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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. The only thing I can think of to try that is not harmful to your game would be this. Use this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/12625/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D12625&pUp=1 It will you to quickly sleep for 31 days. This should reset the cell your in and return npc's to where they spawn I think. EDIT: sorry thought that was for Skyrim but I think the same idea would apply.
  2. Run TES5EDIT like he shows here. See if you get the "finished" message at the end. This will check both load order and mod dependencies. Guessing thats where your problem lies:
  3. Ok first of all. Damn... I guess first thing is to open your game menu (MCN) There are options in several mods to adjust the amount of NPC's that can be spawned into a cell at one time etc.. Lower them. Take a look in the settings for any combat mods in there. One of them has a tickbox for hardcore damage. Shut that off. I'm guessing your CPU or GPU is getting overwhelmed. Then: Follow the directions here and install the monitor. We need to see what is getting maxed out. Post your computer specs and a screenshot of the graph after you exit game. Maybe one of the numbers in game also. If you can't get that working there are other options. Also go to your documents/mygames/skyrim folder and open your skyrim.ini Have you made any changes in there? Especially with cell loading? I've been seeing a lot of ppl with logging turned on while they are playing. Make sure yours is turned off for now. Its only used for when you need to see logs afterwards. In it you will see this section: [Papyrus]fUpdateBudgetMS=1.2 fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=1.2fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0iMinMemoryPageSize=128iMaxMemoryPageSize=512iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes=76800bEnableLogging=0bEnableTrace=0bLoadDebugInformation=0bEnableProfiling=0 Make sure at least those last four have zeros.
  4. That looks like artifacting. Usually caused by you videocard overheating or being overclocked higher than it likes. If ya have it O/C'd set it back to default. Make sure the fan on it is working. Download GPU-Z and monitor the temp. Update to latest driver obviously also.
  5. DO you have Dawnguard? Almost looks like maybe you are missing the waves? Try verifying your files thru steam? Run LOOT? TES5EDIT? Gopher on youtube has great videos on youtube of the last 2.
  6. I see mine in skyrim/mods folder and skyrim/mods/cache. Which ar both in Steam/steamApps/common
  7. It took me like 2 hours to install Realvision (properly). GO to the description page and just follow it step by step. I do remember something about shadows being mentioned.
  8. Did you try verifying your game files thru Steam? It can do no harm really. Write down your load order and use LOOT. If its not better you can always just put your mods back in the load order you have now. Then run TES5EDIT to check for errors. If it goes all the way thru and says "finished" then your good. Again, will not hurt anything. Its just checking to make sure all your mods have any others it might be dependent on.
  9. Yes you should be able to still use the level 47 dude. I loaded it and it worked fine. But when he scanned your save he found that it was looking for a patch between "wet and cold" and "AOS". Try what I said above being very careful to only install patches that you need.
  10. Start by running LOOT if you have not already. Then use TES5EDIT to check load order and mods that may not play nice together:
  11. Have you run LOOT? Do you have other mods installed?
  12. Couple of things. Try lowering your audio format to 16 bit (cd quality) under control panel - sound - select sound card - properties - advanced - default format. Also try playing in window mode, changing resolutions as well as game settings and videocard driver settings.
