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Everything posted by Urtel

  1. Transmuting is a cheat. Its more an ingame joke. Because you can hear npcs complaining about wizards, and how they make gold out of rubbish. Who the hell needs mines, if there is a spell? So i don't recommend this mod))) Just kidding. If you not mind OP items and stuff, this might be very useful.
  2. Degradation can be applied only on living species. Thats a genetic change. And draugrs are not living, you know, they cant change through ages. They are just corpses. But still, corpses with black souls. If they are not, then it means, that in the ritual other souls where used. Which makes no sense...at least to me.
  3. I remember there was a discussion of moral side of soul trapping, but this thread is not about that. So, there are two types of mortal souls: black and white. White souls are souls of creatures. Black souls are souls of mers, beast folks and humans. I'm shure everyone knows that. So, you need black soul gems to capture a soul of humans and mers. Now, there also was a discussion about how you can capture Falmer souls in white soul gems. Back then everyone agreed, that falmers did degrade so much, that can not be considered mers anymore. Now, how about draugrs? They are undead, but they are brought to life not by necromancy. Same with the ghosts. They are mortal souls, bound in the plane of Nirn. So we should be able to capture their souls only in the black soulgems. What you guys think?
  4. You discuss weather? Or dragons? Alduin was banished somewhat in the first era, so Windhelm, Jorrvaskr and Saarthal he should remember. And also all other dragon cult's buildings. Such as Labyrinthian (sp?). I guess when Alduin rushed off the time wound, he was mad and ready to make sea of ghosts boiling. So i hardly believe, that he was admiring, how far mortals advanced in civilasing the land. So i guess he flew straight down the mountain, and saw Helgen. I'm pretty much shure, that even with different scale, the city is close to the mountain. So... i think our old friend P. was hiding somewhere, not willing to meet A. in his rage. I also can think about one little episode. A. says that he felt a Dovah. And we all consider it was DB. What if he felt P.? That would be funny) Also, remember, when DB opens time wound and A. comes, P. at first hides, and then comes from behind the mountain.
  5. Not a huge, really. I have no idea what i was going to post ;) Still, we all can agree, that it was kind of a dragon break. And we most certanly know, that the event was caused by Numidium, or the ritual, that was connected to the machine. But what where exactly the reasons? Here is another mad theory of what happened. Generally, i tend to think, that it was all planned. May be not all of the dwarfs supported the plan. May be they did not even know about it. But such thing must have some plan beyond, not an accident. Now... What if dwemers knew the nature of dragon breaks? What if they could exactly calculate, how many realities will be created. And how to move in one. And they simply escaped in another reality. This does not explain, if they succeded, but makes kind of sence. This was an escape mission. And what we see is only one reality, with no dwemers and with all consequences.
  6. If i am correct, in Oblivion it was pretty much the same. You was stuck in front of statue, listening to what they say. I just consider it as if i cant avoid their speech, because i can hear it in my head.
  7. There are a lot of different mods that do what you want. But the problem here is that not all of them will be compatible with Falskaar. The most popular mods with disabled scaling are major game overhauls, like SkyRe, Requiem.... If you don't want changed perks, then don't use them, search for mods with word "scaling" in the header. You can use G.E.M.S, i m shure you can find there what you need.
  8. I know all the common theories you are talking about, but i forget some them usually as well as other lore-stuff, and cant stop facepalming) My general idea was about that all we know about dwemers, is a knowledge, given by scholars, and we know, that trusting their theories is not always a good idea. And saying that Numidium was a metal god, they wanted to bring to life, is something really odd. Since they do not worship Et'Ada, i highly doubt, that they started worshipping machine-god (sounds warhammerish). And resurrecting an actual god seems logical, since its his heart, they found. I say, its a very heretic idea, but why not... Damn. I got to work) Was going to make a huge post, but have no time(( So, why don't you like my new-born theory? Edit: I remember reading somewhere about the Kagrenac and his plan, and that it was unknown to most dwemers. Well this is much more usual thing in TES. A very usual desires, leading to the massive events.
