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Everything posted by IsharaMeradin

  1. Place the xMarker and NPCs in the render window. Link the NPCs to the xMarker so that they will enable when the xMarker gets enabled. On the quest stage, if there is no existing script fragment code, enter a semi-colon and save / compile / build the script fragment (not sure of the CK's wording at the moment). Close the quest record and reopen it. Go to the stage script fragment, open the properties window and add an ObjectReference property for the xMarker and assign the xMarker to the property. Then go back to the stage fragment and enter the variable name given to the xMarker property followed by Enable(). Example: xMarker property is named myXmarker. The stage fragment code box would contain: myXmarker.Enable()
  2. I do not know the forum's ranking system. Especially since the forums recently went through an upgrade. SendModEvent and ModEvent.Send are two different things. The first, as dylbill stated, uses pre-set parameters that can be used to pass information along to the script(s) receiving the event. The second can be considered a "custom" mod event where one can explicitly state what parameters they want to send with the event. Use one or the other for a given event. SendModEvent does not tap into the ModEvent script functions. I have not used ModEvent.Send. Thus I have no new information to share in that regard. Here is a working example usage of SendModEvent:
  3. If you want to use the story manager, you can use the Change Location Event with conditions that certain stages of a quest have been completed. Thus when changing location, your quest will start. That may not be ideal in all cases, but since there is no story manager event for when a quest ends, it is typically the best option. If you want a more subtle start than suddenly getting quest started splashed on the screen when fast travelling somewhere, a courier could be triggered to send a note to the player that when read would trigger the actual quest. Of course, you can always edit the stock quest to trigger your quest at the exact stage. However, that runs the risk of being incompatible with other mods. You can use the OnPlayerLoadGame event and just start your quest the next time the player loads the game after having passed the desired stage, but this is probably worse than using the change location event in the story manager. Any other option will require running an update loop that checks every so often for the desired quest stage to be completed before it can stop looping and trigger your quest. If not careful, the loop process will be a source of bottleneck.
  4. To answer one of your questions: The created mod event can be received by any other script so long as that script has registered for that particular event.
  5. Ars Metallica is the simplest smithing related mod that I know about. Sorry, I cannot help you in that regard. As far as mining and wood chopping there are my two mods: Random Mining (non-mcm version) and Wood Chopping to Max Carry Weight. They may be of interest to you as they increase what you can obtain without going too far or too unrealistic from the game's original behavior.
  6. In theory what you have looks like it should work, but try reversing the order that they are in. See if that helps in any way. ElseIf HoldTime > 5 ; do stuff ElseIf HoldTime > 1 ; do stuff Else ; do stuff
  7. In my experience properties that reference a script, will not auto-fill. The reason being is that the script could be attached to multiple objects and with the information given, the CK cannot determine which specific object with the script should be filled. Hence, one must manually fill all properties that reference a script.
  8. No. There is not. That said, if you are able to give the properties the same name as their Editor ID, you can press auto-fill and the CK will fill them for you. If your script is written in such a way that it can be used on multiple objects and properties have different things assigned based on the object the script is attached to, then you need to fill them one by one. It should be mentioned, that I have no idea if xEdit could be used to do some sort of mass fill. And if it could, it probably would require a custom written script for xEdit.
  9. Glad you figured it out. Sorry I wasn't much help this time around.
  10. Does everything else work? The only issue is that the array is not being set with the default outfit when the outfit type is not specified? If that is the case, add something like the following (adjust as needed): Else outfits_array = myRefScript.default default_outfit_toggle[actor_index] = True With the above, if the outfit_type is not a specified one it will be treated as default and assign the default outfit to the array. At least that is the theory, testing will be needed.
  11. Thanks for pointing that out. I would not have guessed that that is what the icon meant.
  12. I miss the preview option to ensure that the post was formatted properly. Also, found out that to achieve what I wanted to be able to do (view only certain forum sections) was to change Content Type to Topic and then select only the desired forum sections. Then save that into a custom stream. Still do not understand what stream means in this context, however.
  13. Might need to approach it differently. Especially if Marker02 and Marker03 will never both be enabled at the same time.
  14. If you use appropriate conditions along with 'ElseIf' instead of 'Else', you should be able to get it to do what you want.
  15. Honestly, I do not know what happens. I would think that CreateFormArray would just create a new array and assign it to the variable. The fact that ResizeFormArray exists lends credence to this idea. Only way to really know would be to test it out. Or hope that someone who has used this function replies to this thread.
  16. Containers are ObjectReferences. Changing your property from Container to ObjectReference should allow you to do what you want.
  17. refalias_array[i].ForceRefTo(NPC_ref) myRefAlias = refalias_array[i] as ReferenceAlias NameOfRefAliasScript myRefScript = myRefAlias as NameOfRefAliasScript myRefScript.CK_default_outfit = NPC_ref.GetActorBase().GetOutfit() A theoretical starting point, needs to be tested.
