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Everything posted by rhowington

  1. I know nothing about bodyslide, I have it installed and I know that I can use sliders to make objects of the body smaller/larger. But with all the other options I know nothing about, haha. Then it is a good time to learn. Body slide is awesome and with it you can choose how your female looks. Just play around with it and if you don't like the result, you can always go back to the body slide and change the look. BTW, CBBE is a more realistic look for females, UNP is to satisfy your fantasy female urge.
  2. I DLed will take a look at it in a bit.
  3. You should have waited until you got the retail version. At this time you are considered a pirate and will be banned. Read the terms of service. Sorry buddy.
  4. You should leave the skyrimprefs.ini like this since you have a Radeon 7950: [Display] bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 bTreesReceiveShadows=1 bDrawLandShadows=1 bShadowsOnGrass=1 iMultiSample=0 bFXAAEnabled=0 iMaxAnisotropy=0 fGamma=1.2400
  5. That is strange? On your spec's, RealVision ENB should run fine. Make sure your inis are right and what he tells you to add to them is there.
  6. If you downloaded the manually, you need to unzip it using 7-Zip or WinRAR then put the contents in your data folder. At the Skyrim menu click Data Files and check the mod you just added.
  7. First, go to steam and verify your cache. Next, go to your documents\My Games\Skyrim folder and rename your ini files to something else and then start Skyrim (not SKSE) to recreate your inis. Go to a save before the save that is giving you a problem and see how things look. If everything looks alright load the save and finish the dungeon and see if you have solved your problem. If not load a save that does work or start a new game.
  8. Try this guide for creating standalone followers. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25673/? Also check out http://www.creationkit.com/Main_Page
  9. In response to post #10464565. #10464783 is also a reply to the same post. Thumbs up Drake, I agree 100%. Right now Nexus is unusable.
  10. Please read the Skyrim News update on the main page.
  11. NMM is unavailable in online mode until problems it is causing with the servers is fixed. You really should read the site news. You can still manually download a mod and install it from file using NMM.
  12. When I try to sign in it kicks me over to http://www.nexusmods.com/Error/?err=login_failed. EDIT: I can login now!
  13. Hey Vamyan old buddy, Anduniel (Anna) is voicing the mod I am working on now. It will be scripted, so hopefully not have the problems Thorald had.
  14. Everyone please read this post http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/news/12223/?. This has been in the works for a while now and the main page will tell you all you need to know. Take a little time to read the Dark One's posts. Sheesh.........it's like herding cats. :wallbash:
  15. If you worry about the Imperials, don't look at the Hot Files. A daedric thong and cups on a snow capped mountain is hardly realistic. However, I agree with bben46, the game is played from your perspective of fantasy. Perhaps imperial soldiers have 100% cold resistance. Personally, since my character can swim in iron armor at level one, the stage is set for how to view the game. Immersion is the perspective of the player but, in the end, it's a game folks. If you want real imersion join the Marines.
  16. subtanker old friend, I just want to chime in and say that I am happy to hear your mod is close to release. About WIP mods, well, most mods are. There are always something that pops up that needs fixed or you want to change or add something, so basicly every mod is a wip. Like others though, I dislike the term WIP. I think if you are going to add content just call it an update. One other thing I would like to add is, have a thick skin and don't let the trolls get to you. DashingKnight had a voiced mod that hit 800 endorsements in 2 weeks but he pulled it and left Nexus because he couldn't take the negative comments.
  17. There is no going back unless you do a clean install. The question I have is why? I know I have chimed in before but I cannot understand why so many are complaining about 8.1. I updated and gained a performance boost. My Skyrim has never run as smoothly and I use about 100 mods and an ENB. You do need to keep your video drivers up-to-date which may be a problem if you use a laptop from a vendor that uses proprietary drivers and don't update them (Toshiba, HP, .etc.) I can only speak from my perspective but I have Skyrim loaded on and updated 8.1 pro laptop and a dual boot 8.1 pro/ Win 7 desktop and I get better performance from the game using win 8.1.
  18. What enb are you using? Did the mod author have special instructions? Are you sure you have the right d3d9.dll in your Skyrim folder?
  19. Did you verify your cache with Steam then launch the non SKSE launcher to replace your game ini files?
  20. To remove the red forehead, temporarily move the tintmasks folder from textures/actors/character/character assets to your desktop. Export your facegen data and then replace the tintmasks folder.
  21. I am working on probably my last mod for a while. Bringing Loraine the bandit leader referred to in the Note to Thomas found on his body in Bleak Falls Barrow. Anna is voicing Loraine and the male and ghost quest voices are done. I have to finish the quests but am having a heck of a time scripting all the voicing. :wallbash:
  22. This is all I could find:: "As Mundus began to form, it became evident that many of the et'Ada would be required to sacrifice much of their power in order to form the mortal plane.[3] As their aspects began to die off, many of the et'Ada vanished completely.[1] Magnus decided to terminate the project.[3] He fled to Aetherius in the last of Mundus' birth-pains, and his departure tore a hole which became Nirn's sun, itself known as Magnus"
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