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I haven't used Vortex in a while as it has been possible to play the game without launching Vortex while having access to the mods. I recently decided to start up Vortex and it checked for an update. I am told that it cannot update. What would be the best approach that would cause the least hassle (especially with already installed mods)? Should I uninstall and then re-install? Should I install over top? Should I wait for some type of fix? My current version: 1.9.5 The error message received:
Yes. You can assign any ObjectReference to the property and it will enable / disable that object as needed. This would include an xMarker that is an enable state parent of multiple other objects. If you have not, you may also rename the myActivator variable name to something else that is meaningful to your mod. Or you can give it the same name as the object you are working with so that you can use the auto-fill feature.
You will need an ObjectReference property that points to your activator that needs to be disabled. If you set your magic effect to have the same duration as the length of time that you want to wait, you can get away with using the OnEffectStart and OnEffectFinish events to call the enabling and disabling of the activator. The following would be the simplest setup should the magic effect have a duration that lasts the correct amount of time needed. ObjectReference Property myActivator Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) myActivator.Enable() EndEvent Event OnEffectFinish(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) myActivator.Disable() EndEvent If, however, your magic effect does not or cannot have a duration you will need to register for a single update (game time or real time) to be triggered after the time has passed. But since magic effects do not linger past their duration, a secondary script (on a quest or object) would be needed to receive the registration and run the update event. I don't want to dig into script jumping without it being necessary, you'll need to decide whether or not the magic effect can have a duration that will work for your needs.
Activate Parent on Containers
IsharaMeradin replied to Sirgallyhave's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
I think the CC Fish gets away with it because it calls Game.GetPlayer() instead of using akActionRef. Testing would be needed to determine if that is truly the case. It is the only obviously visible difference. -
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
IsharaMeradin replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Your quote is in reference to my statement that the load order will change when toggling a plugin's status. It was not in relation to whatever Wrye Bash may or may not do when launched. Not once in either of my posts in this thread have I touched on whatever Wrye Bash may have done to your load order. I am just as clueless as you in that regard. All I have stated is what will happen when you toggle an ESP's header flag. -
Open up the staging folder for the mod in Window's File Explorer, right click on the file and choose to rename it.
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
IsharaMeradin replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
xEdit is the overall name used for the singular program also known as TES5Edit, SSEEdit, FO4Edt, etc.. It is not to be confused with a completely unrelated program called XEdit. And yes, the load order will change when you modify the header flag of a plugin. Why? You are telling the game and the Creation Kit that the plugin is an ESM rather than an ESP. This means that it will load in the ESM space rather than the ESP space. And when you revert the flag for testing, the ESP will go back to the ESP space but its position won't suddenly be where it was, instead it will shift down to the top of the ESP space. Backup your load order related text files if you wish so that you can restore them after reverting any ESP parent masters back into ESP flagged plugins. -
IsharaMeradin replied to HelloMrDino's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Unfortunately, vendors deal in gold as a currency. That is a hardcoded setting. Thinking outside the box... A separate object or NPC that the player interacts with could prompt pre-defined value options for a specific recipe that could then be used in conjunction with SKSE's SetNthIngredientQuantity function. That function would change the required quantity of the specified ingredient. The result quantity could be modified with SKSE's SetResultQuantity. But, again, the recipe being modified needs to be known and it must be adjusted prior to the workstation being activated. And to make things more difficult there is no method by which to determine what recipe(s) an object is an ingredient of without first knowing the recipes to scan. And without modifications to the menu / dialog system, a slider wouldn't be possible. So... let's just say, not impossible but it has a snowball's chance of surviving inside the sun. -
