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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. If you can't see ANY markers (idle markers, sit markers, use markers), press M with the render window visible.


    If you're trying to draw a triggerbox, first select the objects you want to draw the trigger around (like a couple of floor, wall, and other pieces) using the ctrl+left click to select multiple objects, then press the little T/box button from the top menu (looks like a box... with a T in it ;), then select the defaultblanktrigger from the options.


    It will create a nice box with an area guaranteed to cover the objects you selected. If you try to drag one into your scene (which is a mistake many people make when first working with triggers), it will have dimensions 0,0,0 so that's why you don't see it.

  2. Aethernautics - A Space Travel Mod



    -A large, open dungeon for the player to explore, filled with traps, lava, and a new type of centurion

    -An unmarked quest to discover and reactivate the lost Aethership

    -A new type of weapon, harquebuses (guns)! Five available types can be found, and come complete with rifle sounds and effects. The available types are the Ohmic Harquebus, the Heavy Harquebus, the standard rifle, the Magmatic Harquebus, and the Aetherial Arquebus.

    -Once you reactivate it, the player may use the aethership as their own. It comes complete with cargo and docking bays, engineering and maintainence shafts, weapon systems, and even a full bridge with a captain's chair. The ship may also be used as a player home, and quarters are provided with basic services.

    -The ability to use your ship to call down orbital strikes.

    -The ability to use your ship to travel to other planes, such as Sotha Sil and Masser, one of Nirn's moons.

    -Your very own space helmet and space suit, courtesy of the last Dwemer aethernauts.

  3. There are several script elements you could experiment with, perhaps UnequipAll() or RemoveAllItems (which allows you to transfer everything to a container)





    But yeah, some scripting will be involved, like placing a triggerbox covering the bathing area with a script containing an ontriggerenter() event.



  4. I've made a custom worldspace, have working LOD for terrain and objects, and my local and world map both work. However, after I close the map window I see the skyrim map clouds in my world? I know this sounds vague so see the picture - you can see the outline of the throat of the world clouds clearly. It only happens after I open and close the map. And only in a custom worldspace.


    Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong, and does anyone have a solution? It's not really game-breaking but it's weird and slightly annoying.



  5. you can then use the "IsInDangerousWater" conditional to "detect" the water


    Ah - that would have been good to know a few weeks back - I could have scripted my way around the issue of not causing damage per second (which I tested ingame and doesn't do jack) but the db10 triggerbox (used when the DB is going up in flames I think) works a treat and applies a nice flame effect so all good. But nice to know for future mods.


    Cheers :)

  6. Would help you if I could mate but the simple fact is there are not a lot of mac gamers on here, and it's not exactly a supported platform. Which is probably why you're not getting a response.
  7. Only really odd things I see is this:


    Balanced_Magic_Novice.esp Active

    Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.

    Balanced_Magic_Master.esp Active

    Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.

    Balanced_Magic_Adept.esp Active

    Note: Choose only one of the below - optional if you prefer vanilla settings or other mods which adjust these values.


    And this


    Magnus50.esp Active

    Magnus20.esp Active

    Magnus100.esp Active


    I think that's the mod which changes staff of Magnus but you're only supposed to choose one. Same with the archmage ring



    ArchmageRing00.esp Active

    ArchmageRing25.esp Active

    ArchmageRing50.esp Active

    ArchmageRing75.esp Active


    Though I doubt that would cause CTDs.





    Berserk Black Swordsman Armor.esp Active

    Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor

    Berserk Black Swordsman Armor - No Arm.esp Active

    Note: Use only one version of Berserk Black Swordsman Armor


    Is it possible some mods are not yet compatible with Dawnguard or Heartfire and induce these crashes?


    Yes. Also with the latest 1.8 patch. Check all mods for updates. And if a mod offers more than one version (like the ones I listed above), you should either remove the versions you don't need from the data folder (and repeat that each time you update) or remove them from the mod archive before installing/updating.


    Read the BOSS log carefully. These warnings were not in morse :tongue:

  8. I avoided vampirism and werewolves like the plauge


    Eh, they were both fun... for a while. Both are reversible, so why not. More experience is more experience. I'm not a fan of vampires and the werewolf stuff was less exciting than expected but it was fun to play one for a bit. Then I went back to normal.


