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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Ha ha ha yes, I could have told you that... if I knew :)

    (I usually just player.additem whatever stuff I need for testing)(


    No, just that file is fine.


    Remember to take out your debug lines!

  2. lol


    Papyrus vs Acid Zebra: 100000 : 2.5


    Weird, it absolutely works on my teleportring, but that's a piece of armor, not a weapon. However, both get equipped.


    Let me dig into the CK docs (and hope Steve40 will come online soon ha ha ha)

  3. s***, forgot to point it at the rifle.


    Scriptname riflescript extends ObjectReference  
    Perk Property RifleBloodPerk Auto  
    Weapon property Rifle Auto 
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
    Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(RifleBloodPerk )
    Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
    Game.GetPlayer().RemovePerk(RifleBloodPerk )


    See that weapon property line I added? Like before where you linked the script perk property to the actual perk, link the weapon property to the actual weapon.


    I have used a similar script on a teleport ring successfully, but that used "armor property" instead of "weapon property". I'm assuming it will work the same though.


    edit: no wait, I only used that property to unequip the teleportring after the jump.

  4. Can you add 2 lines of


    debug.notification("perk added")

    directly below the addperk line and

    debug.notification("perk removed")

    directly below the removeperk line so we know the script is firing properly on equip and unequip?

  5. Can it be initiated by way of a new entry on the Main Menu, or must it be initiated by way of an item (as so many other mods seem to be initiated)? Will there be additional resources needed or useful for this beyond the Creation Kit?


    I can partially answer this part, the skyrim menus (main menu, save menus) etc are all flash + scaleform (owned by autodesk). I don't know to what degree you could order the actual game engine around from there (obviously some interaction is happening to be able to initiate a new game/load a game/etc and you can even open the console to COC somewhere), but yeah, you will need Adobe CS + scaleform to even begin to alter the menu structure. I've seen the disassembled (.fla) menu files floating around the nexus, but without scaleform they're useless.


    Sounds like an endless dungeon mod, interesting. Will you also attempt procedural dungeon generation?


    Attempting to exit your shop produces a drop-down dialog of selectable dungeons, ordered by difficulty, where better items are found in more difficult dungeons. Selecting one spawns you at the entrance of the dungeon. Attempting to leave the dungeon spawns you back at your shop.


    This is certainly possible with conventional papyrus scripting (all from CK & notepad++), although many people probably wouldn't appreciate their main character being restricted in this way :)

  6. i simply added the perk to the player form's spell list,


    I think you were on the right track with the blooded perk, but it's actually the shield (dunTargeOfTheBloodedShield) which gets tested by the perk getequipped armor test and you shouldn't have modified the player, I think. Or at least not directly - add a script to the weapon with an OnEquip event block stating Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(YourPerk), perhaps?(and a corresponding OnUnequip event block with removeperk)


    I know the above works because I've done it before with magical equipment. I'm still trying to figure out how it works for that blooded shield. The NPC has the spell in her spell list, where does it get transferred to the player.... hmmm....


    Something like this as a script on your rifle maybe

    Scriptname RifleBlooded extends ObjectReference  
    Perk Property RifleBloodPerk Auto  
    Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
    Game.GetPlayer().AddPerk(RifleBloodPerk )
    Event OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
     if akActor == Game.GetPlayer()
    Game.GetPlayer().RemovePerk(RifleBloodPerk )


    Ha ha, better have Steve validate it :P


    (this checks specifically if the player equips it, if you want it for everyone remove the ifs)

  7. I'm Nexus only since the beginning...jeah, i guess i uploaded it at a bad time. Wasn't long on the front page since other mods were uploaded and once you are gone from there you're pretty much dead :D Well, bad luck i guess.


    Except you made it to the hot files in no time at all - congrats and well done :thumbsup:


    (I'm a terrible tester, haven't been really playing the game as much as playing the CK)

  8. "I uninstalled every mod, made a new save file, then installed the exact same mods"


    Why? That makes zero sense. If any of those mods had any active scripts, it could even cause a lot of problems. Then there is order of install and the potential of files overwritten in a different order... it's just... why?


    Anyway, bizarre actions aside, have you tried removing the 5 new mods, then loading any of your saves?


    Are you running BOSS? Do you get any warnings or errors?

  9. Even with a "clean save" there may still be references to missing mods or scripts or whatever. Which may cause hangs. Which is why I generally would not recommending pulling, installing, upgrading or just messing with mods during your in-progress game. Of course, the latest steam-powered upgrades made that one kind of hard.


    "Did it twice, i uninstalled every single mod, saved, installed"


    Installed WHAT? The exact same mods? Updated versions?


    It may be that you'll have to go back to an earlier save.

  10. You need to read up on roombounds




    The quickest way to fix it is to simply delete the room markers, menu view > show/hide window, check "portals and rooms", and then delete the big blue boxes which appear in your scene, but the proper way would be to add a roombound and portal for your new room.


    Try the proper way first, it isn't that hard and will help performance for those playing on slower PCs.

  11. Okay, so I was happily building my custom worldspace but I noticed the world map extended far beyond my needs. Since the island I was building was really only 6x6 cells, I went into menu world > world spaces which has this section.




    Wasn't entirely sure what to touch, so I set "Cell coordinates" to -3,3 and 3,-3 respectively, taking my cues from the Tamriel worldspace which has it set to -30,15 and 40,40. Basic XY coordinate system. Saved, loaded up Skyrim, opened the map, all looked well. Exited and continued working for the next 8 hours, saving regularly.


    So far so good. End of the day I wanted to have a proper look at my worldspace, so I exited CK, fired up Oscape, and generated the world LOD like I did so many times before. Opened it in Skyrim. And behold - my world LOD cut off abruptly at the edge, presumably where the 3-cell border is. Not only that, but I get all kinds of weird flickering when moving around.


    Well sh*t. Okay, back to CK, reset the cell coordinates by erasing the numbers, OK, save. Oscape again. Loaded Skyrim. No joy.

    Experiencing a slightly sinking feeling here. Had a look at my automated backups, but since I save a lot, they were all recent ones with the damage already done.


    Went back into CK, changed the settings to Tamriel settings. Ran Oscape again. No change. Ran (out of sheer desperation) the CK world LOD generator. No change. Tried any number of permutations and settings changes. No change.


    Had a look at the CK wiki. http://www.creationk...om/World_Spaces

    Hey, they're undocumented settings. How nice.


    So I went back and opened my manual backup I made at the start of the day. Generated world LOD. Looks fine. Except there's 8 hours of detail work missing. I've looked at my esp file with tesvgecko and tes5edit but I don't know which record contains this data. I don't see it.


    For some reason, it appears that once you set this, you can't unset it and it will screw with your LOD.


    Is there anyone with a suggestion on how to fix this, or should I bite the bullet, give up and re-do 8 hours of work? :psyduck:

    (I really feel this should be a reversible thing - so annoying!)

  12. AdvancedKillMoves.esp Active

    Requires: "http//skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21226 AdvancedKillMoves_English_2-0b_Dawnguard"


    Height Adjusted Races v5.esp

    Note: Use only one Height Adjusted Races*.esp

    Height Adjusted Races with True Giants v5.esp Active

    Note: Use only one Height Adjusted Races*.esp


    I swear, its like nobody reads these logs.


    Here's my free extra tip, make a clean savegame as outlined here and then remove Crimson Tide.


  13. Not really, you get a summon spell and a nice config menu. Install the mod. Load skyrim. Run Skyrim. Load game. Make a new save, and load that (because sometimes it doesn't work right off the bat). Summon imaginator. Change settings. Really quite simple.


    @gankster: what question?

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