Help with a script that isn't working
IsharaMeradin replied to wilwhitt56's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Your posted script stops the quest after all conditions are checked but it is outside of the condition blocks. This means that first run of the script will stop the quest even if that particular run does not match your conditions. Here is a variation that should do what you are wanting: Scriptname AAFahrnymphGiveSpellScript extends Quest Spell Property AAConjureWolfIllusion Auto quest property LevelUpQuest Auto Race property AAFahrnymphRace Auto Event OnStoryIncreaseLevel (int aiNewLevel) Debug.notification("AAFahrnymphGiveSpellScript has detected the player has leveled up to level: "+aiNewLevel + "!") If !(Game.Getplayer().GetRace() == AAFahrnymphRace) ; not matching race - stop quest LevelUpQuest.stop() Else If (aiNewLevel >=10 && !Game.GetPlayer().HasSpell(AAConjureWolfIllusion)) ; greater than or equal to 10 and does not have spell - give spell Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(AAConjureWolfIllusion) LevelUpQuest.stop() ; got the spell - stop quest EndIf EndIf Endevent Now you do want to make sure that your properties are filled and that you are testing on a new game or one that has not seen your mod. The purpose of that is to ensure that the data is loaded fresh and nothing in the save file is getting in the way of any adjustments. -
Tutorials WITHOUT "youtoob"
IsharaMeradin replied to Allannaa's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
When you toggle a plugin's ESP / ESM status, it will change its location in the load order. This in turn will change your loadorder.txt and plugins.txt. There is nothing nefarious going on. This will happen despite the tool used (Wrye Bash or xEdit). To toggle an ESP into an ESM for purposes of using it as a parent master: xEdit directions: Load the intended parent master ESP in xEdit Expand the plugin and access the File Header section In the Record Header (on the right side), right click on Record Flags Choose ESM Close xEdit and save the changes. At this point you can now use that plugin as a parent master with the Creation Kit. Repeat with any other plugins as necessary. When finished or when testing, reverse the record flag setting on all toggled plugins and correct your load order as necessary. If at any point a patch is loaded in the CK without a parent master being toggled as ESM, those associated changes will be lost or turned into new records should the plugin be saved in the CK. -
When you create files such as voice and face gen files with the CK, they will be placed in a sub folder named after the plugin that they are associated with. The reason for this is because it is potentially possible that two separate mods might have records with the same relative ID number (i.e. the portion of the ID that corresponds with the record and not the plugin). All you need to do, if you haven't, is re-name the folder to match the new name for your mod.
You can skip having a property for your quest. Within the fragment you will need to setup something like this (example pulled from my Random Mining MCM mod where I did not want to add properties to the script) abim_RM_MCM_QuestScript MCMScript = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000D62,"Random Mining MCM.esp") as Quest) as abim_RM_MCM_QuestScript Then call your external function as you are already doing.
ENB was meant for taking screenshots. It is too much of an FPS hog for any serious game play. I'd say, turn it off unless you are willing to wait the time it takes to load. Also, why do you have missing mods? You shouldn't be loading saves that are missing a mod when testing. Always go back to a truly clean save that never saw the mod to begin with. As far as speeding things up in-game, if a legit start up is needed, Alternate Start: Live Another Life is a good mod to use. If just popping into a location to see if something is properly positioned or behaves correctly when activated, use COC in the console at the main menu to jump to a specific location. As far as the rest, you'll have to ask the developers why they coded it the way they did. Pretty sure it might speed up if there were no graphics or music to load at the main menu.