    To the OP, keep taking jobs from the Companions, and either only talk to Farkas and Vilkas to get new jobs (and complete them) or talk to them for a job then switch to Aela and back and eventually they will express uncertainty about being werewolves and that they would like to be cured. Agree to accompany them. Bring 2 witches' heads. When you sort them out, you will be able to sort yourself out too. Take note of the bugs section on the UESPwiki page for the Purity quest.



  9. My 2 cents still stands, and


    SoS - The Dungeons.esp Active

    Warning: The Sounds of Skyrim collection have been causing a lot of bugs and corrupting saves, even when removed and caused stuttering.

    SoS - The Wilds.esp Active

    Warning: The Sounds of Skyrim collection have been causing a lot of bugs and corrupting saves, even when removed and caused stuttering.

    SoS - Civilization.esp Active

    Warning: The Sounds of Skyrim collection have been causing a lot of bugs and corrupting saves, even when removed and caused stuttering.


    is a well-known problem, the reason you won't find these on the nexus any more, and generally a bad idea to run.


    DSpSoB.esp Active

    Note: Make sure you use Dawnguard version.


    Can't tell if you are.


    Dr_Bandolier.esp Active

    Dr_BandolierDG.esp Active

    BandolierForNPCMasterFile.esp Active

    Note: Make sure you have Dawnguard-version of this mod



    Not sure if you should run both - check the mod page for details. I think you're meant to run Dr_BandolierDG.esp and BandolierForNPCMasterFile.esp


    SkyMoMod_lists.esp Active

    Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}

    Note: Obsolete only if using the original mod. Update to latest version.


    Are you running the latest?


    As a side note I've never had much luck with the Phenderix mods myself but I brutally cut all suspect mods and that was one of them. I've not done extensive testing, and a lot of people seem happy with it. But I know for a fact Crimson Tide and Sounds of Skyrim will cause s***.

  10. Here's my two cents - go to a small interior cell such as breezehome or some other player home, do a clean save (wait for 30+ days, sleep a night, save, exit), remove Crimson Tide - Blood.esp, load, make a clean save again just for kicks (and safety), exit, load, play game.


    And post your actual boss log - the one you get when you run it.

  11. I have about 360 hours in Skyrim, and to be honest, I have no idea about maybe half of the places you're talking about.


    That's good, right? Still have things to find! Wandering the world in Skyrim often pays off in unexpected ways.


    Interesting fact related to this. I heard a rumor a while back that the foxes and peaceful animals are programmed to take you to new places if you chase them. Can't verify it.


    I heard that too but the foxes just have a defaultcreaturesandboxcurrentlocation4000 on them, meaning they will wander around in a radius of 4000 (and may be attracted to idle markers although they can't use them - not entirely sure how that flag works if you set it to true which it is but I suppose an idle marker within radius would get a higher "wander this way" priority), so I think any new place discovered by fox-following is just coincidental and less efficient than just wandering yourself. Although it's kind of fun to follow the little buggers around.

  12. It would depend on your budget I suppose :)


    I would definitely go for a desktop myself, and slam in a Nvidia GTX670/680/690. Which would require a pretty hefty power supply. And put in an i5 or i7 processor, probably one of the i7 series. And a smallish SSD to install windows and Skyrim on. And a separate hard disk for data/other stuff. And at least 8 GB of RAM.


    For the record, I'm still on the computer I bought several years ago, I invested in a radeonHD 5770, i7, and 12 GB of RAM which was expensive at the time but has lasted me for several years of high-end gaming. I added a 2nd card in crossfire and SSD later on (Skyrim on SSD = fast texture loads and very short load screen time), and may change over to one of the newer nvidia cards come Christmas as the cards just can't hack the latest generation of games on highest settings with ENBs added. Which is what I like about desktops, if you pick your gear wisely you can do incremental upgrades over time and get more bang for your buck.With a laptop all you can really upgrade is the RAM, and maybe install a SSD. Of course, laptops get you portability, so I suppose it's all about what you want from a PC.

  13. ...a better graphics card? Preferably with 2GB VRAM?


