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Everything posted by Urtel

  1. The question in set like this 'Which are more sophisticated?' so you want to know if skyrim mods are more complex and thus surpassed oblivion mods, or you mean general advance in creating mods? As bben46 pointed out, skyrim modding community is still not in full power. But considering the possible potential of skyrim modding, i would say skyrim has more chances. Multiple reasons on that. More friendly tools are created and the community is bigger. Unfortunately oblivion modding is frozen now. This is my point. Vote for the future oh, that sounds vaultecish ;P
  2. This needs a huge amount of work to be done. Every light source should be removed and replaced with the one you can activate. This also should cause problems with almost all mods, that affect lightening. This request is not new, i guess. Shure many people thought about this.
  3. WAT? Are you guys trolling me?) Dragons are immortal creatures, and dragonborn heroes are mortals with a gift. Its just a fate of very few to gain the ability to absorb dragon souls. A gift. Not a genetic legacy (can i say so? dont think legacy is the right word, sorry).
  4. I do use player headtracking mod, and the silence distance for npcs mod for a long time, since they appeared. Very nice works, very immersive changes. Cant imagine playing without them, actually.
  5. No, i didn't mean that. I think we can agree that there is a possibility to see maomers. Also, after each release, there are several such discussions, if in the next part someone or something will appear. And it all is about guesses. Im personally not expecting this to become true.
  6. Nah, that does not mean you are related to dragons. I thought its already crystal-clear to everyone, that dragonborn heroes have nothing to do with dragon breeding.
  7. We cant exactly say that maomers are the only mer race, we have not seen yet. And i doubt, that this race will be playable, since it never was such. If talking about TES6 in general... You say it will take place around Aldmeri Dominion and wars with it. I also doubt that) I guess we will know about the war from books, same as "Wolf Queen" series, or Barenziah biography, "Great War" and other books always describe the whole situation in Tamriel, and only Tamriel. I guess TES6 will take place after the elfs and humans solve their argument. I may be wrong, but usually between Scroll prophesies long time passes. And the Aldmeri crisis should not last for hundreds of years. I guess Elfs will take over the continent, and the TES6 will be in the time, when humans rebel, or smth like that. So yeah, maomers are not exactly a Tamrielic race... so... that is my point. But one day, for shure, theere will be a game set noy in Tamriel.
  8. Actually we all should agree, that NPCs do stare at PC all the time. Even when not talking. Sometimes it really freaks me out. I just spotted this topic because of the other game issue with staing NPCs. I just started my DeusEx: Human Revolution playtrough and what i hate in that game is... right! NPCs that stare at me) lol. Im not a paranoic. But here is the situation: i sneak close to the guard and hide behind an object. The guard walks past me not detecting, but STARING at my side. Every time. So yeah. They do stare. And not only in Skyrim)
  9. You mean "How could i know that, if i was running a cracked version, theoretically" right? Here on nexus you shoukd never talk about really using a pirate copy. So... my advice is to delete this and run away)
  10. I guess there is a mod, that does exactly what you want. I cant tell the name, i clearly remember seeing smth like that.
  11. Go check skywind (Hope it is allowed to speak about that project here, and im not getting banned for mentioning it)
  12. +1 Is this load order even working? You need to read the ReadMe files for the mods you are using. You run SkyRe along with Hothtroopers compilation, and do not use Reproccer or another compatibility patch. Same with immersive weapons and other armor mods. Also, check the CCO and SkyRe compatibility, im not shure, but some time ago these two were not working right
  13. My turn) lol) So, im more in realism and immersion. Since you are going to play first time, im not shure, if you want that. But in my opinion, the earlier you start, the better) So my list of mods is about more realistic, role-playing and lore-friendly mods Realistic needs and diseases - you need to sleep, eat, drink. Frostfall - no way you can wander in the snowstorm without warm clothes on you. Build a campfire, use a tent for yourself and your followers. Touring carriages/Scenic carriages - say no to fast traveling. Use carriages and travel in real time. I wouldstrongly recommend SkyRe / Requiem or any other massive overhaul. But this is probably not for the first playthrough. Climates of Tamriel - a good weather mod Waves - a mod that adds waves on the sea of ghosts shore (Captain O'bvious) Economics of Skyrim - makes prices depend on the hold and resources in the hold. (not shure, if it is up-to-date) Better quest objectives Even better quest objectives - This two mods make a journal description, not a follow-the-arrow. As i said, it is probably not for the first-time playing. But may be you will like some of these.
