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Everything posted by yudhi108

  1. Sorry for posting in wrong place and thanks for reply. Will be sure to post NMM related stuff in proper forum next time.
  2. well this is really sh*tty. i noticed the mods not showing up after upating NMM just now to 0.60.14 so i checked the NMM install folder and the mods are GONE!!! They are still installed but NMM doesn't have them loaded so I can't really uninstall and reinstall and manage my game properly now.
  3. EDIT: Deleted entire post and rewrote it. Thought I'd solved my problem but I did not. Ok so I thought I had figure it out. I made a little progress but here's what happened. I edited the castanic armor and took the cloth off the back with nifskope. I did this to both the _0 and _1 files for the armor. After doing this I loaded Skyrim and sure enough the armor was looking good just how I wanted it, without the stupid cloth flapping in the wind in the back of it. I thought it was a success but then I noticed my chars body was actually a different size when I put the armor on. I exited Skyrim and then used bodyslide to build the patch making all my armors scale with my body. After batching all my armors in bodyslide, the game CTD's when I try to put the Castanic armor on. Body slide worked properly with the outfit before editing it with nifskope but now, although I deleted the stupid zap on the back of the armor, the game CTD's after using bodyslide to patch my armors.
  4. Hello SMB. You are correct in what I am trying to do (remove a piece of the armor). I have, since my OP here, found another guide to outfit studio and nifskope. It seems some of the outfit studio buttons and such have changed slightly since some of the tutorials I saw and it confused me a little. I did find a way to edit out the flap on the armor, but when I saved it, and loaded skyrim the head was like behind the neck instead of on the neck which was a game breaker for me. Tonight, after I'm done with work, I will try this again and if I fail I will make a more intelligent post requesting help. I was tired when I started this thread and it's not as intelligible as it should be. I appologize for that. As for your answer... Thanks a lot!!! I thought nifskope was mostly just for testing your meshes before editing with Outfit studio. I will try editing it with nifskope. Thanks a lot. Will let u know how it goes.
  5. you must've done something wrong. you have to run the VB_Installer or something like that when you're done. just carefully read the desc and try again. read every word of every step before u move to the next step.
  6. So I've read all the Bodyslide Tutorials and tried everything I could think of but cannot figure out how to zap part of a terra armor and make it work in game. I already made a thread requesting info on how to do that though. You can reply there if you want. This post is specifically requesting a video if someone knows how to do it. Thanks a lot.
  7. EDIT: Let's let this thread die. I've reverted to an old back up of my skyrim setup and will spend a couple more days trying to figure out how to do this. Thanks.
  8. If I just edit my Ini's like this will it suffice as ENBoost?: The above is from the RealVision ENB page.
  9. UPDATE: I think I just had a corrupt file I was trying to add to NMM. When I click on add file, choose a file, and click open, nothing happens any more. I installed like 30 mods this way then it just stopped adding them... I even tried throwing the mod in the appropriate folder to get NMM to recognize it. I can't think of any more troubleshooting options for this problem. Funny thing is I helped a friend do a Skyrim build on a different computer, and he had the same problem. I just reinstalled all his files and skyrim and everything to get it to work cuz we had just started, but I need another solution at this point. I read the FAQ for NMM and found nothing. Also did a google search and didn't find a solution. EDIT: It seems NMM won't load mods that are just textures any more? I used to use NMM to install all mods but I'm not sure that's gunna work any more.
  10. LoL I'm gunna sound like an idiot for not knowing how to disable the ENB and sweetfx, but I don't and I asked on the RVenb but no reply yet. Will test it as soon as I figure out how. Spent hours troubleshooting NMM today also. It wasn't adding mods from file properly. The only other thing for this current build I'm doing is that I've tried installing my programs, such as NMM, Loot, and wryebash to different locations than the build I need to test. To test my other build will require some precise file placing or reinstalling the programs. It's a little problem I can figure out on my own once I figure out how to disable the ENB and sweetfx. EDIT: I think the NMM thing was just due to a corrupt download. In all my time modding, this is the first time a file downloaded improperly/corrupt.
