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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. There is no issue if you build your mod from scratch using your own assets. What I would do since your mod did come from shared aspects of a mod yet to be released is credit them as the source of inspiration for your take on the topic and even link to their mod in case users wish to compare versions. You can drop a line and let the other author know what you are doing out of respect.
  2. Here are some brief instructions on getting and setting property variables from a quest script. The same process is used for functions. https://ck.uesp.net/wiki/Variables_and_Properties#Getting_Properties_of_a_Quest_Script Also see the Getting Properties From Any Other Script section further down in case the other methods do not work.
  3. For actors other than the player, you can use OnCombatStateChanged For the player, you'll just have to check every so often with GetCombatState or IsInCombat And if you need condition functions for a spell / magic effect rather than a script there is GetCombatState and IsInCombat
  4. This is both true of LE and SE, in the main game folder (where the Skyrim EXE lives) there are multiple INI files. One of these INI files is called ultra.ini. This file contains the ultra settings used by the launcher to apply them to the Skyrimprefs.ini file. Might at least be worth a look to see if adjusting those values does what you want.
  5. Since those water planes shouldn't be there, use the console to go into free camera / movement, go up to the water plane, and click on it while the console is open. See if you can get an ID number. Double check that ID number in xEdit with your entire active load order. Confirm first that it is for the water plane and then you should be able to see what mod places the water plane above Whiterun. Once you know the mod, you can test a new game without that mod installed. If all goes well, the water plane will be gone, but you will have one less mod to play with. I, personally, have not encountered this issue. Thus I cannot say what would actually have caused this.
  6. Wrye Bash has a saves tab where it will list all the saves in the default save location. Highlighting a save will list all the plugins that were in use on that save file. While you could use that list to seek out the necessary plugins, it would be impossible to know which non-plugin mods were also in use. If you were to find all the necessary plugins, you may find that the save will load and the game function without issue. And yet, the eye-candy (loose meshes and textures) might not be what you remember.
  7. A mod modifying the MineOreScript file should not be the cause. This bug happens without mods as well. Whatever the cause, for most players, exiting the ore vein with a movement key and re-activating it tends to work.
  8. Unfortunately, I do not know. I have not yet allowed Steam to update to the latest version. I would guess that the source would be included with the Creation Kit's corresponding update which I haven't bothered to do yet either.
  9. Never seen any such thing in the game or within any of the testing cells. However, such a thing was never on my radar to look out for. So... Who knows? *shrug*
  10. Carryweight is an actor value. Thus ModActorValue should do the job. That said, if your "potion" is used from within the inventory, the UI will not update until re-opening the inventory.
  11. The quotes were a carry-over from my example(s). They were inserted by error. I was looking at how I did things on other mods and wasn't paying close enough attention. I'll go back and fix them so no one else gets confused on that.
  12. You used the variation of the script with the OnEquipped event. That will not work with consumables. You will need to use the variation I posted with the OnEffectStart event.
  13. You keep trying to 100% the displays. I think that is your downfall. Don't worry about the displays. Just play the game and let the ones you can get come naturally. It also doesn't hurt to set up a separate profile and not use LotD for a while and try different things.
  14. For a consumable it would be a magic effect applied to the potion, poison, food, drink, or ingredient. The magic effect would have a script attached which would be very similar to the one I already posted. To answer your other question, you can attach my previous example to any object that the player can pick up. And any such object can utilize whatever mesh you wish to use. In a couple of my mods, I have used the alchemy satchel mesh and one mod I used a satchel mesh that was cut from an existing set of stock armor. You would create a new misc object and assign the NIF file that you want to use. You may need to duplicate the NIF file and make adjustments to it so that the player could drop it and not have the item bounce all over the place or remain stuck in mid-air.
  15. Alternatively, if the object is a custom one, you can put a script directly on the base object that uses the OnEquipped event. A basic example that could be modified for your needs: This will prompt the "This item cannot be equipped" message should the item not be a piece of armor or a weapon. However, the script will still process anything in the OnEquipped event.
  16. Wish I could answer you, but those two are things that I do not know. Hopefully, you'll get a knowledgeable response soon. I wouldn't mind reading up on how to do it myself, not that I'll ever have a need for it. Just curious.