Help with conditional teleport scripting
IsharaMeradin replied to SpleenofGod's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
COC from the main menu: Open the console (~ key), enter COC followed by a cell name (i.e. COC Riverwood) This would port the basic player character to the designated location. It can be useful during testing. Glad you were able to solve your situation. -
Help with conditional teleport scripting
IsharaMeradin replied to SpleenofGod's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Are you testing on a new game or using COC from the main menu? If not, the cells in question may not have updated to reflect the added keyword. And if you are, I do not see why it would not be giving the proper notification. -
About function arguments and being optional
IsharaMeradin replied to csbx's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
If you set up a prefix in the Creation Kit (File Menu > Preference > Script tab > enter a four-character prefix), whenever you create a fragment script, the CK will automatically apply the prefix. This may be helpful in the future to keep track of your script fragment files. -
About function arguments and being optional
IsharaMeradin replied to csbx's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Any parameter that has a default value can be skipped unless a later parameter is being given a value. For example, the base game function RemoveItem is defined as follows: RemoveItem(Form akItemToRemove, int aiCount = 1, bool abSilent = false, ObjectReference akOtherContainer = None) If someone just wants to take an item from the player and get rid of it, Player.RemoveItem(theObject, 1) works just fine. But if they want to take that item and store it in a container, then they must also include a value for the abSilent parameter even if it is the same as the default value, Player.RemoveItem(theObject, 1, false, theContainer) That said, the question is about custom added functions. Every use that I have done has had a value passed into each parameter and so I cannot specify with certainty one way or the other. What I can tell you is that with regards to some SKSE provided functions and events all parameters must be included in the call even if some of them will not actually be used. This then would lend credence to the requirement to have something for each parameter of a custom function call. In other words, be safe and go add the third parameter to the older function calls. -
quest fragment query
IsharaMeradin replied to dizietemblesssma's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
The first line has the correct syntax targetScript varNam = targetObject as targetScript Then that calls the second line into question. I would run some debug statements to see what the result of "self as Quest" turns out to be. -
Creation Kit Messing Up My Mod
IsharaMeradin replied to Blackspine18859's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Test on a new clean game that has not seen your mod to ensure that the Creation Kit is truly screwing with your plugin. Certain changes will not be reflected in an existing game due to the previous data being stored in the save file. Data in the save file always gets priority over anything else. -
If a mod has multiple ESPs as masters, loading and saving the plugin with the Creation Kit will strip the plugin of the ESP masters. One would need to use a patch mod that allows the CK to use ESPs as parent masters. Or every ESP master would need to have its header toggled to indicate that it is an ESM and then the offending plugin could be re-saved to change the form type. But then each ESP master that had its header toggled to ESM would need to be togged back. Wrye Bash can be used to ESMify and ESPify as needed (okay, they changed terminology since I last used it -- Add ESM flag / Remove ESM flag). The short way: Use this 'mod' (READ THE STICKY POSTS), load the offending plugin and save it. The long way: Ensure that the offending plugin and its parent masters are active in your load order. Open Wrye Bash, write a note of which parent masters of the offending plugin have the ESP extension and are not already flagged as ESM. Right click on the offending plugin and choose the option (if available) "Add ESM flag to masters". If not available, all masters already have an ESM flag. Exit Wrye Bash (your load order will be screwed up as the now ESM flagged ESPs will move to the ESM section). Open the Creation Kit, load the offending plugin and save it. No need to make changes. Re-open Wrye Bash, check the note made earlier about parent masters with ESP extensions that were not already flagged ESM, go one by one and right click on each and choose to "Remove ESM flag". If none of the ESP parent masters were originally flagged ESM, then you may right click on the offending plugin and choose the option "Remove ESM flag from masters". Exit Wrye Bash, open your mod manager of choice and correct your load order (i.e. ensure that the ESP parent masters are where they were prior to beginning this process). Hope this is helpful.
You may benefit from Smooth Attribute Scaling. With this mod, you can define how much goes into health, magicka and stamina depending upon the skills that level up. It also makes the decision to select magicka, stamina or health at level up meaningless (an option has to be picked but any visible change would be reverted when the menu closes). Of course, if you are not using SKSE or SkyUI, then you won't be able to use this mod.
Scripting a time-difference event?
IsharaMeradin replied to KhajitDave's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Put in some trace or notification statements that can tell you what values things have at certain times. Make sure that the data is being returned the way you intend for it to be. Only you can truly determine where your script might be failing. This is because you have everything else that the script needs to work. While we can test for compilation and provide suggestions, we cannot determine if it will work specifically for your needs. EDIT: When you start the fire, you have pGlobal with values of 0 through 5. When you downgrade the fire, you only have values of 1 through 5. If the fire is to be completely out at 6 hours or more, you'll need to add the ability to completely put out the fire when the pGlobal is at 0. This is because 5 - 6 = -1 but gets set to 0 in the script. And because there is no instructions as to what to do when pGlobal is at a value of 0, nothing happens.