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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. There are quite a few battlemage/robe over armor mods already on the nexus. Most are done by combining one or more parts of existing armor with one or more parts of an existing robe outfit. Search the nexus for "mage armor" and you're sure to find something.


    If you want DIY, your tool of choice will probably be nifscope (because you won't be doing this in the CK), a google search for "combine meshes nifscope" will show you some of the basics of doing that, and something like this should get you started with nifscope itself.

  2. Just put in the first update - added some of the changes mentioned earlier, plus thanks to some commenters on the mod page you will now only see the potions you can actually craft.


    Enough editing lists for now, I feel like a bloody accountant ;)

    (nothing wrong with that, I'm just not one of them)

  3. Added (but not yet uploaded, will collect some ideas first, I think I will keep the current simple mod as is and offer this as an alternate/add-on):


    Potion of Doom:

    fortify magicka rate + fortify destruction skill = shorter timer on magicka rate but greater magicka rate & destruction skill multiplier


    Potion of Mindbending:

    The same as doom, but for illusion


    Potion of Reality Warp:

    Same as above, for alteration


    Potion of Packrats:

    Fortify carry rate + fortify stamina = slightly better stats for both across the board


    Potion of enhanced smithing (as per suggestion but not quite so overpowered)

    smithing potion + smithing potion = better smithing + extended duration, scales up at higher levels


    Potion of Superior Resistance:

    combine "resist ..." potions, get free extra healing rate for a short time

  4. Nice list Ket, thanks!


    Right now they turn into trees permanently. I also took out the "protect dragons, giants, and essential characters" protections because screw that. Also it was just for fun. I turned the entire city of Solitude into a very quiet and green place :thumbsup:


    Grimoa: that's a very interesting suggestion! I'd have no idea how to work that in the CK, but it's interesting enough that I'll look into it. The summon part is easy, but not sure how to remove a targeted tree from the world.

  5. Okay, here's the bare-bones version: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/27220/


    Will combine the following health/stamina/magicka potions at a cookpot under the misc section:







    Based on the restoration levels found in vanilla:






    06=9999pts (full)


    I'll start working on some more interesting combinations.

  6. There's a script attached to the wabbajack to work its random magic, it has a number of functions, I scrapped all but the one I wanted and fudged around for a bit until I got it to kill off the targeted actor and replace it with a tree.
  7. I kind of sort of want to build a set of spells for green mage/druid builds, you know, summoning bears/spriggans, mass calm spells, making stuff bloom, turning nature against your foes, that sort of thing.


    And I thought "you know what would be fun? Turning people into trees!". And you know what, I was right. This is just a proof of concept test using the wabbajack as a base, but hey, it works.



    If you have any other ideas for green mages/druids, let's hear them. Who knows, I may turn this thing into a real mod someday.


    *checks the nexus*


    Looks like someone beat me to it ha ha


  8. I find LOD's also tend to screw up if you have actually loaded the scene.


    Trying to do LOD generation while the scene is loaded is a surefire way to make the CK crash for me. I usually just load a small interior cell, then generate for the worldspace I want. And NEVER save after that - it'll kill your heightmaps.


    It's all kinds of buggy, but you can work around it :)

  9. You're right - 1.8 has done damage to what had become a "relatively" stable piece of software. Regular CTDs have returned, and there is now significant stuttering in first person view. I've tried turning down the graphics settings on my card but to no avail. Yes, I have >60 mods installed, but the game had been quite solid prior to 1.8. I hope that they fix it soon because it is virtually unplayable in it's current state. Intel i7/2600, 12 gig ram, o/c nVidia 560ti, Win 7/64.


    I must say, I'm running pure vanilla while I'm building stuff in CK and 1.8 runs fine. So did the 1.7 series.


    With >60 mods installed, I think it may be more a case of not every mod being at the 1.8 level yet. Which also would explain the many crash threads - people running tons of different mods which may or may not have been updated.

  10. It looks like they were setting everything up for a bigger civil war...I wonder if its possible to finish it.


    I've been looking at what would be needed to activate that stuff, all of the triggerboxes are tied to the CWsiege quest which is (I think) the final stage of the civil war. Which to my limited CK quest ability is horribly complicated with a ton of stages and aliases, but they're all set up for Markarth and Riften.



    Still, for someone with moderate to advanced skill it should be possible to set up a separate quest and tie the triggers to that, or rework the existing quest to incorporate a city siege as part of the official quest line instead of just another fort attack.


    I do hope someone will pick up on this, because it looks like fun :)

  11. What's really weird is



    if you look at the Markarth gates in the CK there's this huge complex scene with catapult impacts, tons of CW troops, arrow volleys fired from the walls (!), and lots of other things going on.


