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Everything posted by acidzebra

  1. Scriv: if the worldspace is large that would make for some awfully big collision markers. The preferred way is, I think, to use the region editor (menu World > Regions), select your worldspace from the dropdown, define a new region (right-click in the region name list > new region), select that region and designate it as a border region (Tab general, check border region, apply), and then draw your desired borders in the little world map shown (left-click on a cell to place marker, left click new cell to place marker, two more times until you have a nice box (or more if you need a different shape), then right click in the map window and choose "done" to complete the box. Or undo last point to go back. Then apply once more and close the editor. This may sound more complex than it is, see this page (for fallout but still valid) for more graphic detail.It also talks about lots of other stuff but you just want to know how to draw a region. But man you can do some awesome stuff with the region editor. When you try to cross the border you will get the familiar "you cannot go that way" message.
  2. Sorry, my compiler throws an exception at the first error found :biggrin:
  3. Wow, this is not even my mod and I'm getting frustrated because I don't see it. Aside from some high-poly triangles in the cell just below the house which should be simplified, that gazebo circle which is probably too thin to have AIs successfully walk it and a possible floating island in the main house area which I think is actually the balcony (nice idea), I just don't see it. It looks clean enough. Have you tried running a pathing test in that main house cell? http://www.creationk...m/Pathing_Tests (does the CK think the AI will be able to navigate as expected) Have you tried making where you want the AI to walk a preferred path? (select the triangles which form your desired path, press P - the triangles will change color to that of the road) :psyduck: Brutal suggestion: make a backup of your file, go into the cell, click menu navmesh > remove cell navmeshes, then save. Weep for the loss of your carefully crafted navmesh. Auto-generate a new navmesh (a havok-based one, I would think). See what the CK comes up with. Save and test first after the usual finalizing and cover removal/generating, then, if pigs fly and it works, cleanup.
  4. Game.getplayer() Not game().getplayer or game().getplayer() or player() Not sure if your code will work even with proper syntax but give er a whirl.
  5. What you want: http://www.bbcode.org/reference.php Specifically the img and youtube bb tags. If you ask for a pm many people will assume someone else has sent one.
  6. ...which may have had something to do why Beth put all that in a separate quest...
  7. The closest you may get right now is the directors tools mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10431 OP is banned, by the way, so won't be responding.
  8. Very strange, I've not seen this behavior and I've messed with Tamriel, custom worldspaces, and interior cells. Could you post a 45-degree angle shot of the same area as pic #3 with just the navmesh showing? There must be something we're missing but I can't for the life of me think what. It looks like a lovely place, by the way.
  9. There are several map alternatives http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25501 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4929 http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22425 ...among others
  10. Add some quests. Overhaul your game look. Overhaul the game mechanics. Go dungeon crawling. Roll up a new character outside of your comfort zone and start from scratch. Grab the official DLCs and experience life as a vampire lord. Explore every nook and cranny of Skyrim because I can almost guarantee you haven't found every possible secret, easter egg, and hidden gem.
  11. You may find this of interest http://www.creationkit.com/Exporting_meshes_to_Creation_Kit
  12. 9 vs 9 votes, how exciting :ohdear: I don't care if the chest moving up and down is an oversight or intentional, chest moves up and down ingame = breathing. Also being able to drown is a strong argument. "Talking" not so much, that just indicates a vampire still can force air through the larynx if it chooses to do so. Now, knowing the guy asking the question is the wet and cold author, the next logical question should be "is the vampire's body temperature high enough to cause breath condensation in cold climates?" :dance:
  13. I think I'm going to do one of those other 999 things right now.
  14. I don't think it's a "simply" and it's not a project I'm taking on (at least not until I have a lot more questing experience and/or it bugs me personally). But theoretically it's possible... open the CK and hack away :thumbsup:
  15. Okay it's not entirely clear but based on the third pic what I think is happening is that the gaps between the main mesh and your little "peninsulas" (basically everywhere where I see a cover wall on two sides and maybe especially where I don't but I think there should be, which I bet is where the problem is) are so small that the AI pather thinks "I can bridge those, silly human probably forgot to close the gaps!" (even though the peninsula may be on the 2nd floor) Try widening the distances on both sides of the fence/porch/whatever. By the way - have you checked your navmesh for errors? Just checking - I sometimes forget.
  16. I was kind of hoping for a dirty exposé here going by the title. I've long ago given up trying to blame my last papyrus entry to the actual cause for the crash - but nevertheless this is interesting data :)
  17. [video=youtube;wdfIfC9BHwQ] Nostalgia trip, sorry.
  18. Well, that's me stumped, sorry. Could you maybe post a screenshot of your CK render window with the navmesh & scene?
  19. Odd - what kind of objects are we talking about?
  20. ...you do know that pressing backspace will reload your ENB config in-game so you can just alt-tab out, change the config file, save, alt-tab back, press backspace, and carry on right?
  21. Well, you should probably start hotkeying your most-used spells (in the powers screen, press F to favorite a spell and then in the favorites menu press 1-8 to hotkey it). You should also look into the armor-raising spells oakflesh, ironflesh, ebonyflesh. And if you're playing a conjurer or destruction mage using long-range spells, you should probably keep your distance. And if you're facing long range enemies, wards and/or cover.
  22. No, wait, sorry, never mind.Had idea but didn't check your list thoroughly :whistling: I know you already have a market but if you're stuck for more liveliness in your town, as it hits a certain size there's always room for a specialized butcher/baker/and one or more upper/lower class pubs.Gotta give the local yokels something to do in the evening instead of just sandboxing in their homes.
  23. The creation kit wiki gives this warning for game.getform: Scripts should always be blind to the contents of data files, and rely on properties as the interface through which they access data from data files. As such, this function should only ever be used for debugging purposes. Maybe getformfromfile? (blithely ignoring the advice just given :thumbsup:) http://www.creationk...FromFile_-_Game ...which may be the problem you are having.
  24. Nothing worse than suspecting your shiny new toy may not be living up to its advertised potential ;) I've had a lot of success tweaking the ini files to make the game look more gorgeous than it already does - and using the skyrim configurator is the tool of choice for me to do that. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814 And while my aging video cards doesn't allow me to run high-end ENBs (and most of the published ones give me nosebleeds with the amount of bloom and oversaturation anyway), I had good results from using imaginator.
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