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Everything posted by Galadreal

  1. It is not armor or shiny objects, but check out Skyrim Toy Story, it adds several new gifts that you can make and give to your kids including a couple of different teddy-bears, toy boat, toy shield, toy dragon, etc.
  2. yeah, search the nexus, there are a few that already do that. such as: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52628/? it is a nice location, I am sure that there are more out there.
  3. No. I have not had any problems with the bookshelves in Proudspire before. And I think that is just a vanilla bug. It just happens sometimes. I know some people have problems with it if they remove and old mod from a house and try out a new one, I am not sure why, but I think someone else mentioned it. http://steamcommunity.com/app/72850/discussions/0/846944689801500033/
  4. Not a problem. I will be putting out a version that has alot of storage for things like that (I like to display my armor) but that will be later on and in a separate custom home. Please let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions you might like to see.
  5. Yes, version 3.45 is the most recent without Dragonborn requirement. basically if you use the General Stores Mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/18340/? it creates cloud storage. I used it in all of the houses in the General Stores version, so you would need that mod as well. The non General stores version has no other requirements except for the Hearthfire DLC. I like the cloud storage, but it is not very realistic...unless you want to go with the whole "a wizard did it" explanation. :)
  6. ahh, yes...version 4 did require Dragonborn. Version 3 did not. It remodeled only the vanilla houses and the Hearthfire houses. Also, I am now working on a fancy version...since the last one I tried to stay close to lore friendly for the 5 original houses...now I want to do a nice version. I am a schmo. I need to make a small change to version 3.45, part of breezehome is slightly misaligned, but otherwise it should be fine to use, it is just ugly.
  7. No worries. Though i would be happy to help you figure out what the problem was with mine. Proudspire is strange in that the kids room is a completely new addition in Hearthfire, instead of a change in rooms like the other houses. There is no space for it in the actual outside of the house, it is just kind of blobbed on there.
  8. Hello! So, I already have a mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44410/? Ta Da!! Now, I have been asked so many times if I can make it so it only affects the Hearthfire Houses. That makes me want to pull out all my hair, because had I had any foresight when I started this 6 months ago, I could have done that. As it stands, I could create duplicate cells of the original homes and then make an MCM Menu so that you could choose if you wanted to use the original cell or the new remodeled cell. Before anyone says "Read a Tutorial" I have done that. I have spent the entire weekend reading tutorials. Due to an unfortunate problem I am having at the moment, my comprehension is not working very well. This is very frustrating to me, and although I do not like asking for help. Well, here I am. I am not asking you to create the menu for me. Not unless you just really want to. But could someone please stupid the directions down for me. I went through the creation kit wiki and read up on scripting (and got confused) I went to the SKYUI site and read up on how to create a menu...and got confused. I followed their instructions that they had...and it did not work. If someone could even point me in the direction of an MCM Menu scripting for idiots, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  9. that is not the only mod that adds the extra beds. There are at least a few out there already, Including my own. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44410/? which actually started out just as a way not to lose all you enchanting and alchemy stuff when you adopted and then my brain exploded all over it.
  10. No worries, and I don't think you are completely wrong either. It can get very convoluted. I hate politics, it makes me want to scream. So I just try to avoid them in general. I mean, we can't even talk about the weather at work without my supervisor going postal because we might be discussing global warming. I say "wow, this storm is really bad, I don't remember having a winter that the weather was this odd before" I hear over the wall "We Do Not Talk About That At Work!!" troll-la la la la!
  11. I'm sorry...I don't understand what you were meaning. Ok, that was my diplomatic voice, I guess I need to be blunt. Your description sounds like it was written by a small child demanding attention. I understand, since you said so on this forum, that english is not your first language, and I may be very far off in international etiquette, but as far as I know, talking about how awesome you are in any culture is considered tacky. Sometimes Less is More. If you replace the line I mentioned above with something like: "This mod uses only vanilla resources, but it still has the unique design and architectural style for the Redguard" See, it is getting the point across (I am guess that was your point) without alot of self praise, or at least, less blatant self praise. Including the word Impressively as you did in your description made it sound like a demand for attention to how great this mod is.
