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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. I just upgraded from Vividian enb 6 to 7, and the sun, my god everyone will have skin cancer. Has something to do with textures for the sun, your supposed to remove the sunglare and replace it with a blank file texture to get the actual intended effect. Look up Prod80 sun fix or something like yhat. Prod80 made it
  2. With that tiny load order tou shouldnt have much issue with the mods but then again LOOT never fails to surprise me. It hardly ever does a good job, i got to the point of seeing peoples load orders and sorting them myself for them. But that cant continue much longer. What you should be focusing on learning is how to use tesvedit and how to identify bad conflicts and load order problems. The best way to do this is to actually open the program and have a browse. Much will start to make sense. Then theres learning about the inis and correct enblocal memory settings etc. Most guides ive seen post some ridiculous tweaks, its actually quite simple, there are no magic fixes. Just run the straightforward settings with ample amounts of memory allocated to suit your machine etc. Unless you dedicate time to looking at the problems first hand, youll never get anywhere. Using too many programs that opt to do everything automatically takes the control of the game out of your hands. That said there are still reliable automated methods we use. This has been a motivational speech by SMB92. Lol. Edit - you need to post the actual load order. Note that Apollos mods are very script heavy, they might not be for you. Out of the whole papyrus log, its that top part with the binding errors that are of concern. They arent always a problem but they can relate to wrong load order or bad skse install or missing files. Note down what mod is in position 11, not the the 11th mod just position 11. Im curious about this one.
  3. Must be that one of the mods is getting badly overwritten if you are positive tesvedit gave no errors. Did you try selecting all your mod list in tesvedit and right clicking and selecting check for errors? If not, after it loads your mods, click on a mod and press ctrl+a to highlight them all then do this. Look for Error:could not be resolved after it finishes checking. It will take some time. Ignore these errors in SKs and Dlc esms.
  4. Okay, well there must be something overriding DG. Those are not good errors but they might be intentional. Otherwise, are you 100% sure you installed XPMSE and associated mods correctly?
  5. Did you remove the data left over in the Skyrim folder after you reinstalled?
  6. LOOT....needs a ***** If i posted you my LO, you would see the clear distinction of structure that yours lacks. BOSS used to be much better than this, you could use it for the base and sort the few mods that got misplaced but LOOT just seems to throw a lot of things everywhere. Edit - im working on your lo now. NOTES: -Give you a small custom patch file to add Wet n Cold Ashes weather in to the mix because they were being left out. Also added RLO change to Realistic water for a marker color, this should do nothing, just to resolve conflict staring at me. Added USKP fixes to this patch so they actually take effect. -I can see that Fallen Tree Bridges is somewhat incompatible with Verdant Grass, you might find areas in game that look odd because of it. Recommend remove fallen try bridges. SFO adds a few anyway. -RLO overrides some of CinematicFireFX edits. I would recommend getting rid of this and going for Ultimate HD Fire FX and if you cant afford performance wise, use the medium version. If you do install this, install it BEFORE SMIM in your install order in NMM or MO or Wrye. -Skysight bigger trees does conflict with SFO trees, Im not sure there is any point to having it, I advise you remove and just use SFO, it's very nice as it is. -There is no need for TrueGiantsv4 because the other esp is v6. However, v6 does not contain any creature movement changes compared to v4, but I'd say thats a good thing, and might even relate directly to your problem. But as you said, no dice after removing but anyway remove. Unfortunately because your game is in another language, it's hard for me to sort through all your Cells, however there are no major problems that I can see here, the weather mods are set fine now. Just the conflicts I mentioned above :smile: I have resolved a few other small problems, there aren't many, none that are game breaking, just some small stuff like USKP keywords and etc. Now I will run the patcher, and send the files back to you on my dropbox. Remember to remove the files I suggested on your end, note that I am running the patcher without them. I NEED A COPY OF YOUR SAVEGAME TO TEST. I forgot to ask about this. Make sure to upload me both save files, the ess file and skse file. FINAL NOTE: The only files affecting your AV patch is armored skeleton and true giants so this would have to be it unless something else break the game. Now with the Custom_Patch file I'm sending you, you still load AV patch last, after that.
  7. Well ive had 253 esps once, game still runs (254 is limit really). Im not sure what is going on because idk what mods you have but you could try looking at conflicts in tesvedit andxseeing if your load order needs a change.
  8. I just started a SoT playthrough with genesis myself, only got to spend 10 hours or so on it because ive had to run back to my other save and fix the big mess win10 and its arch nemesis creation kits made for me after compiling 1 single script. I went for ultimate dragons though, dd was over the top lol. Then theres dco if you never want to win.
  9. Well could be a mod problem since i dont have time right now to look it over but i dont get those papyrus errors from dawnguard youre getting at the top of that list, try reinstalling dawnguard.