  14. Really? My bad. Oh, i forgot that. I advanced that far in MQ only once, so it was long ago) Then it makes completely no sence at all. Or we can say that calling Odaviing again and again is a bad gameplay option. It does not fit the whole idea. I may be horribly wrong, as soon as i hardly remember things(
  15. Now everyone from this topic is sneaking around in the village, trying to find something suspisious. So will do i. lol)
  16. Very good point about Odahviing. But i do not think, Blades even know about him. And actually this only proves, that blades are no use for dragonborn. After he replaces Miraak, i guess he is supposed to stay in the Temple of Miraak. A Dragonborn place. That looks like a fine ending. There should be a mod, that makes Temple a player home, after completing DB questline.
  17. Well, actually i see nothing wrong in Sheogorath fighting Mehrunes, If we consider, that coc entered SI before the whole mess in main quest. Some Daedric princes hate eachother. Im not shure, if these two are enemies. Also i have a doubt, that it fits the story. When there is an end-of-world-again, how can a hero bother with treasure-hunting and investigations and all that stuff.
  18. Ok, very interesting points. But how you guys can explain all your theories from astronomical point? Because that was my general idea. To understand, how magical, mythical and astronomical sides of lore can explain Alduin. As i posted, i think Alduin is somewhat a magical comet with a soul, that appeared from the light of Akatosh. At least it sounds cool)
  19. Right, absolutely agree. But this means, when Db defeated A, this soul power went to where? Since Db adsorbed nothing, those souls might be set free again. But i don't think i saw any
  20. So, Lachdonin, you mean to say that Alduin IS Akatosh, but the ingame book says its not true. This, thou, can be a just a religious prospect, made to avoid any heresy spreading. I do not think, they are same. Or you mean Alduin is the remaining energy after Akatosh stopped excisting/died/became dead plane. More about Alduin. He was eating souls. Having in mind, what we posted here, where do this souls go? I guess its just a way to bring brave souls back in Nirn, to form new heroes. But i'm not shure, if reincarnatted black souls can remain heroic. They could completely lose their identity.
  21. Speaking of Sovngard. For me a big question is about the Alduin's portal. With all we stated here, this portal is a very weak point. It is situated in Alduin's keep, and can be open with a staff. If Alduin is as old as Nirn is, which is no doubt, then how the staff may be a key. Also, why the keep itself is situated in such strange place, and built by human hands. How is it possible, that warp gates connect Nirn with other Plane, and is built by mortals. Very weak part IMHO.
  22. So what the hell is this all about, you might say. Alduin is a world-eater, dragon, end-of-the-world. Correct. But i want to talk about his real nature. I have a theory, that might make you facepalming, but give me a chance) Introduction finished. So, lets talk about the gods, daedra, their planes. From what i know, Divines are bound to their own planes (stars/planets). Daedric princes also have their planes that are numerous and represent the huge outer space. Im pretty shure about this, but in some cases i can be wrong, so thats why i made this topic. Now, we know that dragons are the creatures, born by Akatosh, who is represented as one of the eight planets. And Alduin is known to lead them. But unlike Akatosh, Alduin tends to destroy plane of mortals. We also know, that in TES universe magic, faith and astronomy are just different sides of science-kind thingy, so we can consider those astronomical statements to be as real, as magic and worshipping. I say this to avoid any arguments about what is true, astronomy or religion. Now we get to the point. Alduin is a comet, or an asteroid. Shure, its not a rock, or piece of metal. More likely its a powerful magical cluster, that is a part of Akatosh's light Now you can throw stale tomato and eggs at me :laugh:
  23. Thats a spell. Makes you move with no noise for some time. I guess its in illusion school, but can be also in alteration, not shure. Oh, i'm so bad at those magic-type thingies, never played mage charachter in whole TES series. Always go smahing heads, when run out of mana, and then just can't stop. Should try it some day)
  24. I wasn't saying they caused it, i said their not carefull actions were uncovered and were the reason for AD to start rolling on faster. We dont know much about what happened, but for shure Blades failed again. They don't even argue with that) Now i sound like a blade-hater, which is not true) I used to like them. Some of them. Very few of them, actually. :blush:
  25. Also, blades could actually be one of the reasons, why the war started. They were causing problems in summerset, and we do not know, if there was a real threat for the empire at that point. I may be wrong, but that is my point.
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