    Now maybe I'm playing skyrim all wrong, but I never got to see any of that ingame and I've run through both the imperial and sons CW campaign. There's a whole set of stages for Markarth, right up from Markarth pass (over the bridge) up to the city gates, all of which look awesome.



    I see the same kind of complex scene near Riften




    Spoiler tags added in case I'm wrong and there is actually a siege of Markarth.

  12. I love a good Kyne's Peace in a castle or other setting with lots of clutter. Everything flies everywhere and everyone just sits around like nothing happened. :biggrin: (it's also useful because it seems like skyrim has a bear infestation and I'm just not up for slaughtering every bear who happens to cross my path - I don't fast travel so I get a lot of that)
  13. Since it's all done with textures... not really?


    But it's not really hard; extract textures from BSA, install photoshop/gimp plugin for DDS files, and if you just want to change colors you won't have to mess with the normal maps or anything, just apply a color filter of your choice to the main texture DDS you're looking to change, save, and off you go.

  14. Yeah, CK and non-English OS and/or game = not a happy combination. You could try


    Go to: X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\Skyrim_default .ini


    and copy the row:


    sLanguage=GERMAN (for me it's german)


    into: X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim\SkyrimEditor.i ni

    right below the [General]




    Here's a dawnguard updated version tip

  15. I been using magic. And it really has been bugging me. Quite a lot.


    It was fun in Oblivion. In Skyrim you can't even defend yourself. Take a mace to the face while your doing silly charges. Magic in one hand, and a weapon in the other, and you can't even block! Then to add insult to injury your magicka doesn't even regen while charging a spell so if you keep casting and casting it doesn't regen, period. You want it recharged, you drink a stupid potion, or wait a bit and take yet another mace to the face :facepalm:


    Spellswords need Dual Wield Parrying


    (requires script dragon)

  16. If console command

    cow tamriel 0,0

    also doesn't work, it is starting to sound like a borked skyrim install.


    You could verify the game integrity through steam, this replaces only any files which fail a checksum, thus saving you from reinstalling the entire thing.

  17. How about to play without cheats?


    How about constructive advice?


    OP, have you tried opening the console at the title screen and then using COC?Just as a test - if it works from there (I use it for testing all the time), the problem could be with your save.

  18. By getting a user to click a link to a specially formed Steam URL


    Browsers such as Chrome and Internet Explorer present users with an explicit warning when they click a Steam link, telling them they're about to open or use an external program, and Firefox asks users for confirmation (without explicitly warning of potential vulnerability). Browsers including Apple's Safari and Webkit, though, allow Steam URLs to launch the program without any warnings, letting a potential attack go completely unnoticed
    If you are running Steam and using a vulnerable browser, you can protect yourself by going into the settings and disabling automatic launching of Steam:// URLs. If you're already using a browser that gives warning when URLs try to launch external programs, keep a special watch for any suspicious links that try to launch Steam.


    In short, don't click suspect links and use proper browser security. Which is sane advice under any circumstances :thumbsup:

  19. Something I've been working on for a while now and which is getting close to being playable. With some luck it should be ready for release somewhere in December of this year.


    Features voiced quest giver (and the ubiquitous fetch quest - groan), a long boat journey where you may be attacked by pirates, angry horkers, and heaven knows what else, a mysterious island for you to explore (2 exterior cells of which one simulates a large interior and a bunch of interior cells), lots of automaton fights, a unique artifact, the bluest water you'll ever see, and MOAR.


    I hope you like it :)


    (and no, it's not the hanging gardens of Wasten Coridale. It's what inspired those. That's what my lore says anyway, and I'm sticking to it)




    Will feature voice acting by RainsfordXY, some meshes by InsanitySorrow, trees from GKB green trees (currently being integrated), textures from Elinen's Hoddminir, and ElSte17was kind enough to share her Oblivion-mod converted tropical fish with me (original resource Sjors Boomschors). All CK work by yours truly, because apparently I have waaay too much time on my hands.

  20. Ye that gets me to @Relativelybest, but ive just stumbled across another in the vanilla game, why give the player access to ancient falmer armour and not include the crown, ive found it in the ck but doest seem like its included in the game. why just why bethesta do you do this sorta thing ;)


    Oh wait, it's really not there. Eh, maybe they ran out of time or decided against it.


    Anyway, don't have any real pet peeves. At least none that I wasn't able to address with mods :)

  21. Here, this will make anyone entering the box go starkers.


    Scriptname nudityscript extends ObjectReference	
    Event OnTriggerEnter (objectreference triggerRef )
    (triggerRef as actor).UnequipAll()


    But they will likely never reequip their armor (although they will equip and draw a weapon if attacked). There should be a way to cycle through all their armor slots, put the data in a temporary array, and then call equipitem() for each removed item on a second eventblock OnTriggerLeave but I don't see a quick 'n easy way to do that.

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