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Everything posted by yudhi108

  1. I guess the 100's of hours I spent trying to figure out how to profile with the current NMM were kind of a waste. Can you give me some idea at all of when this update might happen? Not more than a month or two would be good. Lord Garon and ChevyOwner had a good discussion about how to profile with NMM on a thread I started. Basically just having multiple folders and renaming them to switch games work. Just gotta be careful how and where NMM and wrye bash are installed, and gotta always back up and properly place loadorder.txt and plugins.txt Thanks a lot for personally responding Robin. :)
  2. Heck ya! Sounds like you're having fun. Can you post your load order from wrye bash here in a spoiler? I'm just curious what mod's you're using :)
  3. Yeah, I have an i7-4790k and I love it. I'm VERY glad I got it instead of an i5. Hyperthreading is so bad ass. It speeds up my computer for a lot of things, but if your budget is 1k, it's ok to stick with the i5 like Amyr says. i7's are great and I recommend them for sure, but Amyr is more expert than me, and he's suggesting you may not need the i7. If you're really on a budget get the i5, otherwise the extra 100 bucks it costs to get a good i7 is absolutely worth it IMO. This was going to be my main suggestion to you. DO NOT NOT NOT get a cheap PSU. Get a good quality one that won't fk up your computer. If you're going to be upgrading your computer within the first year or so of putting it together, you might want to consider getting more than 600W also. Either way though, please don't get a bad PSU. It's the worse thing you could do for your computer other than overclocking it or something with out sufficient cooling.
  4. How is the TItan the best for Skyrim still? My understanding is that Skyrim can only utilize 4gb of VRAM from any GPU. Awesome info. Really. Is there something that you know of, that's coming out soon, that will replace or be better than the titan? I seem to have bought my 780 at a bad time when I could've waited only a couple months and got something significantly better for same price.
  5. I like the hard file system of NMM. It's nice that I can just copy all my hard files to my extra HDD and then restore it when ever I want, on a new computer even if I get a new one or something like that. NMM is easy for me. I've become quite proficient. Just dumping all the 2-300 mods I want to play around with into the right folder makes them all show up instantly in NMM, so I don't have to add them one at a time or something. Then I just click to activate the ones I want to activate. Works well for me, and I like how cut and dry it is. Even tho I tried MO before and did NOT like it, I'm considering giving MO another chance since u r suggesting it. I really really like NMM a lot tho. With MO, would I be able to copy all the files to disk and then restore them when ever I want?
  6. This! I kept having CTD's after installing my last few gameplay mods. So, I'm experimenting with different quality mods while researching GPU's.
  7. How is the TItan the best for Skyrim still? My understanding is that Skyrim can only utilize 4gb of VRAM from any GPU.
  8. This kind of info helps a lot. Seen u help out in a lot of threads Amyr. Thanks a lot. I'm also trying to find a good GPU upgrade and this thread has been helpful. Guess I'll wait for the 970. Currently running a 3gb gtx 780 and wanting at least 4gb. Amyr, if I had $1000-$1500 to spend on a single GPU, could you make a suggestion? No one seems to actually want to make a specific suggestion in that price range. They only want to give philosophical advice on the matter. what about the new r9295x2 that came out? i think the EVGA one was like $1500 when I checked. I'd love a 6-8gb GPU that's fast.
  9. I like installing sl mods so I can be a ho, starting at an inn as a ho with alt start. lol couldn't help myself. true story tho EDIT: removed the edit for my own reasons. Fun thread, let's keep it up :smile:
  10. Seriously though... Has development been ceased? I have some suggestions and am willing to spend a lot of time testing things if it helps someone make NMM finally have a properly functioning profiling system. Who's working on NMM development?
  11. UPDATE: I think I ruined some pretty good back up installs I had by throwing an install save I had backed up onto my C drive that had NMM installed somewhere different or something. The save backup still has all mods installed but when I threw it on my PC i noticed that non of the esm's were checked in the DATA files thing in the Skyrim launcher, and NMM actually showed NO MODS!! I managed to point NMM to the mod directory, and it then showed all the mods, but it showed them as uninstalled though there were in fact installed and the ESM's just needed to be checked and LOOTed etc. I know what to do to prevent this from happening in the future. You guys have given me enough info to figure that out... I will create a back up install (starting point) with NMM and wrye bash already installed to the Steam\Common\Skyrim directory. Also, I will save a copy of the loadorder.txt and plugins.txt loacated in the [username]\AppData\Local\Skyrim folder with each back up I save onto my HDD. What I don't know how to do is to make NMM recognize/figure out which mods are installed rather than showing them all as uninstalled. If there's not a way to do this, then I will just start over and be sure not to make the same mistake again. EDIT: Just to clarify, I don't have back ups of loadorder.txt and plugins.txt for some of the install saves I have backed up. Thanks again!