  9. Ok, let me put in some arguments What you say about gods and powerful beings is complete nonsence. You can call or not call them gods, this does not change their role in the universe. They created plane of mortals. Thats it. And they are worshipped. Just saying, that its not the point, to call or not to call them gods. Also, if speaking seriously on dwemers. So, lets pretend they actually managed to somehow use the heart and their technology... to do what? This is the question we need to answer first. They really wanted their early-era powers? Or they wanted to check, if the divines were real living beings? Don't you think they wanted to resurrect Lorkhan, using the heart and a machine? This may sound very odd, but i cant see anything wrong. This reason is as good as yours. To see, if you can return back. Another idea. If you are correct, and the seek power, then we have even more questions. They dissapeared, does this mean they got power and left Mundus as Divines did? Or they failed? If they failed, then did they vanquished into void, or got trapped between planes, or... something else? More thoughts. If you say they dissapeared all at once because of Kagrenac and this master-mind ability. They were very smart, right? I guess they knew how their cooperative thinking worked. So i dont think, this wasnt considered, that they might dissapear all together. Which makes me think, that it was all planned, and not an accident. Working with such powers with no barriers... i dont think they were that stupid, right? So this is what i have to say. Nothing particular, since there is too much unknown.
  10. We never will know, and i dont recommend you trying to find truth, since it is mytery, that makes dwemer so outstanding and fascinating. Lachdonin, as always, comes with lore explanations. But personally i think this theory sounds promising, but only promising. Since none of devs ever mentioned this kind of explanation. Actually they all say, that it is a mystery. And another reason is that no scientists in tes could explain what happened. Which means, devs want it to stay unknown. Its a simple way to make someone going nuts on dwemer stuff ;P
  11. There is a mod, that adds a mask, that hides your identity. I guess it might fit the character you described.
  12. The most obvious reason - monster/dragon mods are conflicting. Foina already said that, but if you have problems with dragons, it might be deadly dragons. I made a fresh reinstall of skyrim and reinstalled all mods, except DD, and loaded old save. Still, i haven't yet gone far in the MQ to get random dragons, so after some time im sure i wll have no dragons as well. But i do have dragons on the spawn points, and they are vanilla. So we will see, if in my case random dragons will appear.
  13. No, i also dont think Dunmers and AD have common interests. It were High Elves, who wanted to rule tamriel, if i remember right. They were the first to build a kingdom, and were trying to take control over cyrodiil. I guess for them the main goal is to capture all ancient towers, and dunmers are more deadra-worshippers, and ancestor-worshipers, as Lachdonin pointed already. History shows us, that Dark Elves can take care of themselves. But the further situation with AD is really a good theme to discuss. Since we don't know exactly their plans.
  14. If you ask me, then the whole story must be rolling quite fast. And the whole story feels like that. Actually, the blades are those, who always make you to rush. After you spoke to Delphine and got the horn, you get the last possibility to delay the story, saying you have no time for all that nonsense and walking away. But after you agree to work with the blades, there is no way you can avoid rushing all around skyrim in order to stop dragons. Thats how it feels for me. After you escaped, you are free to go everywhere you want, but going straight to riverwood seems logical, since you have nothing in your bag. After that it is meant to rush straight to whiterun, and after getting a quest for barrows, you can take a break, since barrows are known to be dangerous places. After the dragon attack you lose the understanding of situation, because some call you db, others are laughing, but the greybeards can at least explain you what is happening. (Thats what i thought first time). So going there asap is really what everyone expects, and it seems logical, if you want to understand, what is happening. When they want you to go and get a horn, you can delay it for as long as you want. But i always keep in mind, that dragons are there, so since that point you probably should be at least in a hurry. And you are meant to be in much bigger hurry, when you retrieve an elder scroll. So the whole story is developing fast, since time is working against you, willing to stop every second.
  15. If you want your game look better, and have good pc, you should see enb and presets for it
  16. From what you say, i can see that you are not satisfied with the profit of completing the quest. Let me surprise you: quests are not about profit. And 'side' quests are called 'side' because they do not affect the main story, so i can not understand your point at all. I mean, what were you expecting? Those two groups were busy killing eachother for some time, which means none of them are, in fact, great at combat. None of them are known to the outside world. Natives say, that those lads in Thursk are known for their great mead. They are just a kid party compared to the groups you mentioned. What was you expecting? To gain super-riekling-power, that allows you to shoot their spears straight? Anyway, this one was just a way to place some funny episodes, to entertain us.
  17. I did complete playtrough only once, right after game was out. Now im trying to make my game as immersive as possible with all amazing mods and complete the main story again. Refresh it, rethink it and also do damn dlcs at least for the first time) I tried like 5 times, but always was distracted by the real-life events... so eah. This time i hope i can finish it. Its all about open world, i can wander in lands of tamriel, read books, make potions, and perform all other type of activity. Its not about skyrim, its about all TES games. I want to discover every small part of the world, to understand the universe a bit more. I just love the whole concept of this kind of games.