    I'm not a big expert on cards but the mobility series is for laptops right? Those are usually tuned for lower power consumption/heat generation, and therefore less powerful. You didn't mention the CPU but most i5 and above should be able to run skyrim and spend a lot of time idling. The i3 series may not always cope with the more CPU-intensive tasks - and then there is your drive speed to consider, especially when the game has to load a lot of textures at once (when loading a new cell outdoors, for instance).


    So your laptop is not going to cut it on the highest res/settings and there isn't much you can do about that. You can, however, do a lot to make skyrim look nice by judicious use of mods. Like lush trees/grass, imaginator, godrays-only ENB (a very low-end ENB on the nexus which only makes the light play through the trees and the shadows look prettier), and playing around with the ini files until you find a compromise that you can enjoy. (or use skyrim configurator because it's easier http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/814/ )

  14. Well, you can set the player as an enemy to a faction with


    (and the reverse SOMEFACTION.SetPlayerEnemy(false)



    You could combine this with a script on the equipment using the onequipped() and onunequipped() events



    You could just make all the major hold factions (TownXXXFaction) player enemies when DB armor is equipped this way. But this does mean that anyone in that faction who spots you will attack on sight - which I think is why Beth didn't do that.


    It would make for some interesting roleplaying - and a lot of running :tongue:

  15. the visual effect was achieved with a combination of the worldspace and imagespace. Maybe you could do something with that?


    Agreed. There is a lavawater water type in the CK but it's not tied to any water activators and with a little creative use of watertypes, imagespace, lighting, and fx objects (smoke, cameraFX) you can create a passable illusion. And with an adjusted DB10FireDamageTriggerBox underneath you can set any player/NPC unlucky enough to fall in on fire - because the "causes X damage per second" checkbox in the water type dialogue doesn't seem to do anything in this iteration of the game engine. Blowing enemies into the lava with a well-placed FUS and watching them burn up trying to get out is pretty satisfying.


    Some examples from my upcoming mod, a Dwemer geothermal station (screenshots using vanilla skyrim, no ENB or anything)


    Other experiments"




  16. As long as the script functions, whether or not parts of it are unnecessary, I'm happy.


    I'll respectfully disagree - when we face a public running tens or hundreds of mods with any number of scripts, we should optimize our code as much as possible to reduce load on people's games. This helps both users and fellow modders.


    I do agree that with this whole "self-taught" thing (and who isn't when it comes to Papyrus?) it's easy to fall back to the "this works so okay" mode - but if you have the capacity to learn a new and better way, that same self-taught skill should update itself and learn a new and better trick :)


    I'm always a little intimidated when someone asks how to do something in papyrus and I have a suggestion which I'd like to share (helping people is cool) but I suspect it'll be an awkward way of doing things and I just know someone like Steve or Ez0n3 will come along sooner or later and bust out an awesome way of doing it and make me feel like a total hack - but at the same time that's how both I and the asker learn something new. So I just suck it up and post anyway.


    I'm still fuzzy on the whole states thing (gotostate does not mean leave the current state immediately? WTF) and the CK wiki isn't the most helpful on the subject of states (which is why I initially avoided them), but these examples have helped a lot.

  17. Nah, they're floor tiles/meshes. Still really easy to replace though - maybe even easier than doing a texture replacement - open location in CK, select all the "floor*mid" pieces, CTRL-F, select something you like better, like RifRmBgKeepFloorWood02. Just... an awful lot of work to do it in every building in skyrim for what seems to me like a minor issue.


    I have no clue about modding so ....er.... I posted it here.


    As good a time to start with modding as any :)


    Quick replace with Riften floor tiles. I think I like the original better. And I accidentally moved the rug on the right, so that looks odd.



    2nd floor with different boards, didn't bother to readjust the rugs.


  18. If you can navmesh then setting up patrolling would be a breeze.




    Once you have the basics then going from there to setting up alternating day/night patrols is fairly simple - you can see in the CK how they work use "dayshift" and "nightshift" as a filter in the CK (in all or under Character\Package)


    I'd just use the regular city guards for each hold for now - if you're going to make it a city vault.


    Hell yes I'd be interested, I had half a mind to give it a go myself after reading your post but I realised I should really focus on completing in-progress work rather than starting up yet another project. :laugh:

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