  17. Regarding cleaning the plugins, as has already been stated there are people on both sides of the camp. The reason for cleaning: To remove records from a plugin that are identical to a master plugin. (ITM) To undelete, disable and restore below ground any object reference records that were deleted by a mod author. (UDR) If UDR cleaning is not done and a deleted object is referenced by a different mod, a crash can occur due to an attempt to load a non-existent object. ITM cleaning is the questionable one. While it is redundant to have a plugin with a record identical to the master, it may be a necessity that the record has stock values. By creating an ITM an author can ensure that at least when their mod is loaded later than any other mod affecting the same record, their mod gets to work the way they envisioned. Could a patch be made that allows a conflicting one to work as well, most likely in many cases. Blindly cleaning could be a detriment to the enjoyment of the game. This is why LOOT recommends only certain plugins be cleaned. Plugins that have been noted to need cleaning have usually also been tested to ensure functionality after cleaning. In any event, if you choose to clean the plugins, the game should not update. If you have updates set to only update when you start the game via Steam, then that will be the only time that the game updates. Just make sure you start Steam BEFORE starting SKSE. If you don't, Steam will start and then the game's launcher will start and that will trigger an update (been there, done that, not pretty, thankfully found posted links to the depot files to rollback). But maybe hiding the game as mentioned in the quote above would have prevented that update on me.
  18. You have two options to get a custom NPC into a faction: Use AddToFaction at some point. Pre-add them to the faction in the Creation Kit with a low-level rank (usually -1). The stock followers are all already within the follower faction. Their faction rank status gets changed when they become a follower. (see scorrp10's post for an example). For your purpose, I would recommend pre-adding them to the faction rather than trying to script them into the faction. If you pre-add them, you can follow scorrp10's advice on setting everything up.
  19. The inventory event filter is to prevent OnItemAdded and OnItemRemoved from processing when items not on the list are added or removed. It does not prevent the adding or removing of those items. The gift menu will do what you want, except it only works with the actor subset of object references. While it could be faked into looking like the player is interacting with a container, it may not be a viable solution in all situations.
  20. My typical usage has been to return values from a custom function for use in a separate function or event. And thus I have always thought that, Return exits the current function or event and goes back to the function or event that originally called upon the function or event using Return. Now if Return only goes back to the previous level, then it could be possible to have both IF statements running. On the other hand, it could be possible that OnTriggerEnter is getting triggered more than once. I think you would benefit from a slight change to the code:
  21. You may need to see if you can manually assign it. The CK should show you a list of viable options based on your property type.
  22. Assign the correct sound to the MagMysticismSoulTrapCaptureSD property. A default value means that it is using what is assigned to it in the script. The script has nothing assigned to that variable. Thus no sound will play. If you named the property the same as the actual sound record, you should be able to use the auto-fill button to have it correctly assigned automatically. Properties are just variables. They have not data associated with them unless explicitly assigned in the Creation Kit or given a value within the script itself.
  23. A variable is a text label used to identify something else within your script. This can be a property variable, a local variable, a parameter variable (i.e. data passed into a function or event), or a call to use something on another script (usually a global script like Game but could be a third-party script too). Most often an undefined variable will be referring to a property variable declaration that does not exist. In some cases, it will refer to another script that cannot be found. In your case, my best guess would be that the script code was entered, and compilation was tried but the properties had not yet been created. Since the property declarations were not on the script, it complained that the variable was not defined. Fragments are tricky to work with. The code cannot be entered and compiled without any required properties being created first. The properties cannot be created without the script existing first. Solution: Enter a semi-colon (;) and nothing else into the code field (alternatively, place a semi-colon in front of the desired code.). Compile Close the fragment record and its parent record. (i.e. if stage fragment, close the stage and the quest) Reopen the parent record and the correct fragment record. Open the properties window. Add the properties that are needed and assign them with the appropriate data. Close the properties window. Repeat #3 & #4 Add the correct code to the fragment window. Compile If all went well, it should compile without error.
  24. The Creation Kit has a fragment file prefix setting in the File dropdown preferences menu. Putting in a four character prefix will cause the CK to insert that prefix at the beginning of all of the automatically created fragment scripts. This is how gookey most likely got the prefix in their fragment script title. Short of deleting the alias / quest and starting over, I do not know how to resolve that particular issue. What I do know is that the script needs to exist before properties can be added but properties need to exist before the code can be added. Thus one needs to put in a semi-colon, compile the fragment, add the properties via the properties window, add the code as desired and re-compile. And whatever you do, do not try to delete the fragment script and add a new one. That tends to lead to issues like you've been experiencing. You could use a third-party editor like Sublime Text or Notepad++ that is set up to compile scripts to open the script that contains all the fragments for that quest, edit the section you need to edit and compile outside of the CK. That may or may not work. I have not worked with very many fragment scripts to be honest and always just started over when something like this happened.
  25. AddScriptPackage is a console command. If you want to add an AI package to an NPC, you need to create a reference alias on a quest, assign the AI package to the reference alias and then assign the NPC to the reference alias via papyrus with ForceRefTo or ForceRefIfEmpty, via the Creation Kit with the following fill types: a unique actor, a specific selected NPC reference, a reference from another quest, and a matching reference that meets the designated conditions. For a follower NPC, ForceRefTo is often used since the alias would start out empty.
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