  11. Ok, I will try disabling the ENB and sweetfx and report back later today. It may take me some time. It's really amazing to me that you're going to come up with a potential setup for me/my PC. I was hoping my "post your load order here" thread would be something to help anyone who read it come up with ideas that work. It's actually a good idea. Something like it anyways, could help people out if there was a guide like that. Old Hand did something excellent and similar to that with his recent setup thread (link in last post). There should be lots of those recommended for different gameplay styles and PC specs. In the future (tes6 or 7?) maybe mods could be compiled into ready to go tested SETUPs/builds for people to download, with the INI files included. There might have to be a small program to tell the INI's the PC specs or something. It could get complicated making sure all mod authors whos work was compiled was credited etc., and would be a lot of work for someone testing, but for users it would be next level for sure. People would LOVE to download tested compiled builds. Even if they were 20-50 GB. Gosh that could be a pain to handle the large upload/downloads though. For now (since we can't download compiled builds that work) threads like the one Old Hand made, and maybe this one since you're going to compliment Old Hands work with some recommended mods for my high end PC, can help users a lot. I wanted to say that I do know the load order in my last post is a bit extreme and sloppy. It's not the only build I've done though. I'm on my 6th full build now and that doesn't include the many I started and didn't finish because they weren't going well. The thing is, I spent a ton of time testing the limit on different possibilities because I want to take advantage of my good PC. Each build I've done is backed up on a hard drive in different stages. The load order above is from my 5.6 build. 5.4 was almost as good and maybe a little more stable than 5.6. 5.6 was complete for me though. If it had been stable I would've been able to spend thousands of hours playing with out modding, to make up for the thousands of hours of modding. I helped a friend of mine mod Skyrim, who'd never played it before, and it was easy for him cuz he has a junk monitor and didn't care about graphics at all. So I just did all the stabilization stuff for him and ini tweaks (gave him my INI's which were from EWI originally) and taught him how to use all the programs. We then just installed some basic gameplay mods, told him to endorse the ones he liked cuz I know that helps mod authors, and he was set. For me, with a good computer and 4k TV, I'm looking for a bit more. EDIT: wanted to clarify my statement "I'm not attached to COT". I love climates of tamriel and think it's ultimately immersive along with some ok or good graphics mods. The rain from COT and graphics on my 42in 4k TV/pc monitor is very immersive. I feel like I'm in the forest and it's great, just as long as I don't CTD lol. I'm using 500byte, 1k, and a few 2k textures, like body and armor. Not 4k. I'm just open to what ever you say is all, if you say forget it, I'll try that this time. I've spent a lot of time testing things people have told me and my own ideas as well and now I'm ready to try what ever you post here along with what Old Hand has said.
  12. Hey thanks for that reply! Yeah I have a killer GPU but no I'm not running 4k mods. I did a 4k build once and it was truly beautiful, but after adding gameplay mods my game started fubar crashing. I did lots of stabilization work and have read EVERY WORD multiple times of the different related guides on here, and I still read similar guides when I find them and reference the old ones as well. I've spent a solid year or more modding skyrim (on and off since the game came out really) and coming up with different builds. The last one I had was great, my favorite yet, but a little too unstable (might've been partially the sexlab mods which I'll probaly leave out this time around). Never have I come up with a good build that I felt was worthy of my pc and had the good gameplay elements I like (I mean I've got a 6gb card afterall, it pisses me off to have so much trouble taking advantage of it and having stable 4k graphics in Skyrim). Seems skyrim's engine is just too junky (not trying to be insulting there, i LOVE Skyrim). If my game CTD's more than once every 30 min it becomes unimmersive and I find myself loading another game rather than reloading Skyrim if it crashes too often. Once very hour or less would be ok. Having to use console commands to advance through broken questlines is also incredibly unimmersive. You asked what mods I'm using... I'm not using any at the moment because I'm starting a new build using the gameplay mods suggested by old hand HERE. This is the load order from my most recent build: Dragonborn DLC is completely broken on the above load order, and I have some problem where my game sometimes crashes when I change gear, and sometimes when it rains or something my game crashes. It's a little too much CTD for me to immerse myself in the game. I tried creating a thread asking people to post their successful load orders and PC specs (which I thought was a genius was of finding out what's working for different people), but NO ONE replied and left me a load order to study lol. I was hoping to find the least intensive graphical setup so I can worry more about gameplay mods though I'll install good character graphics. I admit I'm one of the guys that is largely in love with Skyrim cuz of how I can mod my female character, and the modded gameplay brings it all together for me if I can get a stable game. EDIT: I'm not attached to climates of tamriel. Would like the sky to look better if there's an easy way is what I was trying to say, but the lighting is the most important graphically I think, and then gameplay ofc.
  13. So I've got a decent computer and have been running RealVision ENB for a year or so. PS Specs: I love RV ENB with enhanced lighting effects and the recommended mods. It's in my sig, I endorse it and ecourage people to try it. I'm posting today however to ask you guys what the least resource intensive ENB is, and a couple mods to add to that ENB for realism. What's most important for me is realistic lighting, but I notice the vanilla clouds look horrendous and would be nice to have an easy update. RLO and Enhanced Lights are good, but does anyone know what's less resource intensive or have another suggestion? I'm hoping people with experience can help me. Thanks
  14. Read over it, and bookmarked! Thanks So much info here. Would be cool if it was like categorized and had a table of context. Thanks though.
