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Everything posted by MorwynKelm

  1. My own. Duh. http://skyrim.jpn.org/images/69/6952.png
  2. DIsable anti-aliasing in your driver. Problem solved.
  3. Those 'player abodes' you added alter existing cells. If they're borked (and MANY are) then you can't go near those cells or else it's instant CTD. Uninstall the house/location mods. The town and villages textures will not cause you problems - they're simply textures.
  4. You have lots of weird stuff going on. Obviously though, fShadowBiasScale is out of whack, it's default is 0.15 (IIRC) but set it between 0.7 and 1.0. Usually 1.0 is safe. Don't ask me what it actually does or I'll have to bust out the algebra and Newtonian Calculus.
  5. Dova kils dragons. He doesn't tweak uGrids. Seriously, leave it at default or your game *will* become borked.
  6. It doesn't work that way. 2x cards with 2GB in XFire does not equal 4GB of vram. It's combined, but not in that way. The same material, textures, etc is loaded on both cards.
  7. This is one of the following; - You tweaked uGrids settings - Mods that alter cells (new areas or changes) - You removed a mod that affects the cell you're currently in. Also, specs.
  8. Out of vram, perhaps? Weird. Delete/backup your skyrimprefs.ini and skyrim.ini and revify your files. It could be a weird config issue but I'm really guessing on that one.
  9. Make the "cleaning lady" replace it. And discussing 'warez' here is a big, bad idea.
  10. That 'retreat' was a disaster, it borked many games. Load a save where you are not anywhere near the cells that it mods (near player homes, etc.) and re-save. Fixing that mod is a real mess, you'll have to read some posts on it, there are plenty.
  11. That looks to me like fShadowBiasScale is bugged out and you have multiple values set in both files. Set it to 1.0, not higher and not lower than 0.7.
  12. Open the console, click on here. ID is right there.
  13. Posting that is a very, very bad idea.
  14. I'm not into the elf thing at all but you might like something like this? I mean he (she?) looks pretty elfy to me.
  15. I'm guessing you have some config that has borked things. I suggest a defrag, that may help a lot. If you run ENB, disabling it while loading can make a big difference in load speeds. Other than that, your rig is suffering badly from lack of RAM. Upgrade to x64 and fill up your rig with as much RAM as it'll hold.
  16. MMORPG = Many Men Online Role Playing Girls
  17. Find a spot to make a clean save. Breezehome is usually ok unless you're modding that, too. Release any followers. Make a clean save. Uninstall/Delete mods that are NOT vital to you. BOSS/BASH. Victory.
  18. Use the launcher to re-set your settings. If all else fails, delete the folder /My Games/Skyrim/
  19. Fatigue. Hunger. Wounds and the notion that swimming through iceberg-filled waters in a loin cloth is not going to be productive. ...to name a couple.
  20. I don't see Skyrim as being any different than any of the other TES games. Half-finished console ports. It's exactly what Bethesda does. It's like being mad at a dog because it barks. Duh.
  21. - Native 64bit - DX11 That's all. With that, so much more is possible.
  22. Everything (ini's, dll's, .ai's, etc) goes into the same location as TESV.exe. Plugins for SKSE (.ai and .dll) go here; \Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ Although few of them appear to work any longer with 1.5.
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