  12. For anyone interested in this subject still, I created a new Skyrim install (still working on it really) with lesser graphics... Usually I install graphics and then back up the install before installing other mods. This way I have a clean install with good graphics to begin with if I mess my game up too bad. Usually I make another install save after installing cbbe and about 15 or so other body mods as well. I've been having trouble having multiple hard install saves on my computer etc. but I think I've figured it out. I've created an install with the same mods I used to have in 4k graphics, but now in 2k graphics. It's hard for me to judge the difference because I left out one mod I think, and I used some even lesser graphics mods (512 and 1024, as opposed to the 4k graphics I had installed previously). I did notice a couple interesting things which I will mention now, but over the next month or two I'll continue comparing different graphics on my 1080p TV and let you guys know. I use RealVission enb and the suggested mods on SkyrimTuner's page (can someone message me how to hide a link for future reference?). This time I used 512-2k graphics instead of 4k. Nothing above 2k. Realvision ENB link (can someone tell me, maybe in a message, how to hide a link for future reference?): http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30936/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D30936%26preview%3D&pUp=1 WATER: Couldn't tell much difference between 512 and 4k. MOUNTAINS: Made me wanna puke. Couldn't play the game lol. I might have missed a mod though, I need to test this more. It was soooooo bad. TREES: Couldn't tell the difference. After doing some thorough testing, I will post here again. This was a very poor test, I'll admit that much, though I will be testing more. Thank you all again, for all the input. Nazgren, if you don't mind, what do you use 2k, 4k, and 8k textures for? 8k for body mods, 2k grass, etc... something like that? I'd be interested to see your load order (from wyre bash so I can understand it better) if possible. More importantly though, which graphics card is coming out in december that you suggest waiting for? I'm actually in the market for a new GPU now, want a very high end one, and could use some suggestions. $1000 budget (was even looking at that new r9295x2 for over $1000).
  13. I saw the download page for the NMM 0.5 alpha (the test one with profiling). The last post there was from mid 2013 or so. There's two things I'm wondering about NMM alpha... One is, is there a forum for discussing this test version of NMM and problem solving? 2: How do I adjust things like INI setting for a single profile, and install programs (like and ENB, wrye bash, or any other program installed) into the skyrim directory while using this test version of NMM?
  14. dont get less than 4gb. you'll instantly wanna upgrade if you install too much heavy mods. 4gb is great tho.
  15. It would've been very funny game design if they were made to crash once they "ran out" of VRAM. "Load this city... Exited city, load next city... Another city... Oh, that's all the VRAM we've got, PLAYTIME OVER!" No. VRAM isn't consumed, most of it in DX9 simply mirrors items loaded into the game's system RAM, for faster rendering. You can't quite run out of it with a DX9 engine - it will simply keep using your system RAM, as it normally does. It's perfectly possible to play Skyrim with a 512MB video card like GT710 or an older one. It's slow and not great fun, but it runs and it doesn't say "oops, out of VRAM, playtime over" once it fills the whole 512MB, which would be about right after the loading screen. There's plenty of reason Skyrim crashes, and texture mod related ones have to do with how Skyrim manages its 4GB of 32-bit system memory, not with what DX does in VRAM - which again has to be mirrored into these 4GB anyway. It's this 4GB - if you used the enabler, else even less - that it "runs out of" when it crashes. Thanks a lot for so much thoughtful information. This may have saved me from making a really bad purchase. I'm stepping back for a bit to reconsider, though I do still want to upgrade my graphics card some time in the next 2-6 months or so.
  16. I don't play with mouse, so I can't help you with that (I use xbox controller). I don't mean to bump an ancient thread, but I'm wondering if you (UG) ever worked out the script conflicts. I was having very similar script conflicts in one of the game set ups I have. I could try to revive that game and fix the CTD it's having. I still don't really have a complete game setup that I like enough to play all the way through. (have all CTDing game set ups saved to fix later if I can think of a way to fix).
  17. Sorry if I wasn't very clear. My bad. For now, just wanna say thanks everyone. Lots of info here, going to come back to this and read it more later.
  18. To copy and paste, simply try a different web browser. Should work in firefox or chrome. :)
  19. EDIT: Was a useless post since I replied again a few hours later. Sorry for double posting.
  20. you can use quoates too, for example, Type: help "ebony armor"
  21. I'm in the same boat. Find a good modded Skyrim set up and just play it all the way through. Install some difficulty mods and increased spawns mods and other gameplay mods and then Skkyrim becomes fun as heck. I just can't seem to finish a play throgh becase i keep messing up my game with mods. I'm trying to max out my gtx780, but really I think I want to upgrade video cards. Anyways, good luck. Message me if you wanna talk about mods and such.
  22. Well I've read many places to disable one card if you have SLI and that there's lots of problems with SLI in Skyrim.
  23. Define "not cutting it". More VRAM will not necessarily make things smoother, load faster, or have noticeably higher framerates. The only thing it will allow will be in preparing more data (textures) at a time. While this will decrease load times slightly, you likely still have a bottleneck as far as processing power (shaders, transitions, ect) is concerned, either by means of the videocard not being able to handle what is thrown at it, other hardware not being able to send data fast enough, or just the programming not being designed for such a system. Don't buy into the elitist gaming culture, most of it is BS or runs into a similar thread of owning a street-legal race car in the middle of suburbia. In most cases, you're paying through the nose for little more than bragging rights. Given that many games are hard capped at 60 fps due to being a console port, most of that power will go to waste. Perhaps I don't quite need 8gb of VRAM, but I have noticed CTD issues before with too many texture mods etc. Pretty sure I was just running out of vram.
  24. Was this something only available to Premium members, or did I just plain miss it while it was around? Link please?
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