  15. Hello everyone! USE SPOILERS WHEN POSTING YOUR LOAD ORDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [ Spoiler] text [ /Spoiler] That's how you do it, but without the spaces. DEFINITION OF WORKING LOAD ORDER: My definition anyways is a load order that doesn't have broken questlines and doesn't CTD a lot due to conflicting mods. SHORT VERSION OF PURPOSE: Trying to get you guys who have good working load orders going to post them here so I can look at them and think about replicating some aspects of them. LONG VERSION OF PURPOSE: I've been playing Skyrim off and on since it came out. I'm not going to try to present myself as a pro or anything but I do have some (a decent amount of) experience with modding. I get good frame rates and I think I've got my ini's and everything set up right, but I get CTD's and it's most likely due to conflicting mods and a stressful load order. I want you guys who have good working load orders going to post them here so I can look at them and think about replicating some aspects of them by downloading, installing, and endorsing the mods in your load order if I like the way it looks, or maybe I'll just look at them and learn! IF YOU HAVE A BROKEN GAME LOAD ORDER: You can post it but please mention very clearly (maybe in caps tho they are annoying?) that it's a broken load order so people looking at it can know. Here's my current load order: This game looks great, is hard as fck, is sexy, and fun, and like the best ever... Except for the fact that the entire dragonborn DLC is broken and has to be advanced via console commands, and sometimes the game crashes a little to often for me to want to play. If a game crashes more than once every 30 minutes, it's very unimerssive and is hard to get very into it. I hope tes6 will have an improved engine or some how or other be able to handle mods better. High end PC's should be able to smash TES. MY PC BUILD:
  16. Bookmarked this thread! Glad I found it and thanks a lot!
  17. Yizzin, will you please post your load order? Good job on getting a good game going with no CTD. I've got a great game going but too man CTD's. I think it's the SL mods. It was the first major build I did that was pretty successful. I'm sure I could do a better build now but I'm too lazy. This build does work just not as good as I want.
  18. I'm running a 6gb Titan black, 17-4790k, 16gb ram, and RealVision ENB kicks my computers ass pretty bad sometimes. I've done several Skyrim game/mod build over a year modding my Skyrim with realvision being the only ENB I used. I do want to give another ENB a try but I like RVenb a lot. I just want to recomend using the less graphically intensive recommended mods on the RV enb page if u use it. I tried all 4k graphics once and I could barely walk around skyrim and marvel at the graphics. As soon as any actual gameplay happened my game started crashing due to too much high res textures etc. Now I have a setup running with almost 250 mods, many intensive, and can play through most of the game. Only the Dragonborn DLC seems broken and I have to advance with console commands through that part of the game. Here's my load order:
  19. They store some info. I created 2 seperate folders within my NMM install folders for those two folders you mentioned. I also want to keep them all in one place. Where did you install NMM? Did you install it in the steam directory? It says not to but I've always installed to the steam directory and never had a problem but I'm afraid I might some day if I keep installing there.
  20. First of all, Lord Garon may have stopped following this thread, but I want to thank him again. This thread, and the info within, has allowed me to take a one year break from Skyrim, build a couple new PC's, install new windows, blah blah blah, and then just reload all my game files and start playing an old game SETUP just like that! Some info for how I did it: I wasn't sure what to do about FNIS, BODYSLIDE, etc., but what I did was install Skyrim to the usual location, and installed NMM, Loot, WryeBash, and Tes5edit to the usual location I install them to. Next I installed SKSE, and the ONLY mod I installed before transferring my old SETUP was CBBE with the bodyslide and fnis installed. Then I transfered the files, and voila, started playing an old setup that I'd previously (last year) spent 6 months modding! So awesome! I wanted to make sure bodyslide and fnis were installed and recognized before transfering files to make sure my PC recognized the programs as installed when I put their respective files on my PC, and it worked. Thanks again Lord Garon and thanks everyone who participated in this thread. It's been very helpful. I hope it helps others as well. It's so good, I feel like I should go spam this as a guide. Hey this could become an official guide if it was condensed and cleaned up a bit. -yudhi
  21. Hello, and thanks for reading! I was having a problem getting attacked and couldn't figure out why. I tried messing with factions and all kinds of stuff but it turns out when I equip more than 3 pieces of fur equipment I start getting attacked by guards and jarls tho the townspeople are not afraid of or hostile toward me. Is there a mod that causes fur armor to register the character as an animal or to put the character into some kind of faction, and is there a way to stop the fur armor from doing this? The fur armor gives me good protection from the weather (frostfall). There's 5 pieces I try to equip: the fur travelers cloak, arms, legs, chest, head. Equiping any combination of 4 causes guards to go nuts on me. Load Order:
  22. How many factions can one be a part of at once? Is there a way to check skyrim faction levels?
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