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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. No problem :). Imagine if we didnt have the console XD
  2. I get similar errors thrown at me in a bad overclock, namely the bsod IRQL too high. Could indicate bad cpu or ram but not limited to hardware, some software and viruses do cause this. As a last suggestion, dont suppose youve got expandsystemmemoryx64 and/or unsafememoryhacks set to true in your ENB? Could be the latest update throws up on some of ENBs code with those, in general you shouldnt have them set to true anyway unless you have solid reasons.
  3. Good idea actually that, try clicking on objects as most static stuff like the terrain will come up as 00 or ff where as objects mostly keep there formids in game.
  4. Ah good then. Tou might do well to stop using quicksave and autosave, they break after a while. Any game thats ever been loaded from one is affected.
  5. Lol so it was magically resolved. That is the beauty of Bethesda games lmao
  6. Leave those, did you apply a filter? I should of mentioned. Right click on the list and select apply filter and just press ok on the pop up. If you did that then thats bizarre, you shouldve seen a conflict. Also look at the Cell list.
  7. So the last update contained a few secuirty fixes, major one being the newcrelease Malicious software removal tool, one update for flash and 3 for office 07. The first one obviously would be the one to blame if any, but curious that mine is still fine. Just double check all your exes are marked to run as admin, beyond that i guess youll have to keep digging.
  8. Out of all the random spawn type mods id recommend for low end, Skyrim Immersive creatures could suit you nicely. Youd need to configure it a little with its MCM, but have a look at that one. The random cell reset is a blessing of a feature, IMO. Also Frostfall might be script heavy, but it just works so well. Chesko is a master coder, i wouldnt play Skyrim without it. Id recommend you give it a try before you get scared away from it. Edit - fixed typo
  9. Well if you reverted the skyrim inis, hopefully you added back the required settings from enb? Ill assume you did. I srill cant remember what it was in NV that did it to me, but it was more apparent on the grass then anywhere else although the grid was still faintly there all over, if you looked at the grass it was super exacerbated. Im sure it was from AF, but i just cant remember. I would test NV but i backed my install to my HDD and the circuit board blew on it recently. Edit - just to note it, another guy starting having artifacts on his screen with a 770, sometimes he saw a similar grid of black dots. He managed to fix it himself, he said his ENB memory settings were wrong. Can you post your ENB local settings?
  10. Youd have to really go through tesvedit with a filter and hand patch a lot of conflicts, this will take you a couple hours at first but once you get the hang of it you just do it everytime you add a new mod and keep your game peachy. This will also help you to realize a lot of load order conflicts, sometimes you can easily spot a mod out of place. For example, i can relate my own game crashing if some simple edits arent in my final patch, such as leveled lists edits missing or overriden by vanilla records from some mod that hasnt been cleaned of ITMs, or even if another also touches the said list and bashed patch hasnt merged them properly. So you have to recheck everything in the end. Sounds daunting yes, but once you get the hang of it, youll feel completely in control of your game. There are no shortcuts apart from the great programs modders have provided us with, Wrye and tesvedit. MO and NMM reduce your control significantly. For anyone reading this in future, im also somewhat certain that the above example leads to corrupted spawn points. On a fresh game with maybe 70 mods that only need patching for leveled lists etc etc, i find if i dont bother to correct all the changes in my final patch before playing, i get ctds in very random spots, but can load the game in the same spot 5 times in a row and at least one time i wouldnt get the crash (suggesting maybe a broken entry on the spawn point because it spawns at random.) I have tested this a fair bit and cannot reproduce crashes in said area AFTER merging all the right changes to the final patch, nor was able to find broken references or plain badly coded entries among the few mods that had any that i was using during this test. Just for the folks that will come across this on google, because more knowledge is good ;)
  11. Ah thats good to hear. Keep in mind not to use the serting expandsystemmemoryx64 and also unsafememkryhacks, leave them at false (i gather you changed them already).
  12. Are you able to use tesvedit? If so, open it up with all your mods checked and look under the worldspace category of Skyrim esm, find any red and ornage highlighted records, click on them or expand if necessary, and look on the tables on the right for the culprit mod.
  13. No problem, feel free to PM if you need any info on anything :)
  14. Well it might seem WinUpdate has broken your game, but im using Win10 and updated as well so unless it was something very specific in that update, id say this is purely coincidence. When validating through steam, i hooe you backed up your INIs for Skyrim cos likely they are now reset and youll need to reconfigure for enb etc. Access violation sounds like something to do with User account control, you made the right move putting it on a separate ssd, you might try system restore back to before the update and have a look if any of those updates were to security. Ill double check that now on my end also.
  15. I sort my own mods by hand and build my patches. Im sure the guys that made loot put a lot of work into it, but no thanks. Ive seen some shocking loard orders because of it. Also, it might be possible that RLO is causing the issue if it physically edits any of that space so you might try moving them down the end of the load. I use ELFX personally.
  16. If there isnt a mod that does it already, youd need to change the default head mesh to include the fangs model. You might find this is possible in CK but im not sure.
  17. If you find Ordinaror too heavy on perks, you might look at TTRSO, its nice and lightweight and wach perk tree is modular. So you can avoid using the Alchemy plugin from TTRSO and just use CACO for instance. It is also heavily inspired by other mods like sneak skills overhaul by Kryptopyr and SkyRE, but not as heavy and no need for much patches (i use TTRSO with no patches with a few hundred mods.)
  18. CACO includes a light weight needs mod inside it, you can use it via its MCM. It also works out of the box with iNeed and then if you wanted the full experience RND is the way to go, you can use my patch for it nexus id 70559) If you dont like purity, have a look at Natural lighting and Atmospherics, thats a really nice one. I personally use Vividian ENB and a complex setup of weather and lighting but this one i can recommend.
  19. Load orde is good but you might wanna put ELFX after CoT. The Enhancer esp is what might be giving you the crash. Install ENB again and open enblocal file and copy it here. I will have a look for mistakes. This file is found in the directory of TESV.exe
  20. Um that would usually indicate a load order problem, 2 mods altering the same space either without a patch or in the wrong order if they can be compatible. Cant see anything as far as mods, but youve got the official esms wrong and also the unofficial patches. It should go: Skyrim Update Dawnguard Dawn UP Hearthfire HF UP Dragonborn Dragonborn UP And curious, why you using NoDragonborn version of SMIM?
  21. Okay so when in Nepos house, after you kill him open the console and type player.setstage 00018b4b 65 or if in Thonars type the same but with 55 at the end. See if that allows you to save and exit.
  22. "You know what the problem with Skyrim is these days? Everyone is obsessed with death!" .....and necromancy ;)
  23. Keep in mind any esp sorting in thexdata folder will get seen by the game even if it inactive. Best to put them elsewhere if you want to keep them. If you use Wrye Bash, you can simply "hide" the files. Good luck!
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