  10. ENBoost is just wnb without the ENB gfx effects enabled, in a nutshell. Check out guides for memory settings also.
  11. You wont find much help without the use of spoiler tags. See pinned post.
  12. Oh woops i nearly forgot about you while i was answering everyone else posts. Did it tell you which mods had the errors? What im checking for is what records have been messed up so we can bring them up directly in tesedit on your end and fix the culprit plugin. Edit - that load order is pretty shocking. Upload a copy of all your esps and ill do it by hand. It would be easier than me typing it. Also, try running the patcher with the esp height adjusted races disabled.
  13. No dont delete those records, this error means it the referencing record cant find the target record it requires. Ideally we'd like to point the records that have the errors to the right ones, but thats not always obvious. These beoken records cause a crash whenever you come across them in game. For example if Nord Mead had an error because some mod that edits it has been broken, everytime you load a cell or come across Nord Mead the game will crash. What plugins had these errors and roughly how many did each affected one have? Also post a papyrus log if you can. Pretty easy just google it or see the other post i responded to in this thread just recently
  14. Edit that first note - you can clean skyrim esms. I was remembering something else. Mmm if you are definite it happens in vanilla, are you on win10. I was helping another user that claimed win10 update beoke the game, but of course at first i was a bit skeptical as i run it myself, but then the problems have started slowly from there. My Skyrim esms became completely corrupted, but Steam validate cache didnt pick it up. I had to manually delete and redownload. I also cleaned the esms this time and im running a long time current game and all is well so yeah. Edit - should of asked before but can you get a papyrus log up please? If you dont know how just go to Skyrim.ini and go to [papyrus] and set the 3 logging settings to 1. Then try run the game and do something and then exit and there will be a log in your my games folder called papyrus0 etc. 0 is the current log.
  15. Everything appears ro be in good order therw, you might put pire water after SMIM though, water mods like to be down there but in your case thats a nice clean setup anyway. It might be the case that your game is running our of memory almost instantly, without ENBoost and my heavy setup i usually crash a few minutes into the intro. Have you tried installing SKSE manually?
  16. Im on my phone so i cant see these pics properly, i imagine this is one of the common ones so try more googling.
  17. Axtually i think it is okay to clean the esms, i must be thinking of something else What you should do is open tesvedit and let it load all your mods, when it finishes loading just click on a mod, then press ctrl+a to select the whole list, then right click and press check for errors. Go make tea or coffee or whiskey while that goes through your mods. Then when it say All done at the bottom of text area, have a look and see if you can find the line: "error: could not be resolved". Write down what that mod was. Texhnically that means it somewhat broken, but report back. If you dont get any of this, we will look elsewhere. Ignore orher errors you see, they are fine. Also ignore unresolvable errors in Skyrim esm and dlcs
  18. It should of been running correctly if the right skeletons were installed properly. I find installing the skeletons after the animations works best.
  19. Beauty, no problem friend ;)
  20. After the last win10 update, my machine has started slowly producing some very strange problems. Things just dont work. Im not the kind to just blame my computer/Win10 but things are happening now that i cannot explain or fix by conventional means. For instance, all my Skyrim esms became corrupt and was obvious in tesvedit. Steam didnt pick this up when i verified the cache the first time, i had to delete them manually. Edit - my advice to you is to install everything Skyrim related outside program files folder. This will help a lot
  21. I think your best bet would be to post in the perma comments. I had a similar issue once, well sort of, my armor level was growing just be walking around in it while i was using a mod that supposed to stop it. I cannot remember the fix at this point but anyway this thread isnt getting aw much attention as it would like so best post over there :)
  22. I prefer the ranger/stealth approach, having followers forces me into straight forward hack n slash more than i want it to. In saying that i dont mind sometimes, but its at the best of times they stuff me over.
  23. @Boombro - how you use the word bang made that a golden read
  24. You'd open tesvedit and have all your active mods selected (which is default anyway), go into Skyrim esm and look for Armor, then nightingale. Youll probably find it highlighted red. Ignore that highlight but this tells you conflict, look on right hand side once you click on nightingale andxit will show you which mods edit this in a row. Look at the highlighted rows in the tables. Sounds tedious, but it will make much sense when you look at it yourself :)
  25. I find i make em wait outside dungeons all the time and use them for loot mules. In the end i always have Erandur and Vorstag for some reason, i play as a female NPC (Albeit decently dressed ;) and i tend to have em engage at a range and then run in with one or 2 hand swords, mainly one with shield. Then i make them wait. I did about 30 hours with 2 battlemages, Lydia and that other dark elf whos name escapes me, but i dropped them after one massive bandit fight. I am a sucker for having them tag along with me, but then the majority just become ornaments in my homes. So they all get turned into housecarls, except Erandur and Vorstag which i have taken a liking to even though if you asked me this question in general, i dont like to have followers. Which makes about as much sense as a one cent coin.
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