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Everything posted by Rasikko

  1. It's in Vietnamese apparently and is untranslatable to English. It's a cell in the Tamriel Worldspace though and you can't just "add" cells to the main worldspace, you can only rename them, so you could remove it which would revert it to whatever name it previously had (Wilderness or if it has a location, it'll likely be named that). Edit: Just realized this is an ancieeeeeeennnnt thread.
  2. In case you missed it. Hardly an apocalypse. You're right, I did miss that. LE -> SE was indeed a major pain.
  3. You don't have to buy the anniversary edition. Edit: Just read that Bethesda is going to patch SE with AE >_>. It's like they know people are going to avoid buying AE lol. Aside from the incoming mod apocalypse this will cause, I'm also a bit upset that for as much as they like rererererereleasing this game, they wont actually add anything *new* or even fix bugs. So it would seem all mods I'm working on now will have to be released for Skyrim original which Bethesda has long abandoned and has no need to recompile for no reason.
  4. Is that also intended for book marks to behave the exact same way? By that, I mean that they sink-in halfway when you press F. They don't seem to in this video: Ok that makes it clear now. Yeah that's a random bug with the F key, I've run into that a few times. As pointed out inthe above post, this doesn't happen in the original CK. The F key normally should plant things on the 0 on the Z axis of the object they are above, but for some reason it clips to the bounding box's point of origin which gives it that half way sinking thing.
  5. Batch opening only works for Use Info, all other options must be opened separately.
  6. Intended behaviour. The furniture is supposed to look like that because of where its point of origin on the bounding box is located (the yellow thingy). You'll have to raise them up.
  7. I was the one that came up with that isLocationDiscovered function. I had tested it thoroughly but I often wondered if it'd truly work for other people. I can probably fix the syntax a bit to make it even more readable by breaking it up in 2 condition statements. Bool Function isLocationDiscovered(ObjectReference akMapMarker) if akMapMarker.IsMapMarkerVisible() == True if akMapMaker.CanFastTravelToMarker() == True return true endif endif return false EndFunctionSo if any of those aren't true, it'll return that the map hasn't been discovered yet. You can't fast travel to a marker that isn't visible (on the map) and discovery is what makes it visible in the first place, but this also covers markers that ARE 'visible'(they will be darkened) but can't be fast traveled to because they haven't been discovered yet.
  8. Make sure that Riften cell you're finalizing really is the one with the teleport door marker. When zoomed out the render window will assume a random close by cell you're looking at.
  9. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Spatial_functions_and_snippets You can probably tweak that for your needs(requires some what advanced knowledge in trig, which I myself don't have). The coordinate system still uses ZYX like in Skyrim. Maybe experiment with OnTimer, or DistanceGreaterThan/LessThan events to turn on/off the operation to prevent the crash when the player's distance is x units away. As its in an interior, you can handle resets with OnCellDetach() and not rely on Unload which may or not fire.
  10. It means that your version of the Creation Kit can't load the Fallout 4 master file. You need to download the updated Creation kit. Это означает, что ваша версия Creation Kit не может загрузить мастер-файл Fallout 4. Вам необходимо скачать обновленный Creation kit.
  11. Looks like I need to add back 2 story events to the wiki.
  12. I don't know how to implement this exactly, but a perk can modify spell magnitude and you can also do so with SKSE(which will allow further math calculations, unlike perks.) Btw: <mag * xxxx> is not accepted in the syntax. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk_Entry_Point EDIT: The above method wont work for you because perk entries only go up to the hundredths place.
  13. ^The SSE CK is a watered down version of the Fallout 4 CK, minus all the cool stuff added to that.
  14. I was curious as to how you have the scene set up because that's where the weirdness almost always occurs. The quest is just there to help start/stop it generally.
  15. All that will happen to that script is that other function calls will not take place until the waiting period is over. Consider this when deciding how long you want the operation to wait in terms of game time: By default, 1h and 12m real time is equal to 24 hrs game time (RT = GT / TimeScale).
  16. Testing 1 2 3...
  17. Formlist property markerList auto Function MoveToNearestMarker(Formlist akList, Actor akActor, Float afDistance) int index = akList.GetSize() While index index -= 1 if (akList.GetAt(index) as ObjectReference).GetDistance(akActor) <= afDistance akActor.MoveTo(akList.GetAt(index) as ObjectReference) endif Endwhile EndFunction MoveToNearestMarker(MarkerList, Game.GetPlayer(), 500.0) How this works: Each time the loop iterates, it goes up the list and checks if the objectreference at that position in the list is 500.0 units or less to the player, and itereates to the next form if not. This continues until the last form in the list( actually the first; index 0) is reached. If 2 or more markers are exactly the same distance, it doesn't matter, the loop will move you to the first one found.
  18. I've accepted that my knowledge helps no one for people only accept information from specific people here.
  19. I've accepted the my knowledge helps no one here.
  20. Developers are former gamers who have lost their way.
  21. Check that the world art of the book's nif file also has the correct texture paths to your custom texture and not still pointing at Skyrim's.
  22. ModValue allows read and writing, while Getting a value and then setting it with SetValue doesn't(the value will not change.)
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