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Everything posted by Xelan255

  1. hard to say when to overwrite or not in general. But often the mod pages give you the answer in some way. In your case ragdoll and force needs xp32 to work. So you have to install xp32 first and let ragdoll and force overwrite anything it wants from xp32. As said, such things has to be read out of the mods description page. If there is no hint, you have to use your own judgement. E.g. If you are installing a body tattoo mod it also has to overwrite the files of the original body mod Good question regarding SKSE. Next one: do you use BOSS/LOOT?
  2. Sounds like it's caused by scripts not working or not responding. Do you have anything even remotely follower related mod installed? a full modlist could help too. And did you try other followers?
  3. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/23491/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25127/? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31083/? Since I've the links saved, here they are. Don't forget the cleaning of the DLCs itself, the actual cleaning isn't that complicated, there's a new step-by-step guide on the CK wiki, link in my post above. I have to say: I don't think its your armor mod itself, which causes the problems. Except there is a graphic bug, but in general armor mods are little to no threat to your stability, in my experience anyway. To answer your last question: Besides the unofficial patches there is nothing essential in regards of stability. However there are a few mods to fix other things, like crafting (there are some flaws with items having the wrong or none material, but nothing gamebreaking, just oversights). There are ways to give the game more memory in RAM and VRam. but that shouldn't be neccessary in your case and I'm not sure if your rig could handle that anyway (no offense, just limitations of your RAM and VRam).
  4. nah, the CK doesn't even have the ability to download anything by itself. of course you could use the CK to create your own little mod to change the armor back, but finding the source of the change would be much better. I'm not familiar with the mods you're using, except black sacrament. I still think it has to be one of those others, since the core game doesn't change the enchantment by itself. Maybe frostfall or your "redone by tendos", which I can't even find on the nexus.
  5. it has to be caused by one of your mods, armor enchants don't change by itself :wink:
  6. Ah, had that in mind and thought: nah, doesn't have that mod, must be something else. Archieve That! comes with an uninstall option (ingame), so you have to install Archieve That! again and use that option (in case you are sure you don't want to keep it) to uninstall the scripts and then you can uninstall the mod via your manager.
  7. I would, and I did :tongue: ok, 100+, but still and because of something else. And very few of my mods use loose files, in general most mods do so, so everything I would have to do is cleaning the dlcs, again >,< I thought of that too, but I don't like to recommend someone to fiddle in the registry, since most people aren't familiar with it at all and you can do a lot of damage if you don't know what you're doing. Of course, it's quicker your way, but I like to give a save tip, given the coice^^
  8. there may be, just browse the nexus. but how decent they are.. no idea, I'm using SkyUI since forever, like the majority of players. Oh, and I wonder, what's that about the Hearthfires.esp? It isn't in your loadorder, but the game seems to expect it? Had you installed Hearthfire and deletet it or something?
  9. is it only occuring in one particular place? and did you sort your mods with boos/loot? (would guess yes, since you would have way more problems with such a long list of mods) starting fresh might not be worth the effect btw. Out of personal experience, you have to do very much.. well... screwing up to get a savegame beyond saving. There are always a few save cleaners to help and to make the char playable again.
  10. Personally, a thread named "this game sucks too much" is not even worth opening. The game isn't flawless, but still one of THE games in the fantasy/open world genre. The mod potencial makes it even better, something no other game can compete with. A thread with such a name shows a lot of disrespect for everyone who created this game and everyone who gives his or her freetime to make the game even better via mods. And that's not enough. Plus, the game works. If it doesn't there are only a few explanations: 1. your rig can't handle it, may it soft- or hardware related. 2. you did something wrong. Most cases can be categorized under 2., so don't blame the game, blame yourself. But back to topic: I would recommend to reinstall Skyrim completly, including the DLC and mods, download everything (Skyrim, dlcs, mods) anew, just to be sure there is no corrupted file. After thats done, download the unofficial patches too, they fix a lot of stuff. And make yourself known to TES5Edit and how to clean with it. You may ask why, you just use 5 mods, what is there to clean? The DLC. In their released form they contain dirty edits, which may crash your game. Oh and like gandalftwalready asked: Your system specs would be nice to know, just in case.
  11. What are those "few things" you are talking about? Would be know to know, so we can rule those out. Did you try verifying the game cache?
  12. Don't know exactly what "devious" mod you're talking about, but in general: If two mods use the same biped-slot/location/weapon/whatever you can be sure that one of those two won't work properly. How great the impact on this mod is depends on the importance of the overwritten function.
  13. Of course your programs can't find your Skyrim anymore. Except the NMM they are all asking the windows registry to know where the executable is located and since you just moved the directory thats just not where Skyrim is anymore. To fix that, make a backup of your saves (just to be sure), go in steam to skyrim and "delete local content". That will erase the registry data of your old skyrim location. After that you install it again via steam, giving steam the location where your Skyrim is actually located. Steam will discover that the files are already there, write the new location in the registry and finish the setup in no time. After that everything should be working again. Depending on what you've done in your skyrim folder (mods replacing vanilla stuff) it may be possible that steam detects that there are some files missing or "corrupted" and replace them again with the original files. If thats the case you have to reinstall those replacer mods.
  14. how should we know? why don't you just test it? couldn't make it worse (if you do it right)
  15. Settings -> skyrim tab -> Mod directory/install info Those two set the path used by NMM to locate and store your mod archives (has nothing to do with the actual installed ones, these are just the downloaded archives) Copy those two directorys to your new PC, along with your complete Skyrim directory (the game install). On the new PC you setup NMM with the new location of your game install, your Mod directory and install info. If you use steam, let it discover the skyrim install as well.
  16. If you crash on startup, meaning before reaching the main menu, it's usually because one (or more) of your mods is missing a parent/dependencie file. You can see which files your mods need in a mod manager of your choice.
  17. You're welcome. Next time, read the mod desciptions more carefully, especially the requirements/how to use/how to install ;)
  18. Have you SKSE running? sounds like thats missing
  19. That's exactly what I meant earlier and why I pointed ot the difference between a spell and a power ;) That difference is a core feature of Skyrim, which you discover very early in the main story and almost everyone who starts to mod anything is already familiar with. Plus there are a lot of mods providing a config menu, more shouts, effects etc. via that method. That might be the reasons behind the author not mentioning it.
  20. First you have to setup the mod via the provided menu, accesable via the given power (power!=spell), which has a own hotkey. Once you ran trough that menu you will be given the spells "teleport" and "mark and recall"
  21. Try using LOOT, it sorts your plugins in the (mostly) best way. And if the game crashes before even reaching the main menu, it means that there is a dependencie missing or loaded too late. E.G. if any of your mods needs SkyUI to work, that might be the problem cause SkyUI is at the end of your order.
  22. unfortunately I don't even know most of your mods, but I still think it could be climates of tamriel, cause in my case they never left their houses again, even after the storm was over. I guess it were a script issue. So it might help if you uninstall that mod and run a script cleaner over your save.
  23. plus "other plugins" could be anything. Did you even consider that another mod causes your problem?
  24. it would help to know which mods you're using. As a blind guess: Do you use a weather mod? climates of tamriel or something similiar? I experienced the same issue in New Vegas, caused by a weather mod with storms and as soon as such a storm has taken place the npcs would never leave their houses again.
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