  18. Place a non-respawning, non-resetting container under the ground. Create whatever appearance object mesh you want. Assign the object mesh to an activator object. Attach a script to the activator object. This script will have the OnActivate and OnHit events. The OnActivate event will be used to open the container interface for the player to add or remove gems as desired. The OnHit event will listen for being hit by the designated spell projectile (or form list of multiple allowed spell projectiles). Once hit with a valid spell projectile, any empty soul gems will be replaced with an equal number of full soul gems. The script would need to be custom written as there are no stock scripts that do similar.
  19. Can someone please enlighten me on how to do the following: I used to be able to click on "my content" and see all threads that I had participated in (started or posted) within the last year. I was also able to select specific forum sections so that when I chose to view unread content it would only show the forums that I was interested in. With this current "modern" system, I cannot figure out how to view just the stuff that I am interested in all-in-one spot. Of course, if someone does reply to me here, I'm not sure how I will be able to locate said reply as that is part of what I am not seeing how to achieve properly. And I agree that this automatic double spacing between "paragraphs" is not conducive to making a list without having to use bullets or numbers.
  20. The sneak animation start could be used via OnAnimationEvent to force press the sneak key via SKSE's TapKey function and make the character stand back up. However, without careful conditioning and ensuring that the player has been sprinting prior, the character would always stand up just after going into sneak. Not really ideal. It might be possible to use a reusable quest that gets started when the player enters sprint, this would allow the attached script to run the aforementioned event. And the quest would then be stopped afterwards. Might work better, but would still be an issue if one wanted to slide into sneak mode for a specific reason. If there are other possible options, I do not know about them.
  21. @gamedevjosh darkwolf0218 was able to fix their particular issue after having discovered that their TESV_Papyrus_Flags.flg was in the wrong folder. Once they moved it, they could properly compile scripts. PEX is the file extension of the compiled script. These are used by the game. PSC is the file extension of the human readable script. These are used and for the more part created by the Creation Kit. Third party utilities can be used to write and compile papyrus scripts. However, the CK will still be needed to create script fragments (special functions) that can be used with perks, dialog and quest stages. If you are new to scripting and creating mods in general, I recommend having the Creation Kit wiki on hand. It may not always explain things clearly and may often expect the reader to have some understanding of programming. Nonetheless, it is a good source of information. Just note that the Skyrim portion was mostly written with the 32 bit LE version in mind. While some of the obvious differences between SE and LE have been noted, there is always the chance that some things may need adjusted when working with SE. Regarding the GSCThief script, this is not a base game script. It must therefore be provided by a mod. Not all mods provide the PSC form of their scripts. If you can find the PEX, it can be decompiled into a reusable and readable format using Champollion. There is a GUI option if you do not like working with command line text.
  22. Your past saves are not gone, they are still there just under the previous name. The only way that I can see to move the old saves under the new name would be to replace the hexadecimal / numerical string that represents the old name with the one that represents the new name. See here for a breakdown of the save file name: https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/322023/what-are-the-components-in-a-skyrim-special-edition-save-filename Would be tedious to do manually. There might be a utility that could do it for you. I do not know of one off hand, however. I recommend backing up and testing before committing to these changes.
  23. The + with a pencil is just an icon to indicate that properties have been filled. The + is an icon that indicates that properties have not been filled and / or at their default values. These icons have nothing to do with whether a script can be attached or not. What governs its ability to be attached is whether or not the PSC file is accessible by the Creation Kit. The script in question is probably from one of the two mods you are wanting to patch. If they have BSA files, extract them to a folder outside of the game and see if the PSC is there. If you cannot find the PSC but can find the PEX. Use Champollion to decompile into a reusable and readable format (there is a GUI option if you do not like using command line text).
  24. A folder with a text file for bash tags? That is new. If I recall correctly, one just needs to add the bash tags to the plugin's description field. Take a look at the USLEEP plugin for an example.
  25. As long as you do not need to modify the script itself, you can do the following: Ensure that the PSC file needing to be attached is present in the script source folder used by the Creation Kit. (SSE default is 'Data > Source > Scripts') Load the appropriate plugin in the Creation Kit, find the necessary records, attach the script, close the record, re-open the record, modify properties as needed, close the record, repeat for each one, save the plugin and finally test it out. If you cannot load the plugin due to one or more ESP files as parent masters: Using Wrye Bash select the "Add/Remove ESM Flag to/From Masters" option from the plugin's right click menu Before testing in game, be sure to reverse the changes made. Otherwise the affected plugins will be loading in the ESM section rather than the ESP section. This may cause behavior to be different than what users would experience when using the regular ESP files. Using xEdit modify the header flag of each ESP parent master to indicate ESM Before testing in game, be sure to reverse the changes made. Otherwise the affected plugins will be loading in the ESM section rather than the ESP section. This may cause behavior to be different than what users would experience when using the regular ESP files. Alternatively, apply the Creation Kit Fixes mod (no idea if it works with the latest version of the CK - read comments and decide for yourself).
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