  12. I don't know about selling your soul, but be receptive to other people's ideas. Some people have asked me to do a Hearthfire's only remodel, that would take hours upon hours to do and would make me want to scream. But someone this morning suggested I do a separate cell load, such as I did with Severin Manor, so that instead of remodeling the entire house at once you just chance cell's over to the new model. This would, in essence, make it possible to not have to use the mod at all in houses you did not want the changes in. You do not have to sell out, but some people will have genuinely good ideas that you may not have thought of yourself. I am working on 3 different mods right now and so my mind sometimes gets a little fuzzy on the details, it is nice to have other people's ideas or suggestions. They are not always practical. But you do not have to sell out to be popular.
  13. I just want to add my 2 cents here, so please listen before you think I am flaming you. It looks like an interesting idea for a mod...but not something I would ever download becuase I make my own house stuff, and honestly even having just the normal houses can be too much sometimes. But here goes: The good: You included alot of immages the description uses different fonts, images, and video no loading screen creative use of vanilla assets such as doors to windows, etc. The bad: I know that english is not your first language, but some of your mod description looks like it was written by an attention wh*%#: The mod has been completely created with vanilla stuff (except for a modified version of scimitar and shield mesh). Impressively, even if I had to work with vanilla materials, I was able to build an house with unique design and architecture style. This screams "desperate for praise" Patting yourself on the back is one thing, this makes you look like a small child wanting praise for coloring inside the lines The rest of the description is overly wordy. This is a small mod, it adds one house. Yes, it might be a cool house, but the front page just looks cluttered. I do this myself, because I go into information overload, but it not good regardless. repetitious images. Yes, you posted alot of pictures, but I don't know how big this house is or anything. They all seem to be of one room, and most of them look just like the rest. I know there are small differences, but you should highlight specifics. The ugly truth: Don't make mods just for popularity. Make something you want. I started remodeling houses because I could not find ones that I liked. There are about a billion Breezehome Remodels out there, but s#*! for any of the other houses. So I did those because that is what I wanted. It has taken me almost 6 months, I have 95 endorsements, and a nice little group of people who follow the mod and test it for me since I barely have time to play any more with the modding. Will I ever do one of those 1000+ endorsed mods...no, probably not. I am learning Blender and scripting and have other ideas for things I want to do because I think they would be nice to have, and I post them mostly because I have used so many other mods, it is nice to give back. Plus, free testing for when I can't. But you should do it because it makes you happy, and you like it and you want to make something special. You cannot expect other people to like what you do. You may luck out and people flock to you and sing your praises and tell you how awesome you are. Or you may just have a few people who come along, help you out, and are generally cool. You will run into trolls, this is the internet, it is inevitable. If you do this long enough, you will become so frustrated you want to pull out all of your hair. If you use other people's resources, there will be days when you get so confused by their scripts that you are ready to just pack it in and say "you know what, screw it, we don't need to make any f*#@ing cheese!!" (thank you Berticus...no, seriously, he is awesome and has some great resources, I just cannot follow directions for s#*! sometimes: If you make a mod, make it for yourself. If other people like it and it becomes popular and heavily endorsed, great, but if not, you still have something awesome that you created and that you like. Sorry, it is getting late, and I get introspective when I don't sleep. Goodnight!
  14. And here we have our Blood of The Divine Wine!
  15. Oh, I can say it is almost certainly the home remodel that is causing Lydia to act like that. If you had read any recent comments, you would see it is a problem I have been working on. Clearly it is not fixed yet. Breezehome is a b&@*$ to navmesh, and I have been trying to get it right since I started this thing. Maybe, if you read through some of the posts on other mods, you would find out what problems they might be causing.
  16. Right now I am not having a waiting period. I would like to, but I am still working on figuring out how to do that. They would only be craftable at the distilleries in the basement of the Hearthfire remodel I did, since I added distilleries. Berticus did a great modders resource with maturing scripts for cheeses or wine and I am learning how to use it so hopefully in the future I can make these mature for more potent effects. I do want to make these have effects, for instance, the Mad God 20/20 does restore 150 stamina. Right now that is overpowered, and I would rather it have unexpected effects, like using the wabbajack, but I don't know how to do that. I was going to make a Clavicus' Vile Brew that did overpowered health regeneration but deleated all your magic and stamina (everything with him comes at a price). So yes, I welcome any suggested and ideas. I figured that if these are going to be overpowered or give really good effects the ingredients have to be at least a little difficult to come by or I have to figure out the maturing scripts so that they are not easy to make in overly large quantities. I don't want this to be a cheat, just kind of a bonus. If you want to see the distilleries the mod is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44410 and the basement distillery image: http://static-3.nexusmods.com/15/mods/110/images/44410-5-1398040727.jpg But please make suggestions, I like the Blood of the Divines Idea, though, I could put a picture of the Talos statue on the label. What kind of effects should it have, less time between shouts or stronger shouts?
