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Everything posted by Valkyrie

  1. Hmmmm where to start... Ok what are your system specs? CPU, videocard and memory at least. Do you have any video card monitoring software installed like Afterburner etc?
  2. What directory do you have Skyrim installed to? ProgramsX86? If so that may be the problem. Just move it to a different file, like c/games etc..
  3. Are you using FNIS?
  4. Have a looksie here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/765697-using-hialgoboost-with-enb/
  5. You can also try these 3 things. 1) Validate your game files thru Steam 2) Start a new character real quick. See if you can enter Solitude with it. 3) Disable all your mods. Go into your data folder and move your textures, meshes and scripts folders somewhere else. They may be big...
  6. Can you load up tes5edit click ok and make it all the way to "finished" with no errors popping up? Like he explains in this video? Also are you crashing after being in Silitude or as soon as Solitude loads? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPwiY7NBVTM
  7. Can you run TES5EDIT all the way to the end like in the video I linked? So it says "finished"
  8. Ok post your load order and list which mods are not working if ya can.
  9. Not sure but this might help: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3746/?
  10. Someone I know had that problem. I think this fixed it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LLhegw8Y2o ALWAYS back up any game files b4 editing them so you can return them afterwards if it doesn't work!
  11. Taken from Crazy Hair mod description Not sure about the last part where ya delete those files. Try it without deleting them first.: Click OK and close the characters window. In the Object Window, find the base Actor you've just edited. With the Actor selected in the list, press ctrl+F4. Click "Yes" when prompted to export." This will create 2 new face textures DDS files with the NPCs ID number (example - 000B997F.dds)in data/Textures/Actors/Character/FaceGenData/FaceTint/espname folder.Delete them.
  12. Have a look at my post here also: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1256487-ctd-when-loading-a-save-help/
  13. Try running BOSS then download tes5edit and watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPwiY7NBVTM Gopher has several videos on using BOSS and TES5EDIT on his channel
  14. Looks like it: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2543654
  15. What happens when ya talk to Maramal?
  16. Oh man sorry just remembered this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/872861-tutorial-removing-unwanted-magic-effects-from-the-player/
  17. Oh boy ya got alot of mods there. Did ya try running tes5edit? Very easy this video shows ya how. Theres a link to it under the video also. Run that and see if it finishes without any errors. Thats usually where I start.
  18. Have a look under bugs: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Maramal
  19. First off, update your manager if ya have not already. They are doing some work to the servers right now so things might be abit borked up for another day or 2. Go into your settings then the downloads tab, pretty sure ya can assign servers there.
  20. There are ways to blend the seems and some body textures seem to work better than others. This might help: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30759/? I have seen replacers for unp that make the vanilla armors much more skimpy but none like the mod you linked to. There was also a unp body installer that was here but I dont see it anymore. Some files may still be being moved over to the new servers.
  21. The best way I've found to add a weapon or armor rack etc to my house is to go find it somewhere else in another vanilla cell and copy it, then paste it into my house cell. There is also a mod that supplies a room with all them for you to copy over but then I think ya need to remove your mods dependencies on that one. Here this is it: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/11618/?
  22. This might work for ya: http://skyrimforums.org/threads/magic-effect-stuck-on-my-character.15429/
  23. I think theres a few different skyrim save game managers but if your using the one I have, I found this in the readme: *If you've saved any games since using this program: -select "Savegames" -> "Open Active Profile Folder" -select "Savegame" -> "Open Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls V Savegame Folder" -copy all files in the active profile folder to the original savegame folder. you're saves from before using TESVSGM still exist in the original 'standard' saves folder. -switch your profile to STANDARD. -delete the savegame manager and it's ini file. *If you haven't saved any game since using this program: -switch your profile to STANDARD. you're saves from before using TESVSGM still exist in the original 'standard' saves folder. -delete the savegame manager and it's ini file.
  24. If your worried about just load order simply run BOSS. Its very easy to use and theres plenty of tutorials on youtube for it. Im not sure about the warning message pertaining to load order. I think if ya just changed the order, one mod would just overwrite the other on startup so the game really wouldn't be "missing" anything. Just getting it from another mod. I could be wrong tho. Your minimalistic attitude towards mods is a good one. Never install anything your not 100% sure your gonna keep. Even after uninstalling, your save game still looks for the mod in game and that can cause problems down the road.
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