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Everything posted by rhowington

  1. This is how I do it: 1. completely outline the mod. 2. I create the characters 3. I create the quests and dialogue. 4. I create the worldspace/dungeon 5. Test-fix-test-fix-test-fix and test some more. Somebody will always find something that has to be fixed. Good Luck and if it is your first mod, start small and let it grow.
  2. Let SG Female Texture Renewal overwrite the face mod. Load it after your face mod. That may mean uninstalling SG and reinstalling so it overwrites the face textures properly.
  3. The reason it hasn't been modded yet is the time involved with the number of npcs in the game. This would take a mammoth effort and still not cover specialized followers. That would be up to the individual modder.
  4. I do not recommend UFO. I use AFT and Convenient Horses on my laptop and EFF and Convenient Horses on my desktop. Both work fine together. I also have all DLCs.
  5. Remove the d3d9.dll from the Skyrim directory before using the Creation Kit.
  6. You will need to download BOSS to get most ordered correctly. Also, you need to follow the instructions on the modders main page.
  7. Yes. But you can just rename the inis and regenerate them by starting Skyrim non SKSE.
  8. Before exporting the face gen, temporarily remove the tinitmasks folder foind in textures\actors\character\character assets\tintmasks to your desktop. export the facegen data. If all looks good replace the tintmasks folder to it's original location.
  9. Closed! All parts filled. @Dannyliuss Sorry but the language is such that this will be classified as an adult mod. Don't give up though, the future of follower mods are for them to be voiced, unique and quest driven.
  10. One more question, are you using Coverwomen? If so, that is probably your culprit. If not, try temporarily removing the tintmasks folder from textures\actors\character\character assets to your desktop and then export the facegen data again. Don't forget to put the tintmasks folder back.
  11. Can you do a screen outdoors? My old eyes have trouble making out your problem in the dim lighting.
  12. I like giving the two swords a background story and allowing them to be 1 or 2 handed (maybe one of each.) The quests sound pretty cool as does the player home reward. Everybody is clamoring for voiced companions now, so if you give one as a reward, that might be a consideration.
  13. Actually have the grey face bug. There several causes and fixes. Try searching the forum. I have difficulty typing or I would go in depth.
  14. 9, 4, 3 All are quest involved and the last is a scene.
  15. Anduniel and I are developing a voiced mod and have need of male voice actors for three acting parts. The parts consist of 1: a cocky male bandit, 2: a ghost, and 3: a male bandit boss. These parts contain mature language and violent implications. If you feel you would like to try out for these parts pm me and I will give you a link to the specific dialogue. Disclaimer: you must be 18 yo or older. Thank you.
  16. Anduniel and I are developing a voiced mod and have need of male voice actors for three acting parts. The parts consist of 1: a cocky male bandit, 2: a ghost, and 3: a male bandit boss. These parts contain mature language and violent implications. If you feel you would like to try out for these parts pm me and I will give you a link to the specific dialogue. Disclaimer: you must be 18 yo or older. Thank you.
  17. Go to the folder where NMM is installed then open Nexus Mod Manager\Skyrim\mods. Find the mod you were downloading and delete it. Delete your cache. If that doesn't fix the problem you will have to uninstall NMM and delete everything in the NMM Skyrim folder. Then reinstall NMM and re-download your mods. Be sure to verify your cache on Steam as well.
  18. None that I know of. This is why I always destroy the Dark Brotherhood and use the mod Destroy the Thieves Guild. I find the side quests in both unrewarding and don't care for (1) Killing people for no good reason and (2) giving my soul to the Nocturnal. The only person I find interesting in either faction is Sapphire and I always thought Bethesda lost an opportunity for a good story with her.
  19. If you make a voiced mod you can force subtitles. During regular gameplay, unless the mod author specifically does this, the mod will only have subtitles if you turn them on.
  20. Check your performance settings. You may have to change the default.
  21. Have you run BOSS on your load order? It looks like you have a couple of mods out of place.
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