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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. I was at work tonight. So no, I was not 'here'. So... this boils down to not knowing the full intention. In most scenarios, one would want to disable anything not associated with the current thing. That is how this is set up. It sounds as if you are relying on all the previous "piles" still being present. If that is the case, remove every instance of the myActive variable that I had added. The script would then enable any "pile" that is lesser than the value and disable any "pile" that is greater.
  2. Add some debug statements to see how far things are going in the script.
  3. Are you testing on a new game or one that has not seen the mod you are working on? If the object that the script is attached to is already loaded and stored in the save file, not all script changes will be recognized. Without actually seeing the setup and how everything hooks together, I cannot begin to speculate where it might be failing. The script itself is sound.
  4. Have you tried doing a complete re-install of the game? Seems like something did not get properly updated after returning / refunding the AE upgrade. This would be a Steam issue and not a Bethesda one as it is Steam's software that thinks you still have the AE upgrade and wants to download it. I'd reach out to Steam if you have not already.
  5. Sorry, this is what happens when using an existing example that is unfortunately spread out on a fairly large script. I forget the inital declarations for the arrays. Add this to the empty state (i.e. with the properties) ObjectReference[] VaultLoot Int[] MaxValue Add those two lines and the script will compile without error. You'll need to test for proper function.
  6. I wonder if this line is part of the problem: ObjectReference BQ01MapMarker = mapmarkerAlias.getreference() As ObjectReference The compiler won't complain about it, but you are casting a returned object reference into an object reference. It could be possible that this is confusing things. Try dropping the cast since GetReference already gets the reference. It may or may not help but could be worth a shot.
  7. You have a local form variable labeled gold001. While this is the editor ID name of the gold item, there is no actual data assigned to this variable. In essence, you are comparing a passed in item to nothing. This will fail to increase your count which in turn causes your script to do nothing. Change it from a local form variable to a MiscObject property and assign the correct item to it. This should allow the rest of the script to continue processing. Furthermore, a dual array approach may be best here. By using arrays, you can work with more items with less code. I've adapted your script to use arrays built at run time so that no changes to already assigned properties needs to be done. That said, array properties would be an even cleaner approach.
  8. In your other section of code, what is the actual data being assigned to the form list represented by csbmagmarkersNordR? Because whatever it is, it is not matching the map marker filling the alias. If your form list contains the base objects of the map markers, then you will need to compare the base object of the alias' map marker against the stored base object in the form list. I think you can put object references into a form list, but you'd have to drag and drop from the cell view window rather than the object window. But it has been a while and I may be thinking of having filled an array with object references via the properties window. Which, if that is the case, you may want to consider.
  9. The key is to make sure that the items in the arrays are index matching. For example: index 0 -- iron knife and iron weapon, index 1 -- steel knife and steel weapon When you've set them up as index matching, you just need to find the index of one, then you can use that index to get the other.
  10. Alright here is an untested modification. Basically, it uses two index matching arrays as properties. The ammo array is searched when ammo is equipped and the index matching weapon is equipped while the ammo is locally stored. When any other weapon is equipped the weapon array is checked and if the weapon is not in the array the locally stored ammo is unequipped. If the ammo is unequipped, the ammo array will be searched and the index matching weapon unequipped.
  11. The UESP "mirror" is the only one that I really know. And to be honest, it is not a mirror. It is an archive of what the original CK wiki was prior to its most recent changes that has begun to see its own additions that may not be present on the official CK wiki. I guess, the UESP CK wiki should be considered a "fork" rather than a "mirror". There is some limited information in the Nexus wiki.
  12. I recall this behavior when working with any version of MO or MO2. It may not be a v2.5.0 only thing. It could be a thing that has only become more noticeable as you've done more work in the program.
  13. It was mentioned earlier that you saw ESPs also being sorted to the top of the load order. It should be noted that some plugins come false flagged. Meaning that they have the ESP extension but have the ESM or ESL header flag marked. The flag is what determines what section of the load order they go to (ESM space, ESL space, or ESP space). Note: ESL is not a thing for Legendary Edition (32-bit)
  14. The MO2 behavior (when I last used it) was to put all NEW files in the overwrite folder. If there were one or more active instances of that file, the last loaded would get replaced. I have never seen a "create files in mod" option for either MO2 or the CK. Perhaps that is something newer that may not be functioning properly for all types of files. *shrug*
  15. Any text with a $ in front is an indicator that there is missing string text. This is usually seen in MCM menus where a user might be using a language version that is not supported by the mod in question. However, your screenshot is of the crafting menu. The entries in question are related to new categories added by the Dragonborn DLC. You may need to verify your game install.
  16. For some crazy reason, Bethesda separated the condition function into two. One for NPCs GetIsRace and one for the player character GetPCIsRace. At least you found the correct one. And did so before I remembered that there was a separate one for just the player character.
  17. For reference: GetRace is the papyrus script version GetIsRace is the console command and condition function version
  18. If you are not using SKSE, then you can use any form ID found in the target plugin if all you are doing is checking for the presence of the mod itself. If, however, you want to work with the object then you'll need to use the ID of the desired object and cast it appropriately to store within your designated variable. Record ID #s do not change. But an author might delete a record you have been relying on within an update and thus your mod won't find what it has been looking for. It is rare, but it can happen. If you use GetFormFromFile and a target mod updates, you will should double check the target mod to ensure that you are still pointing to a valid object. If you are using SKSE functions / events within your project, you can use GetModByName instead of GetFormFromFile. This returns the load order index of the mod in question or 255 if it is not present. With this you do not need to worry about using a valid form ID. But, you will still need to check that the target mod did not change its plugin name during an update (this is rare but has happened too).
  19. Please tell me that Gromar the Gassy is related to Rigurt the Brash. His story seems like it would be something descendant kin of Rigurt's would be capable of doing.
  20. Take a look at existing temper recipes. The editor ids will have the word "temper". Basically, you need a separate constructable object recipe that targets the work bench via keyword.
  21. There is no issue if you build your mod from scratch using your own assets. What I would do since your mod did come from shared aspects of a mod yet to be released is credit them as the source of inspiration for your take on the topic and even link to their mod in case users wish to compare versions. You can drop a line and let the other author know what you are doing out of respect.
  22. Here are some brief instructions on getting and setting property variables from a quest script. The same process is used for functions. https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Variables_and_Properties#Getting_Properties_of_a_Quest_Script Also see the Getting Properties From Any Other Script section further down in case the other methods do not work.
  23. For actors other than the player, you can use OnCombatStateChanged For the player, you'll just have to check every so often with GetCombatState or IsInCombat And if you need condition functions for a spell / magic effect rather than a script there is GetCombatState and IsInCombat
  24. This is both true of LE and SE, in the main game folder (where the Skyrim EXE lives) there are multiple INI files. One of these INI files is called ultra.ini. This file contains the ultra settings used by the launcher to apply them to the Skyrimprefs.ini file. Might at least be worth a look to see if adjusting those values does what you want.
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