  13. Looks like the wet and cold patch comes in the installer for AOS2. I think what camaro is telling you to do is this: 1) Uninstall any AOS mods and patches. 2) Start the game and make a new save. Exit game. 3) Reinstall AOS2 but this time don't forget to tell it you have wet and cold installed, so it will install the patch for it. 4) Run LOOT 5) Play Take a good read on what is compatable and what isn't: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43773/?tab=5&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D43773%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2390154&pUp=1
  14. Ok I tried one of your saves and it seems to work fine. Things went bad after installing those mods your first listed so... Either uninstall them or check here and make sure you have any patches you might need for AOS Deleted link as camaro pointed out it was wrong version Audio mods are notorious for screwing up games. Run loot, TES5EDIT blah blah blah. Either way download this: http://www.techpowerup.com/downloads/SysInfo/GPU-Z/ It will monitor your videocard. Start it up and go to the "Sensors" tab. Click the arrow next to "Memory Used" and select show highest reading. Do this also for "GPU Temp". Now start your game and play til it crashes. Go back to GPU-Z and see how many MB of memory you maxed out at and what temp it says on the other. Also if you can go to your Skyrim folder under games in "my documents" and paste in with a spoiler tag your skyrim.ini text. Ps. I also had some stability issues that I've since fixed. Two things I learned: 1) Skyrim hates overclockers. If your CPU or videocard or anything is overclocked your crash rate goes thru the roof. Go back to default speeds. 2) I sat down and read thru the description of this mod part by part and adjusted my game. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50244/? Between those 2 I fixed it.
  15. I would start by running TES5EDIT and make sure your mods are playing nicely together. Tutorial here: Then check my first post here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2377999-heavily-modded-skyrim-ctd-on-some-fight-encounters/&do=findComment&comment=20934684 With all those mods you may be running out of VRAM.
  16. Did ya try running a virus scan and maybe malwarebytes? I guess the first thing you need to find out is, is it a problem with the game or or has something about the puter changed. Hit the Windows start thinger in the lower left and in the search bar type " performance information". One of the listed links will be to performance information and tools", click that then run the tool or click refresh. Post the scores.
  17. If your crashing on startup jump on youtube and do a search for this: Skyrim Crash on Startup FIX : Part 1 (Troubleshooting your Load Order) TES5EDIT should be able to indentify the problem.
  18. Just search for this on youtube: Skyrim Crash on Startup FIX : Part 1 (Troubleshooting your Load Order)
  19. Watch any video on youtube of skyrim gameplay and you'll notice there is always some "popping in" of grass. Maybe see how bad yours is compared to that but I would guess ya its ok to live with.
  20. Watch this video and use TES5EDIT as he prescribes. This should tell you if its load order or a conflict.:
  21. Did you already go out to the practice dummies with Vilkas? She is supposed to check you out on his behalf.
  22. Anyone having these problems can download GPU-Z and see how hot their card is getting. If it is indeed getting hot there are a couple options. One is as already discussed, cleaning. From prior experience I can tell you artifacting is usually caused by the video cards memory overheating. The core itself overheating will cause crashing, lockups and little white dots on the screen. You can either buy an aftermarket cooler that fits your card (some even cool the memory), or in the past I have even purchased small heatsinks of the same size as the memory chips and just installed a simple case fan blowing on them. If anyone really needs it I have a few of my older videocards sitting here collecting dust. If you want to post your motherboard part # I'll see if any of them will work for you and ship it out to ya. I can ship overseas if needed as long as your really gonna use it.
  23. Are you starting Skyrim using the SKSE shortcut or just thru Steam like normal. Pretty sure if your not starting using the SKSE launcher it will not work. SKSE_loader I think its called. Should be in your Skyrim folder.
  24. Oh boy.... Thats personal preference really. Think of it this way. Mods that add nicer "HD" textures are gonna make the painted detail on the in game models finer and have more detail. The graphics settings both in game and in your laptops video drivers are going to "filter" whats there better. Less jagged edges, better shadows etc. Being on a laptop your going to be very confined to how many texture mods you can add. I would play on Ultra with no mods first. If theres something in game that really looks bothersome maybe find a texture for it. But use the smallest one available (many mods offer a "light" version or 1k instead of 4k for example). A mod like Skyrim HD textures is huge and replaces just about everything but its gonna cripple your machine. Try some lower settings in the game menu and see if theres really any difference that ya see (Advanced Settings or Custom they may call it). Every time you can bear turning a little something down thats gonna free up some resources. Finally you can use an in game monitor to see how much CPU, memory etc you are actually using to see how close you are to maxing out. This video shows how to set that up:
  25. Page 587 the second post I think is asking the same question :http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/652301-amazing-follower-tweaks/page-587
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