit with a filter applied. But underatanding them and reading the data is up to you to get the hang of. At first it looks daunting because it lights up so many red and orange colors, but truly most of this can be ignored. Like for example you bring up a record for a Cell in tesvedit. It is highlighted red or orange on the right depending if it is the winner or loser (providing its a conflicted record). On the right, once youve clicked on the record of course, you see some tables with a say a few mods that touch this cell. Say one mid is an armor mod and adds a container to that cell. Say another adds some spawning bandit. And another is a lighting mod. The last mod always wins. In the case of the container and bandit spawn, this is not the conflict, they should appear as intended. However if the armor and container mod load after the lighting mod it may be cancelling out the lighting mod effects because those former mods contain the vanilla settings for the cell. In any case if the data is not getting through, you can resolve the conflict by right clicking on the record and selecting "copy as override into" then selecting new file, this will be your own patch. Then you just drag the sections that need to be seen by the game to that patch you made (which wll now show up in that tables on the right), and this if done right will tell the game to load all them things. It will make much more sense once you start using it yourself, its quite easy. Just dont edit/patch anything you really really cant understand, like navmesh. If you see something like that then its probably best to post a screenie here, and then once youvr received good advice on that youll get the hang of it eventually. Usually you spend muxh of your time patching "lists". As in dragging over all the new things from mods that add to say leveled lists, to your custom patch so the game sees it all. This example here, this is what Wrye Bash does mostly when you create a bashed patch, if yiu have heard of that. Tesvedit can also make this merged patch. They dont really iron anything else other than the simple list stuff, but they make a good starting point. Just dont use this patch to copy your own edits into, because if you ever regenerate it youve lost all your work. Hence you always keep your custom patch, as a final master overriding patch.
  16. Well i guess if you are confident that all the files are installed correctly now, you might want to start looking at things in tesvedit. Also it seems from that log that the game cut out after initializing unoffical Dragonborn patch, not that that would be the cause, just thats when it seemed to have crashed.
  17. I would like to take loot out into the desert and.... I'll leave it to your imagination. As far as vanilla is concerned it could still crash without enboost. Maybe you have problems with your pc settings, but idk that unless i was sitting there looking at it. I guess what im trying to say here is that managing such a big load order is no easy feat. One must learn so much about the game and at least some of the underlying mechanics to be able to understand its limits, its flaws etc. I could sit here and help you but with that load order i would have to dedicate hours of my time when i could be playing the game myself for example. So thats why i suggest reading some of the things that i already replied to others about and also what advice others have given.
  18. Nope they are all normal for those mods. Problems must lie in conflicts and game optimization. Unless there is something wrong with your computer that we dont know about but thats probably a long shot.
  19. Ive heard this happened to someone else recently but i dont think they found an easy solution. What you might yry doing is looking in tesvedit at that quest with all your mods loaded and at the very least, get the quest stage number for the end of that quest you already did, and write down the quest forid and use setstage command in console to manually set it and see if that straightens it out. Ir otherwise google that quest and the wiki on it should have all the ids and quest stages there for the setstage.
  20. I have an idea. Start searching the beautiful whiterun user images section, maybe they uploaded one of those pics from that tumblr
  21. It had search tags to that kimliviana tumblr page. Im finding a few pages like this now, but a lot of that is just crap.
  22. Found this: http://mirilysverdi.tumblr.com/page/12
  23. Found nothing in google under those names with a few different search terms... mmm gonna be tricky
  24. I love that enb in them pics. Mmm youve aroused my curiousity now
  25. Judging by the page, the name is kimberlina and by the site, kimliviana. Otherwise you might try messaging the owner of the tumblr?
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