  17. So, I am doing a mod, and I keep getting new ideas of things I want to add. In the Hearthfire Homes I did basements that have distilleries, and am making up some recipes for drinks from the actual game. Well, I am trying to, after about 4 I kind of had a derp moment and now my brain does not want to bother with those, it wants to come up with new things. I made a wine distillery and a mead distillery (yes, they do actually require different methods to make them, and I did not want the recipe list to get bogged down, plus the room looked better with 2 than 1, we have to have aesthetics, dammit) So, for new wine, I already made Sheogorath Mead (Mad God 20/20) and my husband suggested Sanguine Wine and Clavicu's Vile Brew, then I thought to myself, but why not also have special Divine Wine. Something that you can make that will give you limited buffs similar to the blessings you get from the shrines. Drink a Bottle of Mara's Moscato and have improved speech for a while, something like that. So, I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what kind of wine or mead I should make or any suggested recipes for vanilla drinks. Yes, I am also trying to expand the non-alcoholic drinks too, so I can get butter and buttermilk from my churns. But that is a different topic entirely. :)
  18. Ok. So, I am trying to build a lot around the hearthfire houses. Walls, etc. I have figure out how to make new items in the constructable, but I cannot, for anything, figure out how to tie these to an xMarker so that when the item is constructed at the table it creates the new item. I want these upgrades to be optional so people don't have to build them if they don't want to, there are alot of good mods out there for the exterior of Lakeview Manor, but since this is an "everything and the kitchen sink kind of mod, I want to have that option available. If anyone know anything about crafting items with xmarkers, I would appreciate the help. yes, I have looked at tutorials and they just made me feel dumb. I need someone who can stupid this down for me. Thanks.
  19. THANK YOU! This was irritating me so much! I really appreciate it.
  20. So. The massive amount of crazy continues for me. I am almost done with all interiors for the 3 Hearthfire houses. Now I want to make the exterior upgradeable. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44410/? I have no idea how to do this. I had to take out the interior drafting tables, because of a few new walls I put in, and since you cannot actually move things around in Hearthfires (everything resets to default position in the game, I had to start from scratch) when I tested it, my character would get stuck in a wall when I went to build the exterior items like tables, chairs, etc on the patio. Now I want to make it so that I can build all of the exterior furniture from the main crafting bench outside ( and add in a few new things, I hate the crappy common furniture on the deck) I know this will involve creating a new construction recipe in the creation kit, and I know it probably involves an xmarker to make sure I get everything done together. Otherwise I have no idea. I have pretty much just been moving in new furniture, making a few new recipes for the distillery in the basement and simple things like that. I just really need a point in the right direction.
  21. It's me again!! And I would like opinions. I am making breweries in the basement of the Hearthfire houses. I have 2 set up, one for wine and one for mead. I liked the symmetry of having 2 of them. One makes Alto Wine and Firebrand wine, the other makes Nord Mead and Mead with Juniper berries. Does anyone have any suggestions on what other kinds of alchol I should put in there? I did not really want to do Honningbrew or Black Briar mead, but I would appreciate any other suggestions. I am also trying to figure out the directions on Berts Hearthfire Dairygoods overhaul, so I could make the wine mature overtime, but right now, I just want to make up some recipies. Thanks, Gail
  22. This one has a leather halter. You might check it out. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3625/?
  23. So, I am remodeling all the houses, most of them are done already, but I want to do a color theme for the Hearthfire Houses. I have released Lakeview Manor in green (I need to tweak it a bit and fix the outside some) but I wanted to make the beds a better green. and maybe change the trim to white. For the noble double bed and kids beds. Then i am going to try to do Windstead Manor in Red, and I would like to do Red and Gold blankets. Then a Blue and Silver for Heljarcen Hall. I have been able to find alot of rug resouces, and think I can do the rugs in these colors, and I am trying to find banner resouces with these colors. I have matching towels from InsanitySorrow. but the only recolor I have been able to find on beds is static. Could someone either give me a hand with this, or at least point me to a good tutorial on how to do this? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/44410/? The mod in question that I am working on, if you are interested. Pay no attention to the rugs in the Lakeview Manor images. Those were old pictures.
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