  18. There is also a mod that replaces gold in the urns with ancient nordic coins. Great idea, but i guess they cost more and this will break ingame economics even more.
  19. When i played first time, i was looting all the stuff like mad. Now mi trying to get rid of this habit, but still i auto-search body/container, even if i know, that there is no worth things. I even loot containers, that are marked as empty. More to say, i started stating myself role-playing restrictions, like do not loot dead, altars, urns and that kind of stuff. Helps a bit.
  20. Now i got plenty of ideas to share. Shure some of them are trivial and not brand-new, but at least they can be used as a basis for more deep character planning. First of all, the playthrough greatly depends on your roleplaying and visa-versa. The more roleplaying you want, the more complicated your character will be. So im going to share some of my presets for role-playing and may be mods, that in my opinion fit this kind of character. So, first, as i pointed in my previous post, i really enjoy immersion and like mods for that, so consider all of them being used for every pc. Witcher-kind character - troll/giant/beast hunter. Universal for begginers in themetaic playthrough. Can use magic and weapons, have followers and the only restriction is to have an ultimate goal of wiping out all creaters, defined as dangerous for humans and mers. I guess werwolfs and vampires are also on the list. Mods: would suggest "guess the distance" + "spy glass", any armor\weapon mod that fits your preferred type of weapon/armor. Hired blade - another easy-one. Works only for hire. No money-no work. Mostly the same, as previous, but also can deal with people. Mods: bounty overhaul, combat mods, weapon/armor mods Seeking knowledge - this one is more complicated. A character, that most of all wants to achive ultimate knowledge about the universe. This pc should be mastering arkane arts, dwemer technologies, try his best to get ogma infinium, and elder scrolls. This person ignores any difficulty between him and knowledge, even if it is forbidden. Mods: Magic overhauls _________________________ This took a long time to type down ;P If someone is interested, i can post some others lately.
  21. Sir, your topic is just in time! Today i was thinking of creating one myself. I actually did a merchant PC, i used alternative start, for obvious reasons, and my usual hardcore-immersion set of mods. But i dont see any reason for a merchant not to defend himself. When i just started, i had no money for mercs and all my cash gone on making a backpack+buing warm clothes+supplies. I travelled alone for a long time. My PC used great swords and hated magic as every nord does. So this was kind of long-long walking journeys playthrough. I would suggest economics of skyrim, carriages and immersive mods. Like gold has weight, frostfall, realistic needs, and that kind. And also you will need horse mod, or even your own carriage mod. No way you can carry lots of goods on your back. Now im thinking about doing an adventurer character that is going to loot every single barrow. Just a treasure hunter. Greedy and a bit paranoid. Afraid of curses and very careful with ancient artifacts.
  22. What goes from my experience, this also depends on your system and on how heavily your game is modded. This is logical, because by default, when installing a game, it defines a best quality/performance number of grids for your system. Also, it is known, that the engine has limits of memory usage, and this affects all your tweaks. The more grids you want to load, the more stress on system and engine it gives, and if they can not handle the amount of grids you want, they mess up quality, loading low-res polygons, but for the amount of grids you want. This goes from my own experience, so i can be wrong in how it works.
  23. Look, i agree with the dragon soul statement, and never was arguing, that dragonborn has such gift. I only pointed, that dovahs and dovahkiins are not the same, and old clumsy P can not call himself a dovahkiin, but a dovah. Dovahs are exactly dragons, dovahkiins are not. They are not blood-related, which was the main argument point. If you follow the whole argument here, you will see that, and what we are talking about has nothing to do with the thread theme, so ill end this here. It was offtopic.
  24. Last time i cheated when was curious about the rumor, that you can actually see whole tamriel, if cheat through skyrim borders. So i used a console. That was first time since playing gta2, i guess that was back in 2001-2002. So damn long time ago. So yes, i think in single player you can do whatever, if it does not break your gaming fun. But in multiplayer... i can find only bad words for those, who cheat against other players. Other than that its ok, but not for me) I like challenges. I use only one save for one character, have immersion and hardcore mods... so cheating is no fun for me. But when you play with mods, no way you can avoid using console even once, which is already cheating in a way))
  25. Just stop it, ok? You mix it up so badly. When you do not know the meaning of word